Zombie Minions sind ein Minion Typ welcher Rotten Flesh , Poisonous Potatoes , Carrots , and Potatoes produziert.
Beschreibung [ ]
Zombie Minions werden in der Rotten Flesh I
freigeschaltet und können auf der Player's Island platziert werden. Sie spawnen und töten Zombies in einem 2 Block Radius um Rotten Flesh und, ab und zu, Poisonous Potatoes , Carrots oder Potatoes zu sammeln
Ideales Layout [ ]
Drops [ ]
Note: Auto Smelter and Super Compactor 3000 mentioned below are interchangeable with Dwarven Super Compactor , which can perform the combination of functionalities of the prior two items.
Condition Input Output XP Sell Price None From Harvest Avg. Amount 1 Chance of Obtaining 100%
Rotten Flesh +0.3 Per Item Stack BZ : 6 coins NPC : 2 coins BZ : 340 coins NPC : 128 coins
From Harvest Avg. Amount 0.05 Chance of Obtaining 5%
Poisonous Potato
Per Item Stack NPC : 10 coins BZ : 3 coins NPC : 640 coins BZ : 160 coins
From Harvest Avg. Amount 0.01 Chance of Obtaining 1%
Carrot +0.1 Per Item Stack NPC : 3 coins BZ : 3 coins NPC : 192 coins BZ : 167 coins
From Harvest Avg. Amount 0.01 Chance of Obtaining 1%
Potato +0.1 Per Item Stack NPC : 3 coins BZ : 1 coin NPC : 192 coins BZ : 64 coins
Super Compactor 3000 160 160x Rotten Flesh Enchanted Rotten Flesh +48 Per Item Stack BZ : 1,335 coins NPC : 320 coins BZ : 85,408 coins NPC : 20,480 coins
160 160x Poisonous Potato Enchanted Poisonous Potato
Per Item Stack NPC : 1,600 coins BZ : 1,301 coins NPC : 102,400 coins BZ : 83,232 coins
160 160x Carrot Enchanted Carrot +16 Per Item Stack BZ : 507 coins NPC : 480 coins BZ : 32,442 coins NPC : 30,720 coins
160 160x Potato Enchanted Potato +16 Per Item Stack NPC : 480 coins BZ : 443 coins NPC : 30,720 coins BZ : 28,314 coins
160 160x Enchanted Potato Enchanted Baked Potato +2,560 Per Item Stack NPC : 76,800 coins BZ : 74,781 coins NPC : 4,915,200 coins BZ : 4,785,946 coins
Werte [ ]
Tier Info Total Upgrade Cost Bazaar Upgrade Costⓘ Recipe Total Cumulative Cost Bazaar Cumulat. Costⓘ I Cooldown: 26s Storage: 64 1x Wooden Sword 80x Rotten Flesh 840 coins 80x Rotten Flesh CUMU II Cooldown: 26s Storage: 192 160x Rotten Flesh 1,680 coins 240x Rotten Flesh CUMU III Cooldown: 24s Storage: 192 320x Rotten Flesh 3,360 coins 560x Rotten Flesh CUMU IV Cooldown: 24s Storage: 384 512x Rotten Flesh 5,376 coins 1,072x Rotten Flesh CUMU V Cooldown: 22s Storage: 384 8x Enchanted Rotten Flesh 13,440 coins 2,352x Rotten Flesh CUMU VI Cooldown: 22s Storage: 576 16x Enchanted Rotten Flesh 26,880 coins 4,912x Rotten Flesh CUMU VII Cooldown: 20s Storage: 576 32x Enchanted Rotten Flesh 53,760 coins 10,032x Rotten Flesh CUMU VIII Cooldown: 20s Storage: 768 64x Enchanted Rotten Flesh 107,520 coins 20,272x Rotten Flesh CUMU IX Cooldown: 17s Storage: 768 128x Enchanted Rotten Flesh 215,040 coins 40,752x Rotten Flesh CUMU X Cooldown: 17s Storage: 960 256x Enchanted Rotten Flesh 430,080 coins 81,712x Rotten Flesh CUMU XI Cooldown: 13s Storage: 960 512x Enchanted Rotten Flesh 860,160 coins 163,632x Rotten Flesh CUMU
Profite [ ]
Listed below are the profits of this minion when its items are sold to Bazaar . No Minion Fuel , Compactors , nor Diamond Spreading are used in the calculation. Values are shown when the player is online. Tier Harvests per minute Per day Items Bazaar Profitⓘ NPC Profit I 1.15 1,661x Rotten Flesh 83x Poisonous Potato 16x Potato 16x Carrot 9,696.8 coins 4,253.54 coins II 1.15 1,661x Rotten Flesh 83x Poisonous Potato 16x Potato 16x Carrot 9,696.8 coins 4,253.54 coins III 1.25 1,800x Rotten Flesh 90x Poisonous Potato 18x Potato 18x Carrot 10,505 coins 4,608 coins IV 1.25 1,800x Rotten Flesh 90x Poisonous Potato 18x Potato 18x Carrot 10,505 coins 4,608 coins V 1.36 1,963x Rotten Flesh 98x Poisonous Potato 19x Potato 19x Carrot 11,460 coins 5,026.91 coins VI 1.36 1,963x Rotten Flesh 98x Poisonous Potato 19x Potato 19x Carrot 11,460 coins 5,026.91 coins VII 1.5 2,160x Rotten Flesh 108x Poisonous Potato 21x Potato 21x Carrot 12,606 coins 5,529.6 coins VIII 1.5 2,160x Rotten Flesh 108x Poisonous Potato 21x Potato 21x Carrot 12,606 coins 5,529.6 coins IX 1.76 2,541x Rotten Flesh 127x Poisonous Potato 25x Potato 25x Carrot 14,831 coins 6,505.41 coins X 1.76 2,541x Rotten Flesh 127x Poisonous Potato 25x Potato 25x Carrot 14,831 coins 6,505.41 coins XI 2.31 3,323x Rotten Flesh 166x Poisonous Potato 33x Potato 33x Carrot 19,394 coins 8,507.08 coins
Geschichte [ ]
SkyBlock Prototype
June 11, 2019 0.1 Added Zombie Minion Tier I-XI.
v · d · e Rotten Flesh Collection
Zombie Minion
Zombie Pickaxe
Enchanted Book (Smite IV )
Enchanted Rotten Flesh
Zombie Hat
Combat Sack
Zombie's Heart
Zombie Sword
Zombie Armor
Zombie Pet
Large Enchanted Combat Sack
v · d · e Minions Farming Minions Mining Minions Combat Minions Slayer MinionsWoodcutting Minions Misc Minions Minion-related Items