Wiki du SkyBlock d'Hypixel

Le Bûcheron est un PNJ ant être trouvé dans la Forêt à Boussole-95, 74, -40.



  • Timber!
  • My woodcutting assistant has fallen quite ill! Do you think you could take over for him?
  • I just need you to chop down some Logs. If you do, I'll even give you his old axe as a reward!


  • A lumberjack always pays his debts!
  • The Floating Islands to the west of the Forest has many different types of wood for you to chop!
  • You can unlock access by leveling up your Foraging Skill to Level I.
  • Howdy, Your Player Name!
  • Bring me some Logs. You can chop them down in my Forest!