Wiki du SkyBlock d'Hypixel
Wiki du SkyBlock d'Hypixel
Grass Cet item fait partie de Minecraft vanilla. Plus d'information peuvent être trouvé ici:
Minecraft Wiki: Charbon

Coal is a COMMUN crafting ingredient, brewing ingredient, and fuel source, found in the Coal Mine, Gold Mine, Gunpowder Mines, Dwarven Mines, Crystal Hollows and Crimson Isle.



Requirement Trade
Input Output
None Oak Wood Coal2


  • Use a Pickaxe to mine Coal Ore in the Coal Mine
  • There is a piece of Coal next to the chest on your Private Island. This is useful for making an Auto Smelter for making Coal without Coal Minions.


  • Place a Coal Minion on your Private Island to generate Coal.
  • Place a Wood Minion on your Private Island with an Auto Smelter to generate Coal.


You can buy Coal at the Mine Merchant near the hub spawn (Boussole-9, 68, -124) for coins per piece. However, you can only buy a maximum of 640 Coal a day, limiting its effectiveness.


Collecting pieces of Coal increases the player's Coal Collection, which grants useful items and perks upon collecting certain amounts of pieces of Coal.

Hand Cursor Icon Conseil: cliquez sur certains emplacements pour changer l'interface utilisateur ou accédez à un autre article!

Erreur Lua dans Module:Collection/UI à la ligne 268 : Collection Charbon not found in data.

I50Blank Icon Coal Minion Recipe
II100Enchanted Book Enchanted Book (Smelting Touch I) Recipe
III250Blank Icon Haste Potion Recipe
IV1,000Blank Icon Enchanted Coal Recipe
V2,500Blank Icon Enchanted Charcoal Recipe
Blank Icon Small Mining Sack Recipe
VI5,000Blank Icon Travel Scroll to the Gold Mine Recipe
VII10,000Blank Icon Enchanted Block of Coal Recipe
Blank Icon Medium Mining Sack Recipe
VIII25,000Enchanted Lava Bucket Enchanted Lava Bucket Recipe
IX50,000Blank Icon Wither Skeleton Pet Recipe
Blank Icon Large Mining Sack Recipe


Coal can be used as a crafting ingredient, as Minion Fuel for Minions, and as a brewing ingredient. Coal increases Minion produce speed by 5% for 30 minutes. Coal can also be used to brew Haste Potions.

Coal can be sold to any Merchant for coins apiece.

Upgrading Coal Minion (I - IV)[]

Name Crafting recipe Ingredients Requirements Notes
Coal Minion
Erreur Lua : bad argument #1 to 'lc' (string expected, got table). Coal Coal I Tier V-X use Enchanted Coal

Crafting Recipes[]

Name Crafting recipe Ingredients Requirements
Block of Coal Coal 9x Coal
Enchanted Coal
Enchanted Charbon
Coal 160x Coal Coal IV
Enchanted Charcoal Coal 128x Coal
Oak Wood 32x Oak Wood
Coal V
Auto Smelter
Auto Smelter
Cobblestone 64x Cobblestone
Coal 1x Coal
Cobblestone III


  • The item description is frequently changed, rendering some Coal not stackable. This can be fixed by dropping old Coal on the floor or switching lobbies to update all the items to the latest description.


SkyBlock Prototype
11 juin, 20190.1Coal Added Coal.

Modèle:Minion Modifiers
