Wiki du SkyBlock d'Hypixel
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Minecraft Wiki: Commandes

Commands are advanced features activated by typing certain strings of text into the chatbox.

The commands listed here are SkyBlock specific (or Hypixel commands that are important to SkyBlock).



Command Details
/visit Lets you Guest on someone's island (if they have visiting turned on). You can't /visit people who are in a coop with you.
/acceptinvite Accepts someone’s island invite if they invited you.
/invite Send a player an invite to Guest your island (even if you don't have visiting turned on).
/sbmenu Opens the SkyBlock Menu. Can be used while holding an item.
/enderchest Opens the Ender Chest.
/ah [username]
/auctions [username]
Opens up the Auctions of a specific player and allows you to bid for the items listed.
/sethome /spawnlocation
Sets the spawn on your private island to the block you are currently standing on.
/profiles Opens up the profile switcher.
/clearstash Removes all items currently in the Stash.
/pickupstash Takes all items currently in the Stash.
/deathcount Displays how many times you have died.
/hub Aliases for /warp hub - Teleports you to the Hub.
/warp [place] "place" can be "island"/"home", "hub" or Travel Scroll places. (See Also: Fast Travel)
/scg Opens up the Sea Creature Guide (the one accessible from the Fishing skill screen).
/myfilter Filter out words in the chat. Has 4 sub command, "add", "remove", "list", and "clear". Type just "/myfilter" to see details.
/togglemusic Turns music on / off for certain areas.
/togglechat Toggles chat from other users on / off
/togglerds Toggles the sound that plays when you receive a rare drop on / off
/craftedgenerators Opens the crafted minions menu (the one accessible from the collections screen).
/whereami Shows the name of the server you are on. Useful when reporting a bug.
Shows the name of the map you are currently on. Useful when reporting a bug.
/zoo Teleports you to the Prototype Games lobby with the message "This isn't the Zoo, it's the lobby!

View Commands[]

Command Details
/viewrecipe [name] Shows the recipe of an item (even if you couldn't currently access it). To use, item names must be written in all caps, and spaces replaced with underscores. Ex: /viewrecipe DAY_SAVER. Note that some item names are not obvious; for example, to see a crafting table for a Wheat Minion you would type /viewrecipe WHEAT_GENERATOR_2.
/recipes Opens the Recipe Book.
/viewcollection [name] Shows the collection screen of an item. To use, item names must be written in all caps, and spaces replaced with underscores.
/collections Opens the Collections menu.
/viewskill [name] Opens the Skill menu for a specified skill. Must be lowercase.
/skills Opens the Skill menu.
/viewpotion [name] Opens the potion menu for a specified potion. Must be lowercase.
/viewpetsmenu /pets Opens the Pets menu.
/viewsettings Opens the SkyBlock settings menu.
/settings Opens the general settings menu.
/viewquestlog /quests Opens Quest Log
/viewcraftingtable /craft Opens up the crafting table. /viewcraftingtable only works in the Hub, not the Private Island, but /craft works everywhere.
/viewstash Shows all items currently in the Stash in chat.
/wardrobe Opens the Wardrobe menu.

Co-op Commands[]

Command Details
/coop <other player #1> [other player #2 ...] Creates a Co-op on a new profile with you and the other players.
/coopadd <player> Adds a player to your current profile.

WARNING: Do not do this unless you trust the player to not steal literally everything on your profile, including all of your money in the bank.
/coopkick <player> Removes the player from your coop.
/cc or /coopchat Talks in coop chat similar to /gc or /ac (currently there is no way to toggle coop chat on and of).
/coopsalvage Salvages items for members who left the coop.

See Also[]
