Hypixel Skyblock Wiki
Talisman Bag Interior-0

Accessories (アクセサリー) はインベントリや Accessory Bag に入れているときに効果を発揮するアイテムです。

(これは BackpackEnder Chest にいれても意味がありません。)


  • Talismans (タリスマン) [Level 1]
  • Rings (リング) [Level 2]
  • Artifacts (アーティファクト) [Level 3]
  • Relics

これ以外にもあります。(Wolf Pawのようなもの) ゲームには68個のアクセサリーがあります。(Legendary:15 Epic:10 Rare:21 Uncommon:10 Common:12) そしてrecombobulateができ、それぞれの価値を一つ上げることができます。 例) Legendary アクセサリーに使用すると、 Mythicランクのアクセサリーになる。 これをすると、Reforgeの効果が上昇します。


Accessories はインベントリか Accessory Bag に入れることで効果を発揮します。例外として、 Piggy Bank はインベントリでしか効果を発揮しませんが、ReforgeAccessory Bag に入れても効果はあります。

Accessoriesreforge によって stat を上げることができます。例えば、 Strength iconStrengthCrit damage iconCrit Damage があります。高い RarityAccessoriesの場合、reforge の効果は大きくなります。


多くの Accessories はアップグレード可能で、その中でも Talisman → Ring → Artifact とアップグレードするものがほとんどです。例えば Feather TalismanFeather RingFeather Artifact とアップグレードできます。それぞれの Accessories のアップグレードは、同じ collection で解放されることが多く、順にアップグレードする必要があります。(飛び級はできません) Rarityもアップグレードによって大きくなるので、Reforge の効果も大きくなります。

同じ種類の違うレベルの Accessories がある場合は、一番大きいレベルの Accessories だけが効果を発揮します。例えば、 Feather TalismanFeather RingFeather Artifact を持っているとき、Feather Artifactreforge と効果しか出ません。ちなみに、2つ最大レベルの Accessories を持っていると両方の効果が発揮されるので Accessory Bag のスロットを埋め尽くすといいかもしれません。(要検証)

ReforgingCampfire Badge, Ring of LovePersonal Compactors を除いてアップグレードすると効果がなくなるので注意してください。

Talisman のスパム[]

それぞれの Accessories は、Reforge によって Stats を上げることができます。これは、プレイヤーが多くのAccessories を入手する必要があることを示しています。

Skyblock をたくさんプレイしているプレイヤーは Strength iconStrengthCrit damage iconCrit Damage が大きいです。これは、AccessoriesReforge をしていることが理由の一つです。

ForcefulReforgeCommon, Uncommon, RareAccessories にお勧めです。 StrongEpic , LegendaryAccessories にお勧めです。しかし、例外もあるため、Skyblock Simplified Discord Bot のような Reforge Optimizer を使うことを推奨します。

Reforge Update の後、Unpleasant reforge だけが Crit chance iconCrit Chance を与えます。なので、Unpleasant のAccesoriesを優先的につけることをお勧めします。

Optimal Reforges for Stats[]

Stat Type Optimal Reforge
Health iconHealth Shiny
Defense iconDefense Pleasant
Strength iconStrength Shaded
Speed iconSpeed Vivid
Crit chance iconCrit Chance Unpleasant
Crit damage iconCrit Damage Shaded
Intelligence iconIntelligence Bizarre/Demonic

Accessory Bag[]

Accessory BagRedstone コレクションで容量が増えます。また、 SkyBlock Menu からアクセスできます。 Piggy Bank を除いて、Accessory BagAccessories によるインベントリの節約になります。

Accessory Bag アップグレード
大きさ スロット Collection 必要な Redstone
Default 0 - -
Small 3 Redstone II 250
Medium 9 Redstone VII 10,000
Large 15 Redstone IX 50,000
Greater 21 Redstone X 200,000
Giant 27 Redstone XI 400,000
Massive 33 Redstone XII 600,000
Humongous 39 Redstone XIII 800,000
Colossal 45 Redstone XIV 1,000,000
Titanic 51 Redstone XIV 1,200,200
Preposterous 57 Redstone XIV 1,400,000
  • Community Shop: Account UpgradesでAccessory Bagのスロットを増やすことができます。(12スロット) そうすると、合計で69のスロットが最大となります。

Accessories の種類[]

Rarity名前 で 並び変えることができます。

ここにあるものは、コレクションやクラフトで入手できるAccessories です。
画像 名前 レア度 効果 条件 レシピ アップグレード可能か
Farming Talisman
Farming Talisman Common

Farm 、Barn、Mushroom Desert にいるとき、Speed iconSpeed を +10%上昇させます。

Wheat IV
Hay Bale (俵) Seeds (種) Hay Bale (俵)
Seeds (種) Hay Bale (俵) Seeds (種)
Hay Bale (俵) Seeds (種) Hay Bale (俵)
No No
Vaccine Talisman
Vaccine Talisman Common Witch と Wither 以外からの Poison の耐性があります。 Potato III
Poisonous Potato (毒ジャガイモ) Poisonous Potato (毒ジャガイモ) Poisonous Potato (毒ジャガイモ)
Poisonous Potato (毒ジャガイモ) Poisonous Potato (毒ジャガイモ) Poisonous Potato (毒ジャガイモ)
Poisonous Potato (毒ジャガイモ) Poisonous Potato (毒ジャガイモ) Poisonous Potato (毒ジャガイモ)
No No
Farmer Orb
Farmer Orb Uncommon 公共の島の近くの作物のスピードを3秒にします。 Pumpkin VI
Enchanted Pumpkin (エンチャントしたカボチャ) Enchanted Pumpkin (エンチャントしたカボチャ) Enchanted Pumpkin (エンチャントしたカボチャ)
Enchanted Pumpkin (エンチャントしたカボチャ) Enchanted Glowstone (エンチャントしたグローストーンブロック) Enchanted Pumpkin (エンチャントしたカボチャ)
Enchanted Pumpkin (エンチャントしたカボチャ) Enchanted Pumpkin (エンチャントしたカボチャ) Enchanted Pumpkin (エンチャントしたカボチャ)
No No
Night Vision Charm
Night Vision Charm Common 暗視の効果を与えます。 Mushroom VII
Enchanted Red Mushroom (エンチャントした赤いきのこ) Enchanted Brown Mushroom (エンチャントした茶色のキノコ) Enchanted Red Mushroom (エンチャントした赤いきのこ)
Enchanted Brown Mushroom (エンチャントした茶色のキノコ) Enchanted Brown Mushroom (エンチャントした茶色のキノコ)
Enchanted Red Mushroom (エンチャントした赤いきのこ) Enchanted Brown Mushroom (エンチャントした茶色のキノコ) Enchanted Red Mushroom (エンチャントした赤いきのこ)
No No
Speed Talisman
Speed Talisman Common Speed iconSpeed を+1上げます。 Sugar Cane II
Sugar Cane (さとうきび)12 Sugar Cane (さとうきび)12 Sugar Cane (さとうきび)12
Sugar Cane (さとうきび)12 Sugar Cane (さとうきび)12 Sugar Cane (さとうきび)12
Sugar Cane (さとうきび)12 Sugar Cane (さとうきび)12 Sugar Cane (さとうきび)12
Yes Yes (Ring)
Speed Ring
Speed Ring Uncommon Speed iconSpeed を+3上げます。 Sugar Cane V
Enchanted Sugar (エンチャントした砂糖)12 Enchanted Sugar (エンチャントした砂糖)12 Enchanted Sugar (エンチャントした砂糖)12
Enchanted Sugar (エンチャントした砂糖)12 Speed Talisman (スピードのタリスマン) Enchanted Sugar (エンチャントした砂糖)12
Enchanted Sugar (エンチャントした砂糖)12 Enchanted Sugar (エンチャントした砂糖)12 Enchanted Sugar (エンチャントした砂糖)12
Yes Yes (Artifact)
Speed Artifact
Speed Artifact Rare Speed iconSpeed +5上げます。 Sugar Cane VIII
Enchanted Sugar Cane (エンチャントしたさとうきび)6 Enchanted Sugar Cane (エンチャントしたさとうきび)6 Enchanted Sugar Cane (エンチャントしたさとうきび)6
Enchanted Sugar Cane (エンチャントしたさとうきび)6 Speed Ring (スピードのリング) Enchanted Sugar Cane (エンチャントしたさとうきび)6
Enchanted Sugar Cane (エンチャントしたさとうきび)6 Enchanted Sugar Cane (エンチャントしたさとうきび)6 Enchanted Sugar Cane (エンチャントしたさとうきび)6
No No
Feather Talisman
Feather Talisman Common ダメージを受けずに落下できる高さを5ブロック増やします。 Feather IV
Feather (羽)12 Feather (羽)12 Feather (羽)12
Feather (羽)12 Feather (羽)12 Feather (羽)12
Feather (羽)12 Feather (羽)12 Feather (羽)12
Yes Yes (Ring)
Feather Ring
Feather Ring Uncommon ダメージを受けずに落下できる高さを7ブロック増やし、落下ダメージを10%減らします。 Feather VII
Enchanted Feather (エンチャントした羽) Feather Talisman (羽のタリスマン) Enchanted Feather (エンチャントした羽)
Enchanted Feather (エンチャントした羽) Enchanted Feather (エンチャントした羽)
Enchanted Feather (エンチャントした羽) Enchanted Feather (エンチャントした羽) Enchanted Feather (エンチャントした羽)
Yes Yes (Artifact)
Feather Artifact
Feather Artifact Rare ダメージを受けずに落下できる高さを10ブロック増やし、落下ダメージを15%減らします。 Feather IX
Enchanted Feather (エンチャントした羽)32
Enchanted Feather (エンチャントした羽)32 Feather Ring (羽のリング) Enchanted Feather (エンチャントした羽)32
Enchanted Feather (エンチャントした羽)32
No No
Piggy Bank
Cracked Piggy Bank
Broken Piggy Bank
Piggy Bank (通常、ひびが入ったもの、壊れたもの) Uncommon 死んだときにプレイヤーが持っていたお金が減る量を軽減します。(20000コイン以上持っていれば発動?)


Raw Porkchop V
Enchanted Pork (エンチャントした豚肉)5 Enchanted Pork (エンチャントした豚肉)5 Enchanted Pork (エンチャントした豚肉)5
Enchanted Pork (エンチャントした豚肉)5 Chest (チェスト) Enchanted Pork (エンチャントした豚肉)5
Enchanted Pork (エンチャントした豚肉)5 Enchanted Pork (エンチャントした豚肉)5 Enchanted Pork (エンチャントした豚肉)5
Enchanted Pork (エンチャントした豚肉) Enchanted Pork (エンチャントした豚肉) Enchanted Pork (エンチャントした豚肉)
Enchanted Pork (エンチャントした豚肉) Broken Piggy Bank (壊れた豚貯金箱) Enchanted Pork (エンチャントした豚肉)
Enchanted Pork (エンチャントした豚肉) Enchanted Pork (エンチャントした豚肉) Enchanted Pork (エンチャントした豚肉)
No No
Potion Affinity Talisman
Potion Affinity Talisman Common Potion の持続時間を10%長くします。 Nether Wart III
Nether Wart (ネザーウォート)16 Nether Wart (ネザーウォート)16 Nether Wart (ネザーウォート)16
Nether Wart (ネザーウォート)16 Nether Wart (ネザーウォート)16 Nether Wart (ネザーウォート)16
Nether Wart (ネザーウォート)16 Nether Wart (ネザーウォート)16 Nether Wart (ネザーウォート)16
Yes Yes (Ring)
Potion Affinity Ring
Potion Affinity Ring Uncommon Potion の持続時間を25%長くします。 Nether Wart VII
Enchanted Nether Wart (エンチャントしたネザーウォート) Enchanted Nether Wart (エンチャントしたネザーウォート) Enchanted Nether Wart (エンチャントしたネザーウォート)
Enchanted Nether Wart (エンチャントしたネザーウォート) Potion Affinity Talisman Enchanted Nether Wart (エンチャントしたネザーウォート)
Enchanted Nether Wart (エンチャントしたネザーウォート) Enchanted Nether Wart (エンチャントしたネザーウォート) Enchanted Nether Wart (エンチャントしたネザーウォート)
Yes Yes (Artifact)
Potion Affinity Artifact
Potion Affinity Artifact Rare Potion の持続時間を50%長くします。 Nether Wart IX
Enchanted Nether Wart (エンチャントしたネザーウォート)32 Enchanted Nether Wart (エンチャントしたネザーウォート)32 Enchanted Nether Wart (エンチャントしたネザーウォート)32
Enchanted Nether Wart (エンチャントしたネザーウォート)32 Potion Affinity Ring Enchanted Nether Wart (エンチャントしたネザーウォート)32
Enchanted Nether Wart (エンチャントしたネザーウォート)32 Enchanted Nether Wart (エンチャントしたネザーウォート)32 Enchanted Nether Wart (エンチャントしたネザーウォート)32
No No
Haste Ring
Haste Ring Rare 採掘速度1 の効果を採掘時に与えます。 Cobblestone VIII
Enchanted Cobblestone32 Enchanted Cobblestone32 Enchanted Cobblestone32
Enchanted Cobblestone32 Enchanted Cobblestone32
Enchanted Cobblestone32 Enchanted Cobblestone32 Enchanted Cobblestone32
No No
Experience Artifact
Experience Artifact Epic 入手する経験値(スキルではありません) を25%増加させます。 Lapis Lazuli IX
Enchanted Lapis Block Enchanted Lapis Block Enchanted Lapis Block
Enchanted Lapis Block Enchanted Lapis Block Enchanted Lapis Block
Enchanted Lapis Block Enchanted Lapis Block Enchanted Lapis Block
No No
Talisman of Coins
Talisman of Coins Common 公共の島にいる場合、Coins が自分の周りに落ちてきます。(1~5) Emerald II
Emerald5 Gold Ingot (金のインゴット)5 Emerald5
No No
Magnetic Talisman
Magnetic Talisman Uncommon Iアイテムを拾う範囲を3倍にします。 Emerald III
Emerald32 Redstone32 Emerald32
No No
Night Crystal
Night Crystal Rare 夜の間、Strength iconStrengthDefense iconDefense 5増やします。 Quartz VII
Enchanted Quartz Enchanted Quartz
Enchanted Quartz Block
Enchanted Quartz Enchanted Quartz
No No
Day Crystal
Day Crystal Rare 昼の間、Strength iconStrengthDefense iconDefense 5増やします。 Quartz VIII
Enchanted Quartz
Enchanted Quartz Enchanted Quartz Block Enchanted Quartz
Enchanted Quartz
No No
Gravity Talisman
Gravity Talisman Uncommon Strength iconStrengthDefense iconDefense を島の中心との近さに応じて、1~10増加させます。 Obsidian III
Obsidian16 Obsidian16 Obsidian16
Obsidian16 Obsidian16 Obsidian16
Obsidian16 Obsidian16 Obsidian16
No No
Fire Talisman
Fire Talisman Common 火からの耐性を与えます。 Blaze Rod V
Enchanted Blaze Powder Enchanted Blaze Powder Enchanted Blaze Powder
Enchanted Blaze Powder Enchanted Blaze Powder Enchanted Blaze Powder
Enchanted Blaze Powder Enchanted Blaze Powder Enchanted Blaze Powder
No No
Lava Talisman
Lava Talisman Uncommon Lava からの耐性を与えます。 Magma Cream VII
Enchanted Magma Cream Enchanted Magma Cream Enchanted Magma Cream
Enchanted Magma Cream Enchanted Magma Cream Enchanted Magma Cream
Enchanted Magma Cream Enchanted Magma Cream Enchanted Magma Cream
No No
Wood Affinity Talisman
Wood Affinity Talisman Uncommon ForestGraveyardWilderness での Speed iconSpeed を10%増加させます。 Oak Wood VIII
Oak Leaves Oak Leaves Oak Leaves
Oak Leaves Enchanted Oak Wood Oak Leaves
Oak Leaves Oak Leaves Oak Leaves
No No
Healing Talisman
Healing Talisman Common 回復量を5%増加させます。 Lily Pad III
Lily Pad16 Lily Pad16 Lily Pad16
Lily Pad16 Lily Pad16 Lily Pad16
Lily Pad16 Lily Pad16 Lily Pad16
Yes Yes (Ring)
Healing Ring
Healing Ring Uncommon 回復量を10%増加させます。 Lily Pad VIII
Enchanted Lily Pad
Enchanted Lily Pad Healing Talisman Enchanted Lily Pad
Enchanted Lily Pad
No No
Bait Ring
Bait Ring Rare 5%の確率で Bait がなくならないようにします。 Ink Sack VIII
Enchanted Ink Sack32 Enchanted Ink Sack32 Enchanted Ink Sack32
Enchanted Ink Sack32 Enchanted Ink Sack32 Enchanted Ink Sack32
Enchanted Ink Sack32 Enchanted Ink Sack32 Enchanted Ink Sack32
No No
Sea Creature Talisman
Sea Creature Talisman Common Sea Creatures からのダメージを5%軽減します。 Sponge IV
Sponge2 Sponge2 Sponge2
Sponge2 Sponge2 Sponge2
Sponge2 Sponge2 Sponge2
Yes Yes (Ring)
Sea Creature Ring
Sea Creature Ring Uncommon Sea Creatures からのダメージを10%軽減します。 Sponge VI
Sponge Enchanted Sponge Sponge
Sponge Sea Creature Talisman Sponge
Sponge Enchanted Sponge Sponge
Yes Yes (Artifact)
Sea Creature Artifact
Sea Creature Artifact Rare Sea Creatures からのダメージを15%軽減します。 Sponge VIII
Enchanted Sponge8 Enchanted Sponge8 Enchanted Sponge8
Enchanted Sponge8 Sea Creature Ring Enchanted Sponge8
Enchanted Sponge8 Enchanted Sponge8 Enchanted Sponge8
No No
Personal Compactor 4000
Personal Compactor 4000 Uncommon 自動的にエンチャントできるものはクラフトしてエンチャントした状態にします。(例 160個のDiamondがあれば、1個のEnchanted Diamond になります) Redstone IX
Enchanted Redstone Block Enchanted Redstone Block Enchanted Redstone Block
Enchanted Redstone Block Enchanted Redstone Block
Enchanted Redstone Block Super Compactor 3000 (スーパーコンパクト装置3000) Enchanted Redstone Block
Yes Yes (5000)
Personal Compactor 5000
Personal Compactor 5000 Rare PC4000と同様 Redstone XI
Enchanted Redstone Block2 Enchanted Redstone Block2 Enchanted Redstone Block2
Enchanted Redstone Block2 Enchanted Redstone Block2
Enchanted Redstone Block2 Personal Compactor 4000 Enchanted Redstone Block2
Yes Yes (6000)
Personal Compactor 6000
Personal Compactor 6000 Epic PC4000と同様 Redstone XIII
Enchanted Redstone Block4 Enchanted Redstone Block4 Enchanted Redstone Block4
Enchanted Redstone Block4 Enchanted Redstone Block4
Enchanted Redstone Block4 Personal Compactor 5000 Enchanted Redstone Block4
No No
Titanium Talisman Uncommon Grants 15 ファイル:Mining Speed Icon.pngMining Speed Obtain through the Forge (Requires Heart of the Mountain Tier 2) 2 Refined Titanium Yes Yes (Ring)
Titanium Ring Rare Grants 30 ファイル:Mining Speed Icon.pngMining Speed Obtain through the Forge (Requires Heart of the Mountain Tier 3) 1 Titanium Talisman and 6 Refined Titanium Yes Yes (Artifact)
Titanium Artifact Epic Grants 45 ファイル:Mining Speed Icon.pngMining Speed Obtain through the Forge (Requires Heart of the Mountain Tier 4) 1 Titanium Ring and 12 Refined Titanium Yes Yes (Relic)
Titanium Relic Legendary Grants 60 ファイル:Mining Speed Icon.pngMining Speed Obtain through the Forge (Requires Heart of the Mountain Tier 5) 1 Titanium Artifact and 20 Refined Titanium No No

Listed below are accessories that can be bought from NPC shop.
Image Name Rarity Effect Source Cost / Crafting Upgradable
Obtained From NPC Shop
Zombie Talisman
Zombie Talisman Common Reduce the damage taken from zombies by 5%. Adventurer NPC 500 coins Yes Yes (Ring)
Skeleton Talisman
Skeleton Talisman Common Reduce the damage taken from skeletons by 5%. Adventurer NPC 500 coins No No
Village Affinity Talisman
Village Affinity Talisman Common Increases your Speed iconSpeed by +10% while held in the Village Adventurer NPC 2,500 coins No No
Mine Affinity Talisman
Mine Affinity Talisman Common Increases your Speed iconSpeed by +10% while held in the Coal Mine, Gold Mine, Deep Caverns, Gunpowder Mines, Lapis Quarry, Pigmen's Den, Slimehill, Diamond Reserve, and Obsidian Sanctuary Adventurer NPC 2,500 coins No No
Intimidation Talisman
Intimidation Talisman Common Level 1 monsters will no longer target you. Adventurer NPC 10,000 coins Yes Yes (Ring)
Scavenger Talisman
Scavenger Talisman Common Monsters drop coins when killed. Adventurer NPC 10,000 coins No No

Listed below are accessories that obtained from event reward.
Image Name Rarity Effect Source Cost / Crafting Upgradable
Event Reward
Crab Hat of Celebration
Crab Hat of Celebration Common +1 Intelligence iconInt per SkyBlock year played. Party Time!
None No No
New Year Cake Bag
New Year Cake Bag Uncommon Holds New Year Cake. Each unique New Year Cake within this bag grants +1 Health iconHealth. New Year Celebration
250k coins No No
Bat Ring
Bat Ring Epic +3 Health iconHP
+2 Speed iconSpd
+2 Intelligence iconInt
Spooky Festival
(Fear Mongerer)
1 Bat Talisman

64 Green Candy

Yes Yes (Artifact)
Bat Artifact
Bat Artifact Legendary +5 Health iconHP
+3 Speed iconSpd
+3 Intelligence iconInt
Spooky Festival
(Fear Mongerer)
1 Bat Ring
64 Purple Candy
No No
Candy Talisman
Candy Talisman Uncommon Increases the chance for mobs to drop Candy by 5% during the Spooky Festival. Spooky Festival
(Fear Mongerer)
16 Green Candy Yes Yes (Ring)
Candy Ring
Candy Ring Rare Increases the chance for mobs to drop Candy by 10% during the Spooky Festival. Spooky Festival
(Fear Mongerer)
1 Candy Talisman

64 Green Candy

Yes Yes (Artifact)
Candy Artifact
Candy Artifact Epic Increases the chance for mobs to drop Candy by 15% during the Spooky Festival. Spooky Festival
(Fear Mongerer)
1 Candy Ring

32 Purple Candy

No No
Intimidation Ring
Intimidation Ring Uncommon Monsters at or below level 5 will no longer target you. Spooky Festival
(Fear Mongerer)
1 Intimidation Talisman

100 Green Candy

Yes Yes (Artifact)
Intimidation Artifact
Intimidation Artifact Rare Monsters at or below level 25 will no longer target you. Spooky Festival
(Fear Mongerer)
1 Intimidation Ring

100 Purple Candy

No No
Potato Talisman
Potato Talisman Common Gives +1 Speed iconSpeed and increases Potato Minion speed by 5% while you are on your island. Potato King None No No

Listed below are accessories that obtained from mob drop.
Image Name Rarity Effect Source Cost / Crafting Upgradable
Mob Drop
Bat Talisman
Bat Talisman Rare +1 Health iconHP+1 Speed iconSpd

+1 Intelligence iconInt

Bats Rare Drop from Bats (Bats spawn on a Roofed Forest Island) Yes Yes (Ring)
Spider Talisman
Spider Talisman Uncommon Reduces Spider, Cave Spider and Silverfish damage by 5% Brood Mother Kill the Brood Mother boss in the Spider's Den Yes Yes (Ring)
Fish Affinity Talisman
Fish Affinity Talisman Rare 5.0% faster catch time Water Hydra Drop from Water Hydra No No
Wolf Talisman
Wolf Talisman Common Reduces the damage taken from Wolves by 5%. Old Wolf Rare Drop from Old Wolf Yes Yes (Ring)
Tarantula Talisman
Tarantula Talisman Epic Every 10th melee hit on the same enemy deals +10% damage. Tarantula Broodfather (Tier III) Drop unlocked after Spider Slayer LVL 6 No No

Listed below are accessories that are obtained from slayer recipes.
Image Name Rarity Effect Source Cost / Crafting Upgradable
Slayer Recipes
Zombie Ring
Zombie Ring Uncommon Reduces the damage taken by Zombies by 10% Zombie Slayer LVL 2
Revenant Flesh32 Zombie Talisman Revenant Flesh32
Yes Yes (Artifact)
Devour Ring
Devour Ring Rare Heal 5 Health iconHP when killing a monster. Cooldown: 0.5s Zombie Slayer LVL 5
Enchanted Raw Chicken2
Enchanted Raw Salmon4 Revenant Viscera39 Enchanted Raw Salmon4
No No
Zombie Artifact
Zombie Artifact Rare Reduces the damage taken by Zombies by 15% Zombie Slayer LVL 7
Enchanted Iron (エンチャントした鉄のインゴット)8 Enchanted Diamond8 Enchanted Iron (エンチャントした鉄のインゴット)8
Revenant Viscera24 Zombie Ring Revenant Viscera24
Enchanted Iron (エンチャントした鉄のインゴット)8 Enchanted Diamond8 Enchanted Iron (エンチャントした鉄のインゴット)8
No No
Spider Ring
Spider Ring Rare Reduces the damage taken from Spiders and Cave Spiders by


Spider Slayer LVL 1
Tarantula Web32 Spider Talisman Tarantula Web32
Yes Yes (Artifact)
Spider Artifact
Spider Artifact Epic Reduces the damage taken from Spiders and Cave Spiders by


Spider Slayer LVL 7
Enchanted Emerald8 Tarantula Silk8 Enchanted Emerald8
Tarantula Silk8 Spider Ring Tarantula Silk8
Enchanted Emerald8 Tarantula Silk8 Enchanted Emerald8
No No
Survivor Cube
Survivor Cube Rare Heals are

+5% more effective on you

Spider Slayer LVL 7 None (rewarded upon reaching the level, no recipe) No No
Red Claw Talisman
Red Claw Talisman Uncommon Crit damage iconCrit Damage +1% Wolf Slayer LVL 1
Wolf Tooth4 Enchanted Bone Wolf Tooth4
Yes Yes (Ring)
Red Claw Ring
Red Claw Ring Rare Crit damage iconCrit Damage +3% Wolf Slayer LVL 5
Enchanted Leather8 Golden Tooth2 Enchanted Leather8
Golden Tooth2 Red Claw Talisman Golden Tooth2
Enchanted Leather8 Golden Tooth2 Enchanted Leather8
Yes Yes (Artifact)
Red Claw Artifact
Red Claw Artifact Epic Crit damage iconCrit Damage +5% Wolf Slayer LVL 5
Enchanted Leather32 Golden Tooth18 Enchanted Leather32
Golden Tooth18 Red Claw Egg Golden Tooth18
Enchanted Leather32 Red Claw Ring Enchanted Leather32
No No
Hunter Talisman
Hunter Talisman Uncommon Gain +2% Combat XP from monster kills. Wolf Slayer LVL 7
Golden Tooth8 Golden Tooth8 Golden Tooth8
Golden Tooth8 Enchanted Rotten Flesh32 Golden Tooth8
Golden Tooth8 Golden Tooth8 Golden Tooth8
Yes Yes (Ring)
Hunter Ring
Hunter Ring Rare Gain +5% Combat XP from monster kills. Wolf Slayer LVL 7
Golden Tooth32 Golden Tooth32 Golden Tooth32
Golden Tooth32 Grizzly Bait Golden Tooth32
Golden Tooth32 Golden Tooth32 Golden Tooth32
No No

Listed below are accessories that are obtained from quests or trials.
Image Name Rarity Effect Source Cost / Crafting Upgradable
Quests / Trials
Pig's Foot
Pig's Foot Rare Gives +1

Speed iconSpeed

Guber Complete the End Race in 48 seconds or less No No
Wolf Paw
Wolf Paw Uncommon Gives +1

Speed iconSpeed

Gustave Complete the Woods Race in 32 seconds or less No No
Campfire Initiate Badge
Campfire Initiate Badge Common Heals 2-8

Health iconHP per second while burning

Trial of Fire I-IV Yes Yes (Adept Badge)
Campfire Adept Badge
Campfire Adept Badge Uncommon Heals 10-16

Health iconHP per second while burning


160 Dark Oak Wood

Yes Yes (Cultist Badge)
Campfire Scion Badge
Campfire Cultist Badge Rare Heals 18-26

Health iconHP per second while burning


1,000 Spruce Wood

Yes Yes (Scion Badge)
Campfire Scion Badge
Campfire Scion Badge Epic Heals 28-42

Health iconHP per second while burning


100 Enchanted Acacia Wood

Yes Yes (God Badge)
Campfire God Badge
Campfire God Badge Legendary Heals 44-60

Health iconHP per second while burning and can heal 2-10 per second (you do not need to be burning for it to work)


1,500 Enchanted Jungle Wood

No No
Shiny Yellow Rock
Shiny Yellow Rock Common Grants 1 in 1,000,000,000,000 chance to deal +100% damage Romero's Quest In The Park Yes Yes (Yellow Rock)
Yellow Rock of Love
Yellow Rock of Love Common Grants 1 in 100,000,000,000 chance to deal +100% damage Yes Yes (Mediocre Ring)
Ring of Love
Mediocre Ring of Love Uncommon Grants 1 in 10,000,000,000 chance to deal +100% damage Yes Yes (Rubbish Ring)
Ring of Love
Rubbish Ring of Love Uncommon Grants 1 in 1,000,000,000 chance to deal +100% damage Yes Yes (Modest Ring)
Ring of Love
Modest Ring of Love Rare Grants 1 in 100,000,000 chance to deal +100% damage Yes Yes (Refined Ring)
Ring of Love
Refined Ring of Love Rare Grants 1 in 1,000,000 chance to deal +100% damage Yes Yes (Classy Ring)
Ring of Love
Classy Ring of Love Rare Grants 1 in 100,000 chance to deal +100% damage Yes Yes (Exquisite Ring)
Ring of Love
Exquisite Ring of Love Epic Grants 1 in 10,000 chance to deal +100% damage Yes Yes (Invaluable Ring)
Ring of Love
Invaluable Ring of Love Epic Grants 1 in 1,000 chance to deal +100% damage Yes Yes (Legendary Ring)
Ring of Love
Legendary Ring of Love Legendary Grants 1 in 100 chance to deal +100% damage No No
Melody's Hair
Melody's Hair Epic +6

Intelligence iconIntelligence

Melody In The Park No No
Shady Ring
Shady Ring Uncommon Get 1% off in most shops. Lucius Buy at least 5 items from the Dark Auction, 500K coins Yes Yes (Crooked Artifact)
Crooked Artifact
Crooked Artifact Rare Get 2% off in most shops. Buy at least 10 items from the Dark Auction, Shady Ring + 2M coins Yes Yes (Seal of the Family)
Seal of the Family
Seal of the Family Epic Get 3% off in most shops. Buy at least 15 items from the Dark Auction, Crooked Artifact + 10M coins No No
Frozen Chicken
Frozen Chicken Rare Gives +1

Speed iconSpeed

Gulliver Complete checkpoint 3 in the Chicken Race No No
Cat Talisman
Cat Talisman Uncommon Gives +1

Speed iconSpeed

Guildford Get 4/4 in 1 location in Dungeon Hub race Yes Yes (Lynx Talisman)
Lynx Talisman
Lynx Talisman Rare Gives +2

Speed iconSpeed

Guildford Get 4/4 in 2 locations in Dungeon Hub race Yes Yes (Cheetah Talisman)
Cheetah Talisman
Cheetah Talisman Epic Gives +3

Speed iconSpeed

Guildford Get 4/4 in 3 locations in Dungeon Hub race No No

見た目 名前 Rarity 効果 入手元 コスト アップグレード可能
Progressive Accessories
Campfire Initiate Badge
Campfire Initiate Badge Common Heals 2-8 Health iconHP per second while burning Trial of Fire II-IV Yes Yes (Adept Badge)
Campfire Adept Badge
Campfire Adept Badge Uncommon Heals 10-16 Health iconHP per second while burning V-VIII
160 Dark Oak Wood
Yes Yes (Cultist Badge)
Campfire Scion Badge
Campfire Cultist Badge Rare Heals 18-26 Health iconHP per second while burning IX-XIII
1,000 Spruce Wood
Yes Yes (Scion Badge)
Campfire Scion Badge
Campfire Scion Badge Epic Heals 28-42 Health iconHP per second while burning XIV-XXI
100 Enchanted Acacia Wood
Yes Yes (God Badge)
Campfire God Badge
Campfire God Badge Legendary Heals 44-60
Health iconHP per second while burning and can heal 2-10 per second

(you do not need to be burning for it to work)

1,500 Enchanted Jungle Wood
No No
Shiny Yellow Rock
Shiny Yellow Rock Common Grants 1 in 1,000,000,000,000 chance to deal +100% damage Romero's Quest Yellow Rock Yes Yes (Yellow Rock)
Yellow Rock of Love
Yellow Rock of Love Common Grants 1 in 100,000,000,000 chance to deal +100% damage 15 Poppy Yes Yes (Mediocre Ring)
Ring of Love
Mediocre Ring of Love Uncommon Grants 1 in 10,000,000,000 chance to deal +100% damage 64 Emerald Yes Yes (Rubbish Ring)
Ring of Love
Rubbish Ring of Love Uncommon Grants 1 in 1,000,000,000 chance to deal +100% damage 1 Enchanted Red Mushroom Block Yes Yes (Modest Ring)
Ring of Love
Modest Ring of Love Rare Grants 1 in 100,000,000 chance to deal +100% damage 1 Rabbit VI Potion with any coffee base Yes Yes (Refined Ring)
Ring of Love
Refined Ring of Love Rare Grants 1 in 1,000,000 chance to deal +100% damage 1 Enchanted Lava Bucket Yes Yes (Classy Ring)
Ring of Love
Classy Ring of Love Rare Grants 1 in 100,000 chance to deal +100% damage 1291 Intelligence iconIntelligence Yes Yes (Exquisite Ring)
Ring of Love
Exquisite Ring of Love Epic Grants 1 in 10,000 chance to deal +100% damage 1 Emerald Blade Yes Yes (Invaluable Ring)
Ring of Love
Invaluable Ring of Love Epic Grants 1 in 1,000 chance to deal +100% damage 1 Flower Minion Yes Yes (Legendary Ring)
Ring of Love
Legendary Ring of Love Legendary Grants 1 in 100 chance to deal +100% damage Visit Romero with a Cheap, Fancy or Elegant Tuxedo equipped No No

Listed below are accessories that are dungeon loot.
Image Name Rarity Effect Source Cost / Crafting Upgradable
Dungeons Loot
Scarf's Studies Scarf's Studies Rare Gain dungeon class experience 2% faster. Dungeons loot chests (The Catacombs - Floor 2 only) Depends on chest drops Yes Yes (Scarf's Thesis)
Scarf's Thesis Scarf's Thesis Epic Gain dungeon class experience 4% faster. Crafted (4 Scarf's Studies)
Scarf's Studies Scarf's Studies
Scarf's Studies Scarf's Studies
Yes Yes (Scarf's Grimoire)
Scarf's Grimoire Scarf's Grimoire Legendary Gain dungeon class experience 6% faster. Crafted (4 Scarf's Thesis)
Scarf's Thesis Scarf's Thesis
Scarf's Thesis Scarf's Thesis
No No
Treasure Talisman Treasure Talisman Rare Grants

+1% extra loot to end of dungeon chests.

Dungeons Secrets (The Catacombs - Floor 4 only) Find them in Dungeon secrets Yes Yes (Treasure Ring)
Treasure Ring Treasure Ring Epic Grants

+2% extra loot to end of dungeon chests.

Crafted (8 Treasure Talisman)
Treasure Talisman Treasure Talisman Treasure Talisman
Treasure Talisman Treasure Talisman
Treasure Talisman Treasure Talisman Treasure Talisman
Yes Yes (Treasure Artifact)
Treasure Artifact Treasure Artifact Legendary Grants

+3% extra loot to end of dungeon chests.

Crafted (9 Treasure Ring)
Treasure Ring Treasure Ring Treasure Ring
Treasure Ring Treasure Ring Treasure Ring
Treasure Ring Treasure Ring Treasure Ring
No No

Listed below are accessories that obtained from other ways.
Image Name Rarity Effect Source Cost / Crafting Upgradable
Wolf Ring
Wolf Ring Rare Reduces the damage taken from Wolves by 10%. Crafting (unlocked by default)
Enchanted Bone2 Wolf Talisman Enchanted Bone2
Enchanted Bone2 Weak Wolf Catalyst Enchanted Bone2
Enchanted Bone2 Enchanted Bone2 Enchanted Bone2
No No
Ender Artifact
Ender Artifact Epic Reduces the damage taken from Endermen, Ender Dragons and Endermites by


Dark Auction Variable amount of coins No No
Wither Artifact
Wither Artifact Epic Reduces the damage taken from Withers by


Dark Auction Variable amount of coins No No
