Hypixel Skyblock Wiki

Rarity is one of the factors of any item in SkyBlock. An item's rarity serves as a good description of it's worth and usability. In the case of Armor, Weapons, and Accessories, rarity also affects how strong/costly a Reforging will be. Rarity is not to be confused with an item's Drop Chance (although they are often related).




Common Common アイテムは通常,ゲーム開始から比較的簡単に入手でき,一括で販売することを除けばあまり価値はありません。このレアリティのアイテムは入手が簡単とされる 小麦の種(0.5 coins)や 初期プレイヤーにはやや難しいとされる ダイヤモンドブロック(72 coins)まで様々です。 
ファイル:Rouge sword.jpeg

Uncommon アイテムはゲーム開始時点では入手困難な場合がありますが,装備が整ってくると日常的になります。 ダイアモンドのつるはし (12 coins ~), エンチャントダイヤモンド(BZ:約 1300coins)や, ラピスラズリ装備(AH:1000~2000 coins)もここに含まれます。


Rare アイテムはゲーム途中でも入手が難しい傾向にありますが,非常に価値があり,ゲーム後半に到達するために必要になることがよくあります。採掘士 装備(AH:2000 ~ 4000 coins)から,バザーで200,000 coins以上で販売されているエンチャントダイアモンドブロックまでさまざまです。


Epic アイテムは非常に価値がある傾向にあります。ゲーム中盤・後半レベルの防具や、 強力な魔法武器である ジェリー銃(AH:8milion coins)のような武器があります。 他にもオークションハウスにて Tier.4 ~ 7 のPerfect Armorの1ピースはおよそ 3.2milion ~ 8milion coins で売られている装備などもあります。


Legendary アイテムはゲーム内で最も価値あるアイテムです。Aspect of the Dragons, currently considered one of the most powerful swords in SkyBlock due to its damage capability, and is worth millions. Another example of a Legendary item is the Tier XII Perfect Armor, which has the highest defence - and with that, EHP - in the game.

Mythic Mythic items are items that you can get by using a Recombobulator 3000 on a Legendary item to make it a Mythic one, or a level 9 enchantment book like Infinite Quiver 9.

Special Rarity items are usually limited-time items or items that only a select group of players currently own. This includes the Game breaker which is given to players who reported a game breaking exploit or glitch (like dupe glitches and server crashes) and New Year's cake, which is given at the end of each in-game year by the Baker. See more Special items.

Very Special Very Special items are Special items that have a Recombobulator 3000 applied onto it. Although you can do this, it is more recommended to use it on prestigious armor and weapons.


In SkyBlock, Weapons, Armor and Accessories can be Reforged to give extra stat bonuses. These reforges give even greater stat boosts the higher rarity they have.

Pet Rarity[]

Each Pet will have their own rarity. The higher their rarity, the more abilities and stat boosts they will grant the player.



SkyBlock Prototype
June 11, 20190.1Added Rarities. (except Common)
June 13, 20190.2Added Common rarity.
Aug 2, 20190.7To combat Auction House scamming, Common and Uncommon items' starting price can no longer be set to be ×5 their price.
July 7, 20200.8Added Mythic and Very Special rarities
Changed Special rarity color from Pink to Red.