하이픽셀 스카이블럭 한국어 위키
하이픽셀 스카이블럭 한국어 위키

틀:Infobox characterThe Fear Mongerer is a Shop NPC located in the Village, next to the Bank. He spawns at the location of the Event Stand, replacing it with a giant pumpkin, and only appears around the time of the Spooky Festival. During the hour-long event, you can collect candies to trade with the Fear Mongerer for various items, such as upgraded enchanted books and accessories. He appears for 1 hour before the event starts, stays through the event, and despawns one hour after the event ends.


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Icon Name Rarity Stat Cost
Intimidation Ring Intimidation Ring 고급 Monsters at or below Level 5 will no longer target you. Intimidation TalismanGreen Candy100
Intimidation Artifact Intimidation Artifact 희귀 Monsters at or below Level 25 will no longer target you. Intimidation RingPurple Candy100
Candy Talisman Candy Talisman 고급 Increases chance for mobs to drop Candy by 5%. Green Candy16
Candy Ring Candy Ring 희귀 Increases chance for mobs to drop Candy by 10%. Candy TalismanGreen Candy64
Candy Artifact Candy Artifact 특급 Increases chance for mobs to drop Candy by 15%. Candy RingPurple Candy32
Candy Relic Candy Relic 전설 Increases chance for mobs to drop Candy by 20%. Candy ArtifactPurple Candy512Purple Candy512
Bat Ring Bat Ring 특급 +3 ❤ HP
+2 ✦ 속도
+2 ✎ 지능
Bat TalismanGreen Candy64
Bat Artifact Bat Artifact 전설 +5 ❤ HP
+3 ✦ 속도
+3 ✎ 지능
Bat RingPurple Candy64

Spooky Armor[]

Icon Name Rarity Stat Bonus Cost
Spooky Helmet Spooky Helmet 특급 25 ❈ 방어력 Each armor piece grants: +5% Chance to find Candy

풀 세트 보너스: Candy Man - Grants a +5% chance to find rare candy.

Can be crafted into Bat Person Armor

Purple Candy64
Spooky Chestplate Spooky Chestplate 50 ❈ 방어력 Purple Candy64
Spooky Leggings Spooky Leggings 35 ❈ 방어력 Purple Candy64
Spooky Boots Spooky Boots 25 ❈ 방어력 Purple Candy64

Enchanted Books[]

Name Effect Cost
Enchanted Book (Sugar Rush I) Sugar Rush I Grants +2 ✦ 속도 250,000 코인Green Candy64
Enchanted Book (Life Steal IV) Life Steal IV Heals for 0.4% of the damage you deal to mobs 1,500,000 코인Purple Candy32


Icon Name Effect Duration Cost
Magic Find Potion Magic Find I Gain +10% chance to find 희귀 items from monsters and bosses. 3 min Green Candy10
Spirit Potion Spirit I Grants +10 ✦ 속도 and +10% ☠ 크리티컬 데미지 3 min Green Candy


Icon Name Rarity Effect Cost
Trick or Treat Bag Trick or Treat Bag 고급 A 27 Slot Bag to store candies obtained during the Spooky Festival. Green Candy
Firework Bat Firework 희귀 Launches a firework that explodes into several Bat Piñatas, allowing you and nearby players to fight for Candy. Only usable in the Village.

Cooldown: 30 seconds

Green Candy100
Horseman's Candle Horseman's Candle 특급 Used to summon the Headless Horseman. This item can only be used at night!

Can be spawned in:



Purple Candy32
Black Cat Pet Black Cat Pet 전설 1st ability - increases ✦ 속도 and speed cap (similar to Young Dragon Armor).

2nd ability - Increases ♣ 펫 행운.

3rd ability - Increases ✯ 마법 발견

Purple Candy500
Purple Candy500
Purple Candy500
Purple Candy500
Echolocator Echolocator 고급 When held during the Spooky Festival, this compass points towards the nearest Mega Bat. Happy hunting! Green Candy32


  • There was a glitch, when someone was standing on the spot where the Fear Mongerer spawns (not during the spooky event), you were able to access the shop. This was supposedly patched but has been accessed during times other than during the spooky event. This glitch works with an armour stand taken in the Fear Mongerer's place.