바다 생물 안내서에서는 이 생물체를 바다 황제라고 표기하고 있지만, 게임명에는 황제로 적혀있다.
There was a bug with the Ink Wand's ability Ink Bomb and the Explosive Bow's explosive arrows, where if the Sea Emperor is killed by either of these it can drop multiple skulls and have a higher drop chance of rare items. This is because the Sea Emperor is technically two mobs, and the ability kills both of them at once, causing double drops. This was fixed in the Community Update, patch 0.9.
Bringing a Sea Emperor to Jake in the Farming Island will allow the player to purchase the Golden Ball.
바다의 황제가 다른 플레이어에게 피해를 입으면 해당 플레이어를 목표로 잡는다. 만일 피해를 준 모든 플레이어가 죽었다면, 황제의 목표는 낚은 사람에게 돌아간다. [Confirm]