하이픽셀 스카이블럭 한국어 위키

Travel Scrolls are items that unlock fast travel destinations in the Fast Travel menu. They are consumed on use.

희귀 Travel Scrolls can be consumed by players of any rank. 특급 Travel Scrolls are limited to players with [MVP+] or higher.

Players can add scrolls to their Travel Scroll menu by putting it in their hot bar and right-clicking while holding it. The destination will then be available for use in the travel scroll menu along with a custom command in the format of /warp <location>. For example, the command to warp to the Park is /warp park.

Players cannot consume the same scroll twice.

여행의 두루마리 목록[]

Author's Note: The rows of the table below can be clicked to keep track of scrolls you've already collected. This persists even after reloading or refreshing the page.

여행의 두루마리 장소 섬 내 장소 희귀도 입수 경로 명령어 조합법/비용
거미굴 Spider's Den Spawn 희귀 Gravel VIII /warp spider

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스크립트 오류: 함수 "craftingTable"가 존재하지 않습니다.

타오르는 요새 Blazing Fortress Spawn 희귀 Glowstone Dust V /warp nether

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스크립트 오류: 함수 "craftingTable"가 존재하지 않습니다.

엔드 The End Spawn 희귀 Endstone VIII /warp end

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스크립트 오류: 함수 "craftingTable"가 존재하지 않습니다.

The Park Spawn 희귀 Birch Wood IX /warp park

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스크립트 오류: 함수 "craftingTable"가 존재하지 않습니다.

금광 Gold Mine Spawn 희귀 Coal VI /warp gold

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깊은 동굴 Deep Caverns Spawn 희귀 Redstone VII /warp deep

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헛간 The Barn Spawn 희귀 Potato VI /warp barn

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버섯 섬 Mushroom Desert Spawn 희귀 Cocoa Beans V /warp desert

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허브 성 Hub The Castle 특급 The Lonely Philosopher /warp castle 150,000 코인
Dark Auction Hub Sirius Shack 특급 Dark Auction /warp da
Hub Crypts Hub Graveyard Caves 특급 Zombie Slayer IV /warp crypt

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스크립트 오류: 함수 "craftingTable"가 존재하지 않습니다.

Spider's Den Top of Nest Spider's Den Top of Nest 특급 Drop from spiders in the Spider's Den /warp nest
Magma Fields Blazing Fortress Magma Cube Boss 특급 Drop from the Magma Cube Boss /warp magma
Dragon's Nest The End Dragon's Nest 특급 Drop from Unstable Dragons /warp drag
Jungle Island The Park Jungle Island 특급 Melancholic Viking /warp jungle 70,000 코인
Howling Cave The Park Howling Cave 특급 Drop from mobs in the Howling Cave /warp howl


스카이블럭 프로토타입
2020년 5월 13일여행의 두루마리가 추가되었다.
