하이픽셀 스카이블럭 한국어 위키
하이픽셀 스카이블럭 한국어 위키

The puzzler is an NPC which gives you a simple puzzle consisting of directions.

Solving the puzzle[]

  1. Click on the Puzzler to get your directions.
  2. Stand on the glowstone block the puzzler is standing on, facing the entrance of the room.
  3. Follow the directions, moving 1 block per direction.
  4. Mine the block you're standing on after following the directions.

You will get 1,000 Mithril Powder for completing the quest. You can only complete the puzzle once every 24 hours.

The stairs also counts as blocks.

The rewards of the puzzle can be affected by the 2x Mithril Powder Event.
