펫들은 스탯 보너스와 지속적인 이득을 제공하는 소환 가능한 동료로, 장난을 위해 만들어진 제리 펫만이 이득을 주지 않는다. 플레이어들은 펫의 레벨을 올려서 더 좋은 스탯 보너스를 얻을 수 있다. 펫은 한번에 한 마리만 소환될 수 있으며, 보너스 역시 그 한 마리만 제공한다. 소환되지 않은 펫들은 그 어떤 보너스와 능력도 제공하지 않는다(할머니 늑대 펫, 영혼 펫, 앵무새 펫들이 예외이다). 소환되었을 때는 떠다니는 커스텀 머리나 몹의 형태로 플레이어가 볼 수 있다.
펫들은 조합 또는 몹에게서 희귀하게 얻을 수 있다. 어떤 것들은 암시장에서 구매하거나 경매장에서 구매할 수 있다. 펫 획득률은 ✯ 마법 발견에 영향을 받는다.
모든 펫들은 스카이블럭의 스킬 ( 전투,
인챈팅, 그리고
연금술)에 속해 있다. 펫들의 레벨은 위의 스킬로부터 얻는 경험치를 획득함으로써 올릴 수 있다.
펫의 종류는 펫이 획득하는 스킬 경험치의 양을 결정하고, 펫의 능력의 종류를 암시한다. 예를 들어, 호랑이 펫 은 전투펫으로 분류되는데, 전투로부터 얻는 경험치를 더 얻으며 전투에 도움이되는 3개의 능력을 가진다. 다만 펫의 종류가 무조건 그에 맞는 능력을 지니진 않는다는 것을 주의하자. 이러한 예외 상황에는 사자 펫, 예티 펫, 흰김수염고래 펫, 검은 고양이 펫, 말 펫, 스켈리톤 말 펫, 박쥐 펫, 그리고 위더 스켈레톤 펫 이 있다.
펫 메뉴[]
펫 메뉴는 다음의 명령어 /viewpetsmenu
, /petsmenu
, /petmenu
, /pets
, 또는 스카이블럭 메뉴를 통해서 열 수 있다. 플레이어들은 이 창에서 펫의 레벨뿐만이 아니라 펫의 스탯 과 능력을 확인 할 수 있다. 이 창으로 또한 펫을 소환/디스폰 시킬 수 있다. 거기에, 이 창으로 펫이 보이게 할지를 설정하거나, 펫을 교환 가능한 형태의 아이템으로 바꾸는 것이 가능하다. 플레이어들은 펫을 든 상태에서 우클릭을 하여 펫 메뉴에 펫을 추가 할 수 있다. 펫 메뉴에서 펫을 아이템으로 바꿀 수 있으며, 그 펫은 플레이어의 인벤토리나 쓰레기통으로 간다.
펫 점수[]
플레이어들은 펫을 모을 때마다 추가적인 펫 점수 를 얻는다. 펫의 등급이 높을수록 더 많은 펫 점수를 얻는다. 일정한 펫 점수 를 모으면 추가적인 ✯ 마법 발견 를 얻는다. (다른 등급이어도 같은 펫일시에는 점수를 얻지 못한다.)
등급 | 점수 |
일반 | 1 |
고급 | 2 |
희귀 | 3 |
특급 | 4 |
전설 | 5 |
신화 | 6 |
펫 점수 | ✯ 마법 발견 |
10 | +1 |
25 | +2 |
50 | +3 |
75 | +4 |
100 | +5 |
130 | +6 |
175 | +7 |
대부분의 펫들은 다양한 등급 을 지니고 등급이 높을수록 더 높은 능력치를 지닌다. 등급이 높을수록 더 높은 스탯 향상와 퍼크를 제공한다..
추가적으로, 펫들은 등급이 높아질 때만 능력을 더 얻는다.
이 표로 등급 에 따른 일반적인 펫의 능력의 수의 패턴을 확인하자.
등급 | 능력의 수 |
일반 고급 |
1 |
희귀 특급 |
2 |
전설 | 3 |
신화 | 4 (박쥐 펫,
엔더맨 펫, 제리 펫 에 해당) |
- 박쥐 펫은 티어 부스트 아이템 없이 신화 등급으로 업그레이드 가능한 최초의 펫이다. 박쥐 펫에 뱀파이어 송곳니를 붙일 시, 신화 등급 이 되며, 최고 레벨에서 "으스스한 해양 생물을 낚을 확률 +25%"의 효과를 가진 4번째 퍼크 Sonar 를 얻는다.
- The Jerry Pet can be upgraded to 신화 rarity by using the Jerry 3D Glasses, adding its 4th perk, Jerry, which grants a "tiny chance to find Jerry Candies when killing mobs".
- Using the Enderman Cortex Rewriter, the Enderman Pet can be upgraded to the 신화 rarity at Kat for 1,000,000 코인. This adds a fourth perk, Enderman Slayer, which adds "+40% more combat xp from endermen."
There are a few exceptions to this pattern:
- The Pig Pet and the Rock Pet begin with 2 abilities at 일반. They gain an ability at 희귀 for a total of 3 abilities, and at 전설 they have 4 abilities.
- The Armadillo Pet begins with 3 abilities at 일반, and gains an additional ability at 희귀, and another at 전설 for a total of 5 abilities.
- The Griffin Pet starts with 1 ability at 일반. It gains a second ability at 고급 and a third ability at 특급. At 전설 it has 4 abilities.
- The Phoenix Pet at 전설 gains an extra ability, for a total of 4 abilities.
- The Grandma Wolf Pet has only one ability at any rarity.
Crafted Pet Rarity[]
When a pet recipe is crafted with an Enchanted Egg, the resulting rarity can be 일반, 고급, or 희귀.
When a Super Enchanted Egg is used, the resulting rarity is instead 특급 or 전설. When crafted this way, the resulting pet has a base 80% chance of becoming 특급 and a 20% chance of becoming 전설. The chance is increased by 0.2% per 1 ♣ 펫 행운 the player has gained either via their Taming skill, Pet Luck potions, or other sources.
Upgrading Rarity[]
- 본 문서: Kat
At the Pet Collector's Shop, there is an NPC named Kat in the garden attached to it. Kat will take a pet and upgrade its rarity at the cost of resources. The cost varies depending on the pet, its rarity, and the level. There is a discount on the coin cost based on the level of the pet before it is upgraded. The upgraded pet will have its level adjusted based on its XP.
For example, a 희귀 pet with 4.6 million cumulative XP (level 86) will be adjusted to level 81 when it is upgraded to 특급.
Using a Tier Boost Pet Item will boost the rarity of a pet by 1 (similar to a Recombobulator) until the pet item is changed.
Some pets cannot be rarity upgraded from Kat. For example: Griffin Pet and Grandma Wolf Pet]].
Players can also use a Kat Flower, purchased in the Bits Shop for 500 Bits, to skip a day.
- 본 문서: George
On the second floor of the Pet Collector's Shop, there is another NPC named George who sits behind a counter. Pets can be sold directly for Coins based on their type and Rarity. George doesn't give very good deals, however, so it's not recommended to sell pets to George (example: George buys 전설 Phoenix Pet for 75,000 코인 despite the 1/5,000,000 rarity and it going for tens of millions on the auction house).
Summoned pets can be leveled up to level 100, excluding the Golden Dragon which can go to level 200. Pets gain experience equal to the player's skill experience if the skill and type are the same. If not, 1/4 of the player's skill experience is given if the skill does not match the pet type (except for the Alchemy and Enchanting skills where they rewards 1/12th of the experience instead). Also, both Mining and Fishing skill gains are given an additional 50% multiplier to the player's skill experience gain. The amount of experience that pets gain can also be increased by levelling up Taming, which gives +1% pet experience per level; and giving them Pet Items, which can give boosts to pet experience from specific skills or all skills. Pets do not gain experience from the Taming skill. Instead, it occurs in reverse: the skill gains experience at 1/4 of the active pet's rate.
For example, with a summoned Magma Cube Pet (a Combat pet), 100% of combat experience earned will grant as much experience to that pet. However, Mining experience will give only 25% of the experience earned to the pet.
Another way to level pets is by giving them Carrot Candies. There are four types of carrot candies, each giving different amounts of pet experience: Simple Carrot Candy, Great Carrot Candy, and Superb Carrot Candy unlocked from Carrot Collection 2, 6, and 8 respectively. The Ultimate Carrot Candy can be crafted with 8 Superb Carrot Candies and the Ultimate Carrot Candy Upgrade, the latter bought from Elizabeth's Bits Shop for 8,000 bits at the Community Center.
Tier | Pet XP gained |
Simple Carrot Candy | 20,000 |
Great Carrot Candy | 100,000 |
Superb Carrot Candy | 500,000 |
Ultimate Carrot Candy | 1,000,000 |
Pets can consume a maximum of ten candies during their lifetime. As an example, after using three Simple Carrot Candies and five Great Carrot Candies, the pet will be able to use only two more candies.
Note that consuming a skill XP boost potion will also increase experience gains for the active pet.
Pet Items[]
- 본 문서: Pet Items
Pet Items are items that can boost the benefits given by pets. Each pet can hold only one item at a time, and cannot be retrieved. Pet items can be given by right-clicking the pet item onto the pet physically (not in the pets menu).
The Zog NPC sells various pet Items in exchange for coins. He is located inside the Pet Shop.
List of Pets[]
There are 51 pets, each granting a variety of different benefits and advantages.
- Important: Pet stats are increased every level, but the number displayed in the tooltip is always rounded down. This means that, if a pet gives +3.75 ☠ 크리티컬 데미지, the number displayed in the tooltip will be
. On the other hand, the SkyBlock Profile will display numbers rounded properly. - Having a specific collection is required only to craft the pet. Players can use every pet without any restrictions.
Pet |
Stat Boosts (per level) |
Ability | Source | Type | ||
일반 or higher | 희귀 or higher | 전설 | ||||
파일:Golden Hoe.png Farming Pets | ||||||
Bee | Hive - Gain X more ✎ 지능 and X ❁ 힘 for each nearby bee | Busy Buzz Buzz - Has X% chance for Flowers to drop an extra one | Weaponized Honey - Gain X% of received damage as ❤ 흡수 | Bought from Bea | Pet | |
Chicken | +2 ❤ HP | Light Feet - Reduces fall damage by X% | Eggstra - Killing chickens has a X% chance to drop an egg | Mighty Chickens - Chicken Minions work X% faster while on your island | Raw Chicken VI
Pet |
Elephant | Stomp - Gain X ❈ 방어력 for every 100 ✦ 속도 | Walking Fortress - Gain X ❤ HP for every 10 ❈ 방어력 | Trunk Efficiency - Grants X% Farming Fortune, which increases your chance for multiple drops | Bought from Oringo the Travelling Zookeeper during Traveling Zoo | Pet | |
Pig | +0.25 ✦ 속도 | Rideable - Right-click your summoned pet to ride it! Run - Increases the speed of your mount by X% |
Sprint - While holding an Enchanted Carrot on a Stick, increase the speed of your mount by X% | Trample - While on your private island, break all the crops your pig rides over | Raw Porkchop III
Mount |
Rabbit | Happy Feet - Jump Potions also give +X✦ 속도 | Farming Exp Boost - Boosts your Farming exp by X% | Efficient Farming - Farming minions work X% faster while on your island | Raw Rabbit II
Pet | |
파일:Stone Pickaxe.png Mining Pets | ||||||
Armadillo |
Ridable - Right-click your summoned pet to ride it!
Tunneller - The Armadillo breaks all stone or ore in its path while you are riding it in the Crystal Hollows. Earth Surfer -The Armadillo moves faster based on your Speed. |
Rolling Miner - Every X seconds, the next gemstone you mine gives 2x drops. | Mobile Tank - For every X ❈ 방어력 gain +1✦ 속도 and +1 Mining Speed. | Obtained via hatching Prehistoric Egg | Mount |
Bat | Candy Lover - Increases the chance for mobs to drop Candy by X% | Nightmare - During night gain +X ✎ 지능, +X ✦ 속도 and night vision | Fast Hooks - Decreases the cooldown of your Grappling Hook by X% | Mushroom IX
Pet | |
Endermite |
More Stonks - Gain exp orbs for breaking End Stone and gain a +X% chance to get an extra block dropped | Pearl Muncher - Upon picking up an Ender Pearl, consume it and gain X coins | Pearl Powered - Upon consuming an Ender Pearl, gain +X ✦ 속도 for 10 seconds. | End Stone VII
Pet |
Rock | Rideable - Right-click your summoned pet to ride it!
Sailing Stone - Sneak to move your rock to your location (15 second cooldown) |
Fortify - While sitting on your rock, gain +X% ❈ 방어력. | Steady Ground - While sitting on your rock, gain +X% ❁ 데미지 | Achieving Mining Milestones | Mount | |
Scatha |
Grounded - Gain +X ☘ 채광 행운 | Burrowing - When mining, there is a X% chance to mine up a treasure burrow | Wormhole - Gives a X% chance to mine 2 adjacent stone or hard stone | Rare drop from Scathas | Pet |
Silverfish | True Defense Boost - Boosts your ❂ 고정 방어력 by X | Mining Exp Boost - Boosts Mining exp by +X% | Dexterity - Gives permanent Haste III | Cobblestone VI
Pet | |
Wither Skeleton | Stronger Bones - Take X% less damage from skeletons | Wither Blood - Deal X% more damage against wither mobs | Death's Touch - Upon hitting an enemy inflict the wither effect for X% over 3 seconds
Does not stack. |
Coal IX
Pet | |
Mithril Golem |
Mithril Affinity - Gain X Mining Speed when mining Mithril | The Smell Of Powder - Gain X% more Mithril Powder | Danger Averse - Increases your combat stats by X% on mining islands | Mithril VII
Pet |
파일:Stone Sword.png Combat Pets | ||||||
Bal | Protective Skin - Gives ♨ 열 immunity | Fire Whip - Every 5s while in combat the Balrog will strike nearby enemies with his fire whip dealing X% of your damage as ❂ 고정 방어력 | Made of Lava - Gain X% on ALL stats when inside the Magma Fields | Rare drop from Bal | Pet | |
Black Cat | Hunter - Increases ✦ 속도 and speed cap by X | Omen - Grants X% ♣ 펫 행운 | Supernatural - Grants X% ✯ 마법 발견 | Spooky Event - 2000 Purple Candy | Pet | |
Blaze | Nether Embodiment - Increases all stats by X% while in the Blazing Fortress | Bling Armor - Upgrades Blaze Armor stats and ability by X% | Fusion-Style Potato - Double effects of Hot Potato Books | Blaze Rod IX
Pet | |
Ender Dragon | End Strike - Deal X% more damage to end mobs | One With The Dragon - Buffs the Aspect of the Dragons sword by X ❁ 데미지 and X ❁ 힘 | Superior - Increase all stats by X% | Rare Dragon Drop (See Dragon Weight) | Pet | |
Golden Dragon | Gold's Power - Adds +X❁ 힘 to all golden weapons. | Shining Scales - For each digit in your gold collection gain +10 ❁ 힘 and +2 ✯ 마법 발견. | Dragon's Greed - Gain X% of your ✯ 마법 발견 as ❁ 힘 Legendary Treasure - Gain X% ❁ 데미지 for every million coins in your bank. |
Bought from the Dragon in the Dragon's Lair | Pet | |
Enderman | +0.75%☠ 크뎀 | Enderian - Take X% less damage from end monsters | Teleport Savvy - Buffs the Aspect of the End ability granting +X weapon damage for 5s on use | Zealot Madness - Increases your odds to find a Special Zealot by X% | Rarely drops from Endermen | Pet |
Ghoul | Amplified Healing - Increases all healing by X% | Zombie Arm - Increases the health and range of the Zombie sword by X% | Reaper Soul - Increases the health and lifespan of the Reaper Scythe zombies by X% | Rare drop from Crypt Ghoul | Pet | |
Golem | Last Stand - While less than 15% ❤ HP, deal X% more ❁ 데미지 | Ricochet - Your iron plating causes X% of attacks to ricochet and hit the attacker | Toss - Every 5 hits, throw the enemy into the air and deal X% damage (10s cooldown) | Rare drop from Endstone Protector | Pet | |
Grandma Wolf Pet | Kill Combo - Gain buffs (✯ 마법 발견 and Combat Exp Boosts, and extra coins per kill) for combo kills. Effects stack as you increase your combo. | Obtained by talking to Grandma Wolf. | Pet
| |||
Griffin | Odyssey - While Diana's Mythological Ritual is active, mythological creatures you find scale depending on your Griffin's rarity. | Legendary Constitution - Gain permanent 모듈:Link 376번째 줄에서 Lua 오류: attempt to index field '?' (a nil value). and 힘 VIII. Perpetual Empathy - Heal nearby players for X% of the damage you receive. (excludes other griffins) |
King of Kings-gain X% ❁ 힘 when you are above 85% health. | 일반 rarity purchased from Diana for 25,000 코인. | Pet | |
Horse | Rideable - Right-click your summoned pet to ride! | Gallop - Increases the speed of your mount by X% | Ride Into Battle - While riding your horse, gain +X bow damage. | Leather IX
Mount | |
Hound | Scavenger - Gain +X coins per monster kill | Finder - Increases the chance for monsters to drop their armor by X% | Fury Claws - Grants +X ⚔ 추가 공격 속도 | Rare drop from Wolf | Pet | |
Jerry | -1 ✎ 지능 | Jerry - Gain X% chance to deal your regular damage | Jerry - Gain X% chance to receive a normal amount of drops from mobs | Jerry - Actually adds X damage to the Aspect of the Jerry | Default | Pet |
Magma Cube | Slimy Minions - Slime Minions work X% faster while on your island | Salt Blade - Deal X% more damage to Slimes | Hot Ember - Buffs the stats of Ember Armor by X% | Rare drops from Magma Cube Boss | Pet | |
Phoenix | Rekindle - Before death, become immune and gain ❁ 힘 for X seconds. (3 minute cooldown) | Fourth Flare - On 4th melee strike, ignite mobs, dealing X of your ☠ 크뎀 each second for X seconds. |
1 in 1,000,000 chance to drop from any mob on a public island | Pet | |
Pigman | Bacon Farmer - Pig Minions work X% faster while on your island | Pork Master - Buffs the Pigman Sword by X ❁ 데미지 and X ❁ 힘 | Giant Slayer - Deal X% more damage to mobs Level 100 and up. | Raw Porkchop VIII
Pet | |
Rat | Morph - Right-click your summoned pet to morph into it! | CHEESE! - As a Rat, you smell CHEESE nearby! Yummy! | Rat's Blessing - Has a chance to grant a random player +X Magic Find for X seconds after finding a yummy piece of Cheese! If the player gets a drop during this buff, you have a 25% chance to get it too.
Obtained by killing Rats in the Hub buildings at night. | Morph | |
Skeleton Horse | Rideable - Right-click your summoned pet to ride! | Gallop - Increases the speed of your mount by X% | Ride Into Battle - While riding your horse, gain +X bow damage. | Getting more than 2,400 Candy during Spooky Festival | Mount | |
Skeleton | Bone Arrows - Increases arrow damage by X% which is tripled while in dungeons. | Combo - Gain a combo stack for every bow hit granting + ❁ 힘 Max X stacks. Stacks disappear after 8 seconds. | Skeletal Defense - Your skeleton shoots an arrow for 30x your ☠ 크뎀 when a mob gets close to you
(15 sec cooldown) |
Bone VI
Pet | |
Snowman | Blizzard - Slow all enemies within X blocks | Frostbite - Your freezing aura slows enemy attacks causing you to take X% reduced damage | Snow Cannon - Your snowman fires a snowball dealing 5x your ❁ 힘 when a mob gets close to you (1s cooldown) | Obtained from Season of Jerry Gifts | Fighter | |
Spider | One With The Spider - Gain X ❁ 힘 for every nearby Spider. (Max 10 spiders) | Web-weaver - Upon hitting a monster it becomes slowed by X% | Spider Whisperer - Spider and Tarantula minions work faster X% while on your island | String IX
Pet | |
Spirit | Spirit Assistance - Spawns and assists you when you are a ghost in dungeons. | Spirit Leap - Grants a 10% chance for
mini-bosses in dungeons to drop 5 Spirit Leap Pearls. |
Spirit Cooldowns - Reduces the cooldown of your
ghost abilities in dungeons by 5.5%. |
Dungeons | Pet | |
Tarantula | Webbed Cells - Anti-healing is X% less effective against you | Eight Legs -
Decreases the ✎ 마나 소모량 of Spider and Tarantula boots by X% |
Arachnid Slayer -
Gain +X% more combat xp from spiders |
Rare Drop from Voracious Spider | Pet | |
Tiger | Merciless Swipe - Gain X% Ferocity | Hemorrhage - Melee attacks reduce healing by X% for 10s | Apex Predator - Deal +X% damage against targets with no other mobs within 15 blocks | Bought from Oringo the Travelling Zookeeper during Traveling Zoo | Pet | |
Turtle | Turtle Tactics - Gain +X% ❈ 방어력 | Genius Amniote - Gain +X❈ 방어력 and regen +X ❤ HP when near or in water | Unflippable - Gain immunity to knockback | Dark Auction | Pet | |
Wolf | Alpha Dog - Take X% less damage from wolves | Pack Leader - Gain X%☠ 크뎀 for every nearby wolf | Combat Exp Boost - Boosts Combat exp by X% | Spruce Wood VIII
Pet | |
Zombie | Chomp - +X ❤ HP per Zombie kill | Rotten Blade - Deal +X% more damage to zombies | Living Dead - Increases the ❈ 방어력 of all undead armor sets by X% | Rotten Flesh IX
Pet | |
파일:Wooden Axe.png Foraging Pets | ||||||
Giraffe | Good Heart - Regen X ❤ HP per second | Higher Ground - Grants +X ❁ 힘 and +X ☠ 크리티컬 데미지 when mid air | Long Neck - See enemies from afar and gain X% dodge chance | Bought from Oringo the Travelling Zookeeper during Traveling Zoo | Pet | |
Lion | Primal Force - Adds +X ❁ 데미지 to your weapons | First Pounce - Increases damage dealt by +X% on your first hit on a mob | King of the Jungle - Deal +X% ❁ 데미지 against mobs below level 80 | Bought from Oringo the Travelling Zookeeper during Traveling Zoo | Pet | |
Monkey | Treeborn - Increases double drop rates for logs by X% | Vine Swing - Gain +X✦ 속도 while in The Park | Evolved Axes - Reduce the cooldown of Jungle Axe and Treecapitator by X% | Bought from Oringo the Travelling Zookeeper during Traveling Zoo | Pet | |
Ocelot | +0.5 ✦ 속도 | Foraging Exp Boost - Boosts Foraging exp by X% | Tree Hugger - Foraging Minions work X% faster while on your island | Tree Essence - Gain a X% chance to get exp from breaking a log | Jungle Wood IX
Pet |
![]() |
Ammonite |
Heart of the Sea - Each Heart of the Mountain level grants +Xα 해양 생물 확률 | Not a Snail - Each Fishing and Mining level grants +X ✦ 속도 and +X ❈ 방어력 | Gift of the Ammonite - Increases your ☂ 낚시 속도 by X% for each Mining level. | The Forge | Pet |
Baby Yeti | Cold Breeze - Gives X% Strength and Crit Damage when near snow | Ice Shield - Gain X% of your ❁ 힘 as ❈ 방어력 | Yeti Fury - Buff the Yeti Sword by X% ❁ 데미지 and ✎ 지능 | Drop from Yeti | Pet | |
Blue Whale | +2 ❤ HP | Ingest - All Potions heal +X ❤ HP | Bulk - Gain +X ❈ 방어력 per X Max ❤ HP | Archimedes - Gain +X% Max❤ HP | Bought from Oringo the Travelling Zookeeper during Traveling Zoo | Pet |
Dolphin |
Pod Tactics - Increases your fishing speed by X% for each nearby player up to X% | Echolocation - Increases sea creatures catch chance by X% | Splash Surprise - Stun Sea creatures for 5s after fishing them up | Achieving Fishing Milestones | Pet |
Flying Fish | Quick Reel - Increases fishing speed by X% | Water Bender - Gives X❁ 힘 and ❈ 방어력 when near water | Deep Sea Diver - Increases the stats of Diver's Armor by X% | Rare drop from Sea Emperor | Pet | |
Megalodon | Blood Scent Deal up to X% ❁ 데미지 based on the enemy's missing health. | Enhanced Scales Increases the stats of Shark Armor by X% | Feeding Frenzy | Rare drop from Tiger Shark and Great White Shark | Pet | |
Squid | More Ink - Gain a X% chance to get double drops from squids | Ink Speciality - Buffs Ink Wand by X ❁ 데미지 and X ❁ 힘 | Fishing Exp Boost - Boosts your Fishing experience by X% | Rare Fishing Drop | Pet | |
파일:Enchantment Table.png Enchanting Pets | ||||||
Guardian | Lazerbeam - Zaps your enemies for X× your ✎ 지능 every 3 seconds | Enchanting Exp Boost - Boosts your Enchanting exp by X% | Mana Pool - Regenerate X% extra mana, doubled when near or in water | Rare Fishing Drop | Pet | |
파일:Water Bottle.png Alchemy Pets | ||||||
Jellyfish |
Radiant Regeneration - While in Dungeons, increases your base health regen by X% and heals players within 8 blocks by up to 10 hp/s | Hungry Healer - While in Dungeons, for every 1000 you heal teammates apply the enchanted golden apple effect to all players within 10 blocks (10 s cooldown) | Powerful Potions - While in dungeons, increase the effectiveness of Instant Health and Mana splash potions by X% | Dark Auction | Pet |
Parrot | Flamboyant - Adds X levels to IntimidationAccessories | Repeat - Boosts Potion duration by X% | Bird Discourse - Gives X ❁ 힘 to players within 20 blocks | Dark Auction | Pet | |
Sheep |
Mana Saver - Reduces the mana cost of abilities by X% | Overheal - Gives a X%shield after not taking damage for 10s | Dungeon Wizard - Increases your total Mana by X%while in dungeons | Mutton VII
Pet |
Pet Leveling[]
틀:Calculator:Pet Leveling XP
- If the player's inventory is full and a slain mob drops a pet, the pet will drop on the ground instead of going into the stash. The person who earned the pet has priority over picking it up; however, it is greatly safer to try to keep the inventory as far from full as possible when farming/hunting for pets.
- Patch 0.7.8 (dubbed Pets v2) was released on May 6, 2020. Additions include more pets, a new skill, pet items, and more.
- The update caused the pet system to highly resembles Pokémon, adding Pet Items that resembles holding items in Pokémon. The Carrot Candies resemble Rare Candies and simulate the same effect of giving EXP to the Pokémon in the Pokémon games.
- Kat, one of the NPCs that got added in addition to the Pet update, has an appearance similar to that of Serena, the female protagonist from Pokémon X and Y.
- The Sheep Pet is currently the only Alchemy Pet that can be crafted.
- The Ocelot Pet is currently the only Foraging Pet that can be crafted.
- The Spirit Pet is the only Pet which is purchasable from a Dungeon reward chest.
- None of the fishing pets can be crafted.
- Four achievements can be earned related to pets.
- Getting a pet to level 80 will award the "Caretaker" achievement.
- The "Friend for Life" achievement is an extended version of the "Caretaker" achievement that is awarded upon taking a pet to level 100.
- Having 20 unique pets awards "The Real Zoo Shady" achievement.
- Getting at least 100 pet score awards "King Of The Pets" achievement.
- The Guardian Pet was changed from a Combat Pet to the first-ever (and only) Enchanting Pet.
➤ Template Error: Invalid date or version "2019/October 11"stack traceback:
[C]: in function 'traceback'
모듈:String:1822: in function <모듈:String:1815>
(tail call): ?
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모듈:String:1936: in function <모듈:String:1931>
(tail call): ?
mw.lua:527: in function <mw.lua:507>
[C]: ?
stack traceback:
[C]: in function 'traceback'
모듈:String:1822: in function <모듈:String:1815>
(tail call): ?
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모듈:String:1936: in function <모듈:String:1931>
(tail call): ?
mw.lua:527: in function <mw.lua:507>
[C]: ?
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[C]: in function 'traceback'
모듈:String:1822: in function <모듈:String:1815>
(tail call): ?
(tail call): ?
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모듈:String:1936: in function <모듈:String:1931>
(tail call): ?
mw.lua:527: in function <mw.lua:507>
[C]: ?
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[C]: in function 'traceback'
모듈:String:1822: in function <모듈:String:1815>
(tail call): ?
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모듈:String:1936: in function <모듈:String:1931>
(tail call): ?
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[C]: ?
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(tail call): ?
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모듈:String:1936: in function <모듈:String:1931>
(tail call): ?
mw.lua:527: in function <mw.lua:507>
[C]: ?
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모듈:String:1822: in function <모듈:String:1815>
(tail call): ?
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(tail call): ?
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[C]: in function 'xpcall'
모듈:String:1936: in function <모듈:String:1931>
(tail call): ?
mw.lua:527: in function <mw.lua:507>
[C]: ?
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모듈:String:1822: in function <모듈:String:1815>
(tail call): ?
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모듈:String:1936: in function <모듈:String:1931>
(tail call): ?
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[C]: ?
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[C]: in function 'traceback'
모듈:String:1822: in function <모듈:String:1815>
(tail call): ?
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모듈:String:1936: in function <모듈:String:1931>
(tail call): ?
mw.lua:527: in function <mw.lua:507>
[C]: ?
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[C]: in function 'traceback'
모듈:String:1822: in function <모듈:String:1815>
(tail call): ?
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모듈:String:1936: in function <모듈:String:1931>
(tail call): ?
mw.lua:527: in function <mw.lua:507>
[C]: ?
stack traceback:
[C]: in function 'traceback'
모듈:String:1822: in function <모듈:String:1815>
(tail call): ?
(tail call): ?
(tail call): ?
(tail call): ?
[C]: in function 'xpcall'
모듈:String:1936: in function <모듈:String:1931>
(tail call): ?
mw.lua:527: in function <mw.lua:507>
[C]: ?
stack traceback:
[C]: in function 'traceback'
모듈:String:1822: in function <모듈:String:1815>
(tail call): ?
(tail call): ?
(tail call): ?
(tail call): ?
[C]: in function 'xpcall'
모듈:String:1936: in function <모듈:String:1931>
(tail call): ?
mw.lua:527: in function <mw.lua:507>
[C]: ?
stack traceback:
[C]: in function 'traceback'
모듈:String:1822: in function <모듈:String:1815>
(tail call): ?
(tail call): ?
(tail call): ?
(tail call): ?
[C]: in function 'xpcall'
모듈:String:1936: in function <모듈:String:1931>
(tail call): ?
mw.lua:527: in function <mw.lua:507>
[C]: ?
스카이블럭 프로토타입 | ||
2020년 9월 8일 | 0.9 | Added Griffin Pet. |
Added Megalodon Pet. | ||
2021년 7월 14일 | 0.12 | Added Armadillo Pet, Bal Pet, Scatha Pet, Golden Dragon Pet. |
펫 | ||
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