The Catacombs - Floor VII
보스의 칭호
Young Wither (before 0.9.13)
Wither Lord
전투 레벨 요구량
The Catacombs - Floor VII is the seventh and final floor in The Catacombs Dungeon with 7 파이널 보스 Necron .
Watcher Room Special[ ]
The Watcher spawns Undead Livid , Bonzo or Scarf and one of the Undead Giants (Jolly Pink Giant, L.A.S.R., Bigfoot, The Diamond Giant) together.
New Mobs [ ]
6 보스 Necron
Watcher Undead Giants
Wither Miner
Wither Guard
Necron's Apostle
Zombie Lord
Skeleton Lord
New Items (Drops) [ ]
Wither Armor
Necron's Handle
Wither Catalyst
Auto Recombobulator
Precursor Gear
Wither Blood
Ultimate Enchanted Book (Soul Eater)
Ultimate Enchanted Book (One For All)
Jolly Pink Rock
Diamante's Handle
L.A.S.R's Eye
Bigfoot's Lasso
Zombie Lord Armor
Skeleton Lord Armor
Catacombs Expert Ring
Wither Relic
Wither Cloak Sword
Necron's Blade Scrolls
Maxor the Fish
Goldor the Fish
Storm the Fish
New Items (That Can Be Crafted) [ ]
Necron's Armor
Storm's Armor
Goldor's Armor
Maxor's Armor
New Mechanics [ ]
New Puzzle Room : Bomb Defuse
The Watcher now spawns one of Sadan's four Giants in the Blood Room in addition to its other Undeads. They have a chance to drop their respective Precursor Relics.
All movement abilities and items such as Aspect of the End and Ender Pearl are disabled in Necron's room. Spirit Leaps are allowed.
The amount of Catacombs XP and quality of Dungeon Post-Boss Chests are increased depending on which stage in the boss fight the player passes.
The Obsidian Chest is available regardless of score if the boss fight is completed.
History [ ]
스카이블럭 프로토타입
2020년 7월 1일 0.7.11 The Catacombs - Floor VII can be viewed in Mort . The boss of Floor VII was originally Maxor, the Young Wither.
2020년 11월 17일 0.9.13 The boss of Floor VII was changed to Necron . Released Floor VII.
Trivia [ ]
When the floor first released the 3rd phase of the fight was glitched and it could not be completed.
Gallery [ ]
v · d · e 지하 묘지
6 보스
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리비드 (5층)
사단 (6층)
위더 군주들 (7층)
위더 황제 (M7 )
위더 드래곤(M7 )
정점의 드래곤
화염의 드래곤
얼음의 드래곤
위력의 드래곤
영혼의 드래곤
5 미니 보스 일반 몹
근접 좀비 궁수 스켈레톤
겁에 질린 스켈레톤 (~2층)
스켈레톤 졸병 (~3층)
스켈레톤 병사 (1~7층)
스켈레톤 마스터 (2~7층)
슈퍼 아처 (4~7층)
스켈레톤 군주 (7층)
탱커 좀비 무덤 부활하는 스켈레톤 기타
무덤 언데드 (모든 층)
저격수 (모든 층)
외로운 거미 (모든 층)
지하 거미 (모든 층)
펠 (5~7층)
위더맨서 (4~7층)
미믹 (6~7층)
데스마이트 (모든 층)
던전 보스 상자 전리품 몹 전리품 관찰자 하수인의 전리품 미니 보스 전리품 비밀에서 발견 특별한 아이템들
마법의 지도
레드스톤 열쇠
위더 열쇠
피의 열쇠