Hypixel SkyBlock Wiki

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Cluck cluck bkawwk. Puk Puk Pukaaak!
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Cluck The Fish is a SPECIAL trophy item obtained from the chicken on Gulliver's lead. The chicken will lay an egg approximately every 13 minutes, with a 3% chance to instead drop a Cluck the Fish.


  • This item was given to ThirtyVirus and FizFez's co-op from Jayavarmen after they received 1,000,000,000 duplicated coins. They were the first players to obtain the item.
  • Some people wrongly believe that hitting the chicken enough times causes the fish to drop. This is due to them having been next to the chicken while it laid Cluck the Fish, so they mistakenly thought hitting the chicken was the cause.


SkyBlock Prototype
Dec 18, 20190.7.5Cluck the Fish Added Cluck the Fish.