Hypixel SkyBlock Wiki
This article is a community resource. This page has been provided as a helpful resource for Hypixel SkyBlock players.

The following is a list of Hypixel SkyBlock Discord servers. Players can join any of them.

Discord Servers List


This list is a non-exhaustive list of Discord servers that aids gameplay. Please note the following guidelines:

  • The addition, modification, or removal of items must be reviewed by content moderators. Please send these requests on the talk page.
  • If you have valid reasons to believe that a Discord server should not be added, please discuss on the talk page.
  • All entries may be subject to additional review by the staff team at any time.
Main Content
Name Invite Features Description
Bingo Brewers https://discord.gg/bingobrewers Bingo Splashes Provides potion splashes for Bingo players.
Casters https://discord.gg/XGc26ueGFs Fishing Guides and Discussion Provides guides and a space for discussion for fishers.
Cowshed https://discord.gg/cowshed SkyBlock News Announces SkyBlock News, Version Changes, Content Updates, leaks and more.
CraftLink https://discord.gg/FqCut9xcPd Auction House Bot Has a Bot which allows to view different aspects of the Auction House, like the lowest BIN, and viewing a player' auctions.
Dungeon Secret Guides https://discord.gg/QXtNVMt Guides to Dungeons Provides the locations of the secrets in Dungeons, sorted by room size and secret count.
Dungeon Gang https://discord.gg/dungeon Dungeon Looking for Group Dungeon finder discord for novice to advanced players. With channels for different catacomb levels.
Dungeon Hub https://discord.gg/dungeons Dungeon Carries and Looking for Group Provides Dungeon Carries and can be used to find Dungeon parties.
Elite SkyBlock Farmers https://discord.com/invite/farms Farming weights, farming help A server for serious farmers who wish to upgrade and share their skills in farming.
Farming Council https://discord.gg/farmers Farming guides Provides tutorials, guides and help for farming
Frag Bots https://discord.gg/fragbots Fragrun (Solo Dungeon) Bots Provides dummy bot accounts which you can temporarily party in order to start a solo Dungeon run.
Hypixel Mercenaries and Trade https://discord.gg/hmt Trading & Services (but small) Provides few carry services, unlike most servers for t4 rev-sven, and a place to trade with other players, but is still small and growing and as such has only few members of service team
Kuudra Gang https://discord.gg/kuudra Guides, Carries, and other features A friendly environment completely focused on Kuudra. Offers everything what new and more advanced Kuudra Gamers need: Updates about Kuudra, advice channel for any questions, fast completion carry services and active party finding
Silent's Free Services https://discord.gg/gQvF6phvNZ Free Dungeon Carries, General Purpose Offers free Dungeon carries in limited amounts. Also facilitates player-to-player trading and services with a reputation system.
Skyblock Community Server https://discord.gg/SkyblockCommunity Carries, Reputation,

Trading & Services, Giveaways, Socialising.

General purpose skyblock server. Provides trading & services with an advanced reputation system. Alot of Huge giveaways. Personalised made bots which provides all kinds information. Socialising with other players and having Fun!
Skyblock Services Current invite unknown Services, Dungeon Carries Has a set group of service providers with a reputation system rather than player-to-player. Similar structure to Carry services, though provides services of virtually any kind.
SkyBlock Simplified https://discord.gg/sbs Trading & Services, Bot General purpose SkyBlock server that facilitates player-to-player trading and services with a reputation system. Also has a bot which is known for its talisman reforge optimizer.
Skyblock Maniacs https://discord.gg/sbm Dungeon Carries, Services Has a set group of service providers with a reputation system rather than player-to-player. Provides mainly Carries, though has other services.
SkyBlockZ https://discord.gg/skyblock Trading & Services General purpose SkyBlock server that facilitates player-to-player trading and services with a reputation system. Also known for its extensive scammer list and bot to search the record of a player.
[GER] Hypixel's Skyblock Community (DrachenKult) https://discord.gg/drachenkult Trading & Services

Handel & Dienstleistungen

Largest German Hypixel Skyblock community.

Größte deutsche Hypixel Skyblock-Community.
