Hits have +25% damage, but it costs 100x the weapon's damage in coins from your purse.
The Crown of Greed can be obtained from digging Griffin Burrows with an EPIC or LEGENDARYGriffin Pet equipped. It has a 0.12% chance to drop from Griffin Burrows with an EPIC Griffin Pet active, and a 0.39% chance to drop with a LEGENDARY Griffin Pet active.
When the Crown of Greed is worn, it increases Weapon base ❁ Damage by 25%. Each time its wearer hits an enemy, it takes away 100x the weapon's base damage in coins from its wearer's purse. For example, a hit with an Aspect of the Dragons (255❁ Damage) would cost 22,500 coins.
Any and all types of hits, including but not limited to hits from Thorns, Fire Aspect, and Magic Weapons will subtract coins from the purse.