Hypixel SkyBlock Wiki

The Daedalus Axe is a LEGENDARY Sword.


Requirement Ingredients Crafting recipe
Enchanted Gold Block16Enchanted Gold Block16
Enchanted Gold Block16Daedalus Stick
Daedalus Stick
Daedalus Axe


  • The Daedalus Axe's ❁ Damage depends on its wielder's Taming Taming level. The weapon has 0 ❁ Damage at Taming Taming 0 and increases by 4 for every Taming Taming level up to 240 at Taming Taming 60.
  • The Daedalus Axe copies its wielder's active Pet's stats onto itself. Only the Pet's stats are copied, and not the pet's abilities, even if the Pet's ability grants Stat bonuses
  • Each mob kill with the Daedalus Axe grants 35 coins. This includes mobs killed by other means than by the Axe, such as with Frozen Blaze Helmet Frozen Blaze Armor.
  • It deals 200% more damage to Mythological Creatures. This is the same increase as the Sword of Revelations Sword of Revelations, but without the penalty of increased damage taken.


Ingredients Crafting recipe
Golden FragmentGolden FragmentGolden Fragment
Golden FragmentDaedalus AxeGolden Fragment
Golden FragmentGolden FragmentGolden Fragment
⚚ Daedalus Axe



June 3, 2024Daedalus Axe Daedalus Axe can now be upgraded with Golden Fragments.
June 13, 2024The upgraded Daedalus Axe now correctly displays ✯ Magic Find from killing Mythological Creatures.
SkyBlock Prototype
Aug 28, 2020[MVP+] Minikloon leaks Daedalus Axe in Hub #1.
Sep 8, 20200.9Daedalus Axe Added Daedalus Axe.
Mar 9, 20210.11.2Added +200% damage against mythological creatures and Minos followers.
Aug 5, 2022Added Axe Sword Type to it.
July 2, 20240.20.3Daedalus Axe can now be upgraded with Golden Fragments.