Hypixel SkyBlock Wiki
Hypixel SkyBlock Wiki


End Stone is also a game feature of Minecraft.
More information can be found on the Minecraft Wiki at End Stone.

End Stone is a COMMON block that can be found in The End.


Collecting end stones increases the player's End Stone collection, which grants useful items and perks upon collecting certain amounts of end stones.

Hand Cursor Icon

Tip: click on certain slots to change the UI or go to another article!

End Stone Collection
End Stone Collection
End Stone IEnd Stone II2End Stone III3End Stone IV4End Stone V5End Stone VI6End Stone VII7End Stone VIII8End Stone IX9
End Stone X10
Go BackClose
I50End Stone Minion I End Stone Minion Recipe+4
II100End Biome Stick End Biome Stick Recipe+4
III250Portal to The End Portal to The End Recipe+4
IV1,000Enchanted End Stone Enchanted End Stone Recipe+4
V2,500Silence Block Silence Block Recipe+4
VI5,000Haste Block Haste Block Recipe+4
VII10,000Endermite Pet Mystery Endermite Pet Recipe+4
VIII15,000Travel Scroll to the End Travel Scroll to the End Recipe+4
IX25,000Catalyst Catalyst Recipe+4
X50,000End Stone Sword End Stone Sword Recipe+4


End Stone can be obtained by mining in The End, purchased from the Pearl Dealer merchant, or collected from the End Stone Minion. When this block is mined in The End without Stonk Stonk, it has a small chance to spawn an Endermite Sprite Endermite.


End Stone can be purchased from the Pearl Dealer merchant in The End for 10 coins each (up to 640 per day).

Merchant Price (coins)
1x​ 5x​ 10x​ 32x​ 64x
Pearl Dealer Sprite Pearl Dealer 10 coins 50 coins 100 coins 320 coins 640 coins



Name Requirements Ingredients Crafting recipe
End Stone Minion I End Stone I
End Stone10End Stone20End Stone40End Stone64End Stone10End Stone20End Stone40End Stone64End Stone10End Stone20End Stone40End Stone64
End Stone10End Stone20End Stone40End Stone64Wooden PickaxeEnd Stone Minion IEnd Stone Minion IIEnd Stone Minion IIIEnd Stone10End Stone20End Stone40End Stone64
End Stone10End Stone20End Stone40End Stone64End Stone10End Stone20End Stone40End Stone64End Stone10End Stone20End Stone40End Stone64
End Stone Minion IEnd Stone Minion IIEnd Stone Minion IIIEnd Stone Minion IV
End Biome Stick End Stone II
  • End Stone 64x End Stone
  • Stick 2x Stick
End Stone64
End Biome Stick
Portal to The End End Stone III
End Stone16Enchanted Ender Pearl16End Stone16
End Stone16End Stone16End Stone16
Portal to The End
Enchanted End Stone End Stone IV End Stone 160x End Stone
End Stone32End Stone32End Stone32
End Stone32End Stone32End Stone32
End Stone32
Enchanted End Stone
Catalyst End Stone IX
End StoneEnd StoneEnd Stone
End StoneCrystal FragmentEnd Stone
End StoneEnd StoneEnd Stone
Silent Pearl Ender Pearl I
End StoneEnd StoneEnd Stone
End StoneEnder Pearl8End Stone
End StoneEnd StoneEnd Stone
Silent Pearl



SkyBlock Prototype
Aug 2, 20190.7End Stone Added End Stone.
Jan 15, 20210.11Reduced Stone Pickaxe Mining XP from End Stone from +5 to +3.