Hypixel SkyBlock Wiki
For the UNCOMMON item that doesn't spawn Enderman when used in The End, see Silent Pearl.


Ender Pearl is also a game feature of Minecraft.
More information can be found on the Minecraft Wiki at Ender Pearl.

Ender Pearl is a COMMON item obtained by killing Enderman. When obtained, it increases the Ender Pearl Collection.


Collecting ender pearls increases the player's ender pearl collection, which grants useful items and perks upon collecting certain amounts of ender pearls.

Hand Cursor Icon

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Ender Pearl Collection
Ender Pearl Collection
Ender Pearl IEnder Pearl II2Ender Pearl III3Ender Pearl IV4Ender Pearl V5Ender Pearl VI6Ender Pearl VII7Ender Pearl VIII8Ender Pearl IX9
Go BackClose
I50Enderman Minion I Enderman Minion Recipe
Silent Pearl Silent Pearl Recipe
II250Enchanted Ender Pearl Enchanted Ender Pearl Recipe+4
III1,000Ender Slayer Exp Discount (-25%) +4
IV2,500Small Dragon Sack Small Dragon Sack Recipe+4
V5,000Ender Bow Ender Bow Recipe+4
VI10,000Enchanted Eye of Ender Enchanted Eye of Ender Recipe
Medium Dragon Sack Medium Dragon Sack Recipe
VII15,000Teleport Pad Teleport Pad Trade
Absolute Ender Pearl Absolute Ender Pearl Recipe
VIII25,000Aspect of the End Aspect of the End Recipe+4
IX50,000Saving Grace Saving Grace Recipe
Large Dragon Sack Large Dragon Sack Recipe


It is dropped by slaying Endermen, Zealots and Watchers. Endermen can spawn on a player's island or in The End, while Zealots and Watchers spawn in the Dragon's Nest.

It can also be obtained through Enderman Minions on the Private Island or from Glowing Blocks in The End.


Ender Pearls are involved in a large number of crafting recipes, including many outside of the Ender Pearl Collection, such as Portals.

Ender Pearls can also be thrown to teleport with.


Name Requirements Ingredients Crafting recipe
Enderman Minion I Ender Pearl I
Ender Pearl8Ender Pearl16Ender Pearl8Ender Pearl16Ender Pearl8Ender Pearl16
Ender Pearl8Ender Pearl16Wooden SwordEnderman Minion IEnder Pearl8Ender Pearl16
Ender Pearl8Ender Pearl16Ender Pearl8Ender Pearl16Ender Pearl8Ender Pearl16
Enderman Minion IEnderman Minion II
Silent Pearl
End StoneEnd StoneEnd Stone
End StoneEnder Pearl8End Stone
End StoneEnd StoneEnd Stone
Silent Pearl
Enchanted Ender Pearl Ender Pearl II
  • Ender Pearl 20x Ender Pearl
Ender Pearl4Ender Pearl4Ender Pearl4
Ender Pearl4Ender Pearl4Ender Pearl4
Ender Pearl4
Enchanted Ender Pearl
Various Portals Ender Pearl 16x Ender Pearl
128x Various Ingredients
Carrot16Cocoa Beans16Iron Ore16Block of Redstone16Web16Glowstone16Spruce Wood16Birch Wood16Dark Oak Wood16Acacia Wood16Jungle Wood16Carrot16Cocoa Beans16Iron Ore16Block of Redstone16Web16Glowstone16Spruce Wood16Birch Wood16Dark Oak Wood16Acacia Wood16Jungle Wood16Carrot16Cocoa Beans16Iron Ore16Block of Redstone16Web16Glowstone16Spruce Wood16Birch Wood16Dark Oak Wood16Acacia Wood16Jungle Wood16
Potato16Cactus16Gold Ore16Lapis Lazuli Block16Gravel16Netherrack16Spruce Wood16Birch Wood16Dark Oak Wood16Acacia Wood16Jungle Wood16Ender Pearl16Ender Pearl16Ender Pearl16Ender Pearl16Ender Pearl16Ender Pearl16Ender Pearl16Ender Pearl16Ender Pearl16Ender Pearl16Ender Pearl16Potato16Cactus16Gold Ore16Lapis Lazuli Block16Gravel16Netherrack16Spruce Wood16Birch Wood16Dark Oak Wood16Acacia Wood16Jungle Wood16
Potato16Cactus16Gold Ore16Lapis Lazuli Block16Gravel16Netherrack16Spruce Wood16Birch Wood16Dark Oak Wood16Acacia Wood16Jungle Wood16Potato16Cactus16Gold Ore16Lapis Lazuli Block16Gravel16Netherrack16Spruce Wood16Birch Wood16Dark Oak Wood16Acacia Wood16Jungle Wood16Potato16Cactus16Gold Ore16Lapis Lazuli Block16Gravel16Netherrack16Spruce Wood16Birch Wood16Dark Oak Wood16Acacia Wood16Jungle Wood16
Portal to The BarnPortal to Mushroom IslandPortal to the Gold MinePortal to the Deep CavernsPortal to Spider's DenPortal to Blazing FortressPortal to Spruce WoodsPortal to Birch ParkPortal to Dark ThicketPortal to Savanna WoodlandPortal to Jungle Island


Ender Pearls on the Hypixel Network use custom mechanics, teleporting the player to the center of the target block server-side, similarly to the Aspect of the End Aspect of the End. There are also further restrictions on their use, such as not being able to throw a pearl if aiming at a block within the player's reach, unless the player has build permission (which for SkyBlock generally entails the Private Island and The Garden).

Throwing more than one Ender Pearl on The End will anger nearby Enderman Sprite Endermen and cause them to attack the player. This resets after a few minutes, and the next pearl thrown will once again show a warning message. Silent Pearl Silent Pearls can be used instead to avoid angering Endermen.

Game Message[]

Condition Message
First pearl thrown on The End
Be careful! Using Ender Pearls on this island will anger nearby Endermen!


  • Ender Pearls can be used to obtain some Fairy Souls more easily.


  • The death message when a player dies to Endermen angered by throwing Ender Pearls is simply "[player] died".
  • In the minion, the pearls will stack to 64. However, when collected into the inventory, the pearls will be placed in stacks of 16. This may result in the inventory getting clogged up when collecting from the Enderman Minions, since each stack of pearls in the minion takes up 4 slots in the inventory. However, this causes the minion to have more storage.


SkyBlock Prototype
June 11, 20190.1Ender Pearl Added Ender Pearl.
July 9, 20190.6Added Teleport Pad to the collection.
May 31, 20210.11.5Added Absolute Ender Pearl to the collection.
Ender Pearl sell price reduced from 10 coins to coins.
Mar 12, 20240.19.12Added Silent Pearl to the collection.
Sep 2, 2024Changed the behavior of Ender Pearls to teleport the player server-side, similar to the Aspect of the End Aspect of the End.