Experience Artifact
Gain 25% more experience orbs.
The Experience Artifact is an EPIC Accessory unlocked at Lapis Lazuli IX
. If this Accessory is in the player's inventory or Accessory Bag , the player gains 25% more Experience from experience orbs, including from experience bottles.
Crafting [ ]
Time to obtain using a minion [ ]
Daysⓘ to acquire 230,400x Lapis Lazuli using a Lapis Minion (By tier, No fuel, No Minion Upgrades) If the player has multiple minions, divide the number of days by how many minions will be used. I II III IV V VI VII VIII IX X XI XII 25 25 24 24 22 22 20 20 18 18 16 14
Trivia [ ]
Experience Artifact , Personal Compactor , Personal Deletor , Book of Progression , Melody's Hair , Zombie Talisman , Skeleton Talisman , Archaeologist's Compass , Lucky Hoof , Eternal Hoof , Shiny Yellow Rock and Yellow Rock of Love are the only accessories to use a vanilla sprite, rather than a custom made one.
History [ ]
v · d · e Accessories Talismans Rings Artifacts Others
Talismans Rings Artifacts Relics Others
Talismans Rings Artifacts Relics Others