Hypixel SkyBlock Wiki
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Those are the souls of my fallen sisters.
Quote2 black

Fairy Souls are collectibles scattered around the SkyBlock world. Collecting them grants SkyBlock XP and Storage Backpack slots once exchanged at Tia.


Fairy Souls are collectibles that take the form of rainbow-coloured orbs scattered and hidden around parts of the map. There are 247 Fairy Souls in total.

Players can interact with Fairy Souls by right-clicking them. (Left-click may also work, but the right-click hitbox seems to be bigger.) Each soul is unique and is able to be collected only once. A message in the chat is displayed to the player each time they interact with a soul informing them they have collected the soul or previously discovered it.


Fairy Souls may be exchanged in groups of 5 with Tia the Fairy Sprite Tia the Fairy, an NPC in the Wilderness. For each exchange, the player will receive 10 SkyBlock XP and will unlock Backpack slots at exchange #1, #2, #4, #6, #8, #10, #13, #16, #19, #22, #25, #28, #31, #34, #37 and #41.

Quest Log

Players can view a breakdown of how many Fairy Souls they have in total and from which islands in their Quest Log in the SkyBlock Menu.

Fairy Souls Guide
MiscellaneousDungeon HubSpider's DenDwarven MinesThe EndDeep CavernsJerry's Workshop
The ParkGold MineBlazing FortressHubThe Farming Islands
Go BackClose


All Fairy Soul locations, except those obtained through fishing and The Garden, can be seen below. In-game, coordinates can be viewed by pressing F3 on the keyboard.

Fairy Soul Show/Hide Fairy Soul Locations

Note: Click on the rows to keep track of the Fairy Souls collected. This persists even after reloading or refreshing the page.
No. X Y Z Area Walkable? Minimap
1 -80 70 -87 Village (Behind Relenter's House, on border with graveyard)
Fairy Soul-minimap
2 72 70 -97 Village (In rose bush, Next to the village fishing pond)
Fairy Soul-minimap
3 -48 90 -71 Village (In tree, above Bazaar and Lumber Merchant)
Fairy Soul-minimap
4 -52 70 -99 Village (Under Auction House, stand in bush atCompass-50, 70, -101)
Fairy Soul-minimap
5 41 68 -63 Village (Under Alchemist's Building, stand at Compass38 , 68, -65)
Fairy Soul-minimap
6 -23 88 -62 Village (On top of Bank) (Requires parkour)
Fairy Soul-minimap
7 -19 90 -11 Village (On the rock to the right of the Flower House) (Requires Parkour)
Fairy Soul-minimap
8 25 82 -133 In the water tower next to the Hub Farm (Large hitbox, can be clicked from underneath)
Fairy Soul-minimap
9 -17 65 -109 Inside the Village Well
Fairy Soul-minimap
10 25 80 -65 Village (on a beam by stairs inside the Farmhouse)
Fairy Soul-minimap
11 44 68 -33 Village (Under Thaumaturgist Desk, stand at 43 69 -33)
Fairy Soul-minimap
12 154 98 -70 Colosseum (On top one of the Colosseum's pillars) (Requires enderpearls or grappling hook gadget)
Fairy Soul-minimap
13 168 60 -36 Colosseum (In the middle of the Colosseum, walk through the southern door, and go down the stairs. Continue until you reach a room with fire. The soul is in the leaves at the around the back to the right (Stand at Compass168, 57, -38)
Fairy Soul-minimap
14 110 67 58 Wilderness (Under the bridge)
Fairy Soul-minimap
15 138 66 129 Wilderness (Behind left of Tia, under the tree)
Fairy Soul-minimap
16 132 144 114 Wilderness (On the top of the tallest tree) (Climb leaves)
Fairy Soul-minimap
17 111 120 127 Wilderness (In the tree) (Climb leaves)
Fairy Soul-minimap
18 148 112 88 Wilderness (In the tree) (Climb leaves)
Fairy Soul-minimap
19 149 116 115 Wilderness (In the tree) (Climb leaves)
Fairy Soul-minimap
20 113 102 106 Wilderness (In the tree) (Climb leaves)
Fairy Soul-minimap
21 96 106 121 Wilderness (In the tree) (Climb leaves)
Fairy Soul-minimap
22 87 77 43 Wilderness (In the tree) (Large hitbox, can be clicked from underneath)
Fairy Soul-minimap
23 86 89 66 Wilderness (In the tree) (Climb leaves)
Fairy Soul-minimap
24 82 61 196 Wilderness (South edge of island)
Fairy Soul-minimap
25 180 64 -15 Wilderness (Secret room on edge of island. Stand on the edge of Compass187, 69, -17 and the entrance is below you. It can be tricky to drop in, so items may help)
Fairy Soul-minimap
26 169 60 129 Wilderness (There is a ladder on the side of the tree that is facing the edge)
Fairy Soul-minimap
27 -141 77 -30 Forest (On the side of the house, requires some minimal parkour)
Fairy Soul-minimap
28 -225 72 -20 Forest (Next to The Park Warp)
Fairy Soul-minimap
29 -208 70 -79 Forest (At the very edge of the map, it's inside the wall separating the Graveyard and the Forest)
Fairy Soul-minimap
30 -31 71 21 Mountain (underground village)
Fairy Soul-minimap
31 7 75 13 Mountain (underground village) (Requires Grappling Hook or ender pearls)
Fairy Soul-minimap
32 -47 76 47 Mountain (underground village)
Fairy Soul-minimap
33 -59 108 3 Mountain (rock right of entrance from village)
Fairy Soul-minimap
34 -56 115 28 Mountain (in the waterfall)
Fairy Soul-minimap
35 -49 132 32 Mountain (in the water source)
Fairy Soul-minimap
36 22 132 25 Mountain (east side of mountain)
Fairy Soul-minimap
37 -52 161 43 Mountain (under the wooden platform; to see it, crouch at the ledge and turn back towards the mountain, looking down. You can reach it by facing south & falling carefully onto the clay block off the side of the platform.)
Fairy Soul-minimap
38 11 178 22 Mountain (under backside of house)
Fairy Soul-minimap
39 2 181 31 Mountain (right side of house in a corner)
Fairy Soul-minimap
40 -38 191 34 Mountain (on smaller peak west of the peak) (Requires parkour skill or use ender pearl or grappling hook gadget)
Fairy Soul-minimap
41 -2 193 32 Mountain (next to support pillar)
Fairy Soul-minimap
42 57 90 79 Mountain (small tree near Wizard's tower, jump down from tower)
Fairy Soul-minimap
43 48 78 81 Wizard Tower (under wooden platform)
Fairy Soul-minimap
44 43 120 70 Wizard Tower (leaves in the bedroom)
Fairy Soul-minimap
45 49 121 69 Wizard Tower (go outside the east window on the top floor and go left) (Parkour on the quartz slabs)
Fairy Soul-minimap
46 40 108 78 Wizard Tower (leaves on south side of tower)
Fairy Soul-minimap
47 43 152 73 Wizard Tower (top of the tower) (Ender pearls or Grappling Hook required)
Fairy Soul-minimap
48 -95 72 -130 Graveyard
Fairy Soul-minimap
49 -186 92 -103 Graveyard (Climb Forest leaves)
Fairy Soul-minimap
50 -32 76 -212 Graveyard (secret room at Compass-42, 81, -207)
Fairy Soul-minimap
51 155 62 28 Fisherman's Hut (between 4 lily pads, at the bottom the lake)
Fairy Soul-minimap
52 176 64 42 Fisherman's Hut (behind the hut) (Ender pearls or Grappling Hook required)
Fairy Soul-minimap
53 162 45 69 Fisherman's Hut (east edge of the water) (warning: easy to fall into the void, put your money in the bank first)
Fairy Soul-minimap
54 147 53 88 Fisherman's Hut (Secret room, hole at Compass148, 61, 92)
Fairy Soul-minimap
55 73 71 -189 Hub Island Farm (left of the Barn teleport pad)
Fairy Soul-minimap
56 104 75 -130 Hub Island Farm (Small tree north of Colosseum and east of hub farm Windmill, near Minikloon's House)
Fairy Soul-minimap
57 70 89 -148 Hub Island Farm (on top of windmill) (Requires enderpearls or Grappling Hook)
Fairy Soul-minimap
58 34 72 -161 Hub Island Farm (inside left stall of barn) (requires parkour and may require extra speed)
Fairy Soul-minimap
59 -228 123 84 Ruins (Castle; leaves on highest tower without roof)
Fairy Soul-minimap
60 -207 101 66 Ruins (Castle; leaves behind tower left of entrance gate) (from around)
Fairy Soul-minimap
61 -258 115 86 Ruins (Castle; leaves on south of dining room)
Fairy Soul-minimap
62 -261 102 66 Ruins (Castle; leaves inside northwest outer walls)
Fairy Soul-minimap
63 -251 132 51 Ruins (Castle; red roof of highest tower) (Requires Parkour)
Fairy Soul-minimap
64 -260 96 48 Ruins (Castle; outside northwest outer walls)
Fairy Soul-minimap
65 -232 86 84 Ruins (Castle; blocked staircase going down) (Requires enderpearls or Grappling Hook)
Fairy Soul-minimap
66 -214 102 88 Ruins (Castle; in the largest tree)
Fairy Soul-minimap
67 -195 55 153 Ruins (south edge of island, below cliff, you will need to fall to reach it (high chance of death))
Fairy Soul-minimap
68 -244 75 149 Ruins (tree at south edge of island, below cliff) (from above)
Fairy Soul-minimap
69 -151 67 123 Ruins (leaves on ruins southeast of castle)
Fairy Soul-minimap
70 -260 56 115 Ruins (below the southwest part of the castle) (have to drop down a ways)
Fairy Soul-minimap
71 -132 73 132 Ruins (furthest tree southeast of castle)
Fairy Soul-minimap
72 -190 102 109 Ruins (on top of tree directly southeast of castle)
Fairy Soul-minimap
73 -182 80 29 Ruins (between rocks)
Fairy Soul-minimap
74 -165 79 93 Ruins (below broken house outside of castle)
Fairy Soul-minimap
75 -247 74 125 Ruins (drop down from the rock, entry of the room at Compass-253, 74, 128)
Fairy Soul-minimap
76 -5 65 -178 Coal Mine (right from entrance, behind post)
Fairy Soul-minimap
77 -20 79 -165 Coal Mine (hanging platform inside) (requires parkour)
Fairy Soul-minimap
78 -33 67 -149 Coal Mine (secret railway) (If the minecart is not there, use an ender-pearl to get inside)
Fairy Soul-minimap
79 -91 59 -137 Catacombs Entrance (behind wool) (Stand at Compass-91, 55, -137 and click the wool above)
Fairy Soul-minimap
80 30 79 -94 Pet Care (on top of leaves)
Fairy Soul-minimap

The Barn

Note: Click on the rows to keep track of the Fairy Souls collected. This persists even after reloading or refreshing the page.
No. X Y Z Area Walkable? Minimap
Brn-1 182 99 -235 In east aqueduct (go up water)
Fairy Soul-minimap
Brn-2 96 96 -287 3rd floor of the windmill (Requires enderpearls or Grappling Hook)
Fairy Soul-minimap
Brn-3 143 90 -242 On the side of the top of the chimney (Requires enderpearls or Grappling Hook)
Fairy Soul-minimap
Brn-4 99 112 -274 On the sail of the windmill (Requires enderpearls or Grappling Hook; most easily done by going up the water and enderpearling from the aqueduct)
Fairy Soul-minimap
Brn-5 183 99 -304 Behind east mountains
Fairy Soul-minimap
Brn-6 126 91 -303 Inside water from west mountain (go up water)
Fairy Soul-minimap
Brn-7 157 23 -202 The lowest point of the root at the south of the island (jump off the side and strafe towards the mossy cobblestone)
Fairy Soul-minimap

Mushroom Desert

Note: Click on the rows to keep track of the Fairy Souls collected. This persists even after reloading or refreshing the page.
No. X Y Z Area Walkable? Minimap
MD-1 152 67 -361 Desert Settlement; Below the launch pad
Fairy Soul-minimap
MD-2 145 77 -374 Desert Settlement; In the house (Go inside from Compass150, 77, -373, jump on the slabs and then the crafting table, and sneak. Make sure to right click, not left click. Also watch out for the flower pot, it will damage you if you step on it.)
Fairy Soul-minimap
MD-3 111 63 -447 Oasis; Below the pier
Fairy Soul-minimap
MD-4 150 60 -448 Oasis; In the secret room behind the waterfall
Fairy Soul-minimap
MD-5 138 72 -587 Mushroom Desert; Under the island, use the waterfall
Fairy Soul-minimap
MD-6 279 112 -541 Trappers Den; On the wooden platform up above (in case of using the parkour, break the Oak Log at Compass278, 111, -541) (Parkour, there's an invisible block above the Crafting Table the player can jump on)
Fairy Soul-minimap
MD-7 387 77 -365 Shepherds Keep; There's a secret entrance at Compass390, 84, -365)
Fairy Soul-minimap
MD-8 261 133 -348 Mushroom Desert
Fairy Soul-minimap
MD-9 273 141 -467 Mushroom Desert; Under the bridge
Fairy Soul-minimap
MD-10 263 177 -565 Mushroom Desert; Under Jake's House. You need to be pretty precise and quick. Stand at Compass265, 174, -563, break the mossy cobblestone and quickly click the fairy soul. You may have to adjust the way you're looking as well.
Fairy Soul-minimap
MD-11 254 69 -493 Mushroom Gorge; Jump on the cliff from Compass253, 73, -473, the entrance to the Fairy Soul room is located at Compass263, 71, -488
Fairy Soul-minimap
MD-12 193 66 -468 Glowing Mushroom Cave; On top of the water flow
Fairy Soul-minimap
MD-13 271 56 -361 Overgrown Mushroom Cave; Behind the door of the little hobbit hole
Fairy Soul-minimap

Note: Click on the rows to keep track of the Fairy Souls collected. This persists even after reloading or refreshing the page.
No. X Y Z Area Walkable? Minimap
GM-1 22 36 -318 Bottom of island, drop down hole at Compass22, 84, -319
Fairy Soul-minimap
GM-2 -18 142 -363 Highest point
Fairy Soul-minimap
GM-3 18 57 -339 Near platform in cave to the right after you descend into the mine
Fairy Soul-minimap
GM-4 -37 78 -308 Next to blacksmith's room (Ender pearls or Grappling Hook required)
Fairy Soul-minimap
GM-5 -46 75 -297 Near the blacksmith in the lava (Lava)
Fairy Soul-minimap
GM-6 -61 104 -288 Mountain behind the blacksmith's building
Fairy Soul-minimap
GM-7 -44 100 -344 Lava stream at top of left mountains (Behind lava)
Fairy Soul-minimap
GM-8 -25 94 -339 Left side (facing entrance) of highest yellow rim
Fairy Soul-minimap
GM-9 -22 114 -351 Mountain
Fairy Soul-minimap
GM-10 18 87 -310 Right side of lowest yellow rim (climb mountain)
Fairy Soul-minimap
GM-11 0 80 -336 Behind fire right of Lazy Miner
Fairy Soul-minimap
GM-12 -10 76 -396 On top of portal to Deep Cavern (from above)
Fairy Soul-minimap

Note: Click on the rows to keep track of the Fairy Souls collected. This persists even after reloading or refreshing the page.
No. X Y Z Area Walkable? Minimap
DC-1 9 170 44 Top of gate inside
Fairy Soul-minimap
DC-2 3 152 85 Below portal to Gold Mine
Fairy Soul-minimap
DC-3 3 182 50 Top of entrance
Fairy Soul-minimap
DC-4 72 167 -11 East edge of the island
Fairy Soul-minimap
DC-5 -2 255 -1 Mountaintop (parkour skills needed)
Fairy Soul-minimap
DC-6 57 161 19 Gunpowder Mines (top of elevator)
Fairy Soul-minimap
DC-7 29 149 16 Gunpowder Mines (lowest cave)
Fairy Soul-minimap
DC-8 -17 161 23 Gunpowder Mines (above platform, behind mossy brick)
Fairy Soul-minimap
DC-9 22 156 -41 Gunpowder Mines (behind wall, talk to Walter next to it for TNT) (requires Superboom TNT)
Fairy Soul-minimap
DC-10 -34 127 28 Lapis Quarry
Fairy Soul-minimap
DC-11 44 98 23 Pigmen's Den (left side of the lift exit)
Fairy Soul-minimap
DC-12 -10 102 -15 Pigmen's Den
Fairy Soul-minimap
DC-13 18 73 74 Slimehill (waterfall near entrance to Slimehill)
Fairy Soul-minimap
DC-14 -39 73 1 Slimehill (in the leaves next to a pole)
Fairy Soul-minimap
DC-15 0 64 56 Slimehill (near leaves)
Fairy Soul-minimap
DC-16 -8 74 -42 Slimehill (near a structure) (Slime Knockback)
Fairy Soul-minimap
DC-17 -20 25 71 Diamond Reserve (cave to Obsidian Sanc.)
Fairy Soul-minimap
DC-18 -58 37 52 Diamond Reserve (to the right from entrance)
Fairy Soul-minimap
DC-19 -72 12 5 Obsidian Sanctuary
Fairy Soul-minimap
DC-20 2 14 51 Obsidian Sanctuary (inside rib cage)
Fairy Soul-minimap
DC-21 -75 13 24 Obsidian Sanctuary (In the Lava) (Lava)
Fairy Soul-minimap

Note: Click on the rows to keep track of the Fairy Souls collected. This persists even after reloading or refreshing the page.
No. X Y Z Area Walkable? Minimap
DM-1 -8 231 -134 Dwarven Village (In brazier)
Fairy Soul-minimap
DM-2 22 127 184 Dwarven Mines (Leaf Parkour in Dirt Guy Room). Found via underground rail network (Parkour)
Fairy Soul-minimap
DM-3 -203 131 197 Goblin Burrows (Natural platform in back)
Fairy Soul-minimap
DM-4 -108 141 143 Goblin Burrows (Across bridge from room full of gold). Found via underground rail network
Fairy Soul-minimap
DM-5 -115 141 154 Goblin Burrows (Accessible from top of green banner in bridge room). Found via underground rail network
Fairy Soul-minimap
DM-6 133 104 104 Dwarven Mines (Under platform in large chamber with gold veins). Found via underground rail network
Fairy Soul-minimap
DM-7 -20 208 -58 Dwarven Mines (On top of entrance to Rampart's Quarry, Rampart's Quarry side)
Fairy Soul-minimap
DM-8 155 190 123 Royal Palace (Under Lava) (Lava)
Fairy Soul-minimap
DM-9 -138 219 -85 Upper Mines (Leaf parkour), entrance at Compass-118, 206, -58
Fairy Soul-minimap
DM-10 34 102 87 Divan's Gateway (Hidden by snow near the Mist)
Fairy Soul-minimap
DM-11 -52 205 48 Cliffside Veins (Hidden in the room where the Cult of the Fallen Star has its meetings, entrance at -25, 198, 40) (From Lava Springs)
Fairy Soul-minimap

Note: Click on the rows to keep track of the Fairy Souls collected. This persists even after reloading or refreshing the page.
No. X Y Z Area Walkable? Minimap
SD-1 -197 160 -330 Inside the wall on a small edge
Fairy Soul-minimap
SD-2 -184 135 -289 Inside the wall
Fairy Soul-minimap
SD-3 -202 169 -319 Near the top of the mountain, drop down from above
Fairy Soul-minimap
SD-4 -300 92 -170 In the pond
Fairy Soul-minimap
SD-5 -296 90 -168 Cave inside the pond, entrance at Compass-301, 91, -165
Fairy Soul-minimap
SD-6 -293 36 -273 Inside a boulder, entrance at Compass-291, 51, -271
Fairy Soul-minimap
SD-7 -308 63 -184 Arachne's Sanctuary, inside the wall on a mushroom, walkable with a two block jump
Fairy Soul-minimap
SD-8 -308 66 -244 Inside the wall
Fairy Soul-minimap
SD-9 -203 94 -240 On a tree
Fairy Soul-minimap
SD-10 -278 127 -176 On top of the cabin, near the chimney
Fairy Soul-minimap
SD-11 -335 82 -152 In a cave, follow the trail of daisy flowers and look under the edge
Fairy Soul-minimap
SD-12 -421 106 -205 Requires walking over invisible barrier blocks (starting at Compass-391, 107, -219, follow the poppy flowers) which can be traversed by crouching to not fall off.
Fairy Soul-minimap
SD-13 -335 111 -252 Inside the skeleton's mouth, underneath middle bones
Fairy Soul-minimap
SD-14 -321 95 -280 Inside a small cave, entrance at Compass-326, 97, -286
Fairy Soul-minimap
SD-15 -221 74 -361 Stand at Compass-224, 85, -359 and drop down to the block beneath
Fairy Soul-minimap
SD-16 -139 85 -334 Stand at Compass-138, 85, -332
Fairy Soul-minimap
SD-17 -146 78 -298 Next to the edge
Fairy Soul-minimap
SD-18 -168 62 -288 Behind the gravel in the wall
Fairy Soul-minimap
SD-19 -159 62 -274 Behind the gravel in the wall
Fairy Soul-minimap

Note: Click on the rows to keep track of the Fairy Souls collected. This persists even after reloading or refreshing the page.
No. X Y Z Area Walkable? Minimap
CI-1 -360.5 69 -425.5 Under the bridge with the launcher to the Spider's Den
Fairy Soul-minimap
CI-2 -246.5 44 -511.5 At the bottom-right of the lava waterfalls at the front of the Crimson Isle (parkour)
CI-3 -341.5 101 -483.5 In the Stronghold, behind the painting. (parkour)
Fairy Soul-minimap
CI-4 -360.5 133 -468.5 On top of the front of the Stronghold, behind some fire
Fairy Soul-minimap
CI-5 -351.5 191 -552.5 On top of the Stronghold
Fairy Soul-minimap
CI-6 -345.5 75 -551.5 Inside a pillar near the Stronghold bridge
Fairy Soul-minimap
CI-7 -461.5 78 -697.5 Inside cave to the left of the Plhlegblast Pool front entrance (parkour)
CI-8 -479.5 104 -592.5 Behind a bed inside a building entered through a ladder at Compass-493.5, 146, -614.5
CI-9 -382.5 71 -882.5 Aura's Lab
CI-10 -395.5 108 -763.5 In a hole leading from the Blazing Volcano to the Magma Chamber
CI-11 -342.5 235 -779.5 On top of the Blazing Volcano
CI-12 -499.5 128 -794.5 On top of a rock in the Burning Desert
CI-13 -689.5 122 -751.5 Behind a house in Dragontail
CI-14 -605.5 154 -799.5 In some lava above Dragontail
CI-15 -643.5 125 -688.5 Bruuh's house (requires the player to pay 1,000,000 coins)
CI-16 -725.5 144 -890.5 On top of part of The Bastion's dragon skeleton
CI-17 -720.5 125 -810.5 In the back of Dragontail
CI-18 -716.5 164 -980.5 On top of one of The Bastion's towers
CI-19 -295.5 81 -834.5 Under stairs leading to the Magma Chamber from the Mystic Marsh
CI-20 -78.5 139 -778.5 In the roof of the Scarleton Bank
CI-21 14.5 108 -768.5 Inside a hill at the edge of Scarleton, which is entered at Compass20.5, 109, -767.5
CI-22 -105.5 89 -882.5 In Scarleton
CI-23 -30.5 178 -906.5 On top of the Cathedral
CI-24 -34.5 116 -1054.5 Back of the Cathedral
CI-25 -411.5 58 -934.5 Inside some lava in the cave under The Wasteland
CI-26 -309.5 156 -1007.5 Inside Spider Sprite Aranya's cave, which is entered at Compass-333.5, 147, -1003.5
CI-27 -379.5 141 -1019.5 In the Forgotten Skull's right eye
CI-28 -444.5 110 -1025.5 At the base of a tower in the Ruins of Ashfang
CI-29 -478.5 114 -971.5 Near the Ruins of Ashfang

Note: Click on the rows to keep track of the Fairy Souls collected. This persists even after reloading or refreshing the page.
No. X Y Z Area Walkable? Minimap
End-1 -518 100 -293 Pearl Dealer Shop
Fairy Soul-minimap
End-2 -581 208 -272 On top of the Mound (the tallest spike)
Fairy Soul-minimap
End-3 -588 122 -274 In an Obsidian Spike (entrance at Compass-595, 122, -266)
Fairy Soul-minimap
End-4 -698 116 -255 In the crack
Fairy Soul-minimap
End-5 -586 48 -292 On wall rock above Dragon's Nest entrance (possible with grappling hook)
Fairy Soul-minimap
End-6 -657 36 -200 In hidden base Accessible by dropping near Compass-650, 123, -176) and then twice more directly downwards
Fairy Soul-minimap
End-7 -490 23 -174 Under flowerpot (Need to fall)
Fairy Soul-minimap
End-8 -489 79 -274 In purple "waterfall"
Fairy Soul-minimap
End-9 -546 91 -258 On wall (Stand on bones)
Fairy Soul-minimap
End-10 -609 84 -231 Dragon's Nest (On wall) (possible with grappling hook)
End-11 -720 76 -220 Dragon's Nest (On wall) (possible with grappling hook)
End-12 -747 105 -282 Under stairs
Fairy Soul-minimap

Key Coordinates Location Description Minimap
1 Compass-293, 85, 31 Birch Park On the corner of a rock near the edge. Walkable.
Fairy Soul-minimap
2 Compass-315, 89, -72 Birch Park Above Vanessa's hut. Walkable with some parkour.
Fairy Soul-minimap
3 Compass-390, 60, -5 Howling Cave Up the water flowing from the roof, in a small gap near the top. Walkable after blowing up entrance or entering with travel scroll.
Fairy Soul-minimap
4 Compass-356, 99, 79 Viking Longhouse Above the Viking Longhouse. Walkable with some parkour.
Fairy Soul-minimap
5 Compass-386, 108, -69 Dark Thicket In the ice cave behind the waterfall near the bridge. Walkable.
Fairy Soul-minimap
6 Compass-403, 136, 6 Savanna Woodland On top of the tallest acacia tree. Walkable after breaking logs and leaves.
Fairy Soul-minimap
7 Compass-454, 120, -58 Jungle Island On the side of a rock near the edge. Walkable.
Fairy Soul-minimap
8 Compass-408, 122, -92 Jungle Island Next to a staircase, near the checkpoint for woods racing. Walkable.
Fairy Soul-minimap
9 Compass-451, 113, -87 Jungle Island Under the last left clay bundle to the way to Juliette. Walkable.
Fairy Soul-minimap
10 Compass-370, 111, -118 Jungle Island On the right of the staircase to the racing checkpoint. Walkable.
Fairy Soul-minimap
11 Compass-470, 132, -124 Jungle Island Next to Juliette. Walkable.
Fairy Soul-minimap

Note: Click on the rows to keep track of the Fairy Souls collected. This persists even after reloading or refreshing the page.
No. X Y Z Area Walkable? Minimap
WI-1 -94 77 20 Jerry Pond - Behind of Terry's House (fishing pond)
Fairy Soul-minimap
WI-2 -43 87 76 Jerry's Workshop - On the roof (parkour)
Fairy Soul-minimap
WI-3 -7 108 107 Jerry's Workshop - Near the top of the tree. It can be reached by hitting it from underneath (stand at Compass-7, 105, 107). (parkour)
Fairy Soul-minimap
WI-4 56 108 64 Jerry's Workshop - Behind of Gary's House (on the hill)
Fairy Soul-minimap
WI-5 74 109 -17 Jerry's Workshop - Another hill next to the Chicken Racing
Fairy Soul-minimap

Locations on map

Note: Click on the rows to keep track of the Fairy Souls collected. This persists even after reloading or refreshing the page.
No. X Y Z Area Walkable?
DH-1 15 125 -58 In the fire near the statue on the right of the entrance
DH-2 2 135 75 On the mouth of the statue on the left of the entrance
DH-3 8 164 -8 Near the roof at the middle of the hub (middle-left)
DH-4 -138 47 -2 In the caves on top of a banner by the ruins. (parkour)
DH-5 -55 82 -9 In the caves on top of the entrance to the ruins.
DH-6 -3 21 -16 Inside the crystal at the right of the entrance that leads to the purple crystal cave.
DH-7 11 60 99 Above the giant mushrooms on a branch next to the prismarine roof.

Note: Click on the rows to keep track of the Fairy Souls collected. This persists even after reloading or refreshing the page.
No. Room Name Area Walkable?
D-1 Diagonal In a 1*3 room with zigzag-shaped passages, many boxes made of wooden stair blocks, and a knight statue made of diorite, there will be 2 Torches on a wall and move to the nearest room on the left. Go behind the Dark Oak box and the Fairy Soul will be in a Pond of 2*2 blocks.
D-2 Tomioka In the 1*1 room where Tomioka is at, go to the second Jail Cell on the left, and walk through the secret Entrance to Tomioka. Underneath the Staircase, there will be the Fairy Soul.
D-3 Raccoon In a 1*1 room with a chest on top of a broken cubic prison, teleport to the Vines near where some skulls lay, and then you will find the Fairy Soul behind some Leaves.

In a 1*2 room with 2 staircases and 5 stone coffins in the center, go to some sticks and go to the top. The Fairy Soul will be on the Mossy Stone Bricks.

D-5 Stairs In a 2*2 room with a big staircase on the sides, go to a little pocket next to where the stairs lead. The Fairy Soul will be near some Mossy Stone Bricks.
D-6 Leaves In a prison-like 1*1 room, there will be 2 cells next to each other and on top will be an empty area. The Fairy Soul is in the top-left corner on top of the cells.
D-7 Mossy In a 1*4 room with a chest hanging from the ceiling, beneath that is a hole with some Vines made out of Leaves. Behind those Vines, there will be a Fairy Soul there.
This one has the same ID of another one.
D-8 Super-Tall In a 2*2 room with a huge wooden gate (if the lever isn't pulled), a lever on a polished granite block on the top of a broken pillar, and a bunch of Withermancers, go to a large space with few stone bricks. The Fairy Soul is found behind some Leaves on the wall on the opposite side of the staircase.
D-9 Admin In the 1*1 Admin room (with coffins of the admins), the Fairy Soul is found behind Simon Hypixel's coffin.


  • It is recommended to use a mod that highlights the fairy soul, to ease accessing it. The Not Enough Updates (NEU) mod has waypoints for Fairy Soul locations, and can be enabled using /neusouls on. Alternatively, the player could set up waypoints for each soul individually using a mod such as SkyTils.
  • Even though some Fairy Souls are stated to be walkable, it is still strongly recommended to use an Aspect of the End or Void and Ender Pearls. Early-game players may choose to opt for the Grappling Hook, a cheaper alternative to an AOTE.

Miscellaneous Souls

There are several Fairy Souls that cannot be obtained through normal means.


Three Fairy Souls are obtained from Fishing. The 2nd, 9th, and 24th treasure catches fished up by the player are guaranteed to be Fairy Souls. Two additional Fairy Souls have a 0.5% chance to be fished up in a Fairy Grotto.


The first order accepted from Tia the Fairy when she visits the The Garden grants a single Fairy Soul.


Up to 9 Fairy Souls can be found in various Dungeon rooms.

Glacite Mineshafts

A Fairy Soul can be found near the Vanguard Corpse in Fairy Mineshafts.


  • The Fairy Armor plays a distinctive sound when the player is near an uncollected Fairy Soul.
  • A player who had already collected seven Fairy Souls from the Floating Islands prior to the v0.7.4 update will have only four counted souls in the Quest under the section for "The Park".
  • Prior to version 0.7.11, players were only able to legitimately obtain 194 Fairy Souls, but a small portion of players were able to obtain an additional six due to a bug resulting from the Park Update for a total of 200.[1] One player who took advantage of this bug was [ADMIN] TimeDeo, formerly [YOUTUBE], who is frequently associated with Fairy Souls thanks to some of his YouTube videos displaying them.
    • Timedeo later became a Minister, granting a bonus to the stats that Fairy Souls used to give, before the 0.15 Patch.
  • Due to some Fairy Souls being given by NPCs and the existence of Placeable Fairy Soul Placeable Fairy Soul, it is implied that they are a physical object.
  • Fairy Souls are meant to spawn when a Fairy dies, this raises a question regarding some Fairy Souls that are obtained from various puzzles or tasks.


SkyBlock Prototype
June 11, 20190.1Added Fairy Souls.
Aug 2, 20190.7Added 12 additional Fairy Souls in The End.
Nov 11, 20190.7.4Reduced Fairy Souls previously collected in the Floating Islands from 7 to 4.
Added 7 additional Fairy Souls in The Park.
Added tracking for collected Fairy Souls to the Quest Log.
July 1, 20200.7.11Removed the additional Fairy Souls from certain profiles who had collected extras from the Park update.
Jan 15, 20210.11Added 11 additional Fairy Souls in the Dwarven Mines.
Mar 9, 20210.11.2Added 2 additional Fairy Souls in the Spider's Den.
Fixed certain Fairy Souls being unobtainable, due to permanent mining fatigue from the Dwarven Mines Update.
Mar 30, 20210.11.3Due to requirement changes to enter certain Catacombs floors, the requirement changed from Stone Sword Combat Level 9 to The Catacombs Catacombs Level 9 in order to obtain all Fairy Souls in The Catacombs.
Apr 21, 20210.11.4Added 5 additional Fairy Souls in the Mushroom Desert.
The Fairy Souls quest log now display Fairy Souls that can be found in Dungeons, which are classified under Miscellaneous.
July 14, 20210.12Added a Fairy Soul that can be fished up in the Fairy Grotto.
Sep 28, 20220.15Removed permanent stats from Fairy Souls, only gives +10 SkyBlock XP every 5 collected.
Fairy Souls found now unlock backpack slots.
Unknown DateRemoved one Fairy Soul with duplicated ID from the dungeon.
Apr 3, 2023The 2nd Fairy Soul obtained from fishing in Fairy Grotto was discovered. The actual date of implementation is unknown.
Apr 18, 20230.18.3Updated the Fairy Soul fishing count to reflect the 2nd Fairy Soul from a Fairy Grotto.
Increased the chance of fishing up Fairy Souls in Fairy Grotto from 0.1% to 0.5% .
Aug 22, 20230.19.3Added a miscellaneous Fairy Soul breakdown.
Dec 12, 20230.19.9Added 1 additional Fairy Soul in the Hub

