Daysⓘ to acquire 522,240xGravel using a Gravel Minion (By tier, No fuel, No Minion Upgrades) If the player has multiple minions, divide the number of days by how many minions will be used.
As of 0.7.6, however, it may be a viable end-game minion upgrade if one has excess Tarantula Silk and Fly Swatters. Pairing this with good fuels such as Enchanted Lava Buckets can achieve one of the highest production rates in the game without having to replace fuel.
The Minion Expander also gives a quarter of the speed buff, but makes the minion have a larger block placement radius, allowing you to sometimes mine the blocks and get the resource for some extra experience points.
As of 0.7.7, if the player right clicks while holding a tarantula silk for the flycatcher recipe, it shows a golden shovel instead of a fly swatter.