Hypixel SkyBlock Wiki


Legacy Item
This item is no longer obtainable other than trading with players.

The Frosty Snowball is a COMMON discontinued, unobtainable item. They served as a fuel for Frosty the Snow Cannon.


Frosty Snowballs cannot be obtained by any means. They were previously available in the UI of Frosty the Snow Cannon, which was removed two days later. Currently, the only way to obtain Frosty Snowballs is to buy them from the Auction House. The steps to obtaining this item is:

  1. Opening the UI of the snow cannon
  2. Taking the snowball out

The snow cannon used to have an inventory for the ammo.


SkyBlock Prototype
Dec 18, 20190.7.5Added Frosty Snowball.
Dec 19, 2019Removed Frosty Snowball.