Hypixel SkyBlock Wiki

Gemstone Crystals are collectibles obtained from special tasks within the Crystal Hollows and also within certain Glacite Mineshafts.

The crystals aren't actual items, but rather achievements that can be tracked in the Heart of the Mountain Heart of the Mountain menu. To get the rewards from the Crystal Nucleus the player needs to find and place five crystals: Jade, Amber, Amethyst, Sapphire, and Topaz. Any other crystal, such as Ruby and Jasper, is only used to forge Perfect Gemstones. All the crystals are obtained in a different way.

The Wishing Compass Wishing Compass can point to the locations of the Crystals or other important related locations.

Crystal Nucleus Crystals[]


The Jade Crystal is obtained in by finding 4 different Scavenged Items with a Metal Detector Metal Detector in the Mines of Divan. After giving the 4 items to their respective Keepers of Divan Sprite Keepers, the crystal can be taken.


The Amber Crystal is obtained from the Goblin Queen's Den in the Goblin Holdout.

In order to obtain it, the player must first get the King's Scent Potion Effect, which is obtained from King Yolkar Sprite King Yolkar after giving him Goblin Egg 1x Goblin Egg of any color.

After obtaining the King's Scent effect, the Goblin Queen's Den can be entered to obtain the crystal. This effect lasts for 20 minutes, and is lost after obtaining the crystal or entering water.


The Amethyst Crystal is obtained from entering the Jungle Temple by giving a Kalhuiki Door Guardian Sprite Kalhuiki Door Guardian a Jungle Key Jungle Key (Obtained by killing the Zombie Sprite Jungle Key Guardian or purchased from Odawa Sprite Odawa) and completing the parkour.


The Sapphire Crystal is obtained by giving the 6 different Automaton Parts Automaton Parts (obtained from treasure and loot chests in the Precursor Remnants or from killing Iron Golem Sprite Automatons, they cost 1,251,455 coins on Bazaar) to Professor Robot Sprite Professor Robot in the Lost Precursor City. After giving the parts to him, he will repair the Automaton Prime, and a door will open which reveals the Crystal.

It is also possible to give a Precursor Apparatus Precursor Apparatus to Professor Robot to instantly complete the quest.


The Topaz Crystal is obtained after defeating Bal Sprite Bal, located in Khazad-dûm in the Magma Fields.

After defeating the boss, the Crystal will spawn nearby. Only players who contributed to the boss's elimination may claim it.

Other Crystals[]


The Ruby Crystal is obtained as a 0.002% drop from mining Ruby or as a reward from the Crystal Nucleus treasure stash. It has a chance of 0.82441590% to be rolled as a drop from the treasure stash.

It can also be found in a Glacite Mineshaft.


The Jasper Crystal is a 0.1% drop from killing Butterfly Sprite Butterflies in the Fairy Grotto. It can also be obtained by looting chests in the Fairy Grotto, with a 0.1% chance, or as a reward from the Crystal Nucleus treasure stash. It has a chance of 0.82441590% to be rolled as a drop from the treasure stash.

It can also be found in a Glacite Mineshaft.

Opal, Aquamarine, Onyx, Citrine and Peridot[]

Non-Nucleus Crystals can be found in Glacite Mineshafts. They have a 25% chance to appear in a mineshaft of a matching type. Only the person who found the mineshaft may claim the crystal. They can also rarely be obtained from Frozen Corpses that require keys.


  • The place where crystals spawn is surrounded by invisible barrier blocks, even if the crystal has not spawned.
  • If a player somehow tried to obtain a crystal before they are supposed to (glitching in the Jungle Temple, entering the Goblin Queen's Den during lag, glitching into Automaton Prime in the Lost Precursor City, etc.), they will receive the following chat message: "You haven't earned this Crystal! Come back when you have! >:-)".
  • All crystals have an unobtainable item form that can be seen in The Forge when forging Perfect Gemstones. Ruby CrystalAmber CrystalSapphire CrystalJade CrystalAmethyst CrystalTopaz CrystalJasper CrystalOpal CrystalOnyx CrystalCitrine CrystalAquamarine CrystalPeridot Crystal
    • The Jasper Crystal used to drop as an item, and it could be sold on the Auction House. Jasper Crystals obtained before the change can still be traded and auctioned.
  • The Jasper and Ruby Crystals in their item forms can be donated to the Museum.
  • Without good luck, the Jade Crystal and Sapphire Crystal seem to be the hardest to obtain.
    • Mole Pet Mole Pet heavily decreases the time it takes to obtain said crystals.


SkyBlock Prototype
July 14, 20210.12Jasper Crystal Ruby Crystal Jade Crystal Sapphire Crystal Amber Crystal Topaz Crystal Amethyst Crystal Added Gemstone Crystals.
July 27, 2021Jasper Crystal Jasper Crystals no longer drop as items.
Added message for obtaining Ruby Crystal Ruby Crystals and Jasper Crystal Jasper Crystals.
Sep 13, 2021Ruby Crystal Ruby Crystals and Jasper Crystal Jasper Crystals can now drop from Crystal Nucleus.
Apr 9, 20240.20Opal Crystal Onyx Crystal Citrine Crystal Aquamarine Crystal Peridot Crystal Added Opal, Onyx, Citrine, Aquamarine, Peridot Crystals.
Ruby Crystal Ruby Crystals and Jasper Crystal Jasper Crystals can now be found in Glacite Mineshafts.
Apr 24, 20240.20.1Mineshafts with Gemstone Crystals now have 25% chance of appearing, rather than 10%.