Hypixel SkyBlock Wiki
Ghost Icon

The Ghost icon

For the Mob in the Dwarven Mines, see Ghost.

Ghosts is a Dungeon mechanic. In Dungeons, instead of dying, players become Ghosts, where they are invisible except for a ghost icon that follows them and is visible to other players. Players also become Ghosts if they leave and return to the dungeon for any reason. In the Ghost state, players can fly freely, but not through walls. They are unable to normally interact with the world, except for killing Fairies in order to revive themselves, and through the use of their respective Ghost Abilities.

In Ghost form, players are unable to use the majority of the features in the SkyBlock Menu, or warp out of the Dungeon. Ghosts cannot attack Dungeon Mobs, with the exception of through their Ghost Abilities. For additional ghost abilities, players can get the Spirit Sword and Spirit Bow, both of which appear in the player's hotbar when the player is dead, if they had the items beforehand. These are usable as normal. They also gain the Haunt ability, which teleports them to an alive teammate. Ghosts are also able to view the Magical Map.

Ghost Abilities[]

Healing Potion: Throw a potion which heals all teammates in a 10 block radius for 10% of their max health and +100 ❤ Health

Revive: Revive yourself after 50 seconds.

Instant wall: Create a 5x3 wall at the block you are looking at which lasts for 10 seconds

Fireball: Shoots a fireball, dealing damage based on your Mage level!

Buff Potion: Throw a potion which temporarily gives all teammates in a 10 block radius +30 ❁ Strength

Ghost Axe: Throw an Axe, dealing damage based on your berserk level!

Healing Bow: Shoots an arrow healing teammates for 20.0% of their Max Health and granting 50 Strength for 5 seconds.

Stun Bow: Temporarily stuns any non-boss dungeon monster for a short period of time when shot.

Stun Potion: Throw a potion which temporarily stuns all monsters in a 10 block radius.

Absorption Potion: Throw a potion that gives all teammates in a 10 block radius 200.0 HP worth of absorption for 3 seconds

Ghost Toolbar[]

Death Toolbar (Healer)
HauntHealing PotionRevive SelfMagical Map

Death Toolbar (Mage)
HauntPop-up WallFireballMagical Map

Death Toolbar (Berserk)
HauntStrength PotionGhost AxeMagical Map

Death Toolbar (Archer)
HauntStun BowHealing BowMagical Map

Death Toolbar (Tank)
HauntStun PotionAbsorption Potion (Tank)Magical Map


Ghosts may be revived in the following ways:

  • Having a Revive Stone in their inventory prior to death.
  • Having a teammate use a Revive Stone.
  • Killing a Fairy in a Fairy Room.
  • Defeating the corresponding Wandering Soul in The Watcher boss fight.
  • By the Revive passive and Revive ghost ability of the Healer class.
  • Automatically after 15 seconds on Entrance, 45 seconds on Floor I, and 100 seconds on Floor II.


SkyBlock Prototype
Jan 15, 20210.11Ghost Icon Added Ghosts.