Hypixel SkyBlock Wiki
Hoppity's Hunt Hoppity's Hunt
Event Countdown
Main Network

Alpha Network
Dates and times based on browser time.

Hoppity's Hunt is an Event during which players are able to find and collect Chocolate Rabbit Eggs, as well as shop for Chocolate Rabbits at Hoppity Sprite Hoppity. The event takes place once a year starting on Early Spring 1st and lasting just under 3 months (in-game time)


Each time Hoppity Sprite Hoppity arrives, they sell up to 7 random Chocolate Rabbits. Their selection differs between players and is based on the level of Chocolate Factory the player has. Upgrading your Chocolate Factory while the event is active will not change Hoppity's available stock

Hoppity Sprite Hoppity is also able to sell duplicate Chocolate Rabbits. Purchasing these will give the player Chocolate based on the Rabbit's rarity and the player's current Chocolate Per Second.


Rarity Cost
COMMON 250,000 coins
UNCOMMON 500,000 coins
RARE 1,000,000 coins
EPIC 2,500,000 coins
LEGENDARY 5,000,000 coins

Chocolate Eggs[]

While the event is active, Chocolate Eggs will randomly spawn around the world. They will appear on every island, and are synced meaning it's impossible to get multiple rabbits from one spawn of eggs by going to other islands. They are announced in chat as they appear. Players can search manually or use an Egglocator Egglocator to locate them. Once found, they can be clicked to claim a random Chocolate Rabbit. Having a full Rabbit Barn or getting duplicate Rabbits will give the player Chocolate based on the rarity of the Rabbit and the player's current Chocolate per Second.

Rarity Base Amount
(seconds of production)
RARE 750
EPIC 1500
DIVINE 15000

In addition, each duplicate rabbit found gives +10% of the base amount, up to +100% at the 10th duplicate.

The formula is the following, where is inclusive of the rabbit that you just found. Therefore, your first duplicate will already grant a 10% bonus on top of the base amount.

Only 3 eggs can be active at once. When a new egg appears, the oldest existing one will disappear. Egg locations are consistent between servers and spawn at 7 AM, 2 PM, and 9 PM and are referred to as Breakfast, Lunch and Dinner respectively. Which can be translated to real time as XX:00:50, XX:20:50 or XX:40:50 for Chocolate Breakfast Egg, XX:06:40, XX:26:40 or XX:46:40 for Chocolate Lunch Egg and XX:12:30, XX:32:30 or XX:52:30 for Chocolate Dinner Egg. 9 eggs spawn every hour meaning in the event's duration a total of 279 eggs will spawn.



Alpha Hypixel Network
Apr 9, 20240.20Added Hoppity's Hunt.
SkyBlock Prototype
Apr 24, 20240.20.1Added Hoppity's Hunt.
Apr 28, 2024First Hoppity's Hunt happens and Chocolate Factory becomes available.