Hypixel SkyBlock Wiki
This page documents a Wiki Policy
These policies should be accepted by the community. Changes should reflect consensus or be approved by the Staff Team.
To dispute a policy, please discuss on the talk page or contact the Staff Team.
< Project:Policies
< Project:Style Manual
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A wiki page is a stream of text that is elegantly organized.
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Welcome! If you are looking to create or edit a wiki page, we strongly recommend you to refer to this guideline. This guideline will go through the standard page layouts and common practices.

Consistent formatting is beneficial for both writers/editors and readers. For readers, they will know where to look for specific information they need. For editors, they will be able to better structure their pages and the content within the pages.

General Rules

We strongly recommend reading Project:Style Manual to get an understanding of most general rules on wordings and wiki content.

Page Creation

Before creating a page, make sure there is not a duplicate with a similar name. For example, before creating the page "Notch Apple", make sure that the page "Enchanted Golden Apple" does not already exist.


Page names should use the singular form of the word, and use title case. For example, "Oak Wood Planks" or "Aspect of the Jerry".

Standard Article Layout

Standard Article Layout (SAL) is the pre-defined section layouts that every editors should follow. We stress that the section placements should remain flexible, where we allow adding other section and changing section layouts to fit the actual page. But then, please follow the general layout to keep consistency.

A gross view of all article parts:

  • Pre-article Items (Hatnotes, Message Boxes, Infobox)
  • Introductory Paragraph
  • Article Sections
    • Major Sections
    • Supplimentary Sections
  • Post-article Items (Navboxes, Categories)

Pre-Article Items

Before the article, the following should be added to the page if necessary:

Introductory Paragraph

A description of what the item or concept is, a basic summary of the article subject. Usually no longer than 5 sentences. The first instance, and only the first instance, of the article's title or subject should be in bold. Eg: The Oak Wood Plank is a Vanilla block that is commonly used in crafting recipes.

The description should contain:

  • Links to other items mentioned
  • A short explanation of what it does
  • For collection pages: State the Collection and level. {{CollectionLink}} template should be used. Format: The Enchanted Diamond recipe can be unlocked in the Diamond V collection.
  • If applicable, the subject's pronunciation and/or plural form. Eg: "The Voidgloom Seraph (/ˈsɛrəf/, "the burning one"; plural Seraphim /ˈsɛrəfɪm/) ...
  • If applicable, a quote about the item at the top.
  • Capitalization of any wiki specific items (When linking pages, the link IS case sensitive. Following this format makes it much easier to do so.)


Article Sections

Main sections of the page opens with the H2 header == Section Title ==. Major Sections are usually page-type specific, while Supplimentary Sections are usually common across page types.


The Section Description section is not maintained and is not sustainable, thus removed from this page currently.

Post-article Items

These can be placed after the article if necessary:

Model Page Layouts

These are a reference to layouts for each page type. This serves as a lookup guidance to editing or maintaining pages.

Custom sections can be added to suit the need for any specific page. Our rules are made to be flexible.


The Layout Overview Table is not maintained and is not sustainable, thus removed from this page currently. We attempt to replace it with Model Page List.

Model Page List
Page Type Model Page(s) Remarks
Sword/Bow/Fishing Rod
Location Wilderness
v2: Special:Diff/413896
v1: Special:Diff/393143
Drill Mithril Drill SX-R226 v2: Special:Diff/434519
v1: Special:Diff/419421
Stat True Defense v3: Special:Diff/419695 (Newest version)
v2: Special:Diff/418489 (Modern #Increasing section)
v1: Special:Diff/405737 (Original style)
Game Mechanic


Keep the number of model pages low (1-3) for the ease of learning. For multiple model pages, each of them should have something unique to show to the editor.

Other Formatting Rules

The following section covers other miscellaneous formatting guidelines.

Grammar Rules

Although there are people from across the world viewing and editing this wiki, it is useful to default to one set of grammar rules. The Hypixel SkyBlock wiki defaults to USA grammar.

Here is a list of useful grammar and style rules:

  • Articles should not be written from a first- or second-person perspective.
    • eg: "You can access collections" should be phrased as "Collections can be accessed" (preferred) or "The player can access collections".
  • Avoid using unnecessary adverbs such as "Note that...", "Strangely...", "Bizarrely..." when writing.
  • Punctuation marks should ALWAYS go outside of Parentheses (or brackets).
  • Punctuation marks should ALWAYS go outside of Quotation Marks unless there is more than one sentence in between them. (For example: "But I don't want to follow these rules! It just isn't fair". said Bobby)
  • American spelling should be used in favor of British spelling (eg: "color" instead of "colour")
  • Do not start sentences with conjunctions (And, But, etc.).
  • Use pronouns as much as possible to avoid repetition, as long as it does not lead to ambiguity.
  • Always use oxford commas. For example, write "I have a Pumpkin, Melon, and a Carrot" instead of "I have a Pumpkin, Melon and a Carrot". It is not always necessary, but it helps prevent unintentional grammar mistakes when it is.


  • Capitalize all important letters in headings and wiki specific items. For example, capitalize "Apple" so that links are easier to make.
  • Try to have the same heading titles in each page, so that readers know what to expect.
  • Avoid linking to a wiki article repeatedly. For example, don't have "Apple" twice in the page.
  • Please use non-biased language in all articles. People come to this wiki for facts. If you would like to put a suggestion, do so in the linked Tutorials page.
  • Sometimes there are required sections that aren't listed here. Feel free to add them, but try to stick to convention as much as possible.


  • Use the item's EXACT in-game name. For example, use Ender Chest instead of Enderchest, and End Stone instead of Endstone.
  • Common mistakes with words:
    • "Minable" should be written instead of "Mine-able".
    • "Collection" should be capitalized when referring to Collections in-game.
  • Do not put periods in headings.

Page-Specific Layout Rules

More detailed page-specific layout rules for some page types can be found on:

Thank you for taking the time to read through this article! It really helps keep the wiki more organized when people follow this page structure.
