Magical Power is a mechanic that boosts the Stats of Accessory Powers.
Each Accessory the player has in their Accessory Bag gives an amount of Magical Power based on its Rarity. The amount of Magical Power the player has determines the player's Accessory Power multiplier, which is calculated with this formula: . The Stats given by the player's Accessory Power are multiplied by this multiplier.
Dungeon Accessories give double Magical Power inside Dungeons.
Accessory | Magical Power |
COMMON | 3 |
RARE | 8 |
EPIC | 12 |
MYTHIC | 22 |
For each Magical Power the player has, they earn 1 SkyBlock XP.
calcpage = Calculator:Magical power template = Template:Calculator/Magical_power calcname = Magical Power Calculator form = magicalPowerCalcForm result = inner param = common|Commons|0|int|0-999999 param = uncommon|Uncommons|0|int|0-999999 param = rare|Rares|0|int|0-999999 param = epic|Epics|0|int|0-999999 param = legendary|Legendaries|0|int|0-999999 param = mythic|Mythics|0|int|0-999999 param = special|Specials|0|int|0-999999 param = very_special|Very Specials|0|int|0-999999
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- There are, as of SkyBlock 0.20.5, 121 Accessories in the game (excluding their own upgrades) and the maximum Magical Power is 1,709 and another 138 from Dungeon Accessories, adding up to 1,847 in Dungeons.
- The only Accessories that give more Magical Power than normal are the Hegemony Artifact, which gives double Magical Power, and the Abicases, which grant 1 extra Magical Power for every 2 contacts the player has.
Alpha Hypixel Network | ||
Apr 15, 2022 | Added Magical Power. | |
SkyBlock Prototype | ||
Apr 20, 2022 | 0.13 | Added Magical Power. |