Hypixel SkyBlock Wiki
No edit summary
No edit summary
Line 782: Line 782:
margin: 0 0.3em;
margin: 0 0.3em;
color: white;
color: white;
/* Extra styling for userboxes */
.article-userbox {
width: 240px;
border: 1px solid #da6565;

Revision as of 07:19, 25 June 2021

 * The is the root LESS file for [[MediaWiki:Common.css]].
 * To update [[MediaWiki:Common.css]] from this file:
 * - For Oasis users: Click the "Update CSS" button at the top of the page
 * - For Monobook users: Click the "Update CSS" link in your toolbox
 * For more information, see <http://dev.wikia.com/wiki/Less>
 * --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
 * LESS standard library: <http://lesscss.org/functions/>
 * Non-standard mixins:   <http://dev.wikia.com/wiki/Less/mixins>
 * Available themedesigner values:
 * - @theme-body    -> body background colour
 * - @theme-buttons -> button colour
 * - @theme-header  -> collapsible footer bar colour
 * - @theme-links   -> link colour
 * - @theme-page    -> article content background

/* Normal CSS import */
/* @import "/load.php?mode=articles&articles=u:dev:MediaWiki:Highlight.css&only=styles"; */
@import "https://dev.fandom.com/wiki/MediaWiki:Highlight.css?action=raw&ctype=text/css";
@import "https://dev.fandom.com/wiki/MediaWiki:InterlanguageFlags.css?action=raw&ctype=text/css";

/* directory, used in imports */
@dir: 'MediaWiki:Custom-common.less';

/* template styling */
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@import '@{dir}/inventory.less';
@import '@{dir}/minecraft.less';

/* page specific styling */
@import '@{dir}/mainpage.less';

/* Code Editor Styling */
@import '@{dir}/AceEditor.less';
@import "@{dir}/CodeHighlight.less";

/* Old Wikia Menu Button */
@import "@{dir}/WikiaMenuButton.less";

/* Custom Fonts */
@import "@{dir}/fonts.less";

/* Staff Colors (Updated via a script at [[MediaWiki:Gadget-StaffColorsUpdater.js]] */
@import "@{dir}/staff-colors.less";

/* Used by Module:Minimap */
@import "@{dir}/minimap.less";

/* General CSS - only simple css that effects multiple type of article pages should go here */

/***** CSS placed here will be applied to all skins on the entire site. *****/
.mw-headline {  /*  Style all headings (h2, h3, etc) */
    font-family: Copperplate, Copperplate Gothic Light, Impact, Charcoal, sans-serif;

.mw-parser-output li:not([class]), 
.WikiaArticle li:not([class]) {
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/* Holiday Guy in userboxes (disabled) */
/* #userProfileApp .user-identity-box__wrapper {
    position: relative;
    background: url(https://static.wikia.nocookie.net/hypixel-skyblock/images/1/1f/Holiday_Guy.png/revision/latest/scale-to-width-down/175?cb=20201210211322) bottom right no-repeat;
} */

#userProfileApp .user-identity-bio {
    margin-right: 10em;

/* Fix link icons */
a[href*=".wikia.org"].external:after {
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table[align="center"] {
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abbr[title] { text-decoration: underline dotted; }
.oddrow tr:nth-of-type(odd)>td, tr.oddrow td { background:rgba(0,0,0,0.2); } /* Darkens every other row */
/* .center is used by fandom, and makes element used on also have a width of 100% */
.ct, .centertext, .centertxt { 
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.code, code.dark {
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wikitable.lowpadding th,
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.WikiaArticle dl {
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.navbox .hlist * {
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.cm-mw-skipformatting {
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ul.lowmargin {
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/* Makes the infobox top navigation wrap onto multiple lines, since badly designed scrolling behavior is crap on desktop */
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.oo-ui-buttonElement-button {
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/* Removing the white-ish background from various elemnts */
.AdminDashboard .admin-dashboard-content .control-section,
.CategorySelect.articlePage {
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.WikiaMainContent pre:not([class]),
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.AdminDashboardTabs .tab:hover {
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/* General hide class to be used as necessary (pair to .mobile-hide) */
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/* Table Highligting */
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/* Fix Collapsed table headers */
table.mw-made-collapsible:not(.mw-collapsed) > thead > tr {
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/* Article-table CSS */
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/* Wikitable CSS */
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/* Heading CSS */
#WikiaMainContent *:not(.toctitle) > h2:not([class]):not(#mw-previewheader) {
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/* Adds wikipedia Template:Ambox type style to a table/div */
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/* Enables H2 and H3 headers Tabber */
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.wikitable td, .article-table td { overflow: hidden; position:relative; }
.blankCell {
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    color: transparent; /* We only want to show what is in ::after, but still want an actual character in the template so the character is selectable */

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.blankCell::after {
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/* Prevent infobox images being to tall */
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    width: auto;

/* https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Template:Plainlist */
.plainlist ul, .pi-europa .pi-data-value .plainlist ul {
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pre .dark {
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hr .tan-line {
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#re-mirror-sandbox:hover {
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/* {{SkyDateCountdownWidget}} */
.skydate-countdown-active { color:green; }

/*Used by JS calculators*/
.jcConfig { display:none; }

Page Specific
/* Abuse Filter DIFF css */
table.mw-abuselog-details {
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table.mw-abuselog-details th {
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td.diff-deletedline {
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.diffchange {
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.diff-addedline {
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/* Block list CSS */
.TablePager_col_ipb_params > ul > li:not(:last-child)::after {
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.TablePager_col_ipb_params > ul {
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.TablePager_col_ipb_reason::before {
    content: "("

.TablePager_col_ipb_reason::after {
    content: ")"

/* Other */
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#userProfileApp .user-identity-header__tag {
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/* Tabbers */
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@theme-header: #cc9933;

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.sbw-ui-tabber [class^="invslot goto-"], .sbw-ui-tabber [class^="invslot animated goto-"],
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/* Username Styling {{StaffRole}} */
   /*  Bureaucrats */
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    font-weight: bold;

   /*  Admins */
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  /* Code Editors */
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     color: #5874f3 !important;
     text-shadow: 0 0 3px #5265ba !important;

   /*  Content moderators */
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    color: #7FFFD4 !important;
    text-shadow: 0 0 3px #397561 !important;

   /*  Discussion moderators */
  .user-link-dmod {
    font-weight: bold;
    color: #1f9921;
    text-shadow: 0 0 3px #648264;

  /* Rollbackers */
  .user-link-rollback {
    font-weight: bold;
    color: #ff992b !important;
    text-shadow: 0 0 4px #a36726 !important;

   /*  Bots */
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    color: darkgray !important;
    text-shadow: 0 0 3px gray !important;

/* Rarity/Tier Styling */

.tier-rare {
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/* Highlight table */
/* Mediawiki:Highlight.js */

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.lighttable tr.highlight-on {
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.lighttable tr.highlight-on a {
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.highlight-over .tier-rare, highlight-on .tier-rare {
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/* Styling for minecraft style tooltip */
/* Taken from minecraft.gamepedia.com */

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 border:0.125em solid #100010;
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#minetip-tooltip > .description,
#minetip-tooltip > .minetip-description {

/* Element Animator - used in conjunction with JS to cycle through multiple items */
/* Taken from minecraft.gamepedia.com */

#mw-content-text .animated > *:not(.animated-active),
#mw-content-text .animated > .animated-subframe > *:not(.animated-active) {
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#mw-content-text span.animated,
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#mw-content-text div.animated.animated-visible > *,
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	display: block;

/* {{Template:ArmorStats}} */
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.armorstats2x2 th {
  min-width: 184px;
.armorstats2x2 .as2x2-icon {
  padding: 0 3px;
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/* Infobox tweaks */

.portable-infobox .pi-item[data-item-name="infobox-stats-list"] .pi-data-label {
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.portable-infobox .pi-item[data-item-name="infobox-stats-list"] .pi-item {
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.portable-infobox .pi-item[data-item-name="infobox-stats-list"] .pi-item:first-of-type {
  padding-top: 14px;
.portable-infobox .pi-item[data-item-name="infobox-stats-list"] .pi-item:last-of-type {
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/* Other */
:focus {
    outline: unset;

.mwe-math-fallback-image-inline {
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/* Less modal */
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#less-title {
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#less-content a:hover {
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/* Article Scrollbar Tweaks */
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.article-scrollable::-webkit-scrollbar-thumb {
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.article-scrollable::-webkit-scrollbar-thumb:hover {
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/* Article Scrollbar Tweaks (Firefox) */
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/* Disables text highlighting on browsers */
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/* Style normal text like Latex text (<math> tag) */
.math-text {
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	font-size: 1.2em;
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/* Extra styling for userboxes */
.article-userbox {
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    border: 1px solid #da6565;