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The Mirrorverse is a location in the Rift Dimension.


The Mirrorverse features many attractions. The player must have secured the Supreme Timecharm Supreme Timecharm and have at least 3:30 ϕ Rift Time remaining in order to access the location. While inside the Mirrorverse, the player's ϕ Rift Time is frozen. A full guide can be found here.

First Puzzle[]

The first room requires the player to make all the levers match their state in the mirror. The player's side of the floor is blank. In the mirror's reflection are four levers, flipped in different directions. The player must flip all the levers on their side to face upwards, opening the Iron Door Iron Door that leads to the second puzzle.

By talking with Dr. Emmett in this room, you can fast travel to any Puzzle that has been previously completed, including the reward room.

Second Puzzle[]

The second room requires the player to follow a path to cross the floor. The player's side of the floor is blank. In the mirror's reflection is lava, with a winding path of Block of Iron Iron Blocks. The player must follow the path without stepping into lava. If the player steps onto lava, it will send the player back to the beginning.

Third Puzzle[]

The third room requires the player to craft a remmaH yniT remmaH yniT. The player's side of the room is blank. In the mirror's reflection there is a Crafting Table Crafting Table located in front of the mirror and multiple mobs scattered across the floor. The player must kill the mobs based on their mirrored location in order to obtain the drops needed to craft multiple items.

Baby zombies will drop knalP dooW kaO, cave spiders drop gnirtS and slimes will drop llabemilS. All the drops can be crafted into items, which can then be crafted into a remmaH yniT.

Fourth Puzzle[]

The fourth room requires the player to cross a room using parkour. The player's side of the room is filled with wooden platforms, with lava underneath. In the mirror's reflection there is only a selection of platforms, consisting of those that are safe for the player to stand on to cross the room. Stepping on an incorrect platform will cause it to collapse, dropping the player into the lava. If the player comes in contact with lava, they will be sent back to the beginning with the following message:


Hard Mode[]

At the beginning of the puzzle there is a wooden button on the wall, which when toggeld, will turn on hard mode. During hard mode, the player will not be launched up in the air if they touch Lava, and standing on a correct platform for too long will cause it to collapse. As a reward for completing the entire puzzle on hard mode, however, the player will be allowed to open the chest at the end, which contains a Test Bucket Please Ignore Test Bucket Please Ignore.

Fifth Puzzle[]

The fifth room consists of four rooms which requires the player to open an Iron Door Iron Door at the end of each room. On either side of the room is a mirror. The player can click on either to switch to that one, and freezes the previous one. The last room is completely optional, and when entered will trigger the following message:

AYAYAY! Does your brain hurt?
Fortunately, this room is 100% optional!
Click the button at the end of the room to skip it!

Deciding to complete the last room will unlock the chest, which contains a Big Brain Talisman Big Brain Talisman.

Sixth Puzzle[]

The sixth room, one of the most ping dependant rooms, requires the player to move from block to block that appears in a square formation on the ground. A set order will appear on-screen, and the player must obey it or else the puzzle starts again. Orders that appear involve the following, as well as combinations of them:

  • Move!
  • Sneak!
  • Stand!
  • Jump!
  • Don't jump!
  • Punch!
Cycle Blue Red Pink Green
1 Move! Move! Move! Move!
2 Sneak! Stand! Sneak! Stand!
3 Sneak! Stand! Sneak! Stand!
4 Sneak! and Jump! Stand! and Jump! Sneak! and Don't jump! Stand! and Don't jump!
5 Sneak! and Jump! Stand! and Jump! Sneak! and Don't jump! Stand! and Don't jump!
6 Sneak! and Jump! Stand! and Jump! Sneak! and Don't jump! Stand! and Don't jump!
7 Sneak! and Jump! Stand! and Jump! Sneak! and Don't jump! Stand! and Don't jump!
8 Sneak! and Jump! Stand! and Jump! Sneak! and Don't jump! Stand! and Don't jump!
9 Sneak! and Jump! and Punch! Stand! and Jump! and Punch! Sneak! and Don't jump! and Punch! Stand! and Don't jump! and Punch!
10 Sneak! and Jump! and Punch! Stand! and Jump! and Punch! Sneak! and Don't jump! and Punch! Stand! and Don't jump! and Punch!
11 Sneak! and Jump! and Punch! Stand! and Jump! and Punch! Sneak! and Don't jump! and Punch! Stand! and Don't jump! and Punch!
12 Sneak! and Jump! and Punch! Stand! and Jump! and Punch! Sneak! and Don't jump! and Punch! Stand! and Don't jump! and Punch!

After a while of following the dance, a hole will appear in the center of the room, leading to the seventh puzzle, and a message will appear in chat, saying:

You completed the dance!
Keep going to earn the Tiny Dancer talisman!

Full Dance[]

The player can decide to stop dancing, jump into the hole that has appeared and continue with Mirrorverse or continue dancing to receive the Tiny Dancer. Continuing for enough time will grant the player the Tiny Dancer Tiny Dancer accessory, and the following message will appear:

You completed the full dance! Amazing!

Seventh Puzzle[]

The seventh room requires the player to complete a vertical parkour course. The player's side of the room is blank. In the mirror's reflection there is a selection of Oak Wood Plank Oak Wood Planks, consisting of those that are safe for the player to stand on.

At the beginning of the parkour the player is advised to claim an Emmett Pointer Emmett Pointer from Dr. Emmett. This can be used to greatly aid the player in completing the parkour. Aiming the Pointer at a block in the mirror will shoot a green laser through the mirror into the player's side, highlighting the invisible blocks.

There are 3 mirrors, each on a different wall, and reaching each one indicates a checkpoint. Once the player reaches a checkpoint, they can teleport to it whenever they want by using the levers on the ground. Completing the full puzzle without using checkpoints will allow the player to open the chest at the end of the parkour, which contains a Miniaturized Tubulator Miniaturized Tubulator.

Eighth Room[]

There is no puzzle in the eighth room, instead just Dr. Emmett, who will congratulate the player on completing the Mirrorverse. The player can claim 60,000 Motes once and can purchase the mrahcemiT esrevrorriM mrahcemiT esrevrorriM, etalptsehC norI etalptsehC norI and Enchanted Book Bundle Reflection I Enchanted Book Bundles at a cost.

Mirrorverse Rewards
Motes RewardmrahcemiT esrevrorriMetalptsehC norIEnchanted Book Bundle


Alpha Hypixel Network
May 4, 2023Added Mirrorverse.
SkyBlock Prototype
Unknown DateChanged MrahcemiT esrevrorriM Shadow Crux price to 10.
Apr 13, 2022Leaked Mirrorverse.
June 20, 20230.19Added Mirrorverse.