Hypixel SkyBlock Wiki

Module:Pet/Data is a storage module used by Module:Pet.

Data Structure Description[]

Every pet should contain a <rarities> field. It should be a string of text containing first letters of each rarity of the pet. Not case sensitive. Letters can be separated with anything. Do not use %, it gets added afterwards.

If a pet comes in only EPIC and LEGENDARY rarities:
rarities = 'E-L'

If a pet has stats, this field should be used. Each stat can come in two forms:

  • Leveling stat (one that increases every level)
  • Base stat (one that does not change, leveling stat gets added to it)

Its structure looks like this:

stats = {
	stat1 = {per_lvl1, base1},
	stat2 = {per_lvl2, base2},
	stat3 = ...,

stat should be replaced with proper stat code (every stat is supported, see {{Statname}} for further reference), while per_lvl and base should be replaced with a numeric value (not string!). base value is not required, and can be deleted if not used.

For a pet with base strength of 10 and max strength of 60 (which comes to 0.5 strength per level)
stats = {
	str = {0.5, 10},

Abilities field contains a table with the pet abilities. That table contains other fields described below.

Name field is a table containing names of abilities. The layout is following:

abilities = {
	name = {
		[1] = 'Example',
		[2] = 'Example 2',
		[3] = 'Example 3',

Note that the [n] entry records for the n-th ability.

Strings are all required and case sensitive. If a pet has number of abilities different than 3, just add or remove a line.

Description field is a table containing main descriptions of abilities. The layout is following:

abilities = {
	desc = {
		[1] = 'Example',
		[2] = 'Example 2',
		[3] = 'Example 3',

Note that the [n] entry records for the n-th ability.

Strings are all required and case sensitive. If a pet has number of abilities different than 3, just add or remove a line.

Inserting variables
A line of tooltip may contain variables that change every level (some may be rounded). Place where they should be located are marked using {n}, where n can be from 0 to 99. It is recommended to start your variables at {0}, then {1}, {2} and so on. Variable indexes are shared throughout the whole pet, so if a number is used, please use the next available number. See Variables tab for the method of setting their values.
Inserting stat names
Some ability descriptions may contain some uses of {{Statname}}. Those can be marked with STAT_ALIAS or STATs_ALIAS (for short stats) where ALIAS is the proper alias for each stat (every stat is supported, see {{Statname}} for further reference). Must be uppercase.
Inserting colors
Some abilities may contain colored text. This can be formatted using tags similar to HTML/XML tags, but uppercase. Example: <GREEN>...</GREEN> (... can be replaced with anything). Every color is supported. Must be uppercase.
Inserting coins
A few abilities may contain the {{Coins}} template. It can be inserted by typing COINS in the description. Must be uppercase.

Tooltips field is similar to Description field - it is a table containing tooltip lines for abilities. The layout is as follows:

abilities = {
	tooltips = {
		[1] = 'Example',
		[2] = 'Example 2',
		[3] = 'Example 3',

Note that the [n] entry records for the n-th ability.

It is recommended to copy relevant ability strings from the tooltip output of wikitools, then insert variables if needed. If a pet has number of abilities different than 3, just add or remove a line.

Inserting variables
A line of tooltip may contain variables that change every level (some may be rounded). Place where they should be located are marked using {n}, where n can be from 0 to 99. It is recommended to start your variables at {0}, then {1}, {2} and so on. Variable indexes are shared throughout the whole pet, so if a number is used, please use the next available number. See Variables tab for the method of setting their values.

Bonus Description field is a table containing bonus description (the one in the bottom cell of the table). Each field should only be used if the ability description contains a variable. The layout is following:

abilities = {
	bonus_desc = {
		[1] = 'Example',
		[2] = 'Example 2',
		[3] = 'Example 3',

Note that the [n] entry records for the n-th ability.

Strings are all required and case sensitive. If a pet has number of abilities different than 3, just add or remove a line.

If an ability description doesn't contain a variable, set the proper value to nil (not "nil"!) to avoid confusion when editing (to mark that the field should be empty and is not accidentally deleted). After this, the bonus description will be set to the default one (no leveling bonus)

The variables field adds data for each rarity of the pet. The layout for variables on one rarity (COMMON in this example) is as follows:

variables = {
	common = {
		rarity-based variable fields
		[0] = {
			ability variable info

Rarity-based Variables[]

rarity-based variable fields should be replaced with the following fields (if any):
Note: One of ability_count or ability_indices must exist.

Field Value type Default Description
ability_count int The number of abilities available to a pet of that rarity, counting from ability 1.
ability_indices int A list of ability indices for that rarity. See Flying Fish pet as an example.
petname string <The base pet name> The pet name to override for that rarity. See Wisp pet as an example.
stat table the default stat table for that pet The pet stat to override for that rarity.

Ability Variables[]

Each indexed variable field [n] is used to replace a variable within ability variable info should have the following fields:

Field Value type Default Description
per_lvl number Required! Value that the variable gets increased every level.
base number 0 Base value. per_lvl value gets added to it.
color string Required! The color of the variable. Can be any one of the color templates name. Case matters!
suffix string nil Character that gets added after the number. Most common value is '%%',, which translates to %. This is because Lua thinks the % sign is an escape character, and thus doesn't let you use it without anything else in there.
round_to_full boolean false Whether or not the value should be rounded (down) to full number.
is_roman boolean false Whether or not the value inserted is roman. If this field is set to true, per_lvl field can be a string.
Abilities with no variables
Then you don't need any indexed values for your ability table.
Rarity doesn't exist
If a certain rarity doesn't exist, remove it completely from the variables table.

Quick Copy[]

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['xxx'] = {
		rarities = 'C-U-R-E-L',   -- first letters of each rarity, dashes used only for readability purposes
		petType = 'xxx',
		stats = {
			str = xxx,
		abilities = {
			name = {
				[1] = 'xxx',
				[2] = 'xxx',
				[3] = 'xxx',
			desc = {
				-- the describtion of abilities used in the two top cells
				[1] = 'xxx',
				[2] = 'xxx',
				[3] = 'xxx',
			tooltip = {
				-- the description of abilities used in the tooltip 
				[1] = 'xxx',
				[2] = 'xxx',
				[3] = 'xxx',
			bonus_desc = {
				-- the describtion of abilities used in the bottom cell
				[1] = 'xxx',
				[2] = 'xxx',
				[3] = 'xxx',
		variables = {
			common = {
				ability_count = x,
				[0] = {
					per_lvl = xxx,
					color = 'Green',
					suffix = '%%',
			uncommon = {
				ability_count = x,
				[0] = {
					per_lvl = xxx,
					color = 'Green',
					suffix = '%%',
			rare = {
				ability_count = x,
				[0] = {
					per_lvl = xxx,
					color = 'Green',
					suffix = '%%',
				[1] = {
					per_lvl = xxx,
					color = 'Green',
					suffix = '%%',
			epic = {
				ability_count = x,
				[0] = {
					per_lvl = xxx,
					color = 'Green',
					suffix = '%%',
				[1] = {
					per_lvl = xxx,
					color = 'Green',
					suffix = '%%',
			legendary = {
				ability_count = x,
				[0] = {
					per_lvl = xxx,
					color = 'Green',
					suffix = '%%',
				[1] = {
					per_lvl = xxx,
					color = 'Green',
					suffix = '%%',

Module Code

return {
	-- sorted alphabetically
	['Ankylosaurus'] = {
		rarities = { 'L' },
		petType = 'Combat Pet',
		stats = {
			hp = {1.5},
			def = {0.5},
			td = {0.15},
		abilities = {
			name = {
				[1] = 'Armored Tank',
				[2] = 'Unyielding',
				[3] = 'Clubbed Tail',
			desc = {
				-- the describtion of abilities used in the two top cells
				[1] = 'Gain {0} of your STAT_DEF as STAT_STR.',
				[2] = 'Increase the effectiveness of {{UltimateEnchantmentsLink|Last Stand}} and {{AttributeLink|Lifeline}} by {1}.',
				[3] = 'Every 5th hit deals {2} of your final damage to enemies within 5 blocks. Enemies hit deal 10% less damage for 10s.',
			tooltip = {
				-- the description of abilities used in the tooltip 
				[1] = '&7Gain &a{0}% &7of your &a❈ Defense &7as &c❁/&cStrength&7.',
				[2] = '&7Increase the effectiveness of &d&lLast/&d&lStand &7and &cLifeline &7by &a{1}%&7.',
				[3] = '&7Every 5th hit deals &a{2}% &7of your/&7final damage to enemies within 5/&7blocks. Enemies hit deal 10% less/&7damage for 10s.',
			bonus_desc = {
				-- the describtion of abilities used in the bottom cell
				[1] = '+{0} more STAT_DEF per level',
				[2] = '+{1} higher effectiveness per level',
				[3] = '+{2} more damage per level',
		variables = {
			legendary = {
				ability_count = 3,
				[0] = {
					per_lvl =  0.15,
					color = 'Green',
					suffix = '%%',
				[1] = {
					per_lvl = 0.5,
					color = 'Green',
					suffix = '%%',
				[2] = {
					per_lvl = 0.5,
					color = 'Green',
					suffix = '%%',
	['Ammonite'] = {
		rarities = { 'L' },
		petType = 'Fishing Pet',
		stats = {
			scc = {0.05, 0},
		abilities = {
			name = {
				[1] = 'Heart of the Sea',
				[2] = 'Expert Cave Fisher',
				[3] = 'Gift of the Ammonite',
			desc = {
				-- the description of abilities used in the two top cells
				[1] = 'Grants <DARK_AQUA>+</DARK_AQUA>{0}STAT_SCC to your pet for each <DARK_PURPLE>Heart of the Mountain</DARK_PURPLE> level.',
				[2] = 'The fishing speed reduction from being underground is attenuated by {1}.',
				[3] = 'Each Mining and Fishing level grants <AQUA>+</AQUA>{2}STAT_FS, <WHITE>+</WHITE>{3}STAT_SPD and <GREEN>+</GREEN>{4}STAT_DEF.',
			tooltip = {
				-- the description of abilities used in the tooltip
				[1] = '&7Grants &3+{0}α Sea Creature/&3Chance &7to your pet for each/&5Heart of the Mountain &7level.',
				[2] = '&7The fishing speed reduction/&7from being underground is/&7attenuated by &a{1}%&7.',
				[3] = '&7Each Mining and Fishing level/&7grants &b+{2}☂ Fishing Speed&7,/&7&f+{3}✦ Speed &7and &a+{4}❈/&aDefense&7./',
			bonus_desc = {
				-- the description of abilities used in the bottom cell.
				[1] = '+{0} STAT_SCC per level',
				[2] = '+{1} attenuated fishing speed reduction per level',
				[3] = '+{3} STAT_FS, STAT_SPD, and STAT_DEF per level',
		variables = {
			legendary = {
				ability_count = 3,
				[0] = {
					base = 0,
					per_lvl = 0.01,
					color = 'Turquoise',
				[1] = {
					base = 0,
					per_lvl = 1,
					color = 'Green',
					suffix = '%%',
				[2] = {
					base = 0,
					per_lvl = 0.005,
					color = 'Aqua',
				[3] = {
					base = 0,
					per_lvl = 0.02,
					color = 'White',
				[4] = {
					base = 0,
					per_lvl = 0.02,
					color = 'Green',
	['Armadillo'] = {
		rarities = { 'C', 'U', 'R', 'E', 'L' },
		petType = 'Mining Mount',
		stats = {
			def = {2},
		abilities = {
			name = {
				[1] = 'Ridable',
				[2] = 'Tunneller',
				[3] = 'Earth Surfer',
				[4] = 'Rolling Miner',
				[5] = 'Mobile Tank',
			desc = {
				-- the description of abilities used in the two top cells
				[1] = 'Right-click your summoned pet to ride it!',
				[2] = 'The Armadillo breaks all stone or ore in its path while you are riding it in the Crystal Hollows.',
				[3] = 'The Armadillo moves faster based on your Speed.',
				[4] = 'Every {0} seconds, the next gemstone you mine gives 2x drops.',
				[5] = 'For every {1} STAT_DEF gain +1 STAT_SPD and +1 Mining Speed.',
			tooltip = {
				-- the description of abilities used in the tooltip
				[1] = '&7Right-click your summoned pet/&7to ride it!',
				[2] = '&7The Armadillo breaks all stone/&7or ore in it\'s path while you/&7are riding it in the &3Crystal/&3Hollows&7.',
				[3] = '&7The Armadillo moves faster/&7based on your &fSpeed&7.',
				[4] = '&7Every &a{0} &7seconds, the next/&7gemstone you mine gives 2x/&7drops.',
				[5] = '&7For every &a{1} &7Defense, gain/&7&f+1✦ Speed &7and &6+1⸕ Mining/&6Speed.',
			bonus_desc = {
				-- the description of abilities used in the bottom cell.
				[1] = nil,
				[2] = nil,
				[3] = nil,
				[4] = '+{0} seconds per level',
				[5] = '+{1} more STAT_DEF per level',
		variables = {
			common = {
				ability_count = 3,
			uncommon = {
				ability_count = 3,
			rare = {
				ability_count = 4,
				[0] = {
					base = 60,
					per_lvl = -0.2,
					color = 'Green',
			epic = {
				ability_count = 4,
				[0] = {
					base = 60,
					per_lvl = -0.3,
					color = 'Green',
			legendary = {
				ability_count = 5,
				[0] = {
					base = 60,
					per_lvl = -0.3,
					color = 'Green',
				[1] = {
					base = 100,
					per_lvl = -0.5,
					color = 'Green',
	['Baby Yeti'] = {
		rarities = { 'E', 'L' },
		petType = 'Fishing Pet',
		stats = {
			str = {0.4},
			int = {0.75},
		abilities = {
			name = {
				[1] = 'Cold Breeze',
				[2] = 'Ice Shields',
				[3] = 'Yeti Fury',
			desc = {
				-- the description of abilities used in the two top cells
				[1] = 'Gives {0} STAT_STR and STAT_CD when near snow',
				[2] = 'Gain {1}% of your strength as STAT_DEF',
				[3] = 'Buff the [[Yeti Sword]] by {2} STAT_DMG and STAT_INT',
			tooltip = {
				-- the description of abilities used in the tooltip
				[1] = '&7Gives &a{0} &c❁ Strength &7and/&7&9☠ Crit Damage &7when near snow.',
				[2] = '&7Gain &a{1}% &7of your strength/&7as &a❈ Defense.',
				[3] = '&7Buff the Yeti sword by &a{2}/&a&7&c❁ Damage &7and &b✎/&bIntelligence.',
			bonus_desc = {
				-- the description of abilities used in the bottom cell.
				[1] = '+{0} more STAT_STR and STAT_CD per level',
				[2] = '+{1}% more STAT_STR per level',
				[3] = '+{2} more STAT_DMG and STAT_INT per level',
		variables = {
			epic = {
				ability_count = 2,
				[0] = {
					per_lvl = 0.5,
					color = 'Green',
				[1] = {
					per_lvl = 0.5,
					color = 'Green',
			legendary = {
				ability_count = 3,
				[0] = {
					per_lvl = 0.5,
					color = 'Green',
				[1] = {
					per_lvl = 0.75,
					color = 'Green',
				[2] = {
					per_lvl = 1,
					color = 'Green',
	['Bal'] = {
		rarities = { 'E', 'L' },
		petType = 'Mining Pet',
		stats = {
			mining_fortune = {1},
			heat_resistance = {1.5},
		abilities = {
			name = {
				[1] = 'Furnace',
				[2] = 'Dispersion',
				[3] = 'Chimney',
			desc = {
				-- the description of abilities used in the two top cells
				[1] = 'Grants {0} STAT_PRISTINE while in the [[Magma Fields]].',
				[2] = 'While in the [[Crystal Hollows]], killing mobs reduces your STAT_HEAT by {1}.',
				[3] = 'Reduce Pickaxe Ability cooldowns by {2}.',
			tooltip = {
				-- the description of abilities used in the tooltip
				[1] = '&7Grants &5+{0}✧ Pristine &7while in the/&cMagma Fields&7.',
				[2] = '&7While in the &5Crystal Hollows&7, killing/&7mobs reduces your &c♨ Heat &7by &c4&7.',
				[3] = '&7Reduce Pickaxe Ability cooldowns by/&a10%&7.',
			bonus_desc = {
				-- the description of abilities used in the bottom cell.
				[1] = '+{0} more STAT_PRISTINE per level',
				[2] = '+{1} STAT_HEAT reduction per level',
				[3] = '+{2}% cooldown reduction per level',
		variables = {
			epic = {
				ability_count = 2,
				[0] = {
					per_lvl = 0.02,
					color = 'Purple',
				[1] = {
					per_lvl = 0.04,
					color = 'Red',
			legendary = {
				ability_count = 3,
				[0] = {
					per_lvl = 0.03,
					color = 'Purple',
				[1] = {
					per_lvl = 0.04,
					color = 'Red',
				[2] = {
					per_lvl = 0.1,
					color = 'Green',
					suffix = '%%',
	['Bat'] = {
		rarities = { 'C', 'U', 'R', 'E', 'L', 'M' },
		petType = 'Mining Pet',
		stats = {
			int = {1},
			spd = {0.05},
			scc = {0.05, req='mythic'},
		abilities = {
			name = {
				[1] = 'Candy Lover',
				[2] = 'Nightmare',
				[3] = 'Wings of Steel',
				[4] = 'Sonar',
			desc = {
				-- the description of abilities used in the two top cells
				[1] = 'Increases drop chance of candies from mobs by {0}',
				[2] = 'During night, gain {1} STAT_INT, {2} STAT_SPD, and Night Vision.',
				[3] = 'Deals +{3} damage to Spooky enemies during the Spooky Festival.',
				[4] = '+{4} chance to fish up spooky sea creatures',
			tooltip = {
				-- the description of abilities used in the tooltip
				[1] = '&7Increases drop chance of/&7candies from mobs by &a{0}%',
				[2] = '&7&7During night, gain &a{1} &b✎/&bIntelligence&7, &a{2} &f✦/&fSpeed&7, and &aNight Vision&7.',
				[3] = '&7Deals &a+{3}% &7damage to/&7&6Spooky &7enemies during the/&7&6Spooky Festival.',
				[4] = '&7+&a{4}% &7chance to fish up/&7spooky sea creatures.',
			bonus_desc = {
				-- the description of abilities used in the bottom cell.
				[1] = '+{0} higher chance to drop Candy',
				[2] = '+{1} more STAT_INT per level; +{2} more STAT_SPD per level',
				[3] = '+{3} more damage per level',
				[4] = '+{4} higher chance to fish up spooky sea creatures',
		variables = {
			common = {
				ability_count = 1,
				[0] = {
					per_lvl = 0.1,
					color = 'Green',
					suffix = '%%',
			uncommon = {
				ability_count = 1,
				[0] = {
					per_lvl = 0.15,
					color = 'Green',
					suffix = '%%',
			rare = {
				ability_count = 2,
				[0] = {
					per_lvl = 0.15,
					color = 'Green',
					suffix = '%%',
				[1] = {
					per_lvl = 0.2,
					color = 'Green',
				[2] = {
					per_lvl = 0.4,
					color = 'Green',
			epic = {
				ability_count = 2,
				[0] = {
					per_lvl = 0.2,
					color = 'Green',
					suffix = '%%',
				[1] = {
					per_lvl = 0.3,
					color = 'Green',
				[2] = {
					per_lvl = 0.5,
					color = 'Green',
			legendary = {
				ability_count = 3,
				[0] = {
					per_lvl = 0.2,
					color = 'Green',
					suffix = '%%',
				[1] = {
					per_lvl = 0.3,
					color = 'Green',
				[2] = {
					per_lvl = 0.5,
					color = 'Green',
				[3] = {
					per_lvl = 0.5,
					color = 'Green',
					suffix = '%%',
			mythic = {
				ability_count = 4,
				[0] = {
					per_lvl = 0.2,
					color = 'Green',
					suffix = '%%',
				[1] = {
						per_lvl = 0.3,
						color = 'Green',
				[2] = {
					per_lvl = 0.5,
					color = 'Green',
				[3] = {
					per_lvl = 0.5,
					color = 'Green',
					suffix = '%%',
				[4] = {
					per_lvl = 0.25,
					color = 'Green',
					suffix = '%%',
	['Bee'] = {
		rarities = { 'C', 'U', 'R', 'E', 'L' },
		petType = 'Farming Pet',
		stats = {
			str = {0.25, 5},
			int = {0.5},
			spd = {0.1},
		abilities = {
			name = {
				[1] = 'Hive',
				[2] = 'Busy Buzz Buzz',
				[3] = 'Weaponized Honey',
			desc = {
				-- the description of abilities used in the two top cells
				[1] = 'For each player within <GREEN>25</GREEN> blocks:<br/><AQUA>+</AQUA>{0} STAT_INT<br/><RED>+</RED>{1} STAT_STR<br/><GREEN>+</GREEN>{2} STAT_DEF<br/><DARK_GRAY>Max 15 players</DARK_GRAY>',
				[2] = 'Grants <GREEN>+</GREEN>{3} of each to your pet:<br/>STAT_FMF<br/>STAT_FRF<br/>STAT_MNF',
				[3] = 'Gain {4} of received damage as STAT_ABS.',
			tooltip = {
				-- the description of abilities used in the tooltip
				[1] = '&7For each player within &a25 &7blocks:/&b +{0}✎ Intelligence/&c +{1}❁ Strength/&a +{2}❈ Defense/&8Max 15 players',
				[2] = '&7Grants &a+{3} &7of each to your pet:/&6☘ Farming Fortune/&6☘ Foraging Fortune/&6☘ Mining Fortune',
				[3] = '&7Gain &a{4}% &7of received/&7damage as &6❤ Absorption.',
			bonus_desc = {
				-- the description of abilities used in the bottom cell.
				[1] = '{0} more STAT_INT per level, {1} more STAT_STR per level, {2} more STAT_DEF per level',
				[2] = '{3} more STAT_FMF, STAT_FRF, STAT_MNF per level',
				[3] = '{4} more damage converted to STAT_ABS',
		variables = {
			common = {
				ability_count = 1,
				[0] = {
					per_lvl = 0.02,
					base = 1,
					color = 'Aqua',
				[1] = {
					per_lvl = 0.02,
					base = 1,
					color = 'Red',
				[2] = {
					per_lvl = 0.01,
					base = 1,
					color = 'Green',
			uncommon = {
				ability_count = 1,
				[0] = {
					per_lvl = 0.05,
					base = 1,
					color = 'Aqua',
				[1] = {
					per_lvl = 0.04,
					base = 1,
					color = 'Red',
				[2] = {
					per_lvl = 0.02,
					base = 1,
					color = 'Green',
			rare = {
				ability_count = 2,
				[0] = {
					per_lvl = 0.05,
					base = 1,
					color = 'Aqua',
				[1] = {
					per_lvl = 0.04,
					base = 1,
					color = 'Red',
				[2] = {
					per_lvl = 0.02,
					base = 1,
					color = 'Green',
				[3] = {
					per_lvl = 0.2,
					color = 'Green',
			epic = {
				ability_count = 2,
				[0] = {
					per_lvl = 0.09,
					base = 1,
					color = 'Aqua',
				[1] = {
					per_lvl = 0.07,
					base = 1,
					color = 'Red',
				[2] = {
					per_lvl = 0.04,
					base = 1,
					color = 'Green',
				[3] = {
					per_lvl = 0.3,
					color = 'Green',
			legendary = {
				ability_count = 3,
				[0] = {
					per_lvl = 0.09,
					base = 1,
					color = 'Aqua',
				[1] = {
					per_lvl = 0.07,
					base = 1,
					color = 'Red',
				[2] = {
					per_lvl = 0.04,
					base = 1,
					color = 'Green',
				[3] = {
					per_lvl = 0.3,
					color = 'Green',
				[4] = {
					per_lvl = 0.2,
					base = 5,
					color = 'Green',
					suffix = '%%',
	['Bingo'] = {
		rarities = { 'C', 'U', 'R', 'E', 'L', 'M' },
		petType = 'All Skills',
		isPassive = true,
		discloseXP = { 'common' }, -- only displays these rarities on XP table
		stats = {
			hp = {1},
			str = {0.25},
			spd = {0.75},
		abilities = {
			name = {
				[1] = 'Lucky Looting',
				[2] = 'Fast Learner',
				[3] = 'Chimera',
				[4] = 'Scavenger',
				[5] = 'Consumer',
				[6] = 'Power Of Completion',
			desc = {
				-- the description of abilities used in the two top cells
				[1] = 'Gain {0} more collection items from any source!',
				[2] = 'Gain {1} more Skill Experience, HOTM Experience, {{sic}} and Slayer Experience.',
				[3] = 'Increases the base stats of your active pet by {2}.',
				[4] = 'Gain {3} more coins per monster level on kill.',
				[5] = 'Potion effects you obtain will have {4} more time.',
				[6] = 'Gain {{stat|str|+2}}, {{stat|cc|+1}}, and {{stat|hp|+5}} per completed Personal Bingo Goal in the current Bingo Event.',
			tooltip = {
				-- the description of abilities used in the tooltip 
				[1] = '&7Gain &c{0}% &7more collection/&7items from any source!',
				[2] = '&7Gain &c{1}% &7more Skill/&7Experience, HOTM experience, and/&7Slayer Experience.',
				[3] = '&7Increases the base stats of/&7your active pet by &c{2}%&7.',
				[4] = '&7Gain &c{3} &7more coins per/&7monster level on kill.',
				[5] = '&7Potion effects you obtain will have &c{4} &7more time.',
				[6] = '&7Gain &c+2❁ Strength&7, &9+1☣/&9Crit Chance&7, and &c+5❤/&cHealth&7 per completed Personal/&7Bingo Goal in the current Bingo/&7Event.'
			bonus_desc = {
				-- the description of abilities used in the bottom cell.
				[1] = '+{0} more collection items per level',
				[2] = '+{1} more skill, HOTM, and slayer experience per level',
				[3] = '+{2} increases the base stats of your active pet per level',
				[4] = '+{3} more coins per monster level on kill per level',
				[5] = '+{4} more duration of effects per level',
				[6] = nil,
		variables = {
			common = {
				ability_count = 1,
				[0] = {
					base = 5,
					per_lvl = 0.2,
					color = "Red",
					suffix = '%%',
			uncommon = {
				ability_count = 2,
				[0] = {
					base = 5,
					per_lvl = 0.2,
					color = "Red",
					suffix = '%%',
				[1] = {
					base = 5,
					per_lvl = 0.1,
					color = "Red",
					suffix = '%%',
			rare = {
				ability_count = 3,
				[0] = {
					base = 5,
					per_lvl = 0.2,
					color = "Red",
					suffix = '%%',
				[1] = {
					base = 5,
					per_lvl = 0.1,
					color = "Red",
					suffix = '%%',
				[2] = {
					base = 10,
					per_lvl = 0.3,
					color = "Red",
					suffix = '%%',
			epic = {
				ability_count = 4,
				[0] = {
					base = 5,
					per_lvl = 0.2,
					color = "Red",
					suffix = '%%',
				[1] = {
					base = 5,
					per_lvl = 0.1,
					color = "Red",
					suffix = '%%',
				[2] = {
					base = 10,
					per_lvl = 0.3,
					color = "Red",
					suffix = '%%',
				[3] = {
					base = 0.1,
					per_lvl = 0.009,
					color = 'Red',
			legendary = {
				ability_count = 5,
				[0] = {
					base = 5,
					per_lvl = 0.2,
					color = "Red",
					suffix = '%%',
				[1] = {
					base = 5,
					per_lvl = 0.1,
					color = "Red",
					suffix = '%%',
				[2] = {
					base = 10,
					per_lvl = 0.3,
					color = "Red",
					suffix = '%%',
				[3] = {
					base = 0.1,
					per_lvl = 0.009,
					color = 'Red',
				[4] = {
					base = 9.596,
					per_lvl = 0.404,
					color = 'Red',
					suffix = '%%',
		    mythic = {
		    	ability_count = 6,
		    	[0] = {
					base = 5,
					per_lvl = 0.2,
					color = "Red",
					suffix = '%%',
				[1] = {
					base = 5,
					per_lvl = 0.1,
					color = "Red",
					suffix = '%%',
				[2] = {
					base = 10,
					per_lvl = 0.3,
					color = "Red",
					suffix = '%%',
				[3] = {
					base = 0.1,
					per_lvl = 0.009,
					color = 'Red',
				[4] = {
					base = 10,
					per_lvl = 0.4,
					color = 'Red',
					suffix = '%%',
				[5] = {},
	['Black Cat'] = {
		rarities = { 'L', 'M' },
		petType = 'Combat Pet',
		stats = {
			spd = {1.25},
			int = {1},
			mf = {0.15},
			pl = {0.15},
		abilities = {
			name = {
				[1] = 'Hunter',
				[2] = 'Omen',
				[3] = 'Supernatural',
				[4] = 'Looting',
			desc = {
				-- the description of abilities used in the two top cells
				[1] = 'Increases your STAT_SPD and speed cap by {0}.',
				[2] = 'Grants {1} STAT_PL.',
				[3] = 'Grants {2} STAT_MF.',
				[4] = 'Gain {3} more collection items from monsters!',
			tooltip = {
				-- the description of abilities used in the tooltip
				[1] = '&7Increases your speed and/&7speed cap by +&a{0}&7.',
				[2] = '&7Grants &a{1} &7&d♣ Pet Luck&7.',
				[3] = '&7Grants &a{2} &7&b✯ Magic Find&7.',
				[4] = '&7Gain &c{3}% &7more collection/&7items from monsters!',
			bonus_desc = {
				-- the description of abilities used in the bottom cell.
				[1] = '+{0} STAT_SPD per level.',
				[2] = '+{1} STAT_PL per level.',
				[3] = '+{2} STAT_MF per level.',
				[4] = '+{3} Looting per level.',
		variables = {
			legendary = {
				ability_count = 3,
				[0] = {
					per_lvl = 1,
					color = 'Green',
				[1] = {
					per_lvl = 0.15,
					color = 'Green',
				[2] = {
					per_lvl = 0.15,
					color = 'Green',
			mythic = {
				ability_count = 4,
				[0] = {
					per_lvl = 1,
					color = 'Green',
				[1] = {
					per_lvl = 0.15,
					color = 'Green',
				[2] = {
					per_lvl = 0.15,
					color = 'Green',
				[3] = {
					per_lvl = 0.15,
					color = 'Red',
					suffix = '%%',
	['Blaze'] = {
		rarities = { 'E', 'L' },
		petType = 'Combat Pet',
		stats = {
			int = {1},
			def= {0.2, base=10},
		abilities = {
			name = {
				[1] = 'Nether Embodiment',
				[2] = 'Bling Armor',
				[3] = 'Fusion-Style Potato',
			desc = {
				-- the description of abilities used in the two top cells
				[1] = 'Increases most stats by {0} while on the [[Crimson Isle]].',
				[2] = 'Upgrades [[Blaze Armor]] stats and ability by {1}.',
				[3] = 'Double effects of [[Hot Potato Book]]s.',
			tooltip = {
				-- the description of abilities used in the tooltip
				[1] = '&7Increases most stats by &a{0}%/&a&7while on the Crimson Isle.',
				[2] = '&7Upgrades &cBlaze Armor &7stats/&7and ability by &a{1}%',
				[3] = '&7Double effects of hot potato/&7books.',
			bonus_desc = {
				-- the description of abilities used in the bottom cell.
				[1] = '+{0} higher stats increase per level',
				[2] = '+{1} bigger [[Blaze Armor]] upgrade per level',
				[3] = nil,
		variables = {
			epic = {
				ability_count = 2,
				[0] = {
					per_lvl = 0.1,
					color = 'Green',
					suffix = '%%',
				[1] = {
					per_lvl = 0.4,
					color = 'Green',
					suffix = '%%',
			legendary = {
				ability_count = 3,
				[0] = {
					per_lvl = 0.1,
					color = 'Green',
					suffix = '%%',
				[1] = {
					per_lvl = 0.4,
					color = 'Green',
					suffix = '%%',
	['Blue Whale'] = {
		rarities = { 'C', 'U', 'R', 'E', 'L' },
		petType = 'Fishing Pet',
		stats = {
			hp = {2},
		abilities = {
			name = {
				[1] = 'Ingest',
				[2] = 'Bulk',
				[3] = 'Archimedes',
			desc = {
				-- the description of abilities used in the two top cells
				[1] = 'All potions heal +{0} STATs_HP.',
				[2] = 'Gain +{1} STAT_DEF per {2} <RED>Max</RED> STAT_HP.',
				[3] = 'Gain +{3} <RED>Max</RED> STAT_HP.',
			tooltip = {
				-- the description of abilities used in the tooltip
				[1] = '&7All potions heal &c+{0}❤.',
				[2] = '&7Gain &a{1}&a❈ Defense &7per/&7&c{2} Max &c❤ Health.',
				[3] = '&7Gain &c+{3}% Max &c❤ Health.',
			bonus_desc = {
				-- the description of abilities used in the bottom cell.
				[1] = '+{0} higher healing per level',
				[2] = '+{1} more STAT_DEF per {2} Max STAT_HP',
				[3] = '+{3} higher STAT_HP boost per level',
		variables = {
			common = {
				ability_count = 1,
				[0] = {
					per_lvl = 0.5,
					color = 'Red',
			uncommon = {
				ability_count = 1,
				[0] = {
					per_lvl = 1,
					color = 'Red',
			rare = {
				ability_count = 2,
				[0] = {
					per_lvl = 1.5,
					color = 'Red',
				[1] = {
					per_lvl = 0.01,
					color = 'Green',
				[2] = { -- constant variable. Changes with rarities, but not with levels
					per_lvl = 0,
					base = 30,
					color = 'Red',
			epic = {
				ability_count = 2,
				[0] = {
					per_lvl = 2,
					color = 'Red',
				[1] = {
					per_lvl = 0.01,
					color = 'Green',
				[2] = { -- constant variable. Changes with rarities, but not with levels
					per_lvl = 0,
					base = 25,
					color = 'Red',
			legendary = {
				ability_count = 3,
				[0] = {
					per_lvl = 2,
					color = 'Red',
				[1] = {
					per_lvl = 0.01,
					color = 'Green',
				[2] = { -- constant variable. Changes with rarities, but not with levels
					per_lvl = 0,
					base = 20,
					color = 'Red',
				[3] = {
					per_lvl = 0.2,
					color = 'Red',
					suffix = '%%',
	['Chicken'] = {
		rarities = { 'C', 'U', 'R', 'E', 'L' },
		petType = 'Farming Pet',
		stats = {
			hp = {2},
		abilities = {
			name = {
				[1] = 'Light Feet',
				[2] = 'Eggstra',
				[3] = 'Mighty Chickens',
			desc = {
				-- the description of abilities used in the two top cells
				[1] = 'Reduces fall damage by {0}.',
				[2] = 'Killing chickens has a {1} chance to drop an egg.',
				[3] = '[[Chicken Minion]]s work {2} faster while on your island.',
			tooltip = {
				-- the description of abilities used in the tooltip
				[1] = '&7Reduces fall damage by &a{0}%',
				[2] = '&7Killing chickens has a &a{1}%/&a&7chance to drop an egg.',
				[3] = '&7Chicken minions work &a{2}%/&a&7faster while on your island.',
			bonus_desc = {
				-- the description of abilities used in the bottom cell.
				[1] = '{0} less damage per level',
				[2] = '{1} higher chance per level',
				[3] = '+{2} higher speed increase per level',
		variables = {
			common = {
				ability_count = 1,
				[0] = {
					per_lvl = 0.3,
					color = 'Green',
					suffix = '%%',
			uncommon = {
				ability_count = 1,
				[0] = {
					per_lvl = 0.4,
					color = 'Green',
					suffix = '%%',
			rare = {
				ability_count = 2,
				[0] = {
					per_lvl = 0.4,
					color = 'Green',
					suffix = '%%',
				[1] = {
					per_lvl = 0.8,
					color = 'Green',
					suffix = '%%',
			epic = {
				ability_count = 2,
				[0] = {
					per_lvl = 0.5,
					color = 'Green',
					suffix = '%%',
				[1] = {
					per_lvl = 1,
					color = 'Green',
					suffix = '%%',
			legendary = {
				ability_count = 3,
				[0] = {
					per_lvl = 0.5,
					color = 'Green',
					suffix = '%%',
				[1] = {
					per_lvl = 1,
					color = 'Green',
					suffix = '%%',
				[2] = {
					per_lvl = 0.3,
					color = 'Green',
					suffix = '%%',
	['Dolphin'] = {
		rarities = { 'C', 'U', 'R', 'E', 'L' },
		petType = 'Fishing Pet',
		stats = {
			int = {1},
			scc = {0.05},
		abilities = {
			name = {
				[1] = 'Pod Tactics',
				[2] = 'Echolocation',
				[3] = 'Splash Surprise',
			desc = {
				-- the description of abilities used in the two top cells
				[1] = 'Grants <AQUA>+</AQUA>{0}STAT_FS for each player within <GREEN>30</GREEN> blocks, up to <GREEN>5</GREEN> players.',
				[2] = 'Grants {1} STAT_SCC.',
				[3] = 'Stun sea creatures for <GREEN>5s</GREEN> after fishing them up',
			tooltip = {
				-- the description of abilities used in the tooltip
				[1] = '&7Grants &b+{0}☂ Fishing Speed/&7for each player within &a30/&7blocks, up to &a5 &7players.',
				[2] = '&7Grants &3+{1}α Sea Creature/&3Chance.',
				[3] = '&7Stun sea creatures for &a5s/&a&7after fishing them up.',
			bonus_desc = {
				-- the description of abilities used in the bottom cell.
				[1] = '+{0} more STAT_FS per level',
				[2] = '+{1} higher sea creatures catch chance per level',
				[3] = nil,
		variables = {
			common = {
				ability_count = 1,
				[0] = {
					per_lvl = 0.06,
					color = 'Aqua',
			uncommon = {
				ability_count = 1,
				[0] = {
					per_lvl = 0.08,
					color = 'Aqua',
			rare = {
				ability_count = 2,
				[0] = {
					per_lvl = 0.08,
					color = 'Aqua',
				[1] = {
					per_lvl = 0.07,
					color = 'Green',
			epic = {
				ability_count = 2,
				[0] = {
					per_lvl = 0.1,
					color = 'Aqua',
				[1] = {
					per_lvl = 0.1,
					color = 'Green',
			legendary = {
				ability_count = 3,
				[0] = {
					per_lvl = 0.1,
					color = 'Aqua',
				[1] = {
					per_lvl = 0.1,
					color = 'Green',
	['Eerie'] = {
		rarities = { 'C', 'R', 'L' },
		petType = 'Combat Pet',
		stats = {
			spd = {0.1},
			int = {0.5},
		abilities = {
			name = {
				[1] = 'Fearnesy',
				[2] = 'Fearama',
				[3] = 'Fearcreasing',
			desc = {
				-- the description of abilities used in the two top cells
				[1] = '<DARK_PURPLE>Fear</DARK_PURPLE> from <DARK_PURPLE>Great Spook Armor</DARK_PURPLE> in your <AQUA>wardrobe</AQUA> applies to you, even if you aren\'t wearing it.',
				[2] = 'Increases <RED>damage</RED> dealt to Spooky Mobs by <GREEN>0.1</GREEN> or <GREEN>1%</GREEN> for every <DARK_PURPLE>Fear</DARK_PURPLE> you have.',
				[3] = 'Gives <GREEN>+{0}</GREEN> <DARK_PURPLE>Fear</DARK_PURPLE> for every <GREEN>10</GREEN> <RED>Primal Fears</RED> killed, up to <GREEN>150</GREEN> <RED>Primal Fears</RED>.',
			tooltip = {
				-- the description of abilities used in the tooltip
				[1] = '&5Fear &7from &5Great Spook/&5Armor &7in your &bwardrobe/&7applies to you, even if you/&7aren\'t wearing it.',
				[2] = '&7Increases &cdamage &7dealt/&7to Spooky Mobs by &a0.1 &7or/&a1% &7for every &5Fear &7you/&7have.',
				[3] = '&7Gives &a+{0} &5Fear &7for/&7every &a10 &cPrimal Fears/&7killed, up to &a150 &cPrimal/&cFears&7./&cPrimal Fear Kills&7: (&a0&7/&a150&7)',
			bonus_desc = {
				-- the description of abilities used in the bottom cell.
				[1] = nil,
				[2] = nil,
				[3] = '+{0} STAT_FEAR per level.',
		variables = {
			common = {
				ability_count = 1,
			rare = {
				ability_count = 2,
			legendary = {
				ability_count = 3,
				[0] = {
					base = 0.1,
					per_lvl = 0.004,
					color= 'Green',
	['Elephant'] = {
		rarities = { 'C', 'U', 'R', 'E', 'L' },
		petType = 'Farming Pet',
		stats = {
			hp = {1},
			int = {0.75},
		abilities = {
			name = {
				[1] = 'Stomp',
				[2] = 'Walking Fortress',
				[3] = 'Trunk Efficiency',
			desc = {
				-- the description of abilities used in the two top cells
				[1] = 'Gain {0} STAT_DEF for every 100 STAT_SPD',
				[2] = 'Gain {1} STAT_HP for every <GREEN>10</GREEN> STAT_DEF',
				[3] = 'Grants <GOLD>+{2}</GOLD> STAT_FMF, which increases your chance for multiple drops.',
			tooltip = {
				-- the description of abilities used in the tooltip
				[1] = '&7Gain &a{0}❈ Defense &7for every/&7100 &f✦ Speed&7.',
				[2] = '&7Gain &c{1}❤ Health &7for every/&710 &a❈ Defense&7.',
				[3] = '&7Grants &6+{2}☘ Farming/&6Fortune, &7which increases your/&7chance for multiple drops.',
			bonus_desc = {
				-- the description of abilities used in the bottom cell.
				[1] = '+{0} more STAT_DEF per level',
				[2] = '+{1} more STAT_HP per level',
				[3] = '+{2} more STAT_FMF per level',
		variables = {
			common = {
				ability_count = 1,
				[0] = {
					per_lvl = 0.15,
					color = 'Green',
			uncommon = {
				ability_count = 1,
				[0] = {
					per_lvl = 0.15,
					color = 'Green',
			rare = {
				ability_count = 2,
				[0] = {
					per_lvl = 0.15,
					color = 'Green',
				[1] = {
					per_lvl = 0.01,
					color = 'Red',
			epic = {
				ability_count = 2,
				[0] = {
					per_lvl = 0.2,
					color = 'Green',
				[1] = {
					per_lvl = 0.01,
					color = 'Red',
			legendary = {
				ability_count = 3,
				[0] = {
					per_lvl = 0.2,
					color = 'Green',
				[1] = {
					per_lvl = 0.01,
					color = 'Red',
				[2] = {
					per_lvl = 1.5,
					color = 'Gold',
	['Ender Dragon'] = {
		rarities = { 'E', 'L' },
		petType = 'Combat Pet',
		stats = {
			str = {0.5},
			cd = {0.5},
			cc = {0.1},
		abilities = {
			name = {
				[1] = 'End Strike',
				[2] = 'One with the Dragons',
				[3] = 'Superior',
			desc = {
				-- the description of abilities used in the two top cells
				[1] = 'Deal +{0} more damage to end mobs.',
				[2] = 'Buffs the [[Aspect of the Dragons]] sword by {1} STAT_DMG and {2} STAT_STR.',
				[3] = 'Increases most stats by {3}.',
			tooltip = {
				-- the description of abilities used in the tooltip
				[1] = '&7Deal &a{0}% &7more damage to/&7end mobs.',
				[2] = '&7Buffs the Aspect of the/&7Dragons sword by &a{1} &c❁ Damage/&c&7and &a{2} &c❁ Strength.',
				[3] = '&7Increases most stats by &a{3}%',
			bonus_desc = {
				-- the description of abilities used in the bottom cell.
				[1] = '+{0} more damage per level.',
				[2] = '+{1} more STAT_DMG and +{2} STAT_STR per level.',
				[3] = '+{3} higher bonus per level.',
		variables = {
			epic = {
				ability_count = 2,
				[0] = {
					per_lvl = 2,
					color = 'Green',
					suffix = '%%',
				[1] = {
					per_lvl = 0.5,
					color = 'Green',
				[2] = {
					per_lvl = 0.3,
					color = 'Green',
			legendary = {
				ability_count = 3,
				[0] = {
					per_lvl = 2,
					color = 'Green',
					suffix = '%%',
				[1] = {
					per_lvl = 0.5,
					color = 'Green',
				[2] = {
					per_lvl = 0.3,
					color = 'Green',
				[3] = {
					per_lvl = 0.1,
					color = 'Green',
					suffix = '%%',
	['Enderman'] = {
		rarities = { 'C', 'U', 'R', 'E', 'L', 'M' },
		petType = 'Combat Pet',
		stats = {
			cd = {0.75},
		abilities = {
			name = {
				[1] = 'Enderian',
				[2] = 'Teleport Savvy',
				[3] = 'Zealot Madness',
				[4] = 'Enderman Slayer',
			desc = {
				-- the description of abilities used in the two top cells
				[1] = 'Take {0} less damage from end monsters.',
				[2] = 'Buffs the Transmission ability granting {1} STAT_DMG for 5s on use.',
				[3] = 'Increases your odds to find a special [[Zealot]] by {2}.',
				[4] = 'Grants {3} Combat XP against <GREEN>Endermen</GREEN>.',
			tooltip = {
				-- the description of abilities used in the tooltip
				[1] = '&7Take &a{0}% &7less damage/&7from end monsters.',
				[2] = '&7Buffs the Transmission/&7abilities granting &a{1} &7weapon/&7damage for 5s on use.',
				[3] = '&7Increases your odds to find a/&7special Zealot by &a{2}%',
				[4] = '&7Grants &b{3} &7Combat XP/&7against &aEndermen',
			bonus_desc = {
				-- the description of abilities used in the bottom cell.
				[1] = '+{0} less damage per level',
				[2] = '+{1} more STAT_DMG per level',
				[3] = '+{2} higher chance per level',
				[4] = '+{3} more Combat XP per level',
		variables = {
			common = {
				ability_count = 1,
				[0] = {
					per_lvl = 0.1,
					color = 'Green',
					suffix = '%%',
			uncommon = {
				ability_count = 1,
				[0] = {
					per_lvl = 0.2,
					color = 'Green',
					suffix = '%%',
			rare = {
				ability_count = 2,
				[0] = {
					per_lvl = 0.2,
					color = 'Green',
					suffix = '%%',
				[1] = {
					per_lvl = 0.4,
					color = 'Green',
			epic = {
				ability_count = 2,
				[0] = {
					per_lvl = 0.3,
					color = 'Green',
					suffix = '%%',
				[1] = {
					per_lvl = 0.5,
					color = 'Green',
			legendary = {
				ability_count = 3,
				[0] = {
					per_lvl = 0.3,
					color = 'Green',
					suffix = '%%',
				[1] = {
					per_lvl = 0.5,
					color = 'Green',
				[2] = {
					per_lvl = 0.25,
					color = 'Green',
					suffix = '%%',
			mythic = {
				ability_count = 4,
				[0] = {
					per_lvl = 0.3,
					color = 'Green',
					suffix = '%%',
				[1] = {
					per_lvl = 0.5,
					color = 'Green',
				[2] = {
					per_lvl = 0.25,
					color = 'Green',
					suffix = '%%',
				[3] = {
					base = 1.0,
					per_lvl = 0.005,
					color = 'Aqua',
					suffix = 'x',
	['Endermite'] = {
		rarities = { 'C', 'U', 'R', 'E', 'L', 'M' },
		petType = 'Mining Pet',
		stats = {
			int = {1.5},
			pl = {0.1},
		abilities = {
			name = {
				[1] = 'More Stonks',
				[2] = 'Daily Commuter',
				[3] = 'Mite Bait',
				[4] = 'Sacrificer',
			desc = {
				-- the description of abilities used in the two top cells
				[1] = 'Gain more exp orbs for breaking end stone and gain a +{0} chance to get an extra block dropped.',
				[2] = '<BLUE>Transmission Abilities</BLUE> cost {1} less mana.',
				[3] = 'Gain a {2} chance to dig up a bonus <RED>Nest Endermite</RED> per <LIGHT_PURPLE>+1</LIGHT_PURPLE>STAT_PL <DARK_GRAY>(Stacks above 100%).</DARK_GRAY>',
				[4] = 'Increases the odds of rolling for bonus items in the <RED>Draconic Altar</RED> by {3}.',
			tooltip = {
				-- the description of abilities used in the tooltip
				[1] = '&7Gain more exp orbs for/&7breaking end stone and gain a/&7+&a{0}% &7chance to get an extra/&7block dropped.',
				[2] = '&9Transmission Abilities/&7cost &a{1}% &7less mana.',
				[3] = '&7Gain a &a{2}% &7chance to dig up/&7a bonus &cNest Endermite &7per/&d+1♣ Pet Luck &8(Stacks above/&8100%).',
				[4] = '&7Increases the odds of rolling/&7for bonus items in the/&cDraconic Altar &7by &a{3}%&7.',
			bonus_desc = {
				-- the description of abilities used in the bottom cell.
				[1] = '+{0} higher chance to drop an extra block per level',
				[2] = '+{1} less {{stat|mana}} per level',
				[3] = '+{2} chance to dig up a bonus <RED>Nest Endermite</RED> per level',
				[4] = '+{3} increased odds of rolling for bonus items in the <RED>Draconic Altar</RED> per level',
		variables = {
			common = {
				ability_count = 1,
				[0] = {
					per_lvl = 0.5,
					color = 'Green',
					suffix = '%%',
			uncommon = {
				ability_count = 1,
				[0] = {
					per_lvl = 0.8,
					color = 'Green',
					suffix = '%%',
			rare = {
				ability_count = 2,
				[0] = {
					per_lvl = 0.8,
					color = 'Green',
					suffix = '%%',
				[1] = {
					per_lvl = 0.3,
					color = 'Green',
					suffix = '%%',
			epic = {
				ability_count = 2,
				[0] = {
					per_lvl = 1,
					color = 'Green',
					suffix = '%%',
				[1] = {
					per_lvl = 0.4,
					color = 'Green',
					suffix = '%%',
			legendary = {
				ability_count = 3,
				[0] = {
					per_lvl = 1,
					color = 'Green',
					suffix = '%%',
				[1] = {
					per_lvl = 0.4,
					color = 'Green',
					suffix = '%%',
				[2] = {
					per_lvl = 0.03,
					color = 'Green',
					suffix = '%%',
			mythic = {
				ability_count = 4,
				[0] = {
					per_lvl = 1,
					color = 'Green',
					suffix = '%%',
				[1] = {
					per_lvl = 0.4,
					color = 'Green',
					suffix = '%%',
				[2] = {
					per_lvl = 0.03,
					color = 'Green',
					suffix = '%%',
				[3] = {
					per_lvl = 0.1,
					color = 'Green',
					suffix = '%%',
	['Flying Fish'] = {
		rarities = { 'R', 'E', 'L', 'M' },
		petType = 'Fishing Pet',
		stats = {
			str = {0.5},
			def = {0.5},
		abilities = {
			name = {
				[1] = 'Quick Reel',
				[2] = 'Water Bender',
				[3] = 'Deep Sea Diver',
				[4] = 'Lava Bender',
				[5] = 'Magmatic Diver',
				[6] = 'Rapid Decay',
			desc = {
				-- the description of abilities used in the two top cells
				[1] = 'Grants <AQUA>+</AQUA>{0} STAT_FS.',
				[2] = 'Gives {1} STAT_STR and STAT_DEF when near water.',
				[3] = 'Increases the stats of [[Diver\'s Armor]] by {2}.',
				[4] = 'Gives {3} STAT_STR and STAT_DEF when near lava.',
				[5] = 'Increases the stats of [[Magma Lord Armor]] by {4}.',
				[6] = 'Increases the chance to activate {{UltimateEnchantmentsLink|Flash}} Enchantment by {5}.',
			tooltip = {
				-- the description of abilities used in the tooltip
				[1] = '&7Grants &b+{0}☂ Fishing/&bSpeed&7.',
				[2] = '&7Gives &a{1} &c❁ Strength &7and/&7&a❈ Defense &7when near water.',
				[3] = '&7Increases the stats of Diver/&7Armor by &a{2}%',
				[4] = '&7Gives &a{3} &c❁ Strength &7and/&7&a❈ Defense &7when near  lava.',
				[5] = '&7Increases the stats of Magma/&7Lord armor by &a{4}%',
				[6] = '&7Increases the chance to/&7activate the &d&lFlash/&d&lEnchantment&a by {5}%&7.',
			bonus_desc = {
				-- the description of abilities used in the bottom cell.
				[1] = '+{0} more STAT_FS per level',
				[2] = '+{1} more STAT_STR and STAT_DEF per level',
				[3] = '+{2} higher stat increase per level',
				[4] = '+{3} more STAT_STR and STAT_DEF per level',
				[5] = '+{4} higher stat increase per level',
				[6] = '+{5} higher chance for activation',
		variables = {
			rare = {
				ability_count = 2,
				[0] = {
					per_lvl = 0.6,
					color = 'Aqua',
				[1] = {
					per_lvl = 0.8,
					color = 'Green',
			epic = {
				ability_count = 2,
				[0] = {
					per_lvl = 0.75,
					color = 'Aqua',
				[1] = {
					per_lvl = 1,
					color = 'Green',
			legendary = {
				ability_count = 3,
				[0] = {
					per_lvl = 0.8,
					color = 'Aqua',
				[1] = {
					per_lvl = 1,
					color = 'Green',
				[2] = {
					per_lvl = 0.2,
					color = 'Green',
					suffix = '%%',
			mythic = {
				petimage = 'Flying Fish Pet (Mythic)',
				ability_indices = {1, 4, 5, 6},
				[0] = {
					per_lvl = 0.8,
					color = 'Aqua',
				[3] = {
					per_lvl = 1,
					color = 'Green',
				[4] = {
					per_lvl = 0.2,
					color = 'Green',
					suffix = '%%',
				[5] = {
					per_lvl = 0.5,
					color = 'Green',
					suffix = '%%',
	['Ghoul'] = {
		rarities = { 'E', 'L' },
		petType = 'Combat Pet',
		stats = {
			hp = {1},
			int = {0.75},
			fer = {0.05},
			vit = {0.25},
			md = {0.25},
		abilities = {
			name = {
				[1] = 'Undead Slayer',
				[2] = 'Army of the Dead',
				[3] = 'Reaper Soul',
			desc = {
				-- the description of abilities used in the two top cells
				[1] = 'Gain {0} Combat XP against <GREEN>Zombies</GREEN>.',
				[2] = 'Increases the amount of souls you can store by <GREEN>2</GREEN> and the chance of getting a mob\'s soul by {1}.',
				[3] = 'Reduces the summoning cost of mobs by {2} and increases their damage output by {3}. Increases the health of all summoned mobs by {4}.',
			tooltip = {
				-- the description of abilities used in the tooltip
				[1] = '&7Gain &b{0} &7Combat XP against/&aZombies&7.',
				[2] = '&7Increases the amount of souls you/&7can store by &a2 &7and the chance of/&7getting a mob\'s soul by &a{1}%',
				[3] = '&7Reduces the summoning cost of mobs/&7by &a{2}% &7and increases their damage/&7output by &a{3}%&7. Increases the health/&7of all summoned mobs by &a{4}%&7.',
			bonus_desc = {
				-- the description of abilities used in the bottom cell.
				[1] = '+{0} more Combat XP per level',
				[2] = '+{1} chance to get a mob\'s soul per level',
				[3] = '-{2} cost to summon a mob, increasing their damage output by {3} and the health by {4} per level',
		variables = {
			epic = {
				ability_count = 2,
				[0] = {
					base = 1.0,
					per_lvl = 0.005,
					color = 'Aqua',
					suffix = 'x',
				[1] = {
					per_lvl = 0.2,
					color = 'Green',
					suffix = '%%',
			legendary = {
				ability_count = 3,
				[0] = {
					base = 1.0,
					per_lvl = 0.005,
					color = 'Aqua',
					suffix = 'x',
				[1] = {
					per_lvl = 0.2,
					color = 'Green',
					suffix = '%%',
				[2] = {
					per_lvl = 0.3,
					color = 'Green',
					suffix = '%%',
				[3] = {
					per_lvl = 0.2,
					color = 'Green',
					suffix = '%%',
				[4] = {
					per_lvl = 1,
					color = 'Green',
					suffix = '%%',
	['Giraffe'] = {
		rarities = { 'C', 'U', 'R', 'E', 'L' },
		petType = 'Foraging Pet',
		stats = {
			hp = {1},
			cc = {0.05},
			sr = {0.01},
		abilities = {
			name = {
				[1] = 'Good Heart',
				[2] = 'Higher Ground',
				[3] = 'Long Neck',
			desc = {
				-- the description of abilities used in the two top cells
				[1] = 'Grants <RED>+</RED>{0} STAT_HR.',
				[2] = 'Increases your STAT_CD and STAT_STR by <RED>{1}%</RED> for every <YELLOW>0.1</YELLOW> STAT_SR over <YELLOW>3Ⓢ</YELLOW> (up to <YELLOW>6Ⓢ</YELLOW>).',
				[3] = 'Increases your melee damage by <RED>{2}</RED> if you are more than 3 blocks away from the target.',
			tooltip = {
				-- the description of abilities used in the tooltip
				[1] = '&7Grants &c+{0}❣ Health Regen&7.',
				[2] = '&7Increases your &9☠ Crit Damage &7and/&c❁ Strength &7by &c{1}% &7for every/&e0.1Ⓢ Swing Range &7over &e3Ⓢ &7(up to /&e6Ⓢ&7).',
				[3] = '&7Increases your melee damage by/&c{2} &7if you are more than 3 blocks/&7away from the target.',
			bonus_desc = {
				-- the description of abilities used in the bottom cell.
				[1] = '+{0} higher STAT_HR per level',
				[2] = '+{1}% more STAT_STR and STAT_CD per level',
				[3] = '+{2} more damage increase per level',
		variables = {
			common = {
				ability_count = 1,
				[0] = {
					base = 0.995,
					per_lvl = 0.995,
					color = 'Red',
			uncommon = {
				ability_count = 1,
				[0] = {
					base = 1.495,
					per_lvl = 1.495,
					color = 'Red',
			rare = {
				ability_count = 2,
				[0] = {
					base = 1.495,
					per_lvl = 1.495,
					color = 'Red',
				[1] = {
					per_lvl = 0.0015,
					color = 'Red',
			epic = {
				ability_count = 2,
				[0] = {
					base = 1.99,
					per_lvl = 1.99,
					color = 'Red',
				[1] = {
					per_lvl = 0.0015,
					color = 'Red',
			legendary = {
				ability_count = 3,
				[0] = {
					per_lvl = 1.99,
					color = 'Red',
				[1] = {
					per_lvl = 0.0015,
					color = 'Red',
				[2] = {
					base = 50,
					per_lvl = 0.5,
					color = 'Red',
					suffix = '%%',
['Glacite Golem'] = {
		rarities = { 'E' , 'L' },
		petType = 'Mining Pet',
		stats = {
			ms = {1.25},
			cr = {0.1},
		abilities = {
			name = {
				[1] = 'Powder-powered',
				[2] = 'Iceborn',
				[3] = 'Frozen Perfection',
			desc = {
				-- the describtion of abilities used in the two top cells
				[1] = 'Gain <GREEN>+</GREEN>{0} more {{Glacite Powder}} from most sources.',
				[2] = 'Gain <GREEN>+</GREEN>{1} STAT_MNF while in the [[Glacite Mineshafts]].',
				[3] = 'Gain <GREEN>+</GREEN>{2} STAT_PRIS fore every [[Frozen Corpse]] you\'ve looted in the current [[Glacite Mineshaft]].',
			tooltip = {
				-- the description of abilities used in the tooltip 
				[1] = '&7Gain &a+{0}%&7 more &bGlacite Powder &7from/&7most sources.',
				[2] = '&7Gain &a+{1} &6☘ Mining Fortune &7while in the/&bGlacite Mineshafts&7.',
				[3] = '&7Gain &a+{2} &5✧ Pristine &7for every/&bFrozen Corpse &7you\'ve looted in the/&7current &bGlacite Mineshaft&7.',
			bonus_desc = {
				-- the describtion of abilities used in the bottom cell
				[1] = '+{0} more {{Glacite Powder}} per level',
				[2] = '+{1} more STAT_MNF per level',
				[3] = '+{2} more STAT_PRIS per level',
		variables = {
			epic = {
				ability_count = 2,
				[0] = {
					per_lvl = 0.2,
					color = 'Green',
					suffix = '%%',
				[1] = {
					per_lvl = 1,
					color = 'Green',
				[2] = {
					per_lvl = 0.01,
					color = 'Green',
			legendary = {
				ability_count = 3,
				[0] = {
					per_lvl = 0.2,
					color = 'Green',
					suffix = '%%',
				[1] = {
					per_lvl = 1,
					color = 'Green',
				[2] = {
					per_lvl = 0.01,
					color = 'Green',
	['Goblin'] = {
		rarities = { 'L' },
		petType = 'Mining Pet',
		stats = {
			spd = {0.2},
			cc = {0.1},
			mf = {0.07},
		abilities = {
			name = {
				[1] = 'Pickpocket',
				[2] = 'Offensive Odor',
				[3] = 'Free-range Eggs',
			desc = {
				-- the describtion of abilities used in the two top cells
				[1] = 'Increases the coins obtained from goblin coin bags by {0}.',
				[2] = 'The King\'s Scent potion effect lasts {1} longer on you.',
				[3] = 'Increases the chance of finding rare goblin eggs by {2}.',
			tooltip = {
				-- the description of abilities used in the tooltip 
				[1] = '&7Increases the coins obtained from/&7goblin coin bags by &a{0}%&7.',
				[2] = '&7The King\'s Scent potion effect lasts/&a{1}%&7 longer on you.',
				[3] = '&7Increases the chance of finding/&7rare goblin eggs by &a{2}%&7.',
			bonus_desc = {
				-- the describtion of abilities used in the bottom cell
				[1] = '+{0} more coins per level',
				[2] = '+{2} effect duration per level',
				[3] = '+{2} higher chance per level',
		variables = {
			legendary = {
				ability_count = 3,
				[0] = {
					per_lvl = 0.5,
					color = 'Green',
					suffix = '%%',
				[1] = {
					per_lvl = 1,
					color = 'Green',
					suffix = '%%',
				[2] = {
					per_lvl = 0.5,
					color = 'Green',
					suffix = '%%',
	['Golden Dragon'] = {
		rarities = { 'L' },
		petType = 'Combat Pet',
		levels = '100-200',
		stats = {
			mf = {0.05, 5},
			bas = {0.25, 25},
			str = {0.25, 25},
		abilities = {
			name = {
				[1] = 'Gold\'s Power',
				[2] = 'Shining Scales',
				[3] = 'Dragon\'s Greed',
				[4] = 'Legendary Treasure',
			desc = {
				-- the description of abilities used in the two top cells
				[1] = 'Adds +{0} STAT_STR to all golden weapons.',
				[2] = 'Grants +<RED>10</RED> STAT_STR and +2 STAT_MF to your pet for each digit in your <GOLD>gold collection</GOLD>.',
				[3] = 'Grants {1} STAT_STR per <AQUA>5</AQUA> STAT_MF.',
				[4] = 'Gain {2}<RED>%</RED> STAT_DMG for every million coins in your bank.',
			tooltip = {
				-- the description of abilities used in the tooltip
				[1] = '&7Adds &c{0}❁ Strength &7to all/&6golden &7weapons.',
				[2] = '&7Grants &c+10❁ Strength &7and/&b+2✯ Magic &bFind &7to your pet/&7for each digit in your &6gold/&6collection&7.' ,
				[3] = '&7Grants &a{1} &c❁ Strength &7per &b5 ✯ Magic Find&7.',
				[4] = '&7Gain &c{2}% &7damage for every/&7million coins in your bank.',
			bonus_desc = {
				-- the description of abilities used in the bottom cell.
				[1] = '+{0} strength per level',
				[2] = nil,
				[3] = '+{1} strength per magic find per level',
				[4] = '+{2} more damage per level',
		variables = {
			legendary = {
				ability_count = 4,
				[0] = {
					base = 50,
					per_lvl = 0.5,
					color = 'Red',
				[1] = {
					base = 0.25,
					per_lvl = 0.0025,
					color = 'Green',
					suffix = '%%',
				[2] = {
					base = 0.125,
					per_lvl = 0.00125,
					color = 'Red',
	['Golem'] = {
		rarities = { 'E', 'L' },
		petType = 'Combat Pet',
		stats = {
			hp = {1.5},
			str = {0.5},
			sr = {0.01},
		abilities = {
			name = {
				[1] = 'Last Stand',
				[2] = 'Ricochet',
				[3] = 'Toss',
			desc = {
				-- the description of abilities used in the two top cells
				[1] = 'While at less than <GREEN>20% HP</GREEN>, reduce incoming damage by <GREEN>20%</GREEN>. Additionally, gain a temporary shield equal to <GREEN>40%</GREEN> of your maximum health and deal <GREEN>40%</GREEN> more damage.<br/><DARKGRAY>(Lasts 12s, 60s cooldown)</DARKGRAY>',
				[2] = 'Your iron plating causes {0} of attacks to ricochet and hit the attacker.',
				[3] = 'Every 5 hits, throw the enemy up into the air and deal <GREEN>5x</GREEN> damage <DARKGRAY>(5s cooldown).</DARKGRAY>',
			tooltip = {
				-- the description of abilities used in the tooltip
				[1] = '&7While at less than &a20% HP&7, reduce/&7incoming damage by &a20%&7. Additionally,/&7gain a temporary shield equal to &a40%/&7of your maximum health and deal &a40%/&7more damage./&8(Lasts 12s, 60s cooldown)',
				[2] = '&7Your iron plating causes &a{0}% &7of/&7attacks to ricochet and hit the/&7attacker.',
				[3] = '&7Every 5 hits, throw the enemy up into/&7the air and deal &a5x &7damage &8(5s cooldown).',
			bonus_desc = {
				-- the description of abilities used in the bottom cell.
				[1] = '+{0} more attacks can ricochet',
		variables = {
			epic = {
				ability_count = 2,
				[0] = {
					per_lvl = 0.25,
					color = 'Green',
					suffix = '%%',
			legendary = {
				ability_count = 3,
				[0] = {
					per_lvl = 0.25,
					color = 'Green',
					suffix = '%%',
	['Grandma Wolf'] = {
		rarities = { 'C', 'U', 'R', 'E', 'L' },
		petType = 'Combat Pet',
		stats = {
			str = {0.25},
			hp = {1},
		abilities = {
			name = {
				[1] = 'Kill Combo',
			desc = {
				-- the description of abilities used in the two top cells
				[1] = 'Gain buffs for combo kills. Effects stack as you increase your combo.<br/>{{Bull}}<GREEN>5 Combo</GREEN> <DARKGRAY>(lasts</DARKGRAY> <GREEN>{0}s</GREEN><DARKGRAY>)</DARKGRAY>{{Bull}}<DARKGRAY>+</DARKGRAY><AQUA>{6}</AQUA> STAT_MF<br/>{{Bull}}<GREEN>10 Combo</GREEN> <DARKGRAY>(lasts</DARKGRAY> <GREEN>{1}s</GREEN><DARKGRAY>)</DARKGRAY>{{Bull}}<DARKGRAY>+</DARKGRAY><GOLD>{7} coins per kill</GOLD><br/>{{Bull}}<GREEN>15 Combo</GREEN> <DARKGRAY>(lasts</DARKGRAY> <GREEN>{2}s</GREEN><DARKGRAY>)</DARKGRAY>{{Bull}}<DARKGRAY>+</DARKGRAY><AQUA>{8} STAT_MF</AQUA><br/>{{Bull}}<GREEN>20 Combo</GREEN> <DARKGRAY>(lasts</DARKGRAY> <GREEN>{3}s</GREEN><DARKGRAY>)</DARKGRAY>{{Bull}}<DARKAQUA>+</DARKAQUA>{9} STAT_CW<br/>{{Bull}}<GREEN>25 Combo</GREEN> <DARKGRAY>(lasts</DARKGRAY> <GREEN>{4}s</GREEN><DARKGRAY>)</DARKGRAY>{{Bull}}<DARKGRAY>+</DARKGRAY><AQUA>{6}</AQUA> STAT_MF<br/>{{Bull}}<GREEN>30 Combo</GREEN> <DARKGRAY>(lasts</DARKGRAY> <GREEN>{5}s</GREEN><DARKGRAY>)</DARKGRAY>{{Bull}}<DARKGRAY>+</DARKGRAY><GOLD>{7} coins per kill</GOLD>',
			tooltip = {
				-- the description of abilities used in the tooltip
				[1] = '&7Gain buffs for combo kills./&7Effects stack as you increase/&7your combo.//&a5 Combo &8(lasts &a{0}s&8)/  &8+&b{6}% &b✯ Magic Find/&a10 Combo &8(lasts &a{1}s&8)/  &8+&6{7} &7coins per kill/&a15 Combo &8(lasts &a{2}s&8)/  &8+&b{8}% &b✯ Magic Find/&a20 Combo &8(lasts &a{3}s&8)/  &8+&3{9}☯ Combat Wisdom/&a25 Combo &8(lasts &a{4}s&8)/  &8+&b{6}% &b✯ Magic Find/&a30 Combo &8(lasts &a{5}s&8)/  &8+&6{7} &7coins per kill//&8This pet\'s perks are active/&8even when the pet is not/&8summoned!',
			bonus_desc = {
				-- the description of abilities used in the bottom cell.
				[1] = '+{0}/{1}/{2}/{3}/{4}/{5}s increase in combo duration for 5/10/15/20/25/30 combos per level.',
		variables = {
			common = {
				ability_count = 1,
				[0] = { -- 5 kill combo
					per_lvl = 0.02,
					base = 8,
					color = 'Green',
				[1] = { -- 10 kill combo
					per_lvl = 0.02,
					base = 6,
					color = 'Green',
				[2] = { -- 15 kill combo
					per_lvl = 0.02,
					base = 4,
					color = 'Green',
				[3] = { -- 20 kill combo
					per_lvl = 0.02,
					base = 3,
					color = 'Green',
				[4] = { -- 25 kill combo
					per_lvl = 0.01,
					base = 3,
					color = 'Green',
				[5] = { -- 30 kill combo
					per_lvl = 0.01,
					base = 2,
					color = 'Green',
				[6] = { -- Magic Find 1
					per_lvl = 0,
					base = 1,
					color = 'Aqua',
					suffix = '%%',
				[7] = { -- Coins 1
					per_lvl = 0,
					base = 2,
					color = 'Gold',
				[8] = { -- Magic Find 2
					per_lvl = 0,
					base = 1,
					color = 'Aqua',
					suffix = '%%',
				[9] = { -- Combat XP
					per_lvl = 0,
					base = 5,
					color = 'DarkAqua',
			uncommon = {
				ability_count = 1,
				[0] = { -- 5 kill combo
					per_lvl = 0.02,
					base = 8,
					color = 'Green',
				[1] = { -- 10 kill combo
					per_lvl = 0.02,
					base = 6,
					color = 'Green',
				[2] = { -- 15 kill combo
					per_lvl = 0.02,
					base = 4,
					color = 'Green',
				[3] = { -- 20 kill combo
					per_lvl = 0.02,
					base = 3,
					color = 'Green',
				[4] = { -- 25 kill combo
					per_lvl = 0.01,
					base = 3,
					color = 'Green',
				[5] = { -- 30 kill combo
					per_lvl = 0.01,
					base = 2,
					color = 'Green',
				[6] = { -- Magic Find 1
					per_lvl = 0,
					base = 1,
					color = 'Aqua',
					suffix = '%%',
				[7] = { -- Coins 1
					per_lvl = 0,
					base = 4,
					color = 'Gold',
				[8] = { -- Magic Find 2
					per_lvl = 0,
					base = 2,
					color = 'Aqua',
					suffix = '%%',
				[9] = { -- Combat XP
					per_lvl = 0,
					base = 7,
					color = 'DarkAqua',
			rare = {
				ability_count = 1,
				[0] = { -- 5 kill combo
					per_lvl = 0.02,
					base = 8,
					color = 'Green',
				[1] = { -- 10 kill combo
					per_lvl = 0.02,
					base = 6,
					color = 'Green',
				[2] = { -- 15 kill combo
					per_lvl = 0.02,
					base = 4,
					color = 'Green',
				[3] = { -- 20 kill combo
					per_lvl = 0.02,
					base = 3,
					color = 'Green',
				[4] = { -- 25 kill combo
					per_lvl = 0.01,
					base = 3,
					color = 'Green',
				[5] = { -- 30 kill combo
					per_lvl = 0.01,
					base = 2,
					color = 'Green',
				[6] = { -- Magic Find 1
					per_lvl = 0,
					base = 2,
					color = 'Aqua',
					suffix = '%%',
				[7] = { -- Coins 1
					per_lvl = 0,
					base = 6,
					color = 'Gold',
				[8] = { -- Magic Find 2
					per_lvl = 0,
					base = 2,
					color = 'Aqua',
					suffix = '%%',
				[9] = { -- Combat XP
					per_lvl = 0,
					base = 9,
					color = 'DarkAqua',
			epic = {
				ability_count = 1,
				[0] = { -- 5 kill combo
					per_lvl = 0.02,
					base = 8,
					color = 'Green',
				[1] = { -- 10 kill combo
					per_lvl = 0.02,
					base = 6,
					color = 'Green',
				[2] = { -- 15 kill combo
					per_lvl = 0.02,
					base = 4,
					color = 'Green',
				[3] = { -- 20 kill combo
					per_lvl = 0.02,
					base = 3,
					color = 'Green',
				[4] = { -- 25 kill combo
					per_lvl = 0.01,
					base = 3,
					color = 'Green',
				[5] = { -- 30 kill combo
					per_lvl = 0.01,
					base = 2,
					color = 'Green',
				[6] = { -- Magic Find 1
					per_lvl = 0,
					base = 2,
					color = 'Aqua',
					suffix = '%%',
				[7] = { -- Coins 1
					per_lvl = 0,
					base = 8,
					color = 'Gold',
				[8] = { -- Magic Find 2
					per_lvl = 0,
					base = 3,
					color = 'Aqua',
					suffix = '%%',
				[9] = { -- Combat XP
					per_lvl = 0,
					base = 12,
					color = 'DarkAqua',
			legendary = {
				ability_count = 1,
				[0] = { -- 5 kill combo
					per_lvl = 0.02,
					base = 8,
					color = 'Green',
				[1] = { -- 10 kill combo
					per_lvl = 0.02,
					base = 6,
					color = 'Green',
				[2] = { -- 15 kill combo
					per_lvl = 0.02,
					base = 4,
					color = 'Green',
				[3] = { -- 20 kill combo
					per_lvl = 0.02,
					base = 3,
					color = 'Green',
				[4] = { -- 25 kill combo
					per_lvl = 0.01,
					base = 3,
					color = 'Green',
				[5] = { -- 30 kill combo
					per_lvl = 0.01,
					base = 2,
					color = 'Green',
				[6] = { -- Magic Find 1
					per_lvl = 0,
					base = 3,
					color = 'Aqua',
					suffix = '%%',
				[7] = { -- Coins 1
					per_lvl = 0,
					base = 10,
					color = 'Gold',
				[8] = { -- Magic Find 2
					per_lvl = 0,
					base = 3,
					color = 'Aqua',
					suffix = '%%',
				[9] = { -- Combat XP
					per_lvl = 0,
					base = 15,
					color = 'DarkAqua',
	['Griffin'] = {
		rarities = { 'C', 'U', 'R', 'E', 'L' },
		petType = 'Combat Pet',
		stats = {
			cd = {0.5},
			cc = {0.1},
			mf = {0.1},
			str = {0.25},
			int = {0.1},
		abilities = {
			name = {
				[1] = 'Odyssey',
				[2] = 'Legendary Constitution',
				[3] = 'Perpetual Empathy',
				[4] = 'King of Kings',
			desc = {
				-- the description of abilities used in the two top cells
				[1] = '<DARKGREEN>Mythological creatures</DARKGREEN> you find and burrows you dig scale in <RED>difficulty</RED> and <GOLD>rewards</GOLD> based on your equipped Griffin\'s rarity.',
				[2] = 'Permanent <RED>Regeneration</RED> {0} and <DARKRED>Strength</DARKRED> {1}.',
				[3] = 'Heal nearby players for {2} of the final damage you receive. <DARKGRAY>Excludes other griffins.</DARKGRAY>',
				[4] = 'Gain <RED>+</RED>{3} STAT_STR when above <RED>85%</RED> health.',
			tooltip = {
				-- the description of abilities used in the tooltip
				[1] = '&2Mythological creatures &7you/&7find and burrows you dig scale/&7in &cdifficulty &7and &6rewards/&6&7based on your equipped/&7Griffin\'s rarity.',
				[2] = '&7Permanent &cRegeneration {0}/&c&7and &4Strength {1}&7.',
				[3] = '&7Heal nearby players for/&7&a{2}% &7of the final damage/&7you receive./&8Excludes other griffins.',
				[4] = '&7Gain &c+{3}% &c❁ Strength/&c&7when above &c85% &7health.',
			bonus_desc = {
				-- the description of abilities used in the bottom cell.
				[1] = nil,
				[2] = nil,
				[3] = '+{2} more healing per level',
				[4] = '+{3} more STAT_STR per level',
		variables = {
			common = {
				ability_count = 1,
			uncommon = {
				ability_count = 2,
				[0] = { -- constant variable. Changes with rarities, but not with levels
					per_lvl = 0,
					base = 5,
					color = 'Red',
					is_roman = true
				[1] = { -- constant variable. Changes with rarities, but not with levels
					per_lvl = 0,
					base = 7,
					color = 'DarkRed',
					is_roman = true
			rare = {
				ability_count = 2,
				[0] = { -- constant variable. Changes with rarities, but not with levels
					per_lvl = 0,
					base = 6,
					color = 'Red',
					is_roman = true
				[1] = { -- constant variable. Changes with rarities, but not with levels
					per_lvl = 0,
					base = 7,
					color = 'DarkRed',
					is_roman = true
			epic = {
				ability_count = 3,
				[0] = { -- constant variable. Changes with rarities, but not with levels
					per_lvl = 0,
					base = 6,
					color = 'Red',
					is_roman = true
				[1] = { -- constant variable. Changes with rarities, but not with levels
					per_lvl = 0,
					base = 8,
					color = 'DarkRed',
					is_roman = true
				[2] = {
					per_lvl = 0.16,
					color = 'Green',
					suffix = '%%',
			legendary = {
				ability_count = 4,
				[0] = { -- constant variable. Changes with rarities, but not with levels
					per_lvl = 0,
					base = 7,
					color = 'Red',
					is_roman = true
				[1] = { -- constant variable. Changes with rarities, but not with levels
					per_lvl = 0,
					base = 8,
					color = 'DarkRed',
					is_roman = true
				[2] = {
					per_lvl = 0.2,
					color = 'Green',
					suffix = '%%',
				[3] = {
					per_lvl = 0.14,
					base = 1,
					color = 'Red',
					suffix = '%%',
	['Guardian'] = {
		rarities = { 'C', 'U', 'R', 'E', 'L', 'M' },
		petType = 'Enchanting Pet',
		stats = {
			int = {1},
			def = {0.5},
		abilities = {
			name = {
				[1] = 'Lazerbeam',
				[2] = 'Enchanting Wisdom Boost',
				[3] = 'Mana Pool',
				[4] = 'Lucky Seven',
			desc = {
				-- the description of abilities used in the two top cells
				[1] = 'Zaps your enemies for {0} your STAT_INT every <GREEN>3s</GREEN>.',
				[2] = 'Grants <DARK_AQUA>+</DARK_AQUA>{1}STAT_EW.',
				[3] = 'Regenerate {2} extra STAT_MANA, doubled when near or in water.',
				[4] = 'Gain <AQUA>+</AQUA>{3} chance to find <DARK_PURPLE>ultra rare</DARK_PURPLE> books in <LIGHT_PURPLE>Superpairs</LIGHT_PURPLE>.'
			tooltip = {
				-- the description of abilities used in the tooltip
				[1] = '&7Zaps your enemies for &b{0}x/&b&7your &b✎ Intelligence &7every/&7&a3s.',
				[2] = '&7Grants &3+{1}☯ Enchanting/&3Wisdom&7.',
				[3] = '&7Regenerate &b{2}% &7extra mana,/&7doubled when near or in water.',
				[4] = '&7Gain &b+{3}% &7chance to find/&5ultra rare &7books in/&dSuperpairs&7.'
			bonus_desc = {
				-- the description of abilities used in the bottom cell.
				[1] = '+{0} higher zap damage per level',
				[2] = '+{1} higher STAT_EW per level',
				[3] = '+{2} higher STAT_MANA regeneration per level',
				[4] = '+{3} chance per level',
		variables = {
			common = {
				ability_count = 1,
				[0] = {
					per_lvl = 0.02,
					color = 'Aqua',
					suffix = 'x',
			uncommon = {
				ability_count = 1,
				[0] = {
					per_lvl = 0.06,
					color = 'Aqua',
					suffix = 'x',
			rare = {
				ability_count = 2,
				[0] = {
					per_lvl = 0.1,
					color = 'Aqua',
					suffix = 'x',
				[1] = {
					per_lvl = 0.25,
					color = 'Dark_Aqua',
			epic = {
				ability_count = 2,
				[0] = {
					per_lvl = 0.15,
					color = 'Aqua',
					suffix = 'x',
				[1] = {
					per_lvl = 0.3,
					color = 'Dark_Aqua',
			legendary = {
				ability_count = 3,
				[0] = {
					per_lvl = 0.2,
					color = 'Aqua',
					suffix = 'x',
				[1] = {
					per_lvl = 0.3,
					color = 'Dark_Aqua',
				[2] = {
					per_lvl = 0.3,
					color = 'Aqua',
					suffix = '%%',
			mythic = {
				ability_count = 4,
				[0] = {
					per_lvl = 1.2,
					color = 'Aqua',
					suffix = 'x',
				[1] = {
					per_lvl = 0.3,
					color = 'Dark_Aqua',
				[2] = {
					per_lvl = 0.3,
					color = 'Aqua',
					suffix = '%%',
				[3] = {
					per_lvl = 0.07,
					color = 'Aqua',
					suffix = '%%',
	['Horse'] = {
		rarities = { 'C', 'U', 'R', 'E', 'L' },
		petType = 'Combat Mount',
		stats = {
			int = {0.5},
			spd = {0.25},
		abilities = {
			name = {
				[1] = 'Rideable',
				[2] = 'Run',
				[3] = 'Ride Into Battle',
			desc = {
				-- the description of abilities used in the two top cells
				[1] = 'Right-click your summoned pet to ride it!',
				[2] = 'Increases the speed of your mount by {0}.',
				[3] = 'While riding your horse, gain +{1} bow damage.',
			tooltip = {
				-- the description of abilities used in the tooltip
				[1] = '&7Right-click your summoned pet/&7to ride it!',
				[2] = '&7Increases the speed of your/&7mount by &a{0}%',
				[3] = '&7While riding your horse, gain/&7+&a{1}% &7 bow damage.',
			bonus_desc = {
				-- the description of abilities used in the bottom cell.
				[1] = nil,
				[2] = '+{0} higher speed increase per level',
				[3] = '+{1} higher bow damage per level',
		variables = {
			common = {
				ability_count = 1,
			uncommon = {
				ability_count = 1,
			rare = {
				ability_count = 2,
				[0] = {
					per_lvl = 1.1,
					color = 'Green',
					suffix = '%%',
			epic = {
				ability_count = 2,
				[0] = {
					per_lvl = 1.2,
					color = 'Green',
					suffix = '%%',
			legendary = {
				ability_count = 3,
				[0] = {
					per_lvl = 1.2,
					color = 'Green',
					suffix = '%%',
				[1] = {
					per_lvl = 0.25,
					color = 'Green',
					suffix = '%%',
	['Hound'] = {
		rarities = { 'E', 'L' },
		petType = 'Combat Pet',
		stats = {
			spd = {0.1},
			str = {0.4},
			as = {0.25},
			fer = {0.05},
		abilities = {
			name = {
				[1] = 'Scavenger',
				[2] = 'Finder',
				[3] = 'Pack Slayer',
			desc = {
				-- the description of abilities used in the two top cells
				[1] = 'Gain +{0} coins per monster kill.',
				[2] = 'Increases the chance for monsters to drop their armor by {1}.',
				[3] = 'Gain <GREEN>+</GREEN>{2} Combat XP against <GREEN>Wolves</GREEN>.',
			tooltip = {
				-- the description of abilities used in the tooltip
				[1] = '&7Gain +&a{0} &7coins per monster kill.',
				[2] = '&7Increases the chance for monsters/&7to drop their armor by &a{1}%&7.',
				[3] = '&7Gain &b+{2} &7Combat XP against &aWolves&7.',
			bonus_desc = {
				-- the description of abilities used in the bottom cell.
				[1] = '+{0} more COINS',
				[2] = '+{1} higher chance per level',
				[3] = '+{2} more Combat XP per level',
		variables = {
			epic = {
				ability_count = 2,
				[0] = {
					base = 0.05,
					per_lvl = 0.05,
					color = 'Gold',
				[1] = {
					per_lvl = 0.3,
					color = 'Green',
					suffix = '%%',
			legendary = {
				ability_count = 3,
				[0] = {
					base = 0.05,
					per_lvl = 0.05,
					color = 'Gold',
				[1] = {
					per_lvl = 0.3,
					color = 'Green',
					suffix = '%%',
				[2] = {
					base = 1,
					per_lvl = 0.005,
					color = 'Green',
					suffix = 'x',
	['Jellyfish'] = {
		rarities = { 'E', 'L' },
		petType = 'Alchemy Pet',
		stats = {
			hp = {2},
			hr = {1},
		abilities = {
			name = {
				[1] = 'Radiant Scyphozoa',
				[2] = 'Stored Energy',
				[3] = 'Powerful Potions',
			desc = {
				-- the description of abilities used in the two top cells
				[1] = 'While in dungeons, reduces the mana cost of Power Orbs by {0}.',
				[2] = 'While in dungeons, for every <RED>2,000 HP</RED> you heal teammates the cooldown of <GREEN>Wish</GREEN> is reduced by {1}, up to <GREEN>30s</GREEN>.',
				[3] = 'While in dungeons, increase the effectiveness of Dungeon Potions by {2}',
			tooltip = {
				-- the description of abilities used in the tooltip
				[1] = '&7While in dungeons, reduces the/&7mana cost of/&7Power Orbs by &a{0}%&7.',
				[2] = '&7While in dungeons, for every/&c2,000 HP &7you heal teammates/&7the cooldown of &aWish &7is/&7reduced by &a{1}s&7, up to/&a30s&7.',
				[3] = '&7While in dungeons, increase/&7the effectiveness of Dungeon/&7Potions by &a{2}%',
			bonus_desc = {
				-- the description of abilities used in the bottom cell.
				[1] = '{0} decreased mana cost for Power Orbs per level',
				[2] = '<GREEN>Wish</GREEN> reduced by {1} per level',
				[3] = '+{2} more effectiveness per level',
		variables = {
			epic = {
				ability_count = 2,
				[0] = {
					per_lvl = 0.5,
					color = 'Green',
					suffix = '%%',
				[1] = {
					per_lvl = 0.01,
					color = 'Green',
					suffix = 's',
			legendary = {
				ability_count = 3,
				[0] = {
					per_lvl = 0.5,
					color = 'Green',
					suffix = '%%',
				[1] = {
					per_lvl = 0.01,
					color = 'Green',
					suffix = 's',
				[2] = {
					per_lvl = 0.5,
					color = 'Green',
					suffix = '%%',
	['Jerry'] = {
		rarities = { 'C', 'U', 'R', 'E', 'L', 'M' },
		petType = 'Combat Pet',
		stats = {
			int = {-1},
		abilities = {
			name = {
				[1] = 'Jerry',
				[2] = 'Jerry',
				[3] = 'Jerry',
				[4] = 'Jerry',
			desc = {
				-- the description of abilities used in the two top cells
				[1] = 'Gain <GREEN>50%</GREEN> chance to deal your regular damage.',
				[2] = 'Gain <GREEN>100%</GREEN> chance to receive a normal amount of drops from mobs.',
				[3] = 'Actually adds {0} STAT_DMG to the [[Aspect of the Jerry]].',
				[4] = 'Tiny chance to find Jerry Candies when killing mobs.',
			tooltip = {
				-- the description of abilities used in the tooltip
				[1] = '&7Gain &a50% &7chance to deal/&7your regular damage.',
				[2] = '&7Gain &a100% &7chance to/&7receive a normal amount of drops/&7from mobs.',
				[3] = '&7Actually adds &c{0} damage &7to/&7the Aspect of the Jerry.',
				[4] = '&7Tiny chance to find Jerry/&7Candies when killing mobs.',
			bonus_desc = {
				-- the description of abilities used in the bottom cell.
				[1] = nil,
				[2] = nil,
				[3] = '+{0} more damage added per level',
				[4] = nil,
		variables = {
			common = {
				ability_count = 2,
			uncommon = {
				ability_count = 2,
			rare = {
				ability_count = 2,
			epic = {
				ability_count = 2,
			legendary = {
				ability_count = 3,
				[0] = {
					per_lvl = 0.1,
					color = 'Red',
			mythic = {
				ability_count = 4,
				[0] = {
					per_lvl = 0.5,
					color = 'Red',
	['Kuudra'] = {
		rarities = { 'C', 'U', 'R', 'E', 'L' },
		petType = 'Combat Pet',
		stats = {
			str = {0.4},
			hp = {4},
		abilities = {
			name = {
				[1] = 'Crimson',
				[2] = 'Wither Bait',
				[3] = 'Kuudra Fortune',
				[4] = 'Trophy Bait',
				[5] = 'Kuudra Specialist',
			desc = {
				-- the describtion of abilities used in the two top cells
				[1] = 'Grants {0} extra crimson essence.',
				[2] = 'Increases the odds of finding a Vanquisher by {1}.',
				[3] = 'Gain <GOLD>+</GOLD>{2}STAT_MNF while on the Crimson Isle.',
				[4] = 'Increases the odds of fishing Trophy Fish by {3}.',
				[5] = 'Increases all damage to Kuudra by <RED>5%</RED>.',
			tooltip = {
				-- the description of abilities used in the tooltip 
				[1] = '&7Grants &a{0}% &7extra crimson/&7essence.',
				[2] = '&7Increases the odds of finding/&7a vanquisher by &a{1}%&7.',
				[3] = '&7Gain &6+{2}☘ Mining Fortune/&7while on the Crimson Isle.',
				[4] = '&7Increases the odds of fishing/&7Trophy Fish by &a{3}%&7.',
				[5] = '&7Increases all damage to Kuudra/&7by &c5%&7.',
			bonus_desc = {
				-- the describtion of abilities used in the bottom cell
				[1] = '+{0} extra crimson essence per level',
				[2] = '+{1} odds of finding a vanquisher per level',
				[3] = '+{2} more STAT_MNF while on the Crimson Isle per level',
				[4] = '+{3} odds of fishing Trophy Fish per level',
				[5] = nil,
		variables = {
			common = {
				ability_count = 2,
				[0] = {
					per_lvl = 0.1,
					color = 'Green',
					suffix = '%%',
				[1] = {
					per_lvl = 0.1,
					color = 'Green',
					suffix = '%%',
			uncommon = {
				ability_count = 2,
				[0] = {
					per_lvl = 0.15,
					color = 'Green',
					suffix = '%%',
				[1] = {
					per_lvl = 0.15,
					color = 'Green',
					suffix = '%%',
			rare = {
				ability_count = 3,
				[0] = {
					per_lvl = 0.15,
					color = 'Green',
					suffix = '%%',
				[1] = {
					per_lvl = 0.15,
					color = 'Green',
					suffix = '%%',
				[2] = {
					per_lvl = 0.5,
					color = 'Gold',
			epic = {
				ability_count = 4,
				[0] = {
					per_lvl = 0.2,
					color = 'Green',
					suffix = '%%',
				[1] = {
					per_lvl = 0.2,
					color = 'Green',
					suffix = '%%',
				[2] = {
					per_lvl = 0.5,
					color = 'Gold',
				[3] = {
					per_lvl = 0.2,
					color = 'Green',
					suffix = '%%',
			legendary = {
				ability_count = '5',
				[0] = {
					per_lvl = 0.2,
					color = 'Green',
					suffix = '%%',
				[1] = {
					per_lvl = 0.2,
					color = 'Green',
					suffix = '%%',
				[2] = {
					per_lvl = 0.5,
					color = 'Gold',
				[3] = {
					per_lvl = 0.2,
					color = 'Green',
					suffix = '%%',
	['Lion'] = {
		rarities = { 'C', 'U', 'R', 'E', 'L' },
		petType = 'Foraging Pet',
		stats = {
			fer = {0.05},
			str = {0.5},
			spd = {0.25},
		abilities = {
			name = {
				[1] = 'Primal Force',
				[2] = 'First Pounce',
				[3] = 'King of the Jungle',
			desc = {
				-- the description of abilities used in the two top cells
				[1] = 'Adds +{0} STAT_DMG and +{1} STAT_STR to your weapons.',
				[2] = 'First strike, Triple-strike, and {{Ench|combo}} are {2} more effective.',
				[3] = 'Deal +{3} STAT_DMG against mobs that have attacked you.',
			tooltip = {
				-- the description of abilities used in the tooltip
				[1] = '&7Adds &c+{0} &c❁ Damage &7and/&7&c+{1} &c❁ Strength &7to your/&7weapons.',
				[2] = '&7First Strike&7,/&7Triple-Strike&7, and &d&lCombo/&r&7are &a{2}% &7more effective.',
				[3] = '&7Deal &c+{3}% &c❁ Damage/&c&7against mobs that have/&7attacked you.',
			bonus_desc = {
				-- the description of abilities used in the bottom cell.
				[1] = '+{0} more STAT_DMG per level; +{1} STAT_STR per level',
				[2] = '+{2} more damage per level',
				[3] = '+{3} more damage per level',
		variables = {
			common = {
				ability_count = 1,
				[0] = {
					per_lvl = 0.03,
					color = 'Red',
				[1] = {
					per_lvl = 0.03,
					color = 'Red',
			uncommon = {
				ability_count = 1,
				[0] = {
					per_lvl = 0.05,
					color = 'Red',
				[1] = {
					per_lvl = 0.05,
					color = 'Red',
			rare = {
				ability_count = 2,
				[0] = {
					per_lvl = 0.1,
					color = 'Red',
				[1] = {
					per_lvl = 0.1,
					color = 'Red',
				[2] = {
					per_lvl = 0.75,
					color = 'Green',
					suffix = '%%',
			epic = {
				ability_count = 2,
				[0] = {
					per_lvl = 0.15,
					color = 'Red',
				[1] = {
					per_lvl = 0.15,
					color = 'Red',
				[2] = {
					per_lvl = 1,
					color = 'Green',
					suffix = '%%',
			legendary = {
				ability_count = 3,
				[0] = {
					per_lvl = 0.2,
					color = 'Red',
				[1] = {
					per_lvl = 0.2,
					color = 'Red',
				[2] = {
					per_lvl = 1,
					color = 'Green',
					suffix = '%%',
				[3] = {
					per_lvl = 1.5,
					color = 'Red',
					suffix = '%%',
	['Magma Cube'] = {
		rarities = { 'C', 'U', 'R', 'E', 'L' },
		petType = 'Combat Pet',
		stats = {
			hp = {0.5},
			str = {0.2},
			def = {0.33},
		abilities = {
			name = {
				[1] = 'Slimy Minions',
				[2] = 'Salt Blade',
				[3] = 'Hot Ember',
			desc = {
				-- the description of abilities used in the two top cells
				[1] = 'Slime minions work {0} faster while on your island.',
				[2] = 'Deal {1} more damage to slimes.',
				[3] = 'Buffs the stats of [[Ember Armor]] by {2}.',
			tooltip = {
				-- the description of abilities used in the tooltip
				[1] = '&7Slime minions work &a{0}%/&a&7faster while on your island.',
				[2] = '&7Deal &a{1}% &7more damage to/&7slimes.',
				[3] = '&7Buffs the stats of Ember Armor/&7by &a{2}%',
			bonus_desc = {
				-- the description of abilities used in the bottom cell.
				[1] = '+{0} higher minion speed bonus per level',
				[2] = '+{1} more damage per level',
				[3] = '+{2} higher buff per level',
		variables = {
			common = {
				ability_count = 1,
				[0] = {
					per_lvl = 0.2,
					color = 'Green',
					suffix = '%%',
			uncommon = {
				ability_count = 1,
				[0] = {
					per_lvl = 0.2,
					color = 'Green',
					suffix = '%%',
			rare = {
				ability_count = 2,
				[0] = {
					per_lvl = 0.25,
					color = 'Green',
					suffix = '%%',
				[1] = {
					per_lvl = 0.2,
					color = 'Green',
					suffix = '%%',
			epic = {
				ability_count = 2,
				[0] = {
					per_lvl = 0.3,
					color = 'Green',
					suffix = '%%',
				[1] = {
					per_lvl = 0.25,
					color = 'Green',
					suffix = '%%',
			legendary = {
				ability_count = 3,
				[0] = {
					per_lvl = 0.3,
					color = 'Green',
					suffix = '%%',
				[1] = {
					per_lvl = 0.25,
					color = 'Green',
					suffix = '%%',
				[2] = {
					per_lvl = 0.5,
					color = 'Green',
					suffix = '%%',
	['Mammoth'] = {
		rarities = { 'L' },
		petType = 'Combat Pet',
		stats = {
			def = {0.5},
			cr = {0.1},
		abilities = {
			name = {
				[1] = 'Wooly Coat',
				[2] = 'Tusk Luck',
				[3] = 'Corpse Crusher',
			desc = {
				-- the describtion of abilities used in the two top cells
				[1] = 'Gain a {0} chance for mobs to not inflict STAT_COLD when damaging you in the [[Glacite Mineshafts]].',
				[2] = 'Gain {1} Magic Find for every 100 STAT_MNF, doubled in the [[Glacite Tunnels]] and [[Glacite Mineshafts]].',
				[3] = 'Gain <ORANGE>+</ORANGE>{2}STAT_MNF for each [[Frozen Corpse]] looted in your current Glacite Mineshaft.',
			tooltip = {
				-- the description of abilities used in the tooltip 
				[1] = '&7Gain a &a{0}% &7chance for mobs to not/&7inflict &b❄ Cold &7when damaging you in/&7the &bGlacite Mineshafts&7.',
				[2] = '&7Gain &b+{1}✯ Magic Find &7for every/&7100 &6☘ Mining Fortune&7, doubled in the/&bGlacite Tunnels &7and &bGlacite/&bMineshafts&7.',
				[3] = '&7Gain &6+{2}☘ Mining Fortune &7for each/&bFrozen Corpse &7looted in your/&7current &bGlacite Mineshaft&7.',
			bonus_desc = {
				-- the describtion of abilities used in the bottom cell
				[1] = '+{0} higher chance per level',
				[2] = '+{1} more STAT_MF per level',
				[3] = '+{2} more STAT_MNF per level',
		variables = {
			legendary = {
				ability_count = 3,
				[0] = {
					per_lvl = 1,
					color = 'Green',
					suffix = '%%',
				[1] = {
					per_lvl = 0.005,
					color = 'Aqua',
				[2] = {
					per_lvl = 0.3,
					color = 'Orange',
	['Megalodon'] = {
		rarities = { 'E', 'L' },
		petType = 'Fishing Pet',
		stats = {
			str = {0.5},
			mf = {0.1},
			scc = {0.05, 5},
			fer = {0.05, 5},
			fs = {0.3, 10},
		abilities = {
			name = {
				[1] = 'Blood Scent',
				[2] = 'Enhanced Scales',
				[3] = 'Feeding Frenzy',
			desc = {
				-- the description of abilities used in the two top cells
				[1] = 'Deal up to <RED>+</RED>{0} STAT_DMG based on the enemy\'s missing health.',
				[2] = 'Doubles the pet\'s base stats during the <AQUA>Fishing Festival</AQUA>.',
				[3] = 'Increases your chance to catch Sharks during the <AQUA>Fishing Festival</AQUA> by {1}.',
			tooltip = {
				-- the description of abilities used in the tooltip
				[1] = '&7Deal up to &c+{0}% &c❁ Damage &7based on/&7the enemy\'s missing health.',
				[2] = '&7Doubles the pet\'s base stats during/&7the &bFishing Festival&7.',
				[3] = '&7Increases your chance to catch/Sharks during the &bFishing Festival &7by/&a{1}&7.',
			bonus_desc = {
				-- the description of abilities used in the bottom cell.
				[1] = '+{0} more damage dealt per level',
				[3] = '+{1} higher Shark chance per level',
		variables = {
			epic = {
				ability_count = 2,
				[0] = {
					base = 50,
					per_lvl = 1,
					color = 'Red',
					suffix = '%%',
			legendary = {
				ability_count = 3,
				[0] = {
					base = 50,
					per_lvl = 1,
					color = 'Red',
					suffix = '%%',
				[1] = {
					base = 10,
					per_lvl = 0.1,
					color = 'Green',
					suffix = '%%',
	['Mithril Golem'] = {
		rarities = { 'C', 'U', 'R', 'E', 'L', 'M' },
		petType = 'Mining Pet',
		stats = {
			tdef = {0.5},
			mnf = {0.25},
		abilities = {
			name = {
				[1] = 'Mithril Affinity',
				[2] = 'Subterranean Battler',
				[3] = 'The Smell Of Powder',
				[4] = 'Refined Senses',
			desc = {
				-- the description of abilities used in the two top cells
				[1] = 'Grants {0} STAT_MS when mining <DARKGREEN>Mithril</DARKGREEN>.',
				[2] = 'Grants {1} of most combat stats while on <AQUA>Mining Islands</AQUA>.',
				[3] = 'Grants +{2} <DARKGREEN>Mithril Powder</DARKGREEN> from all sources.',
				[4] = 'Grants +{3} <AQUA>Magic Find</AQUA> while on <AQUA>Mining Islands</AQUA>.'
			tooltip = {
				-- the description of abilities used in the tooltip
				[1] = '&7Grants &6+{0}&6⸕ Mining Speed &7when/&7mining &2Mithril&7.',
				[2] = '&7Grants &a+{1}% &7of most combat stats/&7while on &bMining Islands&7.',
				[3] = '&7Grants &2+{2}% ᠅ Mithril Powder &7from/&7all sources.',
				[4] = '&7Grants &b+{3}% ✯ Magic Find&7 while on/&bMining Islands&7.'
			bonus_desc = {
				-- the description of abilities used in the bottom cell.
				[1] = '+{0} more Mining Speed while mining <YELLOW>Mithril</YELLOW>',
				[2] = '+{1} more combat stats on mining islands',
				[3] = '+{2} extra <DARKGREEN>Mithril Powder</DARKGREEN>',
				[4] = '+{3} more Magic Find when on a Mining Island'
		variables = {
			common = {
				ability_count = 1,
				[0] = {
					per_lvl = 1,
					color = 'Orange',
			uncommon = {
				ability_count = 1,
				[0] = {
					per_lvl = 1.5,
					color = 'Orange',
			rare = {
				ability_count = 2,
				[0] = {
					per_lvl = 1.5,
					color = 'Orange',
				[1] = {
					per_lvl = 0.1,
					color = 'Green',
					suffix = '%%',
			epic = {
				ability_count = 2,
				[0] = {
					per_lvl = 2,
					color = 'Orange',
				[1] = {
					per_lvl = 0.2,
					color = 'Green',
					suffix = '%%',
			legendary = {
				ability_count = 3,
				[0] = {
					per_lvl = 2,
					color = 'Orange',
				[1] = {
					per_lvl = 0.2,
					color = 'Green',
					suffix = '%%',
				[2] = {
					per_lvl = 0.2,
					color = 'DarkGreen',
					suffix = '%%',
			mythic = {
				ability_count = 4,
				[0] = {
					per_lvl = 2,
					color = 'Orange',
				[1] = {
					per_lvl = 0.2,
					color = 'Green',
					suffix = '%%',
				[2] = {
					per_lvl = 0.2,
					color = 'DarkGreen',
					suffix = '%%',
				[3] = {
					per_lvl = 0.1,
					color = 'Aqua',
					suffix = '%%',
	['Mole'] = {
		rarities = { 'L' },
		petType = 'Mining Pet',
		stats = {
			int = {1},
			mf = {0.05},
			ms = {0.75},
		abilities = {
			name = {
				[1] = 'Archaeologist',
				[2] = 'Magnetic Nose',
				[3] = 'Nucleic Explorer',
			desc = {
				-- the describtion of abilities used in the two top cells
				[1] = 'Increase your chance of finding Scavenged Items in the Mines of Divan by {0}.',
				[2] = 'Automatons drop their parts {1} more frequently.',
				[3] = 'Gain a {2} chance to receive an extra drop when completing the Crystal Nucleus.',
			tooltip = {
				-- the description of abilities used in the tooltip 
				[1] = '&7Increase your chance of finding/&cScavenged Items &7in the &2Mines of/&2Divan &7by {0}&7.',
				[2] = '&9Automatons &7drop their parts &a50%/&7more frequently.',
				[3] = '&7Gain a {2} &7chance to receive an/&7extra drop when completing the/&dCrystal Nucleus&7.',
			bonus_desc = {
				-- the describtion of abilities used in the bottom cell
				[1] = '+{0} higher chance per level',
				[2] = '+{1} higher drop rate per level',
				[3] = '+{2} higher chance per level',
		variables = {	
			legendary = {
				ability_count = 3,
				[0] = {
					per_lvl = 0.25,
					color = 'Green',
					suffix = '%%',
				[1] = {
					per_lvl = 0.5,
					color = 'Green',
					suffix = '%%',
				[2] = {
					per_lvl = 1,
					color = 'Green',
					suffix = '%%',
	['Monkey'] = {
		rarities = { 'C', 'U', 'R', 'E', 'L' },
		petType = 'Foraging Pet',
		stats = {
			spd = {0.2},
			int = {0.5},
		abilities = {
			name = {
				[1] = 'Treeborn',
				[2] = 'Vine Swing',
				[3] = 'Evolved Axes',
			desc = {
				-- the description of abilities used in the two top cells
				[1] = 'Grants +{0} STAT_FRF, which increases your chances at double logs.',
				[2] = 'Gain +{1} STAT_SPD while in [[The Park]].',
				[3] = 'Reduce the cooldown of [[Jungle Axe]] and [[Treecapitator]] by {2}.',
			tooltip = {
				-- the description of abilities used in the tooltip
				[1] = '&7Grants &a+{0} &6☘ Foraging/&6Fortune&7, which increases your/&7chance at double logs.',
				[2] = '&7Gain +&a{1} &f✦ Speed &7while/&7in The Park.',
				[3] = '&7Reduce the cooldown of Jungle/&7Axe and Treecapitator by &a{2}%',
			bonus_desc = {
				-- the description of abilities used in the bottom cell.
				[1] = '+{0} higher chance per level',
				[2] = '+{1} more STAT_SPD per level',
				[3] = '+{2} higher cooldown reduction per level',
		variables = {
			common = {
				ability_count = 1,
				[0] = {
					per_lvl = 0.4,
					color = 'Green',
					suffix = '%%',
			uncommon = {
				ability_count = 1,
				[0] = {
					per_lvl = 0.5,
					color = 'Green',
					suffix = '%%',
			rare = {
				ability_count = 2,
				[0] = {
					per_lvl = 0.5,
					color = 'Green',
					suffix = '%%',
				[1] = {
					per_lvl = 0.75,
					color = 'Green',
			epic = {
				ability_count = 2,
				[0] = {
					per_lvl = 0.6,
					color = 'Green',
					suffix = '%%',
				[1] = {
					per_lvl = 1,
					color = 'Green',
			legendary = {
				ability_count = 3,
				[0] = {
					per_lvl = 0.6,
					color = 'Green',
					suffix = '%%',
				[1] = {
					per_lvl = 1,
					color = 'Green',
				[2] = {
					per_lvl = 0.5,
					color = 'Green',
					suffix = '%%',
	['Montezuma'] = {
		rarities = { 'R', 'E' },
		level = 100,
		petType = 'Fractured Soul Pet',
		stats = {
			rt = {0, 25},
			mr = {0, 0, req = 'epic'},
		abilities = {
			name = {
				[1] = 'Nine Lives',
				[2] = 'Trickery',
			desc = {
				-- the description of abilities used in the two top cells
				[1] = 'Gain <GREEN>+</GREEN>{0} STAT_RT per soul piece.',
				[2] = 'Gain <AQUA>+</AQUA>{1} STAT_MR per soul piece found.',
			tooltip = {
				-- the description of abilities used in the tooltip
				[1] = '&7Gain &a+{0}ф Rift Time &7per/&7soul piece.',
				[2] = '&7Gain &b+{1}⚡ Mana Regen &7per/&7soul piece found.',
			bonus_desc = {
				-- the description of abilities used in the bottom cell.
				[1] = nil,
				[2] = nil,
		variables = {
			rare = {
				ability_count = 1,
				[0] = {
					base = 15,
					per_lvl = 0,
					color = 'Green',
			epic = {
				ability_count = 2,
				[0] = {
					base = 15,
					per_lvl = 0,
					color = 'Green',
				[1] = {
					base = 2,
					per_lvl = 0,
					color = 'Aqua',
	['Mooshroom Cow'] = {
		rarities = { 'C', 'U', 'R', 'E', 'L' },
		petType = 'Farming Pet',
		stats = {
			hp = {1},
			fmf = {1,10},
		abilities = {
			name = {
				[1] = 'Efficient Mushrooms',
				[2] = 'Mushroom Eater',
				[3] = 'Farming Strength',
			desc = {
				-- the description of abilities used in the two top cells
				[1] = 'Mushroom and Mycelium minions work {0} faster while on your island.',
				[2] = 'When Breaking crops, there is a {1} chance that a mushroom will drop.',
				[3] = 'Gain <GOLD>+0.7</GOLD> STAT_FMF per every {2} STAT_STR.',
			tooltip = {
				-- the description of abilities used in the tooltip
				[1] = '&7Mushroom and Mycelium/&7minions work &a{0}% &7faster while/&7on your island.',
				[2] = '&7When Breaking crops, there is/&7a &a{1}% &7chance that a/&7mushroom will drop.',
				[3] = '&7Gain &6+0.7☘ Farming Fortune/&7per every &c{2} ❁ Strength&7.',
			bonus_desc = {
				-- the description of abilities used in the bottom cell.
				[1] = '+{0} higher speed boost per level',
				[2] = '+{1} higher drop chance per level',
				[3] = '{2} lower strength requirement per farming fortune per level',
		variables = {
			common = {
				ability_count = 1,
				[0] = {
					per_lvl = 0.2,
					color = 'Green',
					suffix = '%%',
			uncommon = {
				ability_count = 1,
				[0] = {
					per_lvl = 0.2,
					color = 'Green',
					suffix = '%%',
			rare = {
				ability_count = 2,
				[0] = {
					per_lvl = 0.3,
					color = 'Green',
					suffix = '%%',
				[1] = {
					per_lvl = 1, 	
					color = 'Green',
					suffix = '%%',
			epic = {
				ability_count = 2,
				[0] = {
					per_lvl = 0.3,
					color = 'Green',
					suffix = '%%',
				[1] = {
					per_lvl = 1, 	
					color = 'Green',
					suffix = '%%',
			legendary = {
				ability_count = 3,
				[0] = {
					per_lvl = 0.3,
					color = 'Green',
					suffix = '%%',
				[1] = {
					per_lvl = 1, 	
					color = 'Green',
					suffix = '%%',
				[2] = {
					base = 40,
					per_lvl = -0.2, 	
					color = 'Red',
	['Ocelot'] = {
		rarities = { 'C', 'U', 'R', 'E', 'L' },
		petType = 'Foraging Pet',
		stats = {
			spd = {0.5},
			fer = {0.1},
		abilities = {
			name = {
				[1] = 'Foraging Wisdom Boost',
				[2] = 'Tree Hugger',
				[3] = 'Tree Essence',
			desc = {
				-- the description of abilities used in the two top cells
				[1] = 'Grants <DARK_AQUA>+</DARK_AQUA>{0}STAT_FRW.',
				[2] = 'Foraging minions work {1} faster while on your island.',
				[3] = 'Gain a {2} chance to get exp from breaking a log.',
			tooltip = {
				-- the description of abilities used in the tooltip
				[1] = '&7Grants &3+{0}☯ Foraging/&3Wisdom&7.',
				[2] = '&7Foraging minions work &a{1}%/&a&7faster while on your island.',
				[3] = '&7Gain a &a{2}% &7chance to get/&7exp from breaking a log.',
			bonus_desc = {
				-- the description of abilities used in the bottom cell.
				[1] = '+{0} STAT_FRW per level',
				[2] = '+{1} higher speed boost per level',
				[3] = '+{2} higher chance per level',
		variables = {
			common = {
				ability_count = 1,
				[0] = {
					per_lvl = 0.2,
					color = 'Dark_Aqua',
			uncommon = {
				ability_count = 1,
				[0] = {
					per_lvl = 0.25,
					color = 'Dark_Aqua',
			rare = {
				ability_count = 2,
				[0] = {
					per_lvl = 0.25,
					color = 'Dark_Aqua',
				[1] = {
					per_lvl = 0.3,
					color = 'Green',
					suffix = '%%',
			epic = {
				ability_count = 2,
				[0] = {
					per_lvl = 0.3,
					color = 'Dark_Aqua',
				[1] = {
					per_lvl = 0.3,
					color = 'Green',
					suffix = '%%',
			legendary = {
				ability_count = 3,
				[0] = {
					per_lvl = 0.3,
					color = 'Dark_Aqua',
				[1] = {
					per_lvl = 0.3,
					color = 'Green',
					suffix = '%%',
				[2] = {
					per_lvl = 0.3,
					color = 'Green',
					suffix = '%%',
	['Owl'] = {
		rarities = { 'L' },
		petType = 'Taming Pet',
		stats = {},
		abilities = {
			name = {
				[1] = 'Training Refunds',
				[2] = 'Efficient Trainer',
				[3] = 'Fast Learner',
			desc = {
				-- the description of abilities used in the two top cells
				[1] = 'The more coins to spend on Fann\'s Sessions, the less coins they will cost. <DARK_GRAY>(max 5% off).</DARK_GRAY>',
				[2] = 'Makes training sessions at Fann more efficient when added into a session.\n\nIncreased EXP: <AQUA>+{0} EXP</AQUA>',
				[3] = 'Passively grants Grants <DARK_AQUA>+</DARK_AQUA>{1}STAT_TW.',
			tooltip = {
				-- the description of abilities used in the tooltip
				[1] = '&7The more coins to spend on/&7Fann\'s Sessions, the less coins/&7they will cost. &8(max 5% off).',
				[2] = '&7Makes training sessions at/&7Fann more efficient when added/&7into a session.//&7Increased EXP: &b+{0}% EXP',
				[3] = '&7Passively grants &3+{1}☯ Taming/&3Wisdom',
			bonus_desc = {
				-- the description of abilities used in the bottom cell.
				[1] = nil,
				[2] = '+{0} increased pet training EXP per level',
				[3] = '+{1} more STAT_TW per level',
		variables = {
			legendary = {
				ability_count = 3,
				[0] = {
					base = 0.1,
					per_lvl = 0.099,
					color = 'Aqua',
					suffix = '%%',
				[1] = {
					base = 0.05,
					per_lvl = 0.045,
					color = 'Dark_Aqua',
	['Parrot'] = {
		rarities = { 'E', 'L' },
		petType = 'Alchemy Pet',
		stats = {
			int = {1},
			cd = {0.1},
		abilities = {
			name = {
				[1] = 'Flamboyant',
				[2] = 'Repeat',
				[3] = 'Bird Discourse',
				[4] = 'Parrot Feather Infusion',
			desc = {
				-- the description of abilities used in the two top cells
				[1] = 'Adds {0} level(s) to [[Accessories|intimidation accessories]].',
				[2] = 'Boosts potions duration by {1}.',
				[3] = 'Gives +{2} STAT_STR to players within 20 Blocks <DARK_GRAY>(doesn\'t stack)</DARK_GRAY>.',
				[4] = 'When summoned or in your pets menu, boost the duration of consumed [[God Potion|God Potions]] by +{3}.',
			tooltip = {
				-- the description of abilities used in the tooltip
				[1] = '&7Adds &a{0} &7levels to/&7intimidation accessories.',
				[2] = '&7Boosts potions duration by/&7&a{1}%',
				[3] = '&7Gives &c+{2}❁ Strength &7to/&7players within &a20 &7blocks/&8Doesn\'t stack.',
				[4] = '&7When summoned or in your pets/&7menu, boost the duration of/&7consumed &cGod Potions &7by/&7&a{3}%',
			bonus_desc = {
				-- the description of abilities used in the bottom cell.
				[1] = '+<GREEN>1</GREEN> level per ≈{4} level(s)',
				[2] = '+{1} higher duration boost per level',
				[3] = '+{2} more STAT_STR per level',
				[4] = '+{3} higher duaration boost per level',
		variables = {
			epic = {
				ability_count = 2,
				[0] = {
					eval = 'Parrot',
					base = 1,
					color = 'Green',
				[1] = {
					per_lvl = 0.35,
					base = 5,
					color = 'Green',
					suffix = '%%',
				[4] = {
					per_lvl = 7, -- only used in bonus_desc
					color = 'Green',
			legendary = {
				ability_count = 4,
				[0] = {
					eval = 'Parrot',
					base = 1,
					color = 'Green',
				[1] = {
					per_lvl = 0.35,
					base = 5,
					color = 'Green',
					suffix = '%%',
				[2] = {
					per_lvl = 0.25,
					base = 5,
					color = 'Green',
				[3] = {
					per_lvl = 0.2,
					color = 'Green',
					suffix = '%%',
				[4] = {
					per_lvl = 5, -- only used in bonus_desc
					color = 'Green'
	['Penguin'] = {
		rarities = { 'L' },
		petType = 'Fishing Pet',
		stats = {
			scc = {0.1},
		abilities = {
			name = {
				[1] = 'Thick Blubber',
				[2] = 'Expert Glacite Fisher',
				[3] = 'Subzero Hero',
			desc = {
				-- the describtion of abilities used in the two top cells
				[1] = 'Each time you catch a Sea Creature, reduce your STAT_COLD by {0}.',
				[2] = 'The fishing speed reduction from being underground is reduced by {1}.',
				[3] = 'Gain <AQUA>+</AQUA>{2}STAT_FS while in the <AQUA>Glacite Tunnels</AQUA>.',
			tooltip = {
				-- the description of abilities used in the tooltip 
				[1] = '&7Each time you catch a Sea Creature,/&7reduce your &b❄ Cold &7by &a{0}&7.',
				[2] = '&7The fishing speed reduction from/&7being underground is reduced by &a{1}%&7.',
				[3] = '&7Gain &b+{2}☂ Fishing Speed&7 while in the/&bGlacite Tunnels&7.',	
			bonus_desc = {
				-- the describtion of abilities used in the bottom cell
				[1] = '+{0} STAT_COLD reduced per level',
				[2] = '+{1} reduced fishing speed reduction per level',
				[3] = '+{2} STAT_FS per level',
		variables = {
			legendary = {
				ability_count = 3,
				[0] = {
					per_lvl = 0.05,
					base = 1,
					color = 'Green',
					round_down = true,
				[1] = {
					per_lvl = 1,
					color = 'Green',
					suffix = '%%',
				[2] = {
					per_lvl = 0.75,
					color = 'Aqua',
	['Phoenix'] = {
		rarities = { 'E', 'L' },
		petType = 'Combat Pet',
		stats = {
			str = {0.5, 10},
			int = {1, 50},
		abilities = {
			name = {
				[1] = 'Rekindle',
				[2] = 'Fourth Flare',
				[3] = 'Magic Bird',
				[4] = 'Eternal Coins',
			desc = {
				-- the description of abilities used in the two top cells
				[1] = 'Before death, become immune and gain {0} STAT_STR for {1} seconds (1 minute cooldown)',
				[2] = 'On 4th melee strike, ignite mobs, dealing {2} your STAT_CD each second for {3} seconds.',
				[3] = 'You may always fly on your [[Private Island]].',
				[4] = 'Don\'t lose COINS from death.',
			tooltip = {
				-- the description of abilities used in the tooltip
				[1] = '&7Before death, become &eimmune/&e&7and gain &c{0} &c❁ Strength/&c&7for &a{1} &7seconds./&81 minute cooldown',
				[2] = '&7On 4th melee strike, &6ignite/&6&7mobs, dealing &c{2}x &7your &9☠/&9Crit Damage &7each second for/&7&a{3} &7seconds.',
				[3] = '&7You may always fly on your/&7private island.',
				[4] = '&7Don\'t lose coins from death.',
			bonus_desc = {
				-- the description of abilities used in the bottom cell.
				[1] = '+{0} STAT_STR per level; duration increases by {1} second',
				[2] = '+{2} more damage bonus per level; duration increases by {3} second',
				[3] = nil,
				[4] = nil,
		variables = {
			epic = {
				ability_count = 2,
				[0] = {
					per_lvl = 0.1,
					base = 10,
					color = 'Red',
				[1] = {
					per_lvl = 0.02,
					color = 'Green',
					round_down = true,
				[2] = {
					per_lvl = 0.14,
					base = 1,
					color = 'Red',
					suffix = '×',
				[3] = {
					per_lvl = 0.02,
					base = 2,
					color = 'Green',
					round_down = true,
			legendary = {
				ability_count = 4,
				[0] = {
					per_lvl = 0.2,
					base = 10,
					color = 'Red',
				[1] = {
					per_lvl = 0.02,
					color = 'Green',
					round_down = true,
				[2] = {
					per_lvl = 0.14,
					base = 1,
					color = 'Red',
					suffix = '×',
				[3] = {
					per_lvl = 0.03,
					base = 2,
					color = 'Green',
					round_down = true,
	['Pig'] = {
		rarities = { 'C', 'U', 'R', 'E', 'L' },
		petType = 'Farming Mount',
		stats = {
			spd = {0.25},
		abilities = {
			name = {
				[1] = 'Ridable',
				[2] = 'Run',
				[3] = 'Sprint',
				[4] = 'Trample',
			desc = {
				-- the description of abilities used in the two top cells
				[1] = 'Right-click your summoned pet to ride it!',
				[2] = 'Increases the speed of your mount by {0}.',
				[3] = 'While holding an [[Enchanted Carrot on a Stick]], increase the speed of your mount by {1}.',
				[4] = 'While on your private island, break all the crops your pig rides over.',
			tooltip = {
				-- the description of abilities used in the tooltip
				[1] = '&7Right-click your summoned pet/&7to ride it!',
				[2] = '&7Increases the speed of your/&7mount by &a{0}%',
				[3] = '&7While holding an Enchanted/&7Carrot on a Stick, increase the/&7speed of your mount by &a{1}%',
				[4] = '&7While on your private island,/&7break all crops your pig rides/&7over.',
			bonus_desc = {
				-- the description of abilities used in the bottom cell.
				[1] = nil,
				[2] = '+{0} more speed increase per level',
				[3] = '+{1} more speed increase per level',
				[4] = nil
		variables = {
			common = {
				ability_count = 2,
				[0] = {
					per_lvl = 0.3,
					color = 'Green',
					suffix = '%%',
			uncommon = {
				ability_count = 2,
				[0] = {
					per_lvl = 0.4,
					color = 'Green',
					suffix = '%%',
			rare = {
				ability_count = 3,
				[0] = {
					per_lvl = 0.4,
					color = 'Green',
					suffix = '%%',
				[1] = {
					per_lvl = 0.4,
					color = 'Green',
					suffix = '%%',
			epic = {
				ability_count = 3,
				[0] = {
					per_lvl = 0.5,
					color = 'Green',
					suffix = '%%',
				[1] = {
					per_lvl = 0.5,
					color = 'Green',
					suffix = '%%',
			legendary = {
				ability_count = 4,
				[0] = {
					per_lvl = 0.5,
					color = 'Green',
					suffix = '%%',
				[1] = {
					per_lvl = 0.5,
					color = 'Green',
					suffix = '%%',
	['Pigman'] = {
		rarities = { 'E', 'L' },
		petType = 'Combat Pet',
		stats = {
			str = {0.5},
			def = {0.5},
			fer = {0.05},
		abilities = {
			name = {
				[1] = 'Bacon Farmer',
				[2] = 'Pork Master',
				[3] = 'Giant Slayer',
			desc = {
				-- the description of abilities used in the two top cells
				[1] = '[[Pig Minion|Pig minions]] work {0} faster while on your island.',
				[2] = 'Buffs the [[Pigman Sword]] by {1} STAT_DMG and {2} STAT_STR.',
				[3] = 'Deal {3} extra damage to monsters level 100 and up.',
			tooltip = {
				-- the description of abilities used in the tooltip
				[1] = '&7Pig minions work &a{0}%/&a&7faster while on your island.',
				[2] = '&7Buffs the Pigman sword by &a{1}/&a&c❁ Damage &7and &a{2} &c❁/&cStrength.',
				[3] = '&7Deal &a{3}% &7extra damage to/&7monsters level 100 and up.',
			bonus_desc = {
				-- the description of abilities used in the bottom cell.
				[1] = '+{0} higher minion speed boost per level',
				[2] = '+{1} more STAT_DMG per level; +{2} STAT_STR per level',
				[3] = '+{3} more damage per level',
		variables = {
			epic = {
				ability_count = 2,
				[0] = {
					per_lvl = 0.3,
					color = 'Green',
					suffix = '%%',
				[1] = {
					per_lvl = 0.4,
					color = 'Green',
				[2] = {
					per_lvl = 0.25,
					color = 'Green',
			legendary = {
				ability_count = 3,
				[0] = {
					per_lvl = 0.3,
					color = 'Green',
					suffix = '%%',
				[1] = {
					per_lvl = 0.4,
					color = 'Green',
				[2] = {
					per_lvl = 0.25,
					color = 'Green',
				[3] = {
					per_lvl = 0.25,
					color = 'Green',
					suffix = '%%',
	['Rabbit'] = {
		rarities = { 'C', 'U', 'R', 'E', 'L', 'M' },
		petType = 'Farming Pet',
		stats = {
			hp = {1},
			spd = {0.2},
		abilities = {
			name = {
				[1] = 'Happy Feet',
				[2] = 'Farming Wisdom Boost',
				[3] = 'Efficient Farming',
				[4] = 'Chocolate Injections',
			desc = {
				-- the description of abilities used in the two top cells
				[1] = 'Jump potions also give +{0} STAT_SPD',
				[2] = 'Grants <DARK_AQUA>+</DARK_AQUA>{1}STAT_FMW.',
				[3] = '[[Minions|Farming minions]] work {2} faster while on your island.',
				[4] = 'Increases <YELLOW>[[Chocolate Factory]]</YELLOW> production by {3}. Duplicate <GREEN>Chocolate Rabbits</GREEN> that you find grant <GOLD>+</GOLD>{4} <GOLD>[[Chocolate]]</GOLD>.',
			tooltip = {
				-- the description of abilities used in the tooltip
				[1] = '&7Jump potions also give &a+{0}/&a&7speed.',
				[2] = '&7Gives &3+{1}☯ Farming/&3Wisdom&7.',
				[3] = '&7Farming minions work &a{2}%/&a&7faster while on your island.',
				[4] = '&7Increases &6Chocolate Factory/&7production by &a+{3}x&7. Duplicate/&aChocolate Rabbits&7 that you find/&7grant &6+{4}% Chocolate.',
			bonus_desc = {
				-- the description of abilities used in the bottom cell.
				[1] = '+{0} more STAT_SPD per level',
				[2] = '+{1} STAT_FMW per level',
				[3] = '+{2} higher speed boost',
				[4] = '+{3} production multiplier and +{4} more Chocolate per level',
		variables = {
			common = {
				ability_count = 1,
				[0] = {
					per_lvl = 0.3,
					color = 'Green',
			uncommon = {
				ability_count = 1,
				[0] = {
					per_lvl = 0.4,
					color = 'Green',
			rare = {
				ability_count = 2,
				[0] = {
					per_lvl = 0.4,
					color = 'Green',
				[1] = {
					per_lvl = 0.25,
					color = 'Dark_Aqua',
			epic = {
				ability_count = 2,
				[0] = {
					per_lvl = 0.5,
					color = 'Green',
				[1] = {
					per_lvl = 0.3,
					color = 'Dark_Aqua',
			legendary = {
				ability_count = 3,
				[0] = {
					per_lvl = 0.5,
					color = 'Green',
				[1] = {
					per_lvl = 0.3,
					color = 'Dark_Aqua',
				[2] = {
					per_lvl = 0.3,
					color = 'Green',
					suffix = '%%',
			mythic = {
				ability_count = 4,
				[0] = {
					per_lvl = 0.5,
					color = 'Green',
				[1] = {
					per_lvl = 0.3,
					color = 'Dark_Aqua',
				[2] = {
					per_lvl = 0.3,
					color = 'Green',
					suffix = '%%',
				[3] = {
					per_lvl = 0.0004,
					base = 0.01,
					color = 'Green',
					suffix = 'x',
				[4] = {
					per_lvl = 0.32,
					base = 1.3,
					color = 'Gold',
					suffix = '%%',
	['Rat'] = {
		rarities = { 'L', 'M' },
		petType = 'Combat Morph',
		stats = {
			cd = {0.1},
			str = {0.5},
			hp = {1},
		abilities = {
			name = {
				[1] = 'Morph',
				[2] = 'CHEESE!',
				[3] = 'Rat\'s Blessing',
				[4] = 'Extreme Speed',
			desc = {
				-- the description of abilities used in the two top cells
				[1] = 'Right-click your summoned pet to morph into it!',
				[2] = 'As a Rat, you smell {{Yellow|CHEESE}} nearby! Yummy!',
				[3] = 'Has a chance to grant a random player +{0} STAT_MF for {1} seconds after finding a yummy piece of Cheese! If the player gets a drop during this buff, you have a {{Green|20%}} chance to get it too.',
				[4] = 'The Rat is TWO times faster.',
			tooltip = {
				-- the description of abilities used in the tooltip
				[1] = '&7Right-click your summoned pet/&7to morph into it!',
				[2] = '&7As a Rat, you smell/&7&e&lCHEESE&r&7 nearby! Yummy!',
				[3] = '&7Has a chance to grant a random/&7player &b+{0}✯ Magic Find&7 for/&7&a{1}&7 seconds after finding a/&7yummy piece of Cheese! If the/&7player gets a drop during this/&7buff, you have a &a20% &7chance/&7to get it too.',
				[4] = '&7The Rat is TWO times faster.'
			bonus_desc = {
				-- the description of abilities used in the bottom cell.
				[1] = nil,
				[2] = nil,
				[3] = '+{0} more STAT_MF and +{1} seconds per level',
				[4] = nil,
		variables = {
			legendary = {
				ability_count = 3,
				[0] = {  -- Magic Find
					per_lvl = 0.05,
					base = 2,
					color = 'Green',
				[1] = {  -- Seconds
					per_lvl = 0.4,
					base = 20,
					color = 'Green',
			mythic = {
				ability_count = 4,
				[0] = {  -- Magic Find
					per_lvl = 0.05,
					base = 2,
					color = 'Green',
				[1] = {  -- Seconds
					per_lvl = 0.4,
					base = 20,
					color = 'Green',
	['Reindeer'] = {
		rarities = { 'L' },
		petType = 'Fishing Pet',
		stats = {
			hp = {1},
			scc = {0.05},
			fs = {0.25},
		abilities = {
			name = {
				[1] = 'Winter Spirit',
				[2] = 'Infused',
				[3] = 'Snow Power',
				[4] = 'Icy Wind',
			desc = {
				-- the description of abilities used in the two top cells
				[1] = 'Gain <PINK>double</PINK> pet <GREEN>EXP</GREEN>.',
				[2] = 'Gives <AQUA>+</AQUA>{0} STAT_FS and <DARK_AQUA>+10</DARK_AQUA>STAT_SCC while on <RED>Jerry\'s Workshop</RED>.',
				[3] = 'Grants <GREEN>+{1}</GREEN> bonus gift chance during the <RED>Gift Attack</RED> event.',
				[4] = 'Grants <GREEN>+{2}</GREEN> chance of getting double <AQUA>Ice Essence</AQUA>.',
			tooltip = {
				-- the description of abilities used in the tooltip
				[1] = '&7Gain &ddouble &7pet &aEXP&7.',
				[2] = '&7Gives &b+{0}&b☂ Fishing Speed/&7and &3+10&α Sea Creature/&3Chance &7while on &cJerry\'s/&cWorkshop&7.',
				[3] = '&7Grants &a+{1}% &7bonus gift/&7chance during the &cGift Attack/&c&7event.',
				[4] = '&7Grants &a+{2}% &7chance of/&7getting double &bIce Essence&7.',
			bonus_desc = {
				-- the description of abilities used in the bottom cell.
				[1] = nil,
				[2] = '+{0} more STAT_FS per level',
				[3] = '+{1} bonus gift chance per level',
				[4] = '+{2} chance of getting double <AQUA>Ice Essence</AQUA> per level',
		variables = {
			legendary = {
				ability_count = 4,
				[0] = {
					per_lvl = 0.75,
					color = 'Aqua',
				[1] = {
					per_lvl = 0.1,
					color = 'Green',
					suffix = '%%',
				[2] = {
					per_lvl = 0.2,
					color = 'Green',
					suffix = '%%',
	['Rift Ferret'] = {
		rarities = { 'E', 'L' },
		petType = 'Combat Pet',
		stats = {
			spd = {0.5},
			int = {-0.02},
		abilities = {
			name = {
				[1] = 'Orbs are Fun',
			desc = {
				-- the description of abilities used in the two top cells
				[1] = 'Gain <GREEN>+</GREEN>{0} experience from <AQUA>XP Orbs</AQUA>.',
			tooltip = {
				-- the description of abilities used in the tooltip
				[1] = '&7Gain &a+{0}% &7experience from/&bXP Orbs&7.',
			bonus_desc = {
				-- the description of abilities used in the bottom cell.
				[1] = nil,
		variables = {
			epic = {
				ability_count = 1,
				[0] = {
					base = 10,
					per_lvl = 0,
					color = 'Green',
					suffix = '%%',
			legendary = {
				ability_count = 1,
				[0] = {
					base = 10,
					per_lvl = 0,
					color = 'Green',
					suffix = '%%',
	['Rock'] = {
		rarities = { 'C', 'U', 'R', 'E', 'L' },
		petType = 'Mining Mount',
		stats = {
			def = {2},
			tdef = {0.1},
		abilities = {
			name = {
				[1] = 'Rideable',
				[2] = 'Sailing Stone',
				[3] = 'Fortify',
				[4] = 'Steady Ground',
			desc = {
				-- the description of abilities used in the two top cells
				[1] = 'Right-click on your summoned pet to ride it!',
				[2] = 'Sneak to move your rock to your location (15s cooldown)',
				[3] = 'While sitting on your rock, gain +{0} STAT_DEF',
				[4] = 'While sitting on your rock, gain +{1} STAT_DMG',
			tooltip = {
				-- the description of abilities used in the tooltip
				[1] = '&7Right-click your summoned pet/&7to ride it!',
				[2] = '&7Sneak to move your rock to/&7your location (15s cooldown).',
				[3] = '&7While sitting on your rock,/&7gain +&a{0}% &7defense.',
				[4] = '&7While sitting on your rock,/&7gain &c+{1}x &7damage.',
			bonus_desc = {
				-- the description of abilities used in the bottom cell.
				[1] = nil,
				[2] = nil,
				[3] = '+{0} more STAT_DEF per level',
				[4] = '+{1} more STAT_DMG per level',
		variables = {
			common = {
				ability_count = 2,
			uncommon = {
				ability_count = 2,
			rare = {
				ability_count = 3,
				[0] = {
					per_lvl = 0.2,
					color = 'Green',
					suffix = '%%',
			epic = {
				ability_count = 3,
				[0] = {
					per_lvl = 0.25,
					color = 'Green',
					suffix = '%%',
			legendary = {
				ability_count = 4,
				[0] = {
					per_lvl = 0.25,
					color = 'Green',
					suffix = '%%',
				[1] = {
					per_lvl = 0.3,
					color = 'Red',
	['Scatha'] = {
		rarities = { 'R', 'E', 'L' },
		petType = 'Mining Pet',
		stats = {
			ms = {1},
			mnf = {1.25},
		abilities = {
			name = {
				[1] = 'Burrowing',
				[2] = 'Drill Infusion',
				[3] = 'Bejeweled Eyes',
			desc = {
				-- the description of abilities used in the two top cells
				[1] = 'Grants a <GREEN>+</GREEN>{0} chance to find <YELLOW>Treasure Chests</YELLOW> while mining.',
				[2] = 'Grants <GOLD>+</GOLD>{1}<GOLD>☘ Gemstone Fortune</GOLD> to Drills.',
				[3] = 'Earn <GREEN>+</GREEN>{2} [[Gemstone Powder|{Pink|Gemstone Powder}]] from all sources.',
			tooltip = {
				-- the description of abilities used in the tooltip
				[1] = '&7Grants a &a+{0}% &7chance to find/&eTreasure Chests &7while mining.',
				[2] = '&7Grants &6+{1}☘ Gemstone Fortune &7to/&7Drills.',
				[3] = '&7Earn &a+{2}% &dGemstone Powder &7from all/&7sources.',
			bonus_desc = {
				-- the description of abilities used in the bottom cell.
				[1] = '+{0} higher chance to find <YELLOW>Treasure Chests</YELLOW> while mining per level',
				[2] = '+{1} more <GOLD>☘ Gemstone Fortune</GOLD> to Drills per level',
				[3] = '+{2} more [[Gemstone Powder|{{Pink|Gemstone Powder}}]] from all sources per level',
		variables = {
			rare = {
				ability_count = 1,
				[0] = {
					per_lvl = 0.3,
					color = 'Green',
					suffix = '%%',
			epic = {
				ability_count = 2,
				[0] = {
					per_lvl = 0.4,
					color = 'Green',
					suffix = '%%',
				[1] = {
					per_lvl = 1,
					color = 'Gold',
			legendary = {
				ability_count = 3,
				[0] = {
					per_lvl = 0.5,
					color = 'Green',
					suffix = '%%',
				[1] = {
					per_lvl = 1.25,
					color = 'Gold',
				[2] = {
					per_lvl = 0.2,
					color = 'Green',
					suffix = '%%',
	['Sheep'] = {
		rarities = { 'C', 'U', 'R', 'E', 'L' },
		petType = 'Alchemy Pet',
		stats = {
			int = {1},
			ad = {0.2},
		abilities = {
			name = {
				[1] = 'Mana Saver',
				[2] = 'Overheal',
				[3] = 'Dungeon Wizard',
			desc = {
				-- the description of abilities used in the two top cells
				[1] = 'Reduces the STAT_MANA cost of abilities by {0}.',
				[2] = 'Gives a {1} shield after not taking damage for <GREEN>10s</GREEN>.',
				[3] = 'Increases your total STAT_MANA by {2} while in [[Dungeons]].',
			tooltip = {
				-- the description of abilities used in the tooltip
				[1] = '&7Reduces the mana cost of/&7abilities by &a{0}%',
				[2] = '&7Gives a &a{1}% &7shield after/&7not taking damage for 10s.',
				[3] = '&7Increases your total mana by/&7&a{2}% &7while in dungeons.',
			bonus_desc = {
				-- the description of abilities used in the bottom cell.
				[1] = '+{0} more STAT_MANA reduction per level',
				[2] = '+{1} tougher shield per level',
				[3] = '+{2} more STAT_MANA per level',
		variables = {
			common = {
				ability_count = 1,
				[0] = {
					per_lvl = 0.1,
					color = 'Green',
					suffix = '%%',
			uncommon = {
				ability_count = 1,
				[0] = {
					per_lvl = 0.1,
					color = 'Green',
					suffix = '%%',
			rare = {
				ability_count = 2,
				[0] = {
					per_lvl = 0.1,
					color = 'Green',
					suffix = '%%',
				[1] = {
					per_lvl = 0.1,
					color = 'Green',
					suffix = '%%',
			epic = {
				ability_count = 2,
				[0] = {
					per_lvl = 0.2,
					color = 'Green',
					suffix = '%%',
				[1] = {
					per_lvl = 0.1,
					color = 'Green',
					suffix = '%%',
			legendary = {
				ability_count = 3,
				[0] = {
					per_lvl = 0.2,
					color = 'Green',
					suffix = '%%',
				[1] = {
					per_lvl = 0.1,
					color = 'Green',
					suffix = '%%',
				[2] = {
					per_lvl = 0.25,
					color = 'Green',
					suffix = '%%',
	['Silverfish'] = {
		rarities = { 'C', 'U', 'R', 'E', 'L' },
		petType = 'Mining Pet',
		stats = {
			def = {1},
			hp = {0.2},
		abilities = {
			name = {
				[1] = 'True Defense Boost',
				[2] = 'Mining Wisdom Boost',
				[3] = 'Dexterity',
			desc = {
				-- the description of abilities used in the two top cells
				[1] = 'Boosts your STAT_TDEF by {0}.',
				[2] = 'Grants <DARK_AQUA>+</DARK_AQUA>{1}STAT_MW.',
				[3] = 'Gives permanent haste III',
			tooltip = {
				-- the description of abilities used in the tooltip
				[1] = '&7Boosts your &f❂ True/&fDefense&7 by &a{0}.',
				[2] = '&7Grants &3{1}☯ Mining/&3Wisdom&7.',
				[3] = '&7Gives permanent haste III.',
			bonus_desc = {
				-- the description of abilities used in the bottom cell.
				[1] = '+{0} more STAT_TDEF per level',
				[2] = '+{1} STAT_MW per level',
				[3] = nil
		variables = {
			common = {
				ability_count = 1,
				[0] = {
					per_lvl = 0.05,
					color = 'Green',
			uncommon = {
				ability_count = 1,
				[0] = {
					per_lvl = 0.1,
					color = 'Green',
			rare = {
				ability_count = 2,
				[0] = {
					per_lvl = 0.1,
					color = 'Green',
				[1] = {
					per_lvl = 0.25,
					color = 'Dark_Aqua',
			epic = {
				ability_count = 2,
				[0] = {
					per_lvl = 0.15,
					color = 'Green',
				[1] = {
					per_lvl = 0.3,
					color = 'Dark_Aqua',
			legendary = {
				ability_count = 3,
				[0] = {
					per_lvl = 0.15,
					color = 'Green',
				[1] = {
					per_lvl = 0.3,
					color = 'Dark_Aqua',
	['Skeleton'] = {
		rarities = { 'C', 'U', 'R', 'E', 'L' },
		petType = 'Combat Pet',
		stats = {
			cc = {0.15},
			cd = {0.3},
		abilities = {
			name = {
				[1] = 'Bone Arrows',
				[2] = 'Combo',
				[3] = 'Skeletal Defense',
			desc = {
				-- the description of abilities used in the two top cells
				[1] = 'Increase arrow damage by {0} which is tripled while in [[Dungeons]]',
				[2] = 'Gain a combo stack for every bow hit granting +3 Strength. Max {1} stacks, stacks disappear after <GREEN>8</GREEN> seconds.',
				[3] = 'Your skeleton shoots an arrow dealing <GREEN>30x</GREEN> your STAT_CD when a mob gets close to you (5s cooldown)',
			tooltip = {
				-- the description of abilities used in the tooltip
				[1] = '&7Increase arrow damage by/&7&a{0}%&7 which is tripled while/&7in dungeons.',
				[2] = '&7Gain a combo stack for every/&7bow hit granting +&a3 &c❁/&cStrength&7. Max &a{1} &7stacks,/&7stacks disappear after 8/&7seconds.',
				[3] = '&7Your skeleton shoots an arrow/&7dealing &a30x &7your &9☠ Crit/&9Damage &7when a mob gets close/&7to you (5s cooldown).',
			bonus_desc = {
				-- the description of abilities used in the bottom cell.
				[1] = '+{0} higher arrow damage increase per level',
				[2] = '+{1} more stacks per level',
				[3] = nil,
		variables = {
			common = {
				ability_count = 1,
				[0] = {
					per_lvl = 0.1,
					color = 'Green',
					suffix = '%%',
			uncommon = {
				ability_count = 1,
				[0] = {
					per_lvl = 0.15,
					color = 'Green',
					suffix = '%%',
			rare = {
				ability_count = 2,
				[0] = {
					per_lvl = 0.15,
					color = 'Green',
					suffix = '%%',
				[1] = {
					per_lvl = 0.15,
					color = 'Green',
			epic = {
				ability_count = 2,
				[0] = {
					per_lvl = 0.2,
					color = 'Green',
					suffix = '%%',
				[1] = {
					per_lvl = 0.17,
					color = 'Green',
			legendary = {
				ability_count = 3,
				[0] = {
					per_lvl = 0.2,
					color = 'Green',
					suffix = '%%',
				[1] = {
					per_lvl = 0.2,
					color = 'Green',
	['Skeleton Horse'] = {
		rarities = { 'L' },
		petType = 'Combat Mount',
		stats = {
			int = {1},
			spd = {0.5},
		abilities = {
			name = {
				[1] = 'Rideable',
				[2] = 'Run',
				[3] = 'Ride Into Battle',
			desc = {
				-- the description of abilities used in the two top cells
				[1] = 'Right-click your summoned pet to ride it!',
				[2] = 'Increases the speed of your mount by {0}.',
				[3] = 'While riding your horse, gain +{1} bow damage.',
			tooltip = {
				-- the description of abilities used in the tooltip
				[1] = '&7Right-click your summoned pet/&7to ride it!',
				[2] = '&7Increases the speed of your/&7mount by &a{0}%',
				[3] = '&7While riding your horse, gain/&7+&a{1}% &7 bow damage.',
			bonus_desc = {
					-- the description of abilities used in the bottom cell.
					[1] = nil,
					[2] = '+{0} higher speed increase per level',
					[3] = '+{1} higher bow damage per level',
		variables = {
			legendary = {
				ability_count = 3,
				[0] = {
					per_lvl = 1.5,
					color = 'Green',
					suffix = '%%',
				[1] = {
					per_lvl = 0.4,
					color = 'Green',
					suffix = '%%',
	['Slug'] = {
		rarities = { 'E', 'L' },
		petType = 'Farming Pet',
		stats = {
			def = {0.2},
			int = {0.25},
		abilities = {
			name = {
				[1] = 'Slow and Steady',
				[2] = 'Pest Friends',
				[3] = 'Repugnant Aroma',
			desc = {
				-- the description of abilities used in the two top cells
				[1] = 'When fishing in the <RED>Crimson Isle</RED>, <GREEN>Slugfish</GREEN> take <GREEN>{0}</GREEN> less time to catch.',
				[2] = 'Grants +{1} STAT_BPC.',
				[3] = 'When farming in a plot affected by a <GREEN>Sprayonator</GREEN>, gain +{2} STAT_FMF.',
			tooltip = {
				-- the description of abilities used in the tooltip
				[1] = '&7When fishing in the &cCrimson/&cIsle&7, &aSlugfish &7take &a{0}%/&7less time to catch.',
				[2] = '&7Grants &2+{1}ൠ Bonus Pest/&2Chance&7.',
				[3] = '&7When farming in a plot/&7affected by a &aSprayonator&7,/&7gain &6+{2}☘ Farming Fortune&7.',
			bonus_desc = {
				-- the description of abilities used in the bottom cell.
				[1] = 'Slugfish take {0} less time to catch per level',
				[2] = '+{1} more STAT_BPC per level',
				[3] = '+{2} more STAT_FMF per level',
		variables = {
			epic = {
				ability_count = 2,
				[0] = {
					per_lvl = 0.5,
					color = 'Green',
					suffix = '%%',
				[1] = {
					per_lvl = 0.4,
					color = 'Dark Green',
			legendary = {
				ability_count = 3,
				[0] = {
					per_lvl = 0.5,
					color = 'Green',
					suffix = '%%',
				[1] = {
					per_lvl = 0.4,
					color = 'Dark Green',
				[2] = {
					per_lvl = 1,
					color = 'Gold',
	['Snail'] = {
		rarities = { 'C', 'U', 'R', 'E', 'L' },
		petType = 'Mining Pet',
		stats = {
			int = {1},
		abilities = {
			name = {
				[1] = 'Red Sand Enjoyer',
				[2] = 'Slow Moving',
				[3] = 'Slow But Efficient',
			desc = {
				-- the description of abilities used in the two top cells
				[1] = 'Red Sand minions work {0} faster while on your island.',
				[2] = 'Converts all STAT_SPD over 100 into STAT_MNF for Non-Ores at {1} efficiency.',
				[3] = 'Reduces the mana cost of <BLUE>Utility Abilities</BLUE> by {2} for every 15 STAT_SPD converted',
			tooltip = {
				-- the description of abilities used in the tooltip
				[1] = '&7Red Sand minions work &a{0}%/&7faster while on your island.',
				[2] = '&7Converts all &f✦ Speed &7over/&7100 into &6☘ Mining Fortune/&7for Non-Ores at &a{1}%/&7efficiency. Current bonus:/&6+#☘',
				[3] = '&7Reduces the mana cost of/&9Utility Abilities &7by &a{2}%/&7for every 15 &f✦ Speed/&7converted.',
			bonus_desc = {
				-- the description of abilities used in the bottom cell.
				[1] = '+{0} more Sand Minion speed per level',
				[2] = '+{1} more conversion efficiency per level',
				[3] = '+{2} reduced mana cost of <BLUE>Utility Abilities</BLUE> per level',
		variables = {
			common = {
				ability_count = 1,
				[0] = {
					per_lvl = 0.1,
					color = 'Green',
					suffix = '%%',
			uncommon = {
				ability_count = 1,
				[0] = {
					per_lvl = 0.2,
					color = 'Green',
					suffix = '%%',
			rare = {
				ability_count = 2,
				[0] = {
					per_lvl = 0.3,
					color = 'Green',
					suffix = '%%',
				[1] = {
					per_lvl = 0.3,
					color = 'Green',
					suffix = '%%',
			epic = {
				ability_count = 2,
				[0] = {
					per_lvl = 0.3,
					color = 'Green',
					suffix = '%%',
				[1] = {
					per_lvl = 0.5,
					color = 'Green',
					suffix = '%%',
			legendary = {
				ability_count = 3,
				[0] = {
					per_lvl = 0.3,
					color = 'Green',
					suffix = '%%',
				[1] = {
					per_lvl = 0.5,
					color = 'Green',
					suffix = '%%',
				[2] = {
					per_lvl = 0.01,
					color = 'Green',
					suffix = '%%',
	['Snowman'] = {
		rarities = { 'L', 'M' },
		petType = 'Combat Pet',
		stats = {
			str = {0.25},
			dmg = {0.25},
			cd = {0.25},
		abilities = {
			name = {
				[1] = 'Blizzard',
				[2] = 'Frostbite',
				[3] = 'Snow Cannon',
				[4] = 'Ouch!',
			desc = {
				-- the description of abilities used in the two top cells
				[1] = 'Enemies within {0} blocks are slowed by <GREEN>25%</GREEN> and deal {1} less damage.',
				[2] = 'Your freezing aura slows enemy attacks causing you to take {2} reduced damage.',
				[3] = 'Shoots a snowball towards an enemy when you attack dealing {3} of your last dealt melee damage, capped at <WHITE>200,000</WHITE>. <DARK_GRAY>(1s cooldown).</DARK_GRAY>',
				[4] = 'Your snowballs have <GREEN>50%</GREEN> chance of dealing <RED>double</RED> damage!',
			tooltip = {
				-- the description of abilities used in the tooltip
				[1] = '&7Enemies within &a{0} &7blocks are slowed/&7by &a25% &7and deal &a{1}% &7less damage.',
				[2] = '&7Your freezing aura slows enemy/&7attacks causing you to take &a{2}%/&7reduced damage.',
				[3] = '&7Shoots a snowball towards an enemy/&7when you attack dealing &a{3}% &7of/&7your last dealt melee damage,/&7capped at &f200,000&7. &8(1s cooldown).',
				[4] = '&7Your snowballs have &a50% &7chance of/&7dealing &cdouble &7damage!',
			bonus_desc = {
				-- the description of abilities used in the bottom cell.
				[1] = '+{0} more blocks per level, +{1} higher damage reduction per level',
				[2] = '+{2} higher damage reduction per level',
				[3] = '+{3} higher damage scaling per level',
				[4] = nil,
		variables = {
			legendary = {
				ability_count = 3,
				[0] = {
					per_lvl = 0.08,
					base = 8,
					color = 'Green',
				[1] = {
					per_lvl = 0.1,
					color = 'Green',
					suffix = '%%',
				[2] = {
					per_lvl = 0.1,
					color = 'Green',
					suffix = '%%',
				[3] = {
					per_lvl = 0.1,
					base = 10,
					color = 'Green',
					suffix = '%%',
			mythic = {
				petimage = 'Snowman Pet (Mythic)',
				ability_count = 4,
				[0] = {
					per_lvl = 0.08,
					base = 8,
					color = 'Green',
				[1] = {
					per_lvl = 0.1,
					color = 'Green',
					suffix = '%%',
				[2] = {
					per_lvl = 0.1,
					color = 'Green',
					suffix = '%%',
				[3] = {
					per_lvl = 0.1,
					base = 10,
					color = 'Green',
					suffix = '%%',
	['Spider'] = {
		rarities = { 'C', 'U', 'R', 'E', 'L', 'M' },
		petType = 'Combat Pet',
		stats = {
			str = {0.5},
			cc = {0.1},
		abilities = {
			name = {
				[1] = 'One With the Spider',
				[2] = 'Web-Weaver',
				[3] = 'Spider Whisperer',
				[4] = 'Web Battlefield',
			desc = {
				-- the description of abilities used in the two top cells
				[1] = 'Applies {0} STAT_STR to all <DARK_RED>Arachnal Ж</DARK_RED> weapons, armor, and equipment you have equipped.',
				[2] = 'Upon hitting a monster it becomes slowed by {1}.',
				[3] = 'Spider and tarantula minions work {2} faster while on your island.',
				[4] = 'Killing mobs grants {3} STAT_STR and {4} STAT_MF for <GREEN>40s</GREEN> to all players staying within <GREEN>20</GREEN> blocks of where they died. <DARK_GRAY>Stacks up to 10 times.</DARK_GRAY>',
			tooltip = {
				-- the description of abilities used in the tooltip
				[1] = '&7Applies &c{0} ❁ Strength &7to all/&7&4Arachnal Ж &7weapons\, armor\, and/&7equipment you have equipped.',
				[2] = '&7Upon hitting a monster it/&7becomes slowed by &a{1}%',
				[3] = '&7Spider and tarantula minions/&7work &a{2}% &7faster while on/&7your island.',
				[4] = '&7Killing mobs grants &c+{3}❁/&cStrength &7and &b+{4} Magic Find/&7for &a40s &7to all players/&7staying within &a20 &7blocks/&7of where they died. &8Stacks/&8up to 10 times.'
			bonus_desc = {
				-- the description of abilities used in the bottom cell.
				[1] = '+{0} more STAT_STR per level',
				[2] = '+{1} higher slowness per level',
				[3] = '+{2} higher speed boost per level',
				[4] = '+{3} STAT_STR and +{4} STAT_MF per level',
		variables = {
			common = {
				ability_count = 1,
				[0] = {
					base = 1,
					per_lvl = 0.02,
					color = 'Red',
			uncommon = {
				ability_count = 1,
				[0] = {
					base = 2,
					per_lvl = 0.04,
					color = 'Red',
			rare = {
				ability_count = 2,
				[0] = {
					base = 3,
					per_lvl = 0.06,
					color = 'Red',
				[1] = {
					per_lvl = 0.4,
					color = 'Green',
					suffix = '%%',
			epic = {
				ability_count = 2,
				[0] = {
					base = 4,
					per_lvl = 0.08,
					color = 'Red',
				[1] = {
					per_lvl = 0.4,
					color = 'Green',
					suffix = '%%',
			legendary = {
				ability_count = 3,
				[0] = {
					base = 5,
					per_lvl = 0.1,
					color = 'Red',
				[1] = {
					per_lvl = 0.4,
					color = 'Green',
					suffix = '%%',
				[2] = {
					per_lvl = 0.3,
					color = 'Green',
					suffix = '%%',
			mythic = {
				ability_count = 4,
				[0] = {
					base = 5,
					per_lvl = 0.1,
					color = 'Red',
				[1] = {
					per_lvl = 0.4,
					color = 'Green',
					suffix = '%%',
				[2] = {
					per_lvl = 0.3,
					color = 'Green',
					suffix = '%%',
				[3] = {
					base = 0,
					per_lvl = 0.06,
					color = 'Red',
				[4] = {
					base = 0,
					per_lvl = 0.01,
					color = 'Aqua',
	['Spinosaurus'] = {
		rarities = { 'L' },
		petType = 'Fishing Pet',
		stats = {
			scc = {0.08},
			fs = {0.25},
		abilities = {
			name = {
				[1] = 'Sharp Attitude',
				[2] = 'Pursuit',
				[3] = 'Primordial Fisher',
			desc = {
				-- the describtion of abilities used in the two top cells
				[1] = '[[Sea Creatures]] spawn with {0} of their maximum health missing.',
				[2] = 'Gain {1}STAT_MF against Sea Creatures.',
				[3] = 'During rain, increases this pet\'s base stats and stats granted by perks by {2}.',
			tooltip = {
				-- the description of abilities used in the tooltip 
				[1] = '&bSea Creatures &7spawn with &a{0}% &7of/&7their maximum health missing.',
				[2] = '&7Gain &b+{1}✯ Magic Find &7against &bSea/&bCreatures.',
				[3] = '&7During &9rain&7, increases this pet\'s/&7base stats and stats granted by/&7perks by &a{2}%&7.',
			bonus_desc = {
				-- the describtion of abilities used in the bottom cell
				[1] = '+{0} health missing per level',
				[2] = '+{1} STAT_MF per level',
				[3] = '+{2} base stat increase per level',
		variables = {
			legendary = {
				ability_count = 3,
				[0] = {
					per_lvl = 0.15,
					color = 'Green',
					suffix = '%%',
				[1] = {
					per_lvl = 0.08,
					color = 'Aqua',
				[2] = {
					per_lvl = 0.75,
					color = 'Green',
					suffix = '%%',
	['Spirit'] = {
		rarities = { 'E', 'L' },
		petType = 'Combat Pet',
		isPassive = true,
		stats = {
			spd = {0.3},
			int = {1},
		abilities = {
			name = {
				[1] = 'Spirit Assistance',
				[2] = 'Spirit Cooldowns',
				[3] = 'Half Life',
			desc = {
				-- the description of abilities used in the two top cells
				[1] = 'Spawns and assists you when you are a ghost in dungeons.',
				[2] = 'Reduces the cooldown of your ghost abilities in dungeons by {0}.',
				[3] = 'If you are the first player to die in a dungeon, the score penalty for that death is reduced to <GREEN>1</GREEN>.',
			tooltip = {
				-- the description of abilities used in the tooltip
				[1] = '&7Spawns and assists you when/&7you are a ghost in Dungeons.',
				[2] = '&7Reduces the cooldown of your/&7ghost abilities in dungeons by/&7&a{0}%&7.',
				[3] = '&7If you are the first player to/&7die in a dungeon, the score/&7penalty for that death is/&7reduced to &a1&7.',
			bonus_desc = {
				-- the description of abilities used in the bottom cell.
				[1] = nil,
				[2] = '+{0} higher cooldown reduction per level',
				[3] = nil,
		variables = {
			epic = {
				ability_count = 2,
				[0] = {
					per_lvl = 0.45,
					base = 5,
					color = 'Green',
					suffix = '%%',
			legendary = {
				ability_count = 3,
				[0] = {
					per_lvl = 0.45,
					base = 5,
					color = 'Green',
					suffix = '%%',
	['Squid'] = {
		rarities = { 'C', 'U', 'R', 'E', 'L' },
		petType = 'Fishing Pet',
		stats = {
			hp = {0.5},
			int = {0.5},
		abilities = {
			name = {
				[1] = 'More Ink',
				[2] = 'Ink Specialty',
				[3] = 'Fishing Wisdom Boost',
			desc = {
				-- the description of abilities used in the two top cells
				[1] = 'Gain a {0} chance to get double drops from squids.',
				[2] = 'Buffs the [[Ink Wand]] by {1} STAT_DMG and {2} STAT_STR.',
				[3] = 'Grants <DARK_AQUA>+</DARK_AQUA>{3} STAT_FSW.',
			tooltip = {
				-- the description of abilities used in the tooltip
				[1] = '&7Gain a &a{0}% &7chance to get/&7double drops from squids.',
				[2] = '&7Buffs the &5Ink Wand &7by &a{1} &c❁/&cDamage &7and &a{2} &c❁ Strength.',
				[3] = '&7Gives &3+{3}☯ Fishing/&3Wisdom&7.',
			bonus_desc = {
				-- the description of abilities used in the bottom cell.
				[1] = '+{0} higher chance per level',
				[2] = '+{1} more STAT_DMG per level; +{2} more STAT_STR per level',
				[3] = '+{3} more STAT_FSW per level',
		variables = {
			common = {
				ability_count = 1,
				[0] = {
					per_lvl = 0.5,
					color = 'Green',
					suffix = '%%',
			uncommon = {
				ability_count = 1,
				[0] = {
					per_lvl = 0.75,
					color = 'Green',
					suffix = '%%',
			rare = {
				ability_count = 2,
				[0] = {
					per_lvl = 0.75,
					color = 'Green',
					suffix = '%%',
				[1] = {
					per_lvl = 0.3,
					color = 'Green',
				[2] = {
					per_lvl = 0.1,
					color = 'Green',
			epic = {
				ability_count = 2,
				[0] = {
					per_lvl = 1,
					color = 'Green',
					suffix = '%%',
				[1] = {
					per_lvl = 0.4,
					color = 'Green',
				[2] = {
					per_lvl = 0.2,
					color = 'Green',
			legendary = {
				ability_count = 3,
				[0] = {
					per_lvl = 1,
					color = 'Green',
					suffix = '%%',
				[1] = {
					per_lvl = 0.4,
					color = 'Green',
				[2] = {
					per_lvl = 0.2,
					color = 'Green',
				[3] = {
					per_lvl = 0.3,
					color = 'Dark_Aqua',
	['T-Rex'] = {
		rarities = { 'L' },   
		petType = 'Combat Pet',
		stats = {
			str = {0.75},
			cc = {0.05},
			fer = {0.25},
		abilities = {
			name = {
				[1] = 'Close Combat',
				[2] = 'Ferocious Roar',
				[3] = 'Tyrant',
			desc = {
				-- the describtion of abilities used in the two top cells
				[1] = 'Deal {0} more damage to enemies within 1.5 blocks.',
				[2] = 'Attacks have a {1} chance to stun the target (10s cooldown).',
				[3] = 'Stats granted by pet items on this pet are increased by {2}.',
			tooltip = {
				-- the description of abilities used in the tooltip 
				[1] = '&7Deal &a{0}% &7more &cdamage &7to enemies/&7within 1.5 blocks.',
				[2] = '&7Attacks have a &a{1}% &7chance to stun/&7the target &8(10s cooldown).',
				[3] = '&7Stats granted by pet items on this/&7pet are increased by &a{2}%&7.',
			bonus_desc = {
				-- the describtion of abilities used in the bottom cell
				[1] = '+{0} damage per level',
				[2] = '+{1} chance to stun per level',
				[3] = '+{2} stats from pet items per level',
		variables = {
			legendary = {
				ability_count = 3,
				[0] = {
					per_lvl = 1,
					color = 'Green',
					suffix = '%%',
				[1] = {
					per_lvl = 0.1,
					color = 'Green',
					suffix = '%%',
				[2] = {
					per_lvl = 1,
					color = 'Green',
					suffix = '%%',
	['Tarantula'] = {
		rarities = { 'E', 'L', 'M' },
		petType = 'Combat Pet',
		stats = {
			str = {0.1},
			cc = {0.1},
			cd = {0.3},
		abilities = {
			name = {
				[1] = 'Webbed Cells',
				[2] = 'Eight Legs',
				[3] = 'Arachnid Slayer',
				[4] = 'Web Battlefield',
			desc = {
				-- the description of abilities used in the two top cells
				[1] = 'Anti-healing is {0} less effective against you.',
				[2] = 'Decreases the STAT_MC of [[Spider Boots|Spider]], [[Tarantula Boots|Tarantula]] and [[Spirit Boots|Spirit]] boots by {1}.',
				[3] = 'Gain {2} Combat XP against <GREEN>Spiders</GREEN>.',
				[4] = 'Killing mobs grants {3} STAT_STR and {4} STAT_MF for <GREEN>40s</GREEN> to all players staying within <GREEN>20</GREEN> blocks of where they died. <DARK_GRAY>Stacks up to 10 times.</DARK_GRAY>',
			tooltip = {
				-- the description of abilities used in the tooltip
				[1] = '&7Anti-healing is &a{0}% &7less/&7effective against you.',
				[2] = '&7Decreases the mana cost of/&7Spider, Tarantula and Spirit/&7boots by &a{1}%',
				[3] = '&7Gain &b{2}x &7Combat XP/&7against &aSpiders&7.',
				[4] = '&7Killing mobs grants &c+{3}❁/&cStrength &7and &b+{4} Magic Find/&7for &a40s &7to all players/&7staying within &a20 &7blocks/&7of where they died. &8Stacks/&8up to 10 times.'
			bonus_desc = {
				-- the description of abilities used in the bottom cell.
				[1] = '+{0} less effective anti-healing per level',
				[2] = '{1} less STAT_MC per level',
				[3] = '+{2} more Combat XP per level',
				[4] = '+{3} STAT_STR and +{4} STAT_MF per level',
		variables = {
			epic = {
				ability_count = 2,
				[0] = {
					per_lvl = 0.3,
					color = 'Green',
					suffix = '%%',
				[1] = {
					per_lvl = 0.5,
					color = 'Green',
					suffix = '%%',
			legendary = {
				ability_count = 3,
				[0] = {
					per_lvl = 0.3,
					color = 'Green',
					suffix = '%%',
				[1] = {
					per_lvl = 0.5,
					color = 'Green',
					suffix = '%%',
				[2] = {
					base = 1.0,
					per_lvl = 0.005,
					color = 'Aqua',
					suffix = 'x',
			mythic = {
				ability_count = 4,
				[0] = {
					per_lvl = 0.3,
					color = 'Green',
					suffix = '%%',
				[1] = {
					per_lvl = 0.5,
					color = 'Green',
					suffix = '%%',
				[2] = {
					base = 1.0,
					per_lvl = 0.005,
					color = 'Aqua',
					suffix = 'x',
				[3] = {
					base = 0,
					per_lvl = 0.06,
					color = 'Red',
				[4] = {
					base = 0,
					per_lvl = 0.01,
					color = 'Aqua',
	['Tiger'] = {
		rarities = { 'C', 'U', 'R', 'E', 'L' },
		petType = 'Combat Pet',
		stats = {
			str = {0.1, 5},
			cc = {0.05},
			cd = {0.5},
			fer = {0.25},
		abilities = {
			name = {
				[1] = 'Merciless Swipe',
				[2] = 'Hemorrage',
				[3] = 'Apex Predator',
			desc = {
				-- the description of abilities used in the two top cells
				[1] = 'Gain <RED>+</RED>{0} STAT_FER.',
				[2] = 'Melee attacks reduce healing by {1} for <GREEN>10</GREEN> seconds.',
				[3] = 'Deal +{2} damage against targets with no other mobs within 15 blocks.',
			tooltip = {
				-- the description of abilities used in the tooltip
				[1] = '&7Gain &c+{0}% &c⫽ Ferocity.',
				[2] = '&7Melee attacks reduce healing/&7by &6{1}% &7for &a10s.',
				[3] = '&7Deal &c+{2}% &7damage against/&7targets with no other mobs/&7within &a15 &7blocks.',
			bonus_desc = {
				-- the description of abilities used in the bottom cell.
				[1] = '+{0} more STAT_FER per level',
				[2] = '+{1} higher healing reduction per level',
				[3] = '+{2} more damage per level',
		variables = {
			common = {
				ability_count = 1,
				[0] = {
					per_lvl = 0.1,
					color = 'Red',
					suffix = '%%',
			uncommon = {
				ability_count = 1,
				[0] = {
					per_lvl = 0.2,
					color = 'Red',
					suffix = '%%',
			rare = {
				ability_count = 2,
				[0] = {
					per_lvl = 0.2,
					color = 'Red',
					suffix = '%%',
				[1] = {
					per_lvl = 0.3,
					color = 'Gold',
					suffix = '%%',
			epic = {
				ability_count = 2,
				[0] = {
					per_lvl = 0.3,
					color = 'Red',
					suffix = '%%',
				[1] = {
					per_lvl = 0.55,
					color = 'Gold',
					suffix = '%%',
			legendary = {
				ability_count = 3,
				[0] = {
					per_lvl = 0.3,
					color = 'Red',
					suffix = '%%',
				[1] = {
					per_lvl = 0.55,
					color = 'Gold',
					suffix = '%%',
				[2] = {
					per_lvl = 1,
					color = 'Red',
					suffix = '%%',
	['Turtle'] = {
		rarities = { 'E', 'L' },
		petType = 'Combat Pet',
		stats = {
			hp = {0.5},
			def = {1},
		abilities = {
			name = {
				[1] = 'Turtle Tactics',
				[2] = 'Genius Amniote',
				[3] = 'Unflippable',
				[4] = 'Turtle Shell',
			desc = {
				-- the description of abilities used in the two top cells
				[1] = 'Gain +{0} STAT_DEF.',
				[2] = 'Gain +{1} STAT_DEF for every player around you, up to 4 nearby players.',
				[3] = 'Gain <GREEN>immunity</GREEN> to knockback.',
				[4] = 'When under <RED>33%</RED> maximum HP, you take {2} less damage.',
			tooltip = {
				-- the description of abilities used in the tooltip
				[1] = '&7Gain &a+{0}% &a❈ Defense.',
				[2] = '&7Gain &a+{1}❈ Defense &7for/&7every player around you, up to 4/&7nearby players.',
				[3] = '&7Gain &aimmunity &7to knockback.',
				[4] = '&7When under &c33% &7maximum HP,/&7you take &a{2}% &7less damage.',
			bonus_desc = {
				-- the description of abilities used in the bottom cell.
				[1] = '+{0} more STAT_DEF per level',
				[2] = '+{1} more STAT_DEF per level',
				[3] = nil,
				[4] = '+{2} less damage taken while below <RED>33%</RED> maximum HP taken per level',
		variables = {
			epic = {
				ability_count = 2,
				[0] = {
					per_lvl = 0.27,
					base = 3,
					color = 'Green',
					suffix = '%%',
				[1] = {
					per_lvl = 0.25,
					base = 5,
					color = 'Green',
			legendary = {
				ability_count = 4,
				[0] = {
					per_lvl = 0.27,
					base = 3,
					color = 'Green',
					suffix = '%%',
				[1] = {
					per_lvl = 0.25,
					base = 5,
					color = 'Green',
				[2] = {
					per_lvl = 0.25,
					color = 'Green',
					suffix = '%%',
	['Wither Skeleton'] = {
		rarities = { 'E', 'L' },
		petType = 'Mining Pet',
		stats = {
			str = {0.25},
			cd = {0.25},
			def = {0.25},
			int = {0.25},
			cc = {0.05},
		abilities = {
			name = {
				[1] = 'Stronger Bones',
				[2] = 'Wither Blood',
				[3] = 'Death\'s Touch',
			desc = {
				-- the description of abilities used in the two top cells
				[1] = 'Take {0} less damage from [[Skeletons]]',
				[2] = 'Deal {1} more damage against wither mobs.',
				[3] = 'Upon hitting an enemy inflict the wither effect for {2} damage over 3 seconds. <DARK_GRAY>Does not stack</DARK_GRAY>',
			tooltip = {
				-- the description of abilities used in the tooltip
				[1] = '&7Take &a{0}% &7less damage from/&7skeletons.',
				[2] = '&7Deal &a{1}% &7more damage against/&7wither mobs.',
				[3] = '&7Upon hitting an enemy inflict/&7the wither effect for &a{2}%/&7damage over 3 seconds./&8Does not stack',
			bonus_desc = {
				-- the description of abilities used in the bottom cell.
				[1] = '{0} less damage per level',
				[2] = '+{1} more damage per level',
				[3] = '+{2} more damage per level',
		variables = {
			epic = {
				ability_count = 2,
				[0] = {
					per_lvl = 0.3,
					color = 'Green',
					suffix = '%%',
				[1] = {
					per_lvl = 0.25,
					color = 'Green',
					suffix = '%%',
			legendary = {
				ability_count = 3,
				[0] = {
					per_lvl = 0.3,
					color = 'Green',
					suffix = '%%',
				[1] = {
					per_lvl = 0.25,
					color = 'Green',
					suffix = '%%',
				[2] = {
					per_lvl = 2,
					color = 'Green',
					suffix = '%%',
	['Wisp'] = {
			rarities = { 'U', 'R', 'E', 'L' },
			petType = 'Gabagool Pet, feed to gain XP',
			stats = {
				hp = {1},
				dmg = {0.1},
				tdef = {0.1},
				int = {0.5},
			abilities = {
				name = {
					[1] = 'Drophammer',
					[2] = 'Bulwark',
					[3] = 'Blaze Slayer',
					[4] = 'Extinguish',
					[5] = 'Ephemeral Stability',
					[6] = 'Icehammer',
				desc = {
					-- the description of abilities used in the two top cells
					[1] = 'Lets you break fire pillars.',
					[2] = 'Kill Blazes to gain defense against them and demons.\nBonus: <GREEN>+0❈</GREEN> & <WHITE>+0❂</WHITE> Next Upgrade: <GREEN>+30❈</GREEN> & <WHITE>+3❂</WHITE> <DARK_GRAY>(</DARK_GRAY><GREEN>0</GREEN>/<RED>100</RED><DARK_GRAY>)</DARK_GRAY>',
					[3] = 'Grants {0} STAT_CW against <GREEN>Blazes</GREEN>.',
					[4] = 'While in combat on the Crimson Isle, spawn a pool every <GREEN>8s</GREEN>. Bathing in it heals {1}<RED>❤</RED> now and {2}<RED>❤</RED>/s for <GREEN>8s</GREEN>.',
					[5] = 'Regenerate mana {3} faster.',
					[6] = 'Lets you break fire pillars.',
				tooltip = {
					-- the description of abilities used in the tooltip
					[1] = '&7Lets you break fire pillars.',
					[2] = '&7Kill Blazes to gain defense/&7against them and demons./&7Bonus: &a+0❈ & &f+0❂/&7Next Upgrade: &a+30❈ & &f+3❂ &8(&a0&7\\/&c100&8)',
					[3] = '&7Grants &a{0}% &3☯ Combat/&3Wisdom &7against &aBlazes&7.',
					[4] = '&7While in combat on the Crimson/&7Isle, spawn a pool every &a8s&7./&7Bathing in it heals &c{1}%❤ &7now/&7and &c{2}%❤&7\\/s for &a8s&7.',
					[5] = '&7Regenerate mana &b{3}%/&7faster.',
					[6] = '&7Lets you break fire pillars.',
				bonus_desc = {
					-- the description of abilities used in the bottom cell.
					[1] = nil,
					[2] = nil,
					[3] = '+{0} STAT_CW per level',
					[4] = 'Heals +{1} STAT_HP now and +{2} STAT_HP\/s for 8s per level',
					[5] = '+{3} faster per level',
					[6] = nil,
		variables = {
			uncommon = {
				stats = {
					hp = {1},
					dmg = {0.1},
				petname = 'Droplet Wisp',
				ability_count = 3,
				[0] = {
					per_lvl = 0.3,
					color = 'Dark_Aqua',
					suffix = '%%',
			rare = {
				stats = {
					hp = {2.5},
					dmg = {0.15},
					tdef = {0.15},
					int = {0.5},
				petname = 'Frost Wisp',
				ability_indices = {6, 2, 3, 4},
				[0] = {
					per_lvl = 0.4,
					color = 'Dark_Aqua',
					suffix = '%%',
				[1] = {
					per_lvl = 0.15,
					color = 'Red',
					suffix = '%%',
				[2] = {
					per_lvl = 0.04,
					color = 'Red',
					suffix = '%%',
			epic = {
				stats = {
					hp = {4},
					dmg = {0.2},
					tdef = {0.3},
					int = {1.25},
				petname = 'Glacial Wisp',
				ability_indices = {6, 2, 3, 4},
				[0] = {
					per_lvl = 0.45,
					color = 'Dark_Aqua',
					suffix = '%%',
				[1] = {
					per_lvl = 0.2,
					color = 'Red',
					suffix = '%%',
				[2] = {
					per_lvl = 0.07,
					color = 'Red',
					suffix = '%%',
			legendary = {
				stats = {
					hp = {6},
					dmg = {0.25},
					tdef = {0.35},
					int = {2.5},
				petname = 'Subzero Wisp',
				ability_indices = {6, 2, 3, 4, 5},
				[0] = {
					per_lvl = 0.5,
					color = 'Dark_Aqua',
					suffix = '%%',
				[1] = {
					per_lvl = 0.25,
					color = 'Red',
					suffix = '%%',
				[2] = {
					per_lvl = 0.1,
					color = 'Red',
					suffix = '%%',
				[3] = {
					per_lvl = 0.4,
					color = 'Aqua',
					suffix = '%%',
	['Wolf'] = {
		rarities = { 'C', 'U', 'R', 'E', 'L' },
		petType = 'Combat Pet',
		stats = {
			hp = {0.5},
			spd = {0.2},
			tdef = {0.1},
			cd = {0.1},
		abilities = {
			name = {
				[1] = 'Alpha Dog',
				[2] = 'Pack Leader',
				[3] = 'Combat Wisdom Boost',
			desc = {
				-- the description of abilities used in the two top cells
				[1] = 'Take {0} less damage from wolves.',
				[2] = 'Gain {1} STAT_CD for every nearby wolf <DARK_GRAY>(max 10 wolves)</DARK_GRAY>.',
				[3] = 'Grants <DARK_AQUA>+</DARK_AQUA>{2}STAT_CW.',
			tooltip = {
				-- the description of abilities used in the tooltip
				[1] = '&7Take &a{0}% &7less damage from/&7wolves.',
				[2] = '&7Gain &a{1} &9☠ Crit Damage/&9&7for every nearby wolf monsters./&8Max 10 wolves',
				[3] = '&7Grants &3+{2}☯ Combat/&3Wisdom&7.',
			bonus_desc = {
				-- the description of abilities used in the bottom cell.
				[1] = '+{0} less damage per level',
				[2] = '+{1} more STAT_CD per wolf per level',
				[3] = '+{2} higher STAT_CW boost per level',
		variables = {
			common = {
				ability_count = 1,
				[0] = {
					per_lvl = 0.1,
					color = 'Green',
					suffix = '%%',
			uncommon = {
				ability_count = 1,
				[0] = {
					per_lvl = 0.2,
					color = 'Green',
					suffix = '%%',
			rare = {
				ability_count = 2,
				[0] = {
					per_lvl = 0.2,
					color = 'Green',
					suffix = '%%',
				[1] = {
					per_lvl = 0.1,
					color = 'Green',
					suffix = '%%',
			epic = {
				ability_count = 2,
				[0] = {
					per_lvl = 0.3,
					color = 'Green',
					suffix = '%%',
				[1] = {
					per_lvl = 0.15,
					color = 'Green',
					suffix = '%%',
			legendary = {
				ability_count = 3,
				[0] = {
					per_lvl = 0.3,
					color = 'Green',
					suffix = '%%',
				[1] = {
					per_lvl = 0.15,
					color = 'Green',
					suffix = '%%',
				[2] = {
					per_lvl = 0.3,
					color = 'Dark_Aqua',
	['Zombie'] = {
		rarities = { 'C', 'U', 'R', 'E', 'L' },
		petType = 'Combat Pet',
		stats = {
			hp = {1},
			cd = {0.3},
		abilities = {
			name = {
				[1] = 'Chomp',
				[2] = 'Rotten Blade',
				[3] = 'Living Dead',
			desc = {
				-- the description of abilities used in the two top cells
				[1] = 'Heal +{0} STAT_HP per Zombie kill.',
				[2] = 'Deal {1} more damage to zombies.',
				[3] = 'Increases stats of all <DARK_GREEN>Undead ༕</DARK_GREEN> armor by {2}.',
			tooltip = {
				-- the description of abilities used in the tooltip
				[1] = '&7Heal +&a{0} &7hp per Zombie/&7kill.',
				[2] = '&7Deal &a{1}% &7more damage to/&7zombies.',
				[3] = '&7Increases all stats on/&2Undead ༕ &7armor by &a{2}%.',
			bonus_desc = {
				-- the description of abilities used in the bottom cell.
				[1] = '+{0} more healing per level',
				[2] = '+{1} more damage per level',
				[3] = '+{2} higher stats boost per level',
		variables = {
			common = {
				ability_count = 1,
				[0] = {
					per_lvl = 0.25,
					color = 'Red',
			uncommon = {
				ability_count = 1,
				[0] = {
					per_lvl = 0.25,
					color = 'Red',
			rare = {
				ability_count = 2,
				[0] = {
					per_lvl = 0.25,
					color = 'Red',
				[1] = {
					per_lvl = 0.25,
					color = 'Green',
					suffix = '%%',
			epic = {
				ability_count = 2,
				[0] = {
					per_lvl = 0.25,
					color = 'Red',
				[1] = {
					per_lvl = 0.25,
					color = 'Green',
					suffix = '%%',
			legendary = {
				ability_count = 3,
				[0] = {
					per_lvl = 0.25,
					color = 'Red',
				[1] = {
					per_lvl = 0.25,
					color = 'Green',
					suffix = '%%',
				[2] = {
					per_lvl = 0.2,
					color = 'Green',
					suffix = '%%',