Hypixel SkyBlock Wiki

Null Atom is a RARE crafting material. It is obtained as a Rare(5%) drop from Voidgloom Seraph Tier III+.


The Null Atom is a Rare(5%) drop from Tier III+ Voidgloom Seraphim, if the player has Enderman Slayer LVL IV.

Drop Chances
  • Tier III: 3.73% (1/26.84)
  • Tier IV: 4.94% (1/20.24)


Name Enderman
Slayer LVL
Ingredients Crafting recipe
Null Edge Null Atom 3x Null Atom
Enchanted Mithril 192x Enchanted Mithril
Enchanted Mithril32Null AtomEnchanted Mithril32
Enchanted Mithril32Null AtomEnchanted Mithril32
Enchanted Mithril32Null AtomEnchanted Mithril32
Null Edge
Soulflow Engine 5 Null Atom 2x Null Atom
Null Ovoid 64x Null Ovoid
Refined Titanium 12x Refined Titanium
Lesser Soulflow Engine 4x Lesser Soulflow Engine
Null AtomLesser Soulflow EngineNull Atom
Lesser Soulflow EngineNull Ovoid64Lesser Soulflow Engine
Refined Titanium6Lesser Soulflow EngineRefined Titanium6
Soulflow Engine
Sinseeker Scythe 6 Null Atom 16x Null Atom
Null Ovoid 32x Null Ovoid
Sinful Dice 1x Sinful Dice
Null Atom4Null Ovoid8Null Atom4
Null Ovoid8Sinful DiceNull Ovoid8
Null Atom4Null Ovoid8Null Atom4
Sinseeker Scythe
Soulflow Supercell 7 Null Atom 2x Null Atom
Null Ovoid 192x Null Ovoid
Soulflow Battery 1x Soulflow Battery
Null Ovoid32Null Ovoid32Null Ovoid32
Null AtomSoulflow BatteryNull Atom
Null Ovoid32Null Ovoid32Null Ovoid32
Soulflow Supercell


SkyBlock Prototype
May 31, 20210.11.5Null Atom Added Null Atom.