Hypixel SkyBlock Wiki
Hypixel SkyBlock Wiki
For the Rat that spawns in The Hub, see Rat.


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A Pest is a Mob that has a chance of appearing when a Player breaks a crop in The Garden. When vacuumed, players gain Pest as a currency, which can be viewed through Vacuums and used at Pesthunter Phillip Sprite Pesthunter Phillip.


Starting at Garden Level V, a Pest has a 1/500 (0.2%) chance to spawn whenever a Player breaks a crop in The Garden. This can be reduced by 50% using the Sprayonator Sprayonator, and 15% using the Atmospheric Filter Atmospheric Filter during Autumn, making the highest possible chance 1/212.5 (~0.47%).

The Pest spawned is not affected by the crop broken, but the chance for specific Pests can be increased via the Sprayonator Sprayonator or playing Pest Vinyls using the InfiniVacuum™ Hooverius InfiniVacuum™ Hooverius.

Pests may spawn in the plot the player is farming in or any directly adjacent plot (except diagonally). By default, only one Pest will spawn at a time. This can be increased via ൠ Bonus Pest Chance. Pests can also spawn while the player is outside The Garden, up to one per hour.


If the player has Pest Trap Pest Traps or Mouse Trap Mouse Traps placed down, Pests can also spawn in them. Whether the player is online or offline, the spawn rate is about 15 minutes per Pest. The amount of Pests caught is the same for all placed traps, although the specific Pests may differ. On top of the regular 10 Pests, a Field Mouse can spawn in Pest Trap Pest Traps with the base chance of 3.03% and Mouse Trap Mouse Traps with the base chance of 8.57%, both affected by the Enderman Slayer IX perk.

Spawning Pests in traps requires the usage of a Sprayonator material. The 2 Pests affected by the material are 12x more likely to appear than others.

Spawn cooldown[]

The default cooldown between Pest spawns is 5 minutes. It can be modified using the following:

Source Modifier
Finnegan Sprite Finnegan (Pest Eradicator) -20%
Pesthunter's Necklace Pesthunter's Necklace -10%
Pesthunter's Cloak Pesthunter's Cloak -10%
Pest Vest Pest Vest -15%
Pesthunter's Belt Pesthunter's Belt -10%
Pesthunter's Gloves Pesthunter's Gloves -10%
Squeaky on Equipment -2.5% each
Pest Repellent Pest Repellent 2x
Pest Repellent MAX Pest Repellent MAX 4x

The percentage modifiers are additive.

The minimum achievable cooldown is 1 minutes 15 seconds (2 minutes 15 seconds without Finnegan Sprite Finnegan), while the maximum is 20 minutes.

Pest Repellent Pest Repellent and Pest Repellent MAX Pest Repellent MAX do not stack, with the latter taking priority.

Attracting Specific Pests[]

Specific Pests can be attracted using the Sprayonator Sprayonator and the InfiniVacuum™ Hooverius InfiniVacuum™ Hooverius's Stereo Harmony ability.

Pest Associated Crop Garden Level Required Sprayonator Item to Attract Vinyl to Attract
Fly Sprite Fly Wheat Wheat 5 Dung Dung Pretty Fly Vinyl Pretty Fly Vinyl
Cricket Sprite Cricket Carrot Carrot Honey Jar Honey Jar Cricket Choir Vinyl Cricket Choir Vinyl
Locust Sprite Locust Potato Potato Plant Matter Plant Matter Cicada Symphony Vinyl Cicada Symphony Vinyl
Rat Sprite Rat Pumpkin Pumpkin Tasty Cheese Tasty Cheese Rodent Revolution Vinyl Rodent Revolution Vinyl
Mosquito Sprite Mosquito Sugar Cane Sugar Cane Compost Compost Buzzin' Beats Vinyl Buzzin' Beats Vinyl
Earthworm Sprite Earthworm Melon Melon 6 Compost Compost Earthworm Ensemble Vinyl Earthworm Ensemble Vinyl
Mite Sprite Mite Cactus Cactus 7 Tasty Cheese Tasty Cheese DynaMITES Vinyl DynaMITES Vinyl
Moth Sprite Moth Cocoa Beans Cocoa Beans 8 Honey Jar Honey Jar Wings of Harmony Vinyl Wings of Harmony Vinyl
Slug Sprite Slug Mushroom Mushroom 9 Plant Matter Plant Matter Slow and Groovy Vinyl Slow and Groovy Vinyl
Beetle Sprite Beetle Nether Wart Nether Wart 10 Dung Dung Not Just a Pest Vinyl Not Just a Pest Vinyl
Field Mouse Sprite Field Mouse Random (Can't drop other pests' rare drop crops) 5


When 4 or more Pests are on The Garden at once, the player's ☘ Farming Fortune (as well as each crop-specific fortune stat) is reduced, first by 5% and then multiples of 15%. ☘ Farming Fortune will continue to be lost for each additional Pest, up to 8, after which no more Pests will spawn until at least one is killed. The maximum ☘ Farming Fortune loss is 75%.

For each 100 ൠ Bonus Pest Chance the player has, they can have 1 more Pest on their Garden before their ☘ Farming Fortune starts being reduced. The reduction then starts at 5% and scales from there.

Pests ☘ Farming Fortune loss
0-99  100-199  200-299  300-399  400-499  500+ 
4 5%
5 15% 5%
6 30% 15% 5%
7 50% 30% 15% 5%
8 75% 50% 30% 15% 5%

Note that 400 ൠ Bonus Pest Chance or above is currently unobtainable.

Game Message[]

Grammar and/or punctuation mistakes are intentional, as they appear so in the dialogue in-game.
Condition Message
1 Pest spawned
GROSS! A Pest has appeared in Plot - [name]!
CLICK HERE to teleport to the plot!
2 Pests spawned
EWW! 2 Pests have spawned in Plot - [name]!
CLICK HERE to teleport to the plot!
3 or more Pests spawned
YUCK! # Pests have spawned in Plot - [name]!
CLICK HERE to teleport to the plot!
Farming Fortune reduction
☘ Farming Fortune has been reduced by #%!
Offline Pest spawn
GROSS! While you were offline, Pests spawned in Plots [plot], [plot] and [plot]!


Pests can be exchanged at Pesthunter Phillip Sprite Pesthunter Phillip to gain temporary 5 ☘ Farming Fortune for 30 minutes per consumed Pest, up to 40 Pests. They can also be exchanged for various items in Pesthunter Phillip Sprite Pesthunter Phillip's shop.


Guaranteed Drops[]

Each Pest drops a specific number of its respective crop, this number is affected by ☘ Farming Fortune and the crop's respective ☘ Crop Fortune.

Crop Base Amount Scaling of the Base Amount At 1680 Fortune NPC Sell price at 1680 Fortune Bazaar sell price
Wheat Wheat Enchanted Wheat 1x Enchanted Wheat +1 every 35  Enchanted Wheat 49x Enchanted Wheat 47,040 coins 46,550 coins
Pumpkin Pumpkin Enchanted Pumpkin 1x Enchanted Pumpkin +1 every 35  Enchanted Pumpkin 49x Enchanted Pumpkin 78,400 coins 78,400 coins
Mushroom Mushroom Enchanted Red Mushroom 1x Enchanted Red Mushroom
Enchanted Brown Mushroom 1x Enchanted Brown Mushroom
+1 every 35  Enchanted Red Mushroom 49x Enchanted Red Mushroom
Enchanted Brown Mushroom 49x Enchanted Brown Mushroom
78,400 coins
78,400 coins
78,822 coins
79,831 coins
Cactus Cactus Enchanted Cactus Green 2x Enchanted Cactus Green +1 every 17.5  Enchanted Cactus Green 98x Enchanted Cactus Green 62,720 coins 66,043 coins
Sugar Cane Sugar Cane Enchanted Sugar 2x Enchanted Sugar +1 every 17.5  Enchanted Sugar 98x Enchanted Sugar 62,720 coins 65,945 coins
Cocoa Beans Cocoa Beans Enchanted Cocoa Beans 3x Enchanted Cocoa Beans +1 every 12  Enchanted Cocoa Beans 143x Enchanted Cocoa Beans 68,640 coins 85,772 coins
Nether Wart Nether Wart Enchanted Nether Wart 3x Enchanted Nether Wart +1 every 12  Enchanted Nether Wart 143x Enchanted Nether Wart 91,520 coins 90,033 coins
Carrot Carrot Enchanted Carrot 3x Enchanted Carrot +1 every 10.5  Enchanted Carrot 163x Enchanted Carrot 78,240 coins 85,934 coins
Potato Potato Enchanted Potato 3x Enchanted Potato +1 every 10.5  Enchanted Potato 163x Enchanted Potato 78,240 coins 79,023 coins
Melon Melon Enchanted Melon 5x Enchanted Melon +1 every 7  Enchanted Melon 245x Enchanted Melon 78,400 coins 76,685 coins

Field Mouse Sprite Field Mouse always drops one of these crops. It does not consider ☘ Crop Fortune, but the crop drops are 1.5x of those from a regular Pest.

Killing a Pest also rewards the player with Bits, multiplied by their Bits Multiplier.

Rare Drops[]

All Pest drops with a base drop chance lower than 5% have their drop rate increased by ☘ Farming Fortune and ☘ Crop Fortune (its respective pests only).

The formula for drop chance for rare drops is:

For pet drops (Rat Pet Rat Pet and Slug Pet Slug Pet), the formula also includes ♣ Pet Luck:


Pest Drops
Universal drops

All Pests except Field Mouse:

Field Mouse:

Fly Sprite Fly
Cricket Sprite Cricket
Locust Sprite Locust
Rat Sprite Rat
Mosquito Sprite Mosquito
Earthworm Sprite Earthworm
Mite Sprite Mite
Moth Sprite Moth
Slug Sprite Slug
Beetle Sprite Beetle
Field Mouse Sprite Field Mouse


  • Additive damage bonuses from sources other than vacuums do not work on Pests, but multiplicative bonuses such as the Book of Progression Book of Progression's Extra Infliction ability do.
  • The base mob type is a Bat Bat for Pests that can fly (Fly Fly, Mosquito Mosquito, Moth Moth) and Silverfish Silverfish for the rest.
  • The ☘ Farming Fortune for drops is calculated after the Pest dies.
    • This means that killing at 4 Pests does not negatively impact any Pest drops, but killing at 5 or more Pests does (assuming less than 100 ൠ Bonus Pest Chance).
  • If Pests manage to get out of the plot they spawned in, they will be teleported back into the correct plot within a few seconds.
  • It is possible to swap to a farming tool before a Pest dies to get more ☘ Farming Fortune, but it is difficult to pull off.
  • While the formula for pet drops includes ♣ Pet Luck, it being also divided by 600 rather than 100 makes this stat 6x less potent in increasing drop rates compared to the amount it normally affects pet drops that use ✯ Magic Find.
  • During testing on the Alpha Hypixel Network, Pesthunter Phillip Sprite Pesthunter Phillip allowed an option to prevent a Pest from spawning during Jacob's Farming Contests.


Alpha Hypixel Network
Nov 8, 2023Mosquito Added Pests.
Mar 4, 2024Pests can now spawn while not on The Garden.
Drops from Pests now count towards Crop Milestones.
Drop rates of Sprayonator materials and several rare crops from Pests have been buffed.
Nov 13, 2024Added Field Mouse Sprite Field Mouse.
Rebalanced Pest drops.
Fixed farming Cactus Cactus and Sugar Cane Sugar Cane having double odds to spawn a Pest.
SkyBlock Prototype
Nov 14, 20230.19.7Mosquito Added Pests.
Mar 12, 20240.19.12Pests can now spawn while not on The Garden.
Drops from Pests now count towards Crop Milestones.
Drop rates of Sprayonator materials and several rare crops from Pests have been buffed.
Pests now reward Bits each.
Oct 15, 20240.20.7Earthworms no longer heal when burrowing.
Nov 19, 20240.20.8Added Field Mouse Sprite Field Mouse.
Rebalanced Pest drops.
Fixed farming Cactus Cactus and Sugar Cane Sugar Cane having double odds to spawn a Pest.
Jan 21, 20250.21.1Reworked Pest spawn cooldown mechanics.
Field Mouse now drops 1.5x as many crops as regular Pests.