Hypixel SkyBlock Wiki

Pest Repellent is an UNCOMMON item.


Pest Repellent can be purchased from SkyMart for 15 Copper.


Pest Repellent can be consumed to reduce Pest spawn rates by 2x for 60 minutes. It does not reduce ൠ Bonus Pest Chance.

Upon consuming, it gives the player the Pest Repellent I potion effect.

Game Message[]

Condition Message
YUM! Pests will now spawn 2x less while you break crops for the next 60m!
Attempting to consume when Pest Repellent I or II is already active
You already have this effect active! Try again in #m #s!


  • Since you cannot consume another Pest Repellent while one is already active, it is recommended to consume one at the beginning of each hour if you plan to participate in Jacob's Contest. If you consume one right before or during a contest, you will likely have to stop for a few seconds in the middle of the next contest to consume another one when it expires.
    • You can consume a Pest Repellent MAX Pest Repellent MAX while a regular Pest Repellent is already active and the timer will reset to 60 minutes. However, if a Pest Repellent MAX Pest Repellent MAX is active, you cannot consume either one again until it expires.
    • You can drink a Milk Bucket Milk Bucket to clear the effect early and be able to consume another one, however this will also clear all other active potion effects, including the God Potion God Potion.


Alpha Hypixel Network
Nov 9, 2023Pest Repellent Added Pest Spray.
Added functionality to Pest Spray.
Nov 11, 2023Renamed to Pest Repellent.
Changed cost from 50,000 coins to 15 Copper.
SkyBlock Prototype
Nov 14, 20230.19.7Pest Repellent Added Pest Repellent.
Dec 12, 20230.19.9Fixed a typo in the potion effect's name ("Repellant" instead of "Repellent").