Hypixel SkyBlock Wiki

Pet Items are items that can be given to Pets to improve them. Each pet can only hold one item at a time. To use them, equip a pet and right-click the pet while holding a pet item.

Pet items are consumed on use. Upon equipping a new item, the old item is destroyed. There is no way to recover a pet item once it has been applied to a pet.

List of Pet Items

Icon Name Rarity Ability Source Buy Price
All Skills Exp Boost All Skills Exp Boost COMMON +10% Pet EXP boost for all Skills Zog Buy: 50,000 coins
All Skills Exp Super-Boost All Skills Exp Super-Boost COMMON +20% Pet EXP boost for all Skills Crafting Raw Materials: Ingredients:Crafting Recipe:
Enchanted Gold Block6
Enchanted Gold Block6All Skills Exp BoostEnchanted Gold Block6
Zog Anvil
All Skills Exp Super-Boost
Farming Exp Boost Farming Exp Boost COMMON +20% Pet EXP boost to Farming Zog Buy: 60,000 coins
Farming Exp Boost UNCOMMON +30% Pet EXP boost to Farming Hungry Hiker quest reward
Rare Farming Exp Boost RARE +40% Pet EXP boost to Farming Zog Buy: 500,000 coins
Epic Farming Exp Boost EPIC +50% Pet EXP Boost to Farming Duncan Buy: 1,500,000 coins
Mining Exp Boost Mining Exp Boost COMMON +20% Pet EXP boost to Mining Zog Buy: 60,000 coins
Mining Exp Boost UNCOMMON +30% Pet EXP boost to Mining Buy: 250,000 coins
Mining Exp Boost RARE +40% Pet EXP boost to Mining 20% chance from participating in active Mining Events in the Dwarven Mines
Combat Exp Boost Combat Exp Boost COMMON +20% Pet EXP boost to Combat Zog Buy: 60,000 coins
Uncommon Combat Exp Boost UNCOMMON +30% Pet EXP Boost to Combat Rare drop from Magma Cubes
Rare Combat Exp Boost RARE +40% Pet EXP Boost to Combat Rare drop from Obsidian Defenders and Watchers
Combat Exp Boost EPIC +50% Pet EXP Boost to Combat
Foraging Exp Boost Foraging Exp Boost COMMON +20% Pet EXP boost to Foraging Zog Buy: 60,000 coins
Foraging Exp Boost EPIC +50% Pet EXP Boost to Foraging Rare drop from the Soul of the Alpha
Fishing Exp Boost Fishing Exp Boost COMMON +20% Pet EXP boost to Fishing Zog Buy: 60,000 coins
Uncommon Fishing Exp Boost UNCOMMON +30% Pet EXP Boost to Fishing Rare drop from Night Squid
Fishing Exp Boost RARE +40% Pet EXP Boost to Fishing Rare drop from Night Squid and Sea Leech
Epic Fishing Exp Boost EPIC +50% Pet EXP Boost to Fishing Rare drop from Sea Leech, Deep Sea Protector, Water Hydra, and Sea Emperor
Exp Share Exp Share EPIC While unequipped this pet gains 25% of the equipped Pet's XP, this is split between all Pets holding the item. The core is dropped by any mob in the Deep Caverns Crafting Raw Materials: Ingredients:Crafting Recipe:
Enchanted Gold12
Enchanted Gold12Exp Share CoreEnchanted Gold12
Enchanted Gold12Enchanted Gold12Enchanted Gold12
Exp Share
Big Teeth Big Teeth COMMON Increases ☣ Crit Chance by +5 Zog Buy: 750,000 coins
Bigger Teeth Bigger Teeth UNCOMMON Increases ☣ Crit Chance by +10 Crafting Raw Materials: Ingredients:Crafting Recipe:
Enchanted Gold Block6
Enchanted Gold Block6Big TeethEnchanted Gold Block6
Zog Anvil
Bigger Teeth
Sharpened Claws Sharpened Claws UNCOMMON Increases ☠ Crit Damage by +15 Zog Buy: 1,000,000 coins
Serrated Claws Serrated Claws RARE Increases ☠ Crit Damage by +25 Crafting Raw Materials: Ingredients:Crafting Recipe:
Enchanted Gold Block6
Enchanted Gold Block6Sharpened ClawsEnchanted Gold Block6
Zog Anvil
Serrated Claws
Iron Claws Iron Claws COMMON Increases Pet's ☠ Crit Damage and ☣ Crit Chance by 40% Zog Buy: 750,000 coins
Gold Claws Gold Claws UNCOMMON Increases Pet's ☠ Crit Damage and ☣ Crit Chance by 50% Crafting Raw Materials: Ingredients:Crafting Recipe:
Enchanted Gold Block6
Enchanted Gold Block6Iron ClawsEnchanted Gold Block6
Zog Anvil
Gold Claws
Hardened Scales Hardened Scales UNCOMMON Increases ❈ Defense by +25 Zog Buy: 1,000,000 coins
Reinforced Scales Reinforced Scales RARE Increases ❈ Defense by +40 Crafting Raw Materials: Ingredients:Crafting Recipe:
Enchanted Gold Block6
Enchanted Gold Block6Hardened ScalesEnchanted Gold Block6
Zog Anvil
Reinforced Scales
Textbook Textbook LEGENDARY Increases Pet's ✎ Intelligence by 100% Lapis X Raw Materials: Ingredients:Crafting Recipe:
Enchanted Lapis BlockEnchanted Lapis BlockEnchanted Lapis Block
Enchanted Lapis BlockEnchanted Paper64Enchanted Lapis Block
Enchanted Lapis BlockEnchanted Lapis BlockEnchanted Lapis Block
Lucky Clover Lucky Clover EPIC Increases ✯ Magic Find by 7 Crafting Raw Materials: Ingredients:Crafting Recipe:
Enchanted Emerald32Enchanted Emerald32Enchanted Emerald32
Enchanted Emerald32Lucky Clover CoreEnchanted Emerald32
Enchanted Emerald32Enchanted Emerald32Enchanted Emerald32
Lucky Clover
Saddle Saddle UNCOMMON Increases the Horse Pet's and the Skeleton Horse Pet's speed by 50% and jump boost by 100%. Achievement: Player earns the Achievement "Saddle Up" when crafting a saddle for the first time. Leather VII Raw Materials: Ingredients:Crafting Recipe:
Enchanted LeatherEnchanted LeatherEnchanted Leather
Enchanted LeatherEnchanted LeatherEnchanted Leather
Enchanted LeatherEnchanted Leather
Bubblegum Bubblegum RARE Your pet fuses its power with placed Deployables to increase their duration by 2x Zog Buy: 5,000,000 coins
Tier Boost Tier Boost LEGENDARY Boost the Rarity of your Pets by 1 tier, up to LEGENDARY. Does not work on the Griffin Pet or the Wisp Pet. Crafting Raw Materials: Ingredients:Crafting Recipe:
Enchanted Iron Block2Enchanted Iron Block2
Enchanted Iron Block2Tier Boost CoreEnchanted Iron Block2
Enchanted Iron Block2
Tier Boost
Spooky Cupcake Spooky Cupcake UNCOMMON Increases ❁ Strength by 30 and ✦ Speed by 20. Trick or Treat Chest during Spooky Festival
Dwarf Turtle Shelmet Dwarf Turtle Shelmet RARE Makes the Pet's owner immune to knockback. Rare drop from Mythological Ritual mobs and from digging Griffin Burrows with a Legendary Griffin Pet equipped
Crochet Tiger Plushie Crochet Tiger Plushie EPIC Increases ⚔ Bonus Attack Speed by 35.
Antique Remedies Antique Remedies EPIC Increases the Pet's ❁ Strength by 80%.
Minos Relic Minos Relic EPIC Increases all Pet stats by 33.3% (not Perks). Rare drop from Minos Champion or Minos Inquisitor with a Legendary Griffin Pet equipped
Washed-up Souvenir Washed-Up Souvenir LEGENDARY Increases α Sea Creature Chance by 5 Rare drop from digging Griffin Burrows with a Legendary Griffin Pet equipped
Reaper Gem Reaper Gem LEGENDARY Gain 8⫽ Ferocity for 5s on kill Rewarded upon reaching Zombie Slayer LVL 9
Rusty Buy: 20,000,000 coins after obtaining Zombie Slayer LVL 9
Flying Pig Flying Pig UNCOMMON Grants your Pig Pet the ability to fly while on your Private Island! You also don't need to hold a Carrot on a Stick to control your pig. One-time reward from the Ancient Pig
Quick Claw Quick Claw EPIC Every 2 pet levels, you gain +1 ⸕ Mining Speed and +1 ☘ Mining Fortune. "Very rare" reward from the Crystal Nucleus treasure stash
Yellow Bandana Yellow Bandana RARE Grants +30 ☘ Farming Fortune SkyMart Buy: 300 Copper
Green Bandana Green Bandana EPIC Grants +4 ☘ Farming Fortune per Garden Level. Garden Visitors
Brown Bandana Brown Bandana RARE Grants +0.2 ൠ Bonus Pest Chance per Pest Bestiary tier unlocked. Talbot Buy: 50,000 coins
Four-Eyed Fish Four-Eyed Fish EPIC Gives Griffin Pet:
+10 ✯ Magic Find, +55 ❈ Defense and a bonus 2,000 coins from all Griffin Burrows during Mythological Event.
Crafting Ingredients: Crafting Recipe:
Enchanted Spider Eye64Enchanted Spider Eye64Enchanted Spider Eye64
Lucky CloverPre-Digestion FishReinforced Scales
Enchanted Spider Eye64Enchanted Spider Eye64Enchanted Spider Eye64
Four-Eyed Fish
Bejeweled Collar Bejeweled Collar RARE Grants the pet +25 ⸕ Mining Speed and +10 ☘ Mining Fortune. The Forge Ingredients:
Titanium Minecart Titanium Minecart RARE Grants +33.3 ☘ Mining Fortune while mining Titanium Ore. Mining Events
Grandma's Knitting Needle Grandma's Knitting Needle RARE Can be applied to Grandma Wolf Pets. Grants +5% ✯ Magic Find when getting a combo of 50 or above. Oruo The Almighty Buy: Sun Gecko Essence 50x Sun Gecko Essence



Alpha Hypixel Network
Mar 23, 2023Added Yellow Bandana Yellow Bandana.
Mar 24, 2023Added Green Bandana Green Bandana.
Aug 20, 2024Moved Mining Exp Boost RARE Mining Exp Boost from Zog Sprite Zog to a drop from Mining Events.
Added Mining Exp Boost UNCOMMON Mining Exp Boost to Zog Sprite Zog.
SkyBlock Prototype
May 5, 20200.7.8Added Pet Items with the Pet Update.
July 7, 20200.8Added Farming Exp Boost EPIC Farming Exp Boost.
Sep 8, 20200.9Added Antique Remedies Antique Remedies, Washed-Up Souvenir Washed-Up Souvenir, Crochet Tiger Plushie Crochet Tiger Plushie, Dwarf Turtle Shelmet Dwarf Turtle Shelmet, Minos Relic Minos Relic, Bigger Teeth Bigger Teeth, Serrated Claws Serrated Claws, Reinforced Scales Reinforced Scales, Gold Claws Gold Claws, and All Skills Exp Super-Boost All Skills Exp Super-Boost.
Nov 2, 20200.9.10Added Vampire Fang Vampire Fang and Spooky Cupcake Spooky Cupcake.
Nov 11, 2020Added Jerry 3D Glasses Jerry 3D Glasses.
Mar 12, 2021Added Reaper Gem Reaper Gem.
May 7, 2021Added Flying Pig Flying Pig.
Unknown DateAdded the Farming Exp Boost UNCOMMON Farming Exp Boost as a reward.
It is unknown if this was in the game since the 0.11.4 update (on April 21st, 2021), or if it was added later.
Sep 13, 2021Added Quick Claw Quick Claw.
Mar 28, 20230.18.2Added Yellow Bandana Yellow Bandana.
Added Green Bandana Green Bandana.
Apr 18, 20230.18.3Removed Jerry 3D Glasses Jerry 3D Glasses and Vampire Fang Vampire Fang as Pet Items.
June 14, 2023Slightly improved Pet Items description. also added a confirmation when replacing Pet Items
Aug 22, 20230.19.3Added Bejeweled Collar Bejeweled Collar.
Sep 17, 20240.20.6Moved Mining Exp Boost RARE Mining Exp Boost from Zog Sprite Zog to a drop from Mining Events.
Added Mining Exp Boost UNCOMMON Mining Exp Boost to Zog Sprite Zog.
Dec 10, 20240.21Added Grandma's Knitting Needle Grandma's Knitting Needle.