Hypixel SkyBlock Wiki
Wooden Pickaxe

Pickaxes are Mining tools used to obtain Ore and other rock-type blocks. How pickaxes behave can differ based on what Enchantments and Reforges are applied to it. Each pickaxe has its own Breaking Power.

Outside of areas with the custom Mining system implemented, the pickaxes will only be able to receive drops from blocks as their vanilla form does. For example, Stonk Stonk cannot receive drops from mining Iron Ore or Obsidian.

SkyBlock Pickaxes[]

Image Name Rarity Ⓟ BP Mining Speed Ability / Pre-Enchanted Requirement Source
Rookie Pickaxe Rookie Pickaxe COMMON 2 +150 Has a base +5 ☘ Ore Fortune. Mine Merchant Sprite Mine Merchant (12 coins)
Promising Pickaxe Promising Pickaxe UNCOMMON 3 +190 Gains +10 ⸕ Mining Speed per 100 blocks mined, capped at +250 ⸕ Mining Speed. Mine Merchant Sprite Mine Merchant (35 coins)
Zombie Pickaxe Zombie Pickaxe COMMON 3 +190 Grants +5 ☘ Mining Fortune for every Undead mob within 30 blocks of you. Capped at +25 ☘ Mining Fortune. Rotten Flesh II
▦ Recipe
Rotten FleshRotten FleshRotten Flesh
Lapis Pickaxe Lapis Pickaxe UNCOMMON 4 +200 Grants a 25% chance to gain double experience when mining ores. Lapis Lazuli III
▦ Recipe
Lapis Lazuli64Lapis Lazuli64Lapis Lazuli64
Lapis Lazuli64Iron PickaxeLapis Lazuli64
Lapis Lazuli64Lapis Lazuli64Lapis Lazuli64
Fractured Mithril Pickaxe Fractured Mithril Pickaxe UNCOMMON 5 +225 Grants +2 ☘ Mining Fortune. Bednom Sprite Bubu in the Dwarven Mines (10,000 coins)
Bandaged Mithril Pickaxe Bandaged Mithril Pickaxe UNCOMMON 5 +250 Grants +4 ☘ Mining Fortune. Heart of the Mountain Tier II Bednom Sprite Bubu in the Dwarven Mines ()
Mithril Pickaxe Mithril Pickaxe UNCOMMON 5 +300 Grants +7 ☘ Mining Fortune when mining Mithril. Heart of the Mountain Tier II Bednom Sprite Bubu in the Dwarven Mines ()
Jungle Pickaxe Jungle Pickaxe UNCOMMON 5 +330 Gives a chance to spawn Sludges when mining in the Jungle. Heart of the Mountain Tier III Purchased from Odawa Sprite Odawa for Sludge Juice 200x Sludge Juice.
Refined Mithril Pickaxe Refined Mithril Pickaxe RARE 5 +350 Grants +10 ☘ Mining Fortune. Heart of the Mountain Tier III Bednom Sprite Bubu in the Dwarven Mines ()
Rusty Titanium Pickaxe Rusty Titanium Pickaxe UNCOMMON 5 +100 Grants +25 ☘ Mining Fortune when mining Titanium. Bednom Sprite Bubu in the Dwarven Mines (50,000 coins)
Titanium Pickaxe Titanium Pickaxe RARE 6 +140 Grants +50 ☘ Mining Fortune when mining Titanium. Heart of the Mountain Tier III Bednom Sprite Bubu in the Dwarven Mines ()
Polished Titanium Pickaxe Polished Titanium Pickaxe RARE 6 +200 Grants +100 ☘ Mining Fortune when mining Titanium. Heart of the Mountain Tier IV Bednom Sprite Bubu in the Dwarven Mines ()
Stonk Stonk EPIC 1 +380 When mining End Stone with this pickaxe, Endermites won't spawn and experience will be dropped! 5% chance to drop an extra End Stone block.
The End shop (499,999 coins)
Pickonimbus 2000 Pickonimbus 2000 EPIC 8 +750 Breaks after 2,000 uses. Heart of the Mountain Tier IV Epic drop from Crystal Nucleus and Treasure Chests in Crystal Hollows
Bingonimbus 2000 Bingonimbus 2000 EPIC 7 +1,500 Grants +100 ☘ Mining Fortune Completing 4 tasks on Extreme Bingo
Gemstone Gauntlet Gemstone Gauntlet LEGENDARY 8 +800 Harness the true power of Gemstones! Each gemstone placed in here will boost its associated stat.
Can be used as both a sword and a pickaxe.
Heart of the Mountain Tier VI Gemstone XI
▦ Recipe
Flawless Ruby GemstoneFlawless Ruby GemstoneFlawless Ruby Gemstone
Flawless Ruby GemstoneEnchanted Gold Block16Flawless Ruby Gemstone
Flawless Ruby GemstoneFlawless Ruby GemstoneFlawless Ruby Gemstone

Vanilla Pickaxes[]


Pickaxes is also a game feature of Minecraft.
More information can be found on the Minecraft Wiki at Pickaxes.

All vanilla Minecraft tools exist in SkyBlock. Since tools don't use durability in SkyBlock, before the 0.11 Dwarven Mines Update golden pickaxes were actually used often as they had the biggest Mining Speed compared to all the other pickaxes. They also had a Breaking Power of 2 and now have a Breaking Power of 1. The wooden pickaxe is used in various Mining Minion recipes, but changing the type of pickaxe will not work in a minion.

Icon Type Recipe Rarity Ⓟ BP Mining Speed Damage Sell Price
Wooden Pickaxe Wooden
▦ Recipe
Oak Wood PlankSpruce Wood PlankBirch Wood PlankDark Oak Wood PlankAcacia Wood PlankJungle Wood PlankOak Wood PlankSpruce Wood PlankBirch Wood PlankDark Oak Wood PlankAcacia Wood PlankJungle Wood PlankOak Wood PlankSpruce Wood PlankBirch Wood PlankDark Oak Wood PlankAcacia Wood PlankJungle Wood Plank
COMMON 1 70 20 coin
Stone Pickaxe Stone
▦ Recipe
COMMON 2 110 20 coins
Golden Pickaxe Golden
▦ Recipe
Gold IngotGold IngotGold Ingot
COMMON 1 250 15 coins
Iron Pickaxe Iron
▦ Recipe
Iron IngotIron IngotIron Ingot
COMMON 3 160 25 coins
Diamond Pickaxe Diamond
▦ Recipe
UNCOMMON 4 230 30 12 coins



Alpha Hypixel Network
Aug 20, 2024Rusty Titanium Pickaxe Added Rusty Titanium Pickaxe.
Updated the costs, Stats, and abilities of various Mithril and Titanium Pickaxes.
SkyBlock Prototype
June 11, 20190.1Wooden Pickaxe Added Wooden Pickaxe.
Stone Pickaxe Added Stone Pickaxe.
Golden Pickaxe Added Golden Pickaxe.
Iron Pickaxe Added Iron Pickaxe.
Diamond Pickaxe Added Diamond Pickaxe.
Iron Pickaxe Added Promising Pickaxe.
Stone Pickaxe Added Rookie Pickaxe.
Iron Pickaxe Added Zombie Pickaxe.
Aug 2, 20190.7Enchanted Golden Pickaxe Added Stonk.
Jan 15, 20210.11Enchanted Stone Pickaxe Added Fractured Mithril Pickaxe.
Enchanted Stone Pickaxe Added Bandaged Mithril Pickaxe.
Enchanted Iron Pickaxe Added Mithril Pickaxe.
Enchanted Iron Pickaxe Added Refined Mithril Pickaxe.
Enchanted Iron Pickaxe Added Titanium Pickaxe.
Enchanted Iron Pickaxe Added Refined Titanium Pickaxe.
July 14, 20210.12Enchanted Diamond Pickaxe Added Pickonimbus 2000.
Wooden Pickaxe Added Jungle Pickaxe.
Gemstone Gauntlet Added Gemstone Gauntlet.
Sep 17, 20240.20.6Rusty Titanium Pickaxe Added Rusty Titanium Pickaxe.
Updated the costs, Stats, and abilities of various Mithril and Titanium Pickaxes.