Hypixel SkyBlock Wiki

The Pond Island is an Island unlocked at Raw Fish IV.

Placing it creates an Island composed of Sand Sand, Water Water, Prismarine Prismarine, Prismarine Bricks Prismarine Bricks, Dark Prismarine Dark Prismarine, and Stone Stone.

It also contains a Fishing Crystal, which grants a chance of fishing Prismarine Shard Prismarine Shards and Prismarine Crystals Crystals in nearby water, with an effective radius of 15.


Requirement Ingredients Crafting recipe
Raw Fish IV
Water BucketWater BucketWater Bucket
Prismarine Crystals20Prismarine Crystals20Prismarine Crystals20
Pond Island

Island Contents[]

A Pond Island contains the folllowing:


  • This item used to be used for unlocking the Sand collection along with the Desert Island. However, as of update 0.11.4, sand can now be mined in the Mushroom Desert.
  • Unlike when crafting a Cake Cake, crafting a Pond Island consumes the Bucket Buckets.


SkyBlock Prototype
June 11, 20190.1Pond Island Added Pond Island.