Hypixel SkyBlock Wiki
Warning! This item is known to be frequently substituted with a Mithril Pickaxe Mithril Pickaxe with Refined reforge in scams. Please refer to Scams for further information.


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The Refined Mithril Pickaxe is a RARE Pickaxe that can be obtained from purchasing from Bubu in the Dwarven Village.


Refined Mithril PickaxeRefined Mithril Pickaxe


The Mithril Pickaxe can be purchased from Bubu for Mithril Pickaxe 1x Mithril Pickaxe and Refined Mithril 2x Refined Mithril once the player has reached Heart of the Mountain Tier III (3).


Scammers use the Andesite Whetstone Andesite Whetstone reforge stone to apply the Refined reforge to a standard Mithril Pickaxe Mithril Pickaxe, making the item's appearance and lore incredibly similar to that of their more expensive counterpart. To check if the item you are purchasing is the one that you are after, check the lore and look for the following identifiers:

Reforged Mithril Pickaxe Mithril Pickaxe

Refined Mithril Pickaxe Refined Mithril Pickaxe


  • It has an enchant glint, regardless of whether it is enchanted or not.


SkyBlock Prototype
Jan 15, 20210.11Refined Mithril Pickaxe Added Refined Mithril Pickaxe.
Aug 29, 2023Refined Mithril Pickaxe now grants +10% Mithril Powder.
Sep 17, 20240.20.6Refined Mithril Pickaxe now can be purchased from Bubu.
Now gives +10 ☘ Mining Fortune.
Replaced its ability with +50 ⸕ Mining Speed.