Roman Numerals are numbers used in SkyBlock to represent the level of a certain Skill, Collection, or Enchantment.
While this article covers only roman numerals as they apply to SkyBlock, you can find more information on the corresponding Wikipedia article.
For those who don't like using roman numerals, it is possible to turn it off by opening up the SkyBlock Menu, going to settings (Redstone torch), then going into Personal Settings, and toggling off "Skill Numerals"
The 4 Roman Numerals used in SkyBlock are I, V, X, and L.
Each I represents 1, each V represents 5, each X represents 10, and each L represents 50. If an I is used before a numeral of higher value, then subtract the amount of I's present. For example, Numeral IV is equal to 4. This happens because V represents 5, and there is 1 I before it, meaning 5 - 1 = 4. The Numeral IX is equal to 9 since 10 - 1 = 9.
This rule does not only occur with V's and I's. The numeral XL represents 40 since 50 - 10 = 40. The I rule also applies the other way, meaning the Numeral VIII is equal to 8.
Table of Values[]
Roman Numeral | Regular Number |
I | 1 |
II | 2 |
III | 3 |
IV | 4 |
V (Highest possible on Enchantment Table) | 5 |
VI | 6 |
VII | 7 |
VIII | 8 |
IX | 9 |
X (Highest possible Enchant) | 10 |
XI | 11 |
XII | 12 |
XIII | 13 |
XIV | 14 |
XV | 15 |
XVI | 16 |
XVII | 17 |
XVIII | 18 |
XIX | 19 |
XX | 20 |
XXI | 21 |
XXII | 22 |
XXIII | 23 |
XXIV | 24 |
XXV (Highest skill possible before 0.5) | 25 |
XXVI | 26 |
XXVII | 27 |
XXVIII | 28 |
XXIX | 29 |
XXX | 30 |
XXXI | 31 |
XXXII | 32 |
XXXIII | 33 |
XXXIV | 34 |
XXXV | 35 |
XXXVI | 36 |
XXXVII | 37 |
XXXVIII | 38 |
XXXIX | 39 |
XL | 40 |
XLI | 41 |
XLII | 42 |
XLIII | 43 |
XLIV | 44 |
XLV | 45 |
XLVI | 46 |
XLVII | 47 |
XLVIII | 48 |
XLIX | 49 |
L (Highest skill level possible before 0.9.11) | 50 |
LI | 51 |
LII | 52 |
LIII | 53 |
LIV | 54 |
LV | 55 |
LVI | 56 |
LVII | 57 |
LVIII | 58 |
LIX | 59 |
LX (Max Skill Level) | 60 |