The Skeleton Master is a Dungeon Mob that spawns on The Catacombs - Floor II and above. It can use its Bow to attack players, and can fire a Wither Skull, dealing high damage.
Spawning [ ]
Skeleton Masters can spawn within rooms on The Catacombs - Floor II and higher floors.
Variants [ ]
Normal [ ]
Level Spawn Location Stats Drops ❁ Damage ❤ Health Combat XP Experience Coins [ Lv78 ] The Catacombs - Floor II 2,625 52,000 52 30 1 [ Lv88 ] The Catacombs - Floor III 4,050 99,000 56 30 1 [ Lv98 ] The Catacombs - Floor IV 5,700 180,000 60 30 1 [ Lv108 ] The Catacombs - Floor V 8,700 280,000 64 30 1 [ Lv118 ] The Catacombs - Floor VI 12,000 400,000 68 30 1 [ Lv128 ] The Catacombs - Floor VII 24,000 900,000 72 30 1
Master [ ]
Level Spawn Location Stats Drops ❁ Damage ❤ Health Combat XP Experience Coins [ Lv78 ] The Catacombs - Floor II 45,000 3,450,000 78 30 1 [ Lv88 ] The Catacombs - Floor III 75,000 5,400,000 84 30 1 [ Lv98 ] The Catacombs - Floor IV 110,000 8,000,000 90 30 1 [ Lv108 ] The Catacombs - Floor V 150,000 11,100,000 96 30 1 [ Lv118 ] The Catacombs - Floor VI 200,000 21,000,000 102 30 1 [ Lv128 ] The Catacombs - Floor VII 227,500 42,000,000 108 30 1
Drops [ ]
Behavior [ ]
Skeleton Masters shoot Arrows with a Bow , dealing Projectile Damage . They can shoot a Wither Skull, dealing ? ✷ True Damage .
Respawning [ ]
When it dies, it turns into a Skeleton Skull. After 2 or 3 skulls are merged, an Undead Skeleton will spawn. On The Catacombs - Floor III and above, 3 skeleton skulls merging together will form a Skeletor . On The Catacombs - Floor VI and above, it can rarely turn into a Skeletor Prime
History [ ]
v · d · e Catacombs
Floors Bosses Mini-Bosses Items Weapons Armor Pieces
Melee Zombies Archer Skeletons Tank Zombies Crypt Undead Skeletons Uncategorized