Hypixel SkyBlock Wiki

Soulflow Battery is a RARE Accessory obtained at Enderman Slayer V. It is a direct upgrade from the Soulflow Pile and can further be upgraded into the Soulflow Supercell.


Null OvoidNull OvoidNull Ovoid
Null OvoidSoulflow PileNull Ovoid
Null OvoidNull OvoidNull Ovoid
Soulflow Battery


Soulflow Supercell[]

Null Ovoid32Null Ovoid32Null Ovoid32
Null AtomSoulflow BatteryNull Atom
Null Ovoid32Null Ovoid32Null Ovoid32
Soulflow Supercell

Overflow Mana[]

When the player leaves combat, 4 ⸎ Soulflow is converted into 400 ʬ Overflow Mana.

Despite written "convert up to 4 ⸎ Soulflow into 400 ⸎ Soulflow Overflow Mana", this item requires the number of ⸎ Soulflow for the conversion. If not, it will not work.


  • Unlike other accessory lines, Soulflow Battery has the same sprite as its upgrade and predecessor.


SkyBlock Prototype
May 31, 20210.11.5Soulflow Battery Added Soulflow Battery.
Feb 22, 2024Fixed item requirements only affecting the recipe.