Hypixel SkyBlock Wiki

The Spirit Wing is an EPIC item used in the crafting recipe of the Spirit Sceptre Spirit Sceptre and Bone Necklace Bone Necklace.


The Spirit Wing rarely appears as a reward from Obsidian Dungeon Reward Chests on The Catacombs - Floor IV in the The Catacombs Catacombs. It costs 2,000,000 coins to get from the Dungeon Reward Chest.

Reward Chest Drop Chance Cost
Default S+
Obsidian 2.44% 2,000,000 coins
Obsidian (Master) 4.34% 4.68% 2,000,000 coins


Spirit Wing 3x Spirit Wings are required to craft the Spirit Sceptre Spirit Sceptre and Spirit Wing 1x Spirit Wing is needed for the Bone Necklace Bone Necklace.

Spirit Wing3
Enchanted Lapis Block3
Enchanted Lapis Block3
Spirit Sceptre
Soul String32Soul String32Soul String32
Spirit BoneSpirit Bone
Spirit Wing
Bone Necklace


SkyBlock Prototype
Oct 24, 20190.7.3Spirit Wing Added Spirit Wing.
Apr 18, 20230.18.3Added Spirit Wing to the Bazaar.