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Summoning Eye is an EPIC item that is primarily used for summoning the Ender Dragon Sprite Ender Dragon in The End.


Special Zealot[]

When a player kills a Enderman Sprite Zealot or Enderman Sprite Zealot Bruiser, there is a small chance that another Zealot will spawn holding an end portal frame nearby. They have a Guaranteed(100%) chance to drop Summoning Eye 1x Summoning Eye. They are known as "Special Zealots". The base chance of a Special Zealot spawning is 1/420 (from a Enderman Sprite Zealot) or 1/380 (from a Enderman Sprite Zealot Bruiser), unaffected by ✯ Magic Find. There are multiple factors that can increase the chance of a Special Zealot spawning. When a Special Zealot spawns, the player will receive an alert in chat reading "A special Zealot has spawned nearby!" and the wither spawn sound will play. When a Special Zealot is killed, player will receive an alert in chat reading "RARE DROP! Summoning Eye" and get the Summoning Eye Summoning Eye, even if the Zealot spawned was killed by a different player.

Voidgloom Seraph[]

Summoning Eye is an Extraordinary drop obtained from Enderman Sprite Voidgloom Seraph Tier II+ with Enderman Slayer I.

Drop Chances
  • Tier II: 0.67% (1/148.5)
  • Tier III: 0.6% (1/167.75)
  • Tier IV: 0.56% (1/177.11)

Voidling Extremist[]

Summoning Eye is a Legendary Loot drop obtained from Enderman Sprite Voidling Extremist with 0.04% chance.

Draconic Altar[]

A Summoning Eye has a Very Rare chance to be obtained by sacrificing the following items at the Draconic Altar:


Remnant of the Eye Remnant of the Eye[]

Summoning Eyes are used for summoning one of seven types of Ender Dragon Sprite Ender Dragons. When a player right-clicks an empty portal frame in Dragon's Nest with a Summoning Eye, it will be placed and turned into a Sleeping Eye Sleeping Eye, allowing for the player to retrieve the eye if needed. If the Sleeping Eye Sleeping Eye remains in its form after 8 eyes have been placed (one in each portal frame), it will turn into a Remnant of the Eye Remnant of the Eye.

Using at least 7x Recombobulated Summoning Eyes will guarantee a Superior Dragon to spawn.

Kat Sprite Kat[]

Summoning Eye 8x Summoning Eye and 400M coins are used to upgrade the rarity of the Ender Dragon Pet Ender Dragon Pet from EPIC to LEGENDARY.

☀ Stranded[]

Summoning Eyes can be used as a minion upgrade for the Enderman Minion I Enderman Minion, allowing it to spawn Enderman Sprite Zealots instead, at the cost of a 2x reduction in the minion's speed.

Crafting Ingredient[]

Name Requirements Ingredients Crafting recipe
Soul Esoward Enderman Slayer III Summoning Eye 1x Summoning Eye
Null Ovoid 13x Null Ovoid
Enchanted Birch Wood 48x Enchanted Birch Wood
Enchanted Birch Wood18Summoning EyeNull Ovoid4
Null Ovoid6Enchanted Birch Wood14Enchanted Birch Wood5
Null OvoidEnchanted Birch Wood11Null Ovoid2
Soul Esoward
Obsidian Tablet Obsidian IX Summoning Eye 1x Summoning Eye
Enchanted Obsidian 192x Enchanted Obsidian
Enchanted Obsidian24Enchanted Obsidian24Enchanted Obsidian24
Enchanted Obsidian24Summoning EyeEnchanted Obsidian24
Enchanted Obsidian24Enchanted Obsidian24Enchanted Obsidian24
Obsidian Tablet
Medium Dragon Sack Ender Pearl VI Summoning Eye 4x Summoning Eye
Crystal Fragment 8x Crystal Fragment
Small Dragon Sack 1x Small Dragon Sack
Crystal Fragment2Summoning EyeCrystal Fragment2
Summoning EyeSmall Dragon SackSummoning Eye
Crystal Fragment2Summoning EyeCrystal Fragment2
Medium Dragon Sack


  • Prior to v0.11.4, there was a 5 second pickup priority before a player can take a different player's Special Zealot's Summoning Eye.
  • The new feature of guaranteeing a Superior Dragon with Recombobulated Summoning Eyes is probably a reference to one of Refraction's videos, where he recombobulated Summoning Eyes in hopes of getting a Superior.


SkyBlock Prototype
Aug 2, 20190.7Summoning Eye Added Summoning Eye.
Unknown DateSpecial Zealot no longer holds End Portal Frames.
Oct 24, 20190.7.3Special Zealot now holds End Portal Frames again.
Now correctly displays the drop message as "RARE DROP! Summoning Eye".
Apr 21, 20210.11.4Summoning Eyes can now be obtained from Voidgloom Seraph Tier II+ with Enderman Slayer I as an Extraordinary drop.
Removed 5 second pick-up priority and now only the player who spawned the Special Zealot can pick-up the Summoning Eye.
July 27, 2022Summoning Eyes now go to the player's Item Stash if their inventory is full.
