Healers are a class that relies on regenerating their teammates so they can protect them. But, healers do need to be able to deal ❁ Damage. For example, if all other teammates died, the Healer will have to survive, which is more challenging without damage. The Healer may have to be able to flee as a result from this lack of damage and ending up being overwhelmed by monsters. Thus, the Healer needs a good amount of ❤ Effective Health. However, it is recommended to not focus on dealing damage, since Healers don't deal much by default, meaning it may be better to focus on ❤ Effective Health so you can live long enough. That means most tank gears also apply to Healers.
This guide may be helpful to players learning how to play as a Healer in the Catacombs, including the opportunities that open up and the limitations of playing this class.
Recommended Reforges[]
- Perfect (Diamond Atom) - This reforge adds a good amount of ❈ Defense. If one is too poor to buy a Diamond Atom, you can also use a Rare Diamond which gives less ❈ Defense but is cheaper. You can also reforge your armor to Heavy, which gives the same amount of defense but costs some ☠ Crit Damage and ✦ Speed. However, this is not recommended since Rare Diamonds are very cheap and fast to obtain. This would be a Early-Mid game option.
- Empowered (Sadan's Brooch) - It grants the same bonuses as the Titanic reforge with the addition of increasing your healing by 10%. While these bonuses stack, it's not recommended to reforge more than 1 piece to Empowered as you'll gain very little ❤ Effective Health. This is generally used with Werewolf Armor as it grants a lot of ⫽ Ferocity, boosting the additional healing substantially. This would be a mid-game option. It's best to reforge a Mender Fedora/Crown to Empowered.
- Undead (Premium Flesh) - Even though this reforge stone is inexpensive, it is not as tanky and cheap as a Rare Diamond. However, it does grant ❁ Strength and ⚔ Bonus Attack Speed, while also giving a good amount of ❤ Health and ❈ Defense. It also reduces damage taken from Undead mobs, which are common in dungeons. This is more for early-game.
- Necrotic (Necromancer's Brooch) - If one wants to use mage weapons, they will need a good amount of ✎ Intelligence, which is still possible, but not recommended, since it can cost a lot of healing per second. It can still be smart to use a Necromancer's Brooch. But if this makes the user too squishy, they may want to use the Wise or the Smart reforge instead. Wise gives ❤ Health in addition to ✎ Intelligence and Smart not only gives ❤ Health but also ❈ Defense. A healer can always use ✎ Intelligence for healing items costing ✎ Mana, and for the Aspect of the End, so they can escape heavy fights.
- Ridiculous (Red Nose) - The Red Nose passively grants a decent amount ❤ Health and ❈ Defense, and a little bit of ☣ Crit Chance. It also has a special ability, and when one sneaks, they reduce their ☣ Crit Chance by 20 for 20s but in return, obtain 30 ❈ Defense for 5 seconds and 50 ✎ Mana. It is most likely better to use another reforge as losing any ☣ Crit Chance is not good unless using a Livid Dagger as it gives 100 ☣ Crit Chance, making one still deal constant critical damage. It can only be used on helmets. This would be an early-game reforge.
- Giant (Giant Tooth) - The Giant Tooth adds a lot of ❤ Health, the most in the game excluding multiplicative buffs (Legion, Renowned, etc). Even ❈ Defense can be obtained when combined with the LEGENDARY Blue Whale Pet's Bulk ability (can be any rarity starting from RARE, but the LEGENDARY rarity's ability is the most effective), which can massively boost ❤ Effective Health. The Giant Tooth is a mid to end game reforge.
- Spiked/Renowned (Dragon Scale/Horn) - Is an improved version of the Pure reforge that grants a bit of all stats. The Dragon Horn does the same thing as the Dragon Scale with the addition of increasing all your stats by 1%, making the Dragon Scale a cheaper alternative for slightly worse stats. The Dragon Scale and Horn is a mid to late game reforge, with its reforge more focusing on ❁ Damage, which makes it more useful in boss fights like Necron's or Sadan's.
- Fierce: A cheap and easy reforge to get, it can help boost ❁ Damage if the healer is confident with their ability to survive. It is more focused on damaging as opposed to healing per second.
- Ancient (Precursor Gear): It provides a great deal of damage as it grants ❁ Strength, ☣ Crit Chance and ☠ Crit Damage, even possibly surpassing the Dragon Horn despite being significantly cheaper. Use this reforge if you are willing to sacrifice some survivability that the Giant Tooth or Diamond Atom would provide.
- Every single reforge is acceptable (some are situational), each giving more of certain stats, except for Odd - It is not recommended to use the Odd reforge since Sharp does almost the same, and Odd reduces ✎ Intelligence.
How to play healer[]
Healer is a class that needs some brain power and coordination, and in here we will show you how to play effectively!
- When in danger and low health, you have 2 main options which are, asking for help (only parties with spirit leaps/near you can help you) or run away. (best way)
- Pop in a Wish when someone's low, however don't pop in a Wish when everyone is not in danger.
- If you are ready for the boss fight and Wish is ready, then don't hesitate to use it. (When entering boss room, Wish's cooldown will be reset)
- When someone is low but Wish is on cooldown, don't use a Spirit Leap as you might put yourself in danger. Your teammate(s) can usually survive on their own.
- As with all other classes, learn secrets. This is a crucial part of playing any class, not just Healers. If you have trouble solving secrets, consider installing a solver modification, as they are popularly used by many players.
- Arrange your inventory properly. Below is an example of an ideal inventory setup for Healers:
Armor Sets [By Floor(Normal Dungeons)][]
The Catacombs - Floor I[]
Rotten Armor or any of the Dragon Armor and a Mender Helmet/Crystallized Heart work well on Floor 1. The healing provided by the heart mirrors that of the Mender Fedora unlocked at Catacombs XVI. It may be a good idea to use Holy Dragon Armor if you are focusing on healing others as it grants +200 ❣ Health Regen to you and all players within 10 blocks and is the cheapest but the 2nd/3rd most underrated Dragon Set.
The Catacombs - Floor II[]
EPIC Heavy Armor should be a goal before carrying on to Floor 3. Your personal ❤ Health is the biggest concern than that of your team since, if the Healer dies, who will heal/revive your team? Until Catacombs XVI, increasing your personal healing is a more difficult task. The Ornate Zombie Sword is an item you should already be using, due to its incredible healing ability, which also heals nearby players.
The Catacombs - Floor III[]
Once you have completed your EPIC Heavy Armor with Mender Helmet, you may rely on that armor set until you reach Catacombs IX. While it may be difficult to afford LEGENDARY variants, Zombie Soldier Armor is a versatile armor set for practically every class. The Necrotic reforge for Floor 3 on Zombie Soldier Chestplate, Leggings, and Boots coupled with a Mender Helmet allow for a ranged mage arsenal to handle the four Guardians in Floor 3, but you can still use the Fierce/Pure, Perfect/Reinforced or Titanic/Heavy if you do not use mage weapons. Floor 3 contains Shadow Assassins, which can be very deadly, so make sure you stay on the lookout. It is recommended to use a tankier pet (most players recommend a Blue Whale Pet).
The Catacombs - Floor IV[]
By now you should have LEGENDARY Zombie Soldier Chestplate, Leggings, and Boots with a Mender Helmet. Floor 4 is where the Mender Helmet is left behind, replaced by the Mender Fedora and where your Zombie Soldier Armor is left behind, replaced by Adaptive Armor or Wise Dragon Armor for a Mage-Healer hybrid. Once you can get a Mender Fedora, you will double all Healing done to yourself and your team, Unlike the previous Mender Helmet which only increased healing to teammates and ONLY teammates.
The Catacombs - Floor V[]
Floor 5 introduces Shadow Assassin Armor, a very prominent armor set for both Berserk and Archer. Before you start this floor it is recommended to get a F6 carry for Necromancer Lord Armor. But, in order to be able to get an F6 carry, you will need Catacombs XIX to enter. You can use a T8+ Perfect Chestplate, LEGENDARY Zombie Knight Chestplate, or even Super Heavy Chestplate if you don't have enough money. Werewolf Armor is also viable in this floor if combined with an EPIC+ Tiger Pet. However, you need Catacombs XX to use this armor set. You could also use Shadow Assassin Armor but you would need a lot of secrets, a decent catacombs , fairy souls, a decent Farming level, Fishing level, Mining level, an ❤ EHP pet and a Manaflux to survive.
The Catacombs - Floor VI[]
This floor is incredibly difficult to get into. ❤ Effective Health is everything on Floor 6. Another armor set that is very good for healers on F6 is the Werewolf Armor Set paired with a high level Tiger Pet that is EPIC or LEGENDARY. The Full Set Bonus: Werewolf of the armor will buff your ❈ Defense as well as heal your teammates. Another item that becomes available is the Lesser Orb of Healing. While a Lesser Orb of Healing is fairly cheap, commonly players do not have the level to use it until this floor. If you still struggle to survive, attaching a tether to a teammate, placing a Power Orb (preferably a Mana Flux, and then activating Syphon/Life Steal should be able to let you survive. You could also substitute your Mender Fedora for a Reaper Mask for the extra ❤ Effective Health it gives. Floor 6 also introduces the Florid Zombie Sword as an upgrade to the Ornate Zombie Sword, recommended for healers as the upgrade grants 2 extra charges to the Healer class.
The Catacombs - Floor VII[]
This is the floor where you will leave the Mender Fedora behind, you will now use a Mender Crown from now on, however you need Catacombs XXVIII and an F7 completion. On Floor 7, a healer is needed most of the time. A Livid Dagger should do for a weapon, although a Shadow Fury is a bit more expensive, it is a better damaging sword (you can also use Bonemerangs or a Juju Shortbow but they are expensive). Once you complete Floor 7, you can swap to Storm's, Necron's, or Goldor's armor depending on if you're using Magic Damage, Melee Damage or being a Tank. For ❤ Effective Health, around 650k-1m should do fine. A LEGENDARY Blue Whale is highly recommended to survive F7.
Armor Set Master Mode[]
The Catacombs - Master Floor I[]
Assuming you have at least 100,000,000 coins, 2/4 Goldor's and Giant T12 Perfect Boots with a Mender Crown, you are well-off here. Its difficulty is at least the same as Floor 6. If you have enough money, it is recommended to get an Axe of the Shredded for its Ability: Throw ability and the +250% ❁ Damage bonus to zombies.
The Catacombs - Master Floor II[]
The same as Master Floor I but you might need 3/4 Goldor's instead since the Warrior's charge can kill the unwary. However if you feel confident, you can use 3/4 Necron's Armor and Tarantula Helmet/Warden Helmet/Mender Crown to deal more ❁ Damage.
The Catacombs - Master Floor III[]
For clearing, you can use Storm's Armor or Necron's Armor. For the boss fight phase 1, use Storm's/Necron's Armor since you will lack ❁ Damage. For phase 2, use Goldor's or Necron's if you're lacking ❤ Effective Health. Otherwise, use Storm's with a Hyperion. For Phase 3, you can use the above armor.
The Catacombs - Master Floor IV[]
For clearing, you can use the above armor. For Mini-Boss
es, use either Goldor's or Necron's to tank/deal more damage. For the boss fight, you can use Storm's to clear the Spirit Animals, and when the Spirit Bear appears, change to either Goldor's or Necron's.
The Catacombs - Master Floor V[]
For clearing and Mini-Boss
es, it will always be the same as above now. For the Boss Fight, use either Necron's, Storm's (if you're confident) or Goldor's (if your lacking ❤ Effective Health). If you're having trouble with guessing the right Livid, you can use a tip below.
The Catacombs - Master Floor VI[]
Just like in the normal Floor VI, ❤ Effective Health is everything so 3/4 Goldor's is the best for Phase 1. For Phase 2, you can use either Necron's or Storm's (with Hyperion) to clear the Giants. For Phase 3, you could use full Necron's with Terminator to kill Sadan fast.
The Catacombs - Master Floor VII[]
Starting Dungeons[]
For starting dungeons, an Aspect of the Dragons will do fine. After getting Catacombs V, a Dreadlord Sword can be better than an AotD since it is a dungeon sword and is thus affected by dungeon scaling. You should also get a Zombie Soldier Cutlass as it is effectively a cheaper Livid Dagger. A goal should be to save up for a Flower of Truth. While saving for a FoT, you should increase your Dungeoneering skill by farming F2, as it can also provide decent profit.
In the middle of Dungeons[]
By now you would probably have a FoT. If not you can rely on your Cutlass for damage. You can also use an EPIC Heroic Dreadlord Sword if your having trouble with clearing as the Skulls deals area-of-effect damage. The next optional weapon is the Adaptive Blade, requiring Floor III completion. It has a few advantages such as +20% ❤ Health regeneration and restore +5 ❤ Health/s to nearby allies along with 170 Base ❁ Damage with a maximum of 190. However it doesn't have ⚔ Bonus Attack Speed and other stats unlike the Zombie Soldier Cutlass. You also shoudln't replace the FoT (if you have one) as it is still great for clearing even after the ❁ Strength nerf. The next upgrade would be after you complete F5. The main weapon is now the Livid Dagger, it's like a Zombie Soldier Cutlass but way better. It has most of the stats it had before but with a new ability:Throw. It is the ability to throw the Dagger and if you hit the back of an enemy, you deal double damage you normally deal. You should still keep the FoT as it'a still great for clearing.
Deeper into the Dungeon[]
By now, you would have both a FoT and a Livid Dagger, you have to make a choice again, either get a Shadow Fury and reforge your talismans to Bloody and enchant it with One For All, or keep the Livid Dagger. The next upgrade would be after you get Zombie Slayer Level 8. After you get Revenant 8, try saving up for an Axe of the Shredded which is very useful as it regenerates 50 ❤ Health per hit and deals +250% more damage to Zombies and and receive 25% less damage from Zombies which is very useful as the mass majority the mobs in the Catacombs are Zombies. A Juju Shortbow is also a great weapon due to its fast firing rate and decent base ❁ Damage and ❁ Strength. Eventually you'll get enough money to buy a Hyperion or an Astraea.
Stage | Pet | Requirements | Bazaar Cost | Notes |
Mid Game | Rare Blue Whale Pet | 11,232,551 coins | Blue Whale - It's the best pet for tanking when you have a bunch of ❤ Health and boosts ❤ Effective Health generally. It reaches its maximum potential when using the LEGENDARY variant. | |
Mid Game | It's best when you have a bunch of ❁ Strength, you can possibly reach 2-3k ❈ Defense when you use a Withered Flower of Truth. It's not recommended to get the LEGENDARY variant since its a waste of both coins and time. | |||
Mid Game+ | It’s a decent pet if you want to focus on healing, however it is not recommended to get it since its stat boosts aren’t great, if you have decent ❤ Effective Health (e.g 500k-1m ❤ EHP) you can use this pet. | |||
Early Game+ | Varies between 500,000 coins | It's a situational pet but it can be used as a pre-Baby Yeti/pre-Blue Whale. Do keep in in mind that only the UNCOMMON+ rarities give helpful buffs. | ||
Early Game+ | Uncommon Tiger Pet | 192,666 coins+1,000,000 coins(EPIC rarity only) | It's best when paired with Werewolf Armor due to the fact that when ⫽ Ferocity activates, you activate Full Set Bonus: Regenerating Howl. | |
Mid Game | Epic Wither Skeleton Pet | 1,982,074 coins | While not exactly geared for healer, its dps can help greatly for those who are lacking in ❁ Damage. Its Wither Damage (which will be unlocked when its rarity is LEGENDARY) also helps massively with dps. However you might lose ❤ Effective Health when using this pet so it is recommended to swap pets that provide ❤ Effective Health in boss fights (e.g Livid fight and Sadan fight) |
Other Gear[]
Stage | Gear | Requirements | Bazaar Cost | Notes |
Early Game+ | Wolf Slayer 3,6 and 7 | Varies between 15,000 coins | Useful for healing both yourself and your allies. | |
Midgame | Catacombs XVI | Technically a second tether that drains ✎ Mana, extremely useful for healing teammates when you have a lot of ✎ Mana. | ||
Early Game | A requirement for all classes. Since you are the healer, your teammates will get healed more if you are alive, so it is recommended that you carry Spirit Leaps to avoid near-death situations. | |||
Mid Game+ | Catacombs XX | Buffs the Healing Circle and reduces the Wish cooldown while held on hand. It can be used like a Dungeon Orb (except the LEFT CLICK ability which has to be used via Drop button), so it's recommended to replace the Dungeon Orb in hotbar with this sword. | ||
Any | Can be used to heal yourself at critical times like boss fights. | |||
Early Game | 767,597 coins | Useful to teleport to high ground/away to avoid dying, or to simply just speed up your movement and improve your mobility. | ||
Early Game+ | Zombie Slayer I
Almost as useful as a power orb, it is like a portable power orb but costs more ✎ Mana and only heals yourself. | ||
Early Game | Is useful if you are in a budget or wish to conserve ✎ Mana. | |||
Mid Game | Catacombs XIII | Can be used as a budget Infinityboom TNT with a cooldown of 30s. However, it does not work in trap rooms. | ||
Mid Game | Catacombs XX | Used to freeze Mini-Boss es and deal some ❁ Damage.
| ||
Mid Game | Floor 5 Completion | Used to decrease the target's ❈ Defense. | ||
Early Game | Extremely reliable support weapon to increase your ✦ Speed if you're lacking it. | |||
Mid Game | Zombie Slayer V
2,488,736 coins | Slows down enemies and inflicts heavy ❁ Damage to enemies it struck overtime. Its ability can stack and is also a great weapon against Mini-Boss es.
Be aware that going for a hybrid build like Mage-Healer hybrid is often a lot more expensive than going pure Mage.
For the helmets, always use a Mender Helmet/Fedora/Crown, if you are going for a Mage hybrid, swap between the Mender variants and the Goggles variants.
A good set for a Early-Game Berserker Hybrid is 3/4 Strong Dragon Armor and a Mender Helmet/Crystallized Heart. With this set, you will be getting a good amount of ❤ Effective Health and ❁ Damage. After reaching Catacombs XII, buy Skeleton Master Armor as it gives a decent amount of ☠ Crit Damage and ☣ Crit Chance. It however gives low ❤ Effective Health. After you get Catacombs XIV, get Zombie Knight Armor as it gives a good amount of ❤ Effective Health along with a decent amount of ❁ Strength and ✦ Speed. After you get an F3 completion, try to save up for a full set of Adaptive Armor as it gives buffs depending on your class.
A good starting weapon would be an Aspect of the Dragons due to its high base ❁ Damage and its ability. You can also use a Super Cleaver if you are in a budget. It's also affected by dungeon scaling. By now, you should have Catacombs V, you should get an EPIC Dreadlord Sword for its ability and damage. You can also get a Zombie Soldier Cutlass for DPS.
For pets, an UNCOMMON+ Griffin pet will do fine. You can also use a Lion Pet for Single Hit Damage or a Tiger Pet for DPS and ⫽ Ferocity.
Try to get an F5 carry to be able to use Shadow Assassin Armor, it will carry you until Late-Game. If you don't have enough money, substitute the chestplate with a Zombie Knight Chestplate or something ❤ EHP based.
If you have trouble getting into F6, buy Ancient Necromancer Lord Armor for the ❤ Effective Health.
Try saving up for a Flower of Truth, it gives decent damage and its ability will help greatly for clearing. Assuming you now have an F5 carry, buy a Livid Dagger for DPS because of its ⚔ Bonus Attack Speed, high base ❁ Damage, and rarity.
If you are in a budget, you can use an EPIC Griffin pet. Otherwise, save up for an EPIC Baby Yeti Pet. Do not go for the LEGENDARY variant as it takes longer to level up and the Yeti Fury ability is bad. You can also use a LEGENDARY Wither Skeleton pet for the Death's Touch ability.
By now, you would have an F7 carry. You should try to save up for Necron's Armor as it is the best berserker armor you can get. You can also use Frozen Blaze Armor if you would like to as it gives a lot of damage.
A nice starting weapon for Late-Game Berserkers would be an Axe of the Shredded which is very useful as it regenerates 50 ❤ Health per hit, deals +250% more damage to Zombies and and receive 25% less damage from Zombies, which is very useful as the mass majority the mobs in the Catacombs are Zombies. You however need Zombie Slayer level 8 to use it. Another good weapon would be a One For All Shadow Fury/Giant's Sword due to them having a lot of base damage. However, here are disadvantages such as not being able to apply Syphon and Life Steal. Other than that, they are very useful.
Griffins, Baby Yetis and Wither Skeletons pets are still viable in this stage. If you are using Frozen Blaze Armor, use a LEGENDARY Blaze Pet for the buffs.
Use a 3/4 Necron's Armor with a Warden Helmet for the immense amounts of damage. The ✦ Speed debuff is worth it for the damage. You can also use Storm's Armor if you want to clear.
The Axe of The Shredded is still a great weapon in this stage. Assuming you saved up 300,000,000 coins, you have to make a choice to either get a Scylla or a Valkyrie. It depends on your playstyle because Scylla deals more Single Hit Damage but Valkyrie is better for DPS. You can use a Hyperion too.
The afformentioned pets are still very useful. You can also get a LEGENDARY Ender Dragon Pet for the DPS and the stat boosts.
3/4 Very Wise Dragon Armor is great for Early-Game mages as it gives high amounts of ✎ Intelligence. The next upgrade would be when you reach Catacombs IX. The next upgrade would be a LEGENDARY Zombie Soldier Armor which can cost 500,000 coins.
You can choose to switch to Adaptive Armor or stay with Zombie Soldier Armor after you get an F3 Completion.
After you get enough money, reforge your Zombie Soldier/Adaptive set to Necrotic. You will lose ❤ Effective Health, but you will gain massive amounts of ✎ Intelligence.
You can also use a Bonzo's Mask if you die often.
An EPIC Dreadlord Sword is a high damaging sword which is also cheap, it usually costs around 50,000 coins depending on the market. A Bonzo's Staff isn't worth it because it costs 2,000,000 coins, its high ✎ Mana cost, low damage output and bad ✎ Intelligence scaling.
An Aspect of the Dragons is a good starting Melee weapon due to its high base ❁ Damage and ❁ Strength. If you reforge it to the Heroic Reforge, you can also get some ✎ Intelligence.
An EPIC Sheep Pet is the only thing you need, but you might need an EHP pet as your ❤ Effective Health will be low.
You should still keep your Adaptive or Zombie Soldier armor. The next upgrade is Necromancer Lord Armor. F6 completion is required to use Necromancer Lord Armor, it's best if you get a carry. If you don't have enough money for the chestplate, you could substitute it for Zombie Soldier, Adaptive or a Super Heavy chestplate. For the helmets, a Mender Fedora, Shadow Goggles and a Bonzo's Mask are needed.
A LEGENDARY Sheep Pet is required along with a LEGENDARY Blue Whale Pet for ❤ Effective Health.
A Spirit Sceptre or a 30,000,000 coins Midas Staff is enough.
Maxed Storm armor, switching the helmet out with a Bonzo's Mask, Mender Fedora/Crown or Shadow/Wither Goggles as needed.
Recommended reforges are Necrotic and Loving, but if you have issues with staying alive, swap out some pieces for Goldor or get some tanky reforges.
For ultimate enchants, Legion is recommended because it boosts all armor stats and gives more mana than Wisdom even when you are alone. But Wisdom can also be a good (and cheap) option for higher ✎ Mana.
For pet options there is the classic Sheep Pet, but get a Blue Whale Pet if you have issues with staying alive, and switch between those as needed.
If your hybrid build switches between Mage and Berserker, a Baby Yeti Pet could also be a good option for staying alive, based on it's reliance on ❁ Strength.
For mage weapons, either a Spirit Sceptre, a Midas Staff or a Hyperion depending on your budget.
Maxed Storm's Armor and Wither Goggles/Mender Crown as stated above is a good set of armor. You could swap out the chestplate with Giant/Necrotic Goldor's if your ❤ Effective Health is low.
A Sheep pet or a Blue Whale if you're having trouble surviving.
In this stage you should have enough money for a maxed Hyperion.
A Magma Bow or an Undead Bow is a great weapon for starters.
A zombie/Skeleton Grunt Armor or Unstable Dragon Armor will give you a lot of ❁ Damage whilst giving a good amount of ❤ Effective Health.
An Enderman Pet or an UNCOMMON Griffin Pet is enough.
A Last Breath reduces the ❈ Defense of mobs which is useful when facing high def mobs such as Angry Archeologists, and also does a good amount of damage. A Spirit Shortbow also does a lot of damage and you can also use it while being a ghost. A Juju Shortbow is the 2nd best bow at the time of writing and should be a priority.
3/4 Ancient Shadow Assassin Armor helps deal a lot of damage and gives a good amount of ❤ Effective Health.
A Blue Whale Pet if you're lacking in ❤ Effective Health. Otherwise go for a LEGENDARY Wither Skeleton Pet.
A Juju Shortbow with Soul Eater V and Overload V is the best that you can afford if you can't afford a Terminator yet.
You can still use Shadow Assassin but when you can, use 3/4 Necron's with Tarantula Helmet/Warden Helmet/Crown of Greed.
If you can afford one, use a LEGENDARY Ender Dragon Pet. If you can't, use a tier-boosted Ender Dragon pet.
A Terminator is the best bow you can get. Make sure to enchant it with Soul Eater V and Overload 5.
Use 3/4 Necron's with Tarantula Helmet/Warden Helmet/Crown of Greed as stated above.
A LEGENDARY Ender Dragon Pet as stated above, you could apply a Shelmet if the knockback is extremely annoying to you.
- Remember that sneaking can also activate the Healing Circle ability.
- You can also activate the Healing Circle when you are a ghost.
- For the F1 Boss fight a tip is to go on top of one of the pillars and spam Healing Circle.
- Be careful though as Bonzo will shoot you with a wither skull which can kill you directly.
- For F5, if you look at the roof after the "Livids" spawn, it shows the color of the right Livid.
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