A "Maxed" Item is an item that uses full Hot Potato Books, T6 Enchantments, and Reforges. Hypermaxed Items use all the Potato Books, Hot Potato Books and Fuming Potato Book, T7 Enchantments, Recombobulated, The Art of War, all Gemstone Slots with Perfect Gemstone. Generally, only end-game items are maxed as it is very expensive. The Hex is a convenient system for doing this, with the requirement of Prosperous Museum Rank, or 100 Million Coins of Museum Networth.
NOTE: The Telekinesis enchant has been removed and replaced with Auto-pickup.
A maxed Sword (or Fishing Weapon) consists of the following upgrades:
- 10 Hot Potato Books, 5 Fuming Potato Books (Total: +30 ❁ Damage, +30 ❁ Strength)
- Cleave, Critical, Cubism, Dragon Hunter, Ender Slayer, Experience, Fire Aspect, First Strike or Triple-Strike, Giant Killer or Titan Killer, Impaling, Knockback, Lethality, Life Steal or Syphon, Looting, Luck, Prosecute or Execute, Scavenger, Sharpness or Bane of Arthropods or Smite, Thunderbolt or Thunderlord, Vampirism, Venomous, and Vicious Enchantments
- It is generally recommended to opt for Giant Killer rather than Titan Killer, Triple-Strike over First Strike, Execute over Prosecute, Thunderbolt over Thunderlord, and Syphon over Life Steal (when above 375 Critical Damage)
- Players may choose to not use some of these depending on what the weapon is going to be used for. For example, if a sword is primarily going to be used for Zombie Slayer or Dungeons, Smite is a better choice than Sharpness.
- Any level of these enchantments may be used. Usually, only the normal level of enchantments (V for many enchantments) is used. Tier 6 Enchantments are extremely cheap on the Bazaar, and is recommended to apply Tier 6 Enchants after applying all the regular Enchants. Tier 7 are the final tier of Enchantments (excluding Champion, Expertise, Compact, and Cultivating), and are extremely expensive. It is only recommended to apply Tier 7 Enchants on permanent weapons such as Necron's Blades, Axe of the Shredded, Terminator, et. cetera.
- Ultimate Enchantments can also be used, although only one can be used per weapon. For swords, the options are Chimera, Combo, Soul Eater, Swarm,Fatal Tempo, Duplex, and Ultimate Wise. One For All should be used on a Giant's Sword or Emerald Blade if using enough coins. Make sure to use One for All first as all enchantments are removed. On Melee Weapons, Swarm (when on a budget) or Soul Eater are recommended. On Magic Weapons, Ultimate Wise is a must.
- On Magic Weapons, players should opt for First Strike, Prosecute and Smite. This is because Mage aims to one-shot all mobs, First Strike and Prosecute provide the highest first-hit damage. Smite because Sharpness does not buff Ability Damage and most mobs in Dungeons are considered Undead.
- The community consensus is generally that the best sword reforges (for ❁ Damage) are Fabled, and Withered when above Catacombs 32. Other good reforges are Suspicious, Dirty, and much more.
- The best reforge for Magic Weapons is Heroic.
A maxed bow consists of the following upgrades:
- 10 Hot Potato Books, 5 Fuming Potato Books (Total: +30 ❁ Damage, +30 ❁ Strength) , Chance, Cubism, Dragon Hunter, Dragon Tracer, Flame, Impaling, Infinite Quiver, Piercing, Overload, Power, Punch, Snipe, and Telekinesis Enchantments.
- Players may choose to not use some of these depending on what the weapon is going to be used for. For example, if a bow is primarily going to be used in Dungeons, Dragon Hunter is not necessary, unless if the player is running Master Mode Floor 7, where the last phase of the boss fight involves fighting Dragons.
- Any level of these enchantments may be used. Usually, only the normal level of enchantments (V for many enchantments), or Tier 6's, is used unless the player has a large amount of spare coins or enchanting an absolutely end-game weapon. An Exception for this rule is the Infinite Quiver X Enchantment, which can be cheaply combined from Infinite Quiver VI Books and proves to be a huge advantage, as it essentially works as the Vanilla Enchantment "Infinity".
- Ultimate Enchantments can also be used, although only one can be used per weapon. For bows, the options are Rend, Soul Eater,Duplex,Fatal Tempo and Swarm. For bows, Soul Eater, Fatal Tempo, and Duplex are all equally good, though Soul Eater and Duplex are recommended for Dungeon Clear.
- The community consensus is generally that the best bow reforge (for ❁ Damage) is Spiritual or Precise. However, the best reforge can change depending on the player's preference and situation.
A maxed armor piece consists of the following upgrades:
- 10 Hot Potato Books, 5 Fuming Potato Books (Total: +30 ❈ Defense, +60 ❤ Health)
- Aqua Affinity, Big Brain, Protection or Blast Protection or Projectile Protection or Fire Protection, Counter-Strike, Smarty Pants, Depth Strider or Frost Walker, Feather Falling, Growth, Rejuvenate or Respite, Respiration, Thorns, True Protection, and Sugar Rush Enchantments.
- Players may choose to not use some of these depending on what the armor is going to be used for. For example, if an armor is primarily going to be used for the Trials of Fire, Fire Protection may be more useful than Protection.
- Any level of these enchantments may be used. Usually, only the normal level of enchantments (V for many enchantments), and Tier 6's, is used unless the player has a large amount of spare coins or is enchanting an absolutely permanent armor set.
- Ultimate Enchantments can also be used, although only one can be used per armor piece. For armor, the options are Bank, Last Stand, Legion, No Pain No Gain, and Wisdom.
- It is generally agreed on that Legion is the best armor Ultimate Enchantment, Wisdom for Mage.
- The community consensus is generally that the best armor reforge for ❁ Damage is Ancient, the best reforge for ❈ Defense is Perfect, and the best reforge for ❤ Health is Giant. However, the best reforge can change depending on the player's preference and situation.
- A Maxed Damage Set might look like: Ancient Necron's Helmet (Recombobulated, 5 stared) Ultimate Enchant on the armor piece is based on personal preference, but for Damage sets Last Stand is the most popular. (Fuming Potato Booked and Hot Potato Booked) Last Stand V, Growth VII, Protection VII
- A Maxed Defense set might look like: Absolutely Perfect Helmet - Tier XII (Recombobulated, 5 stared) (Hot & Fuming Potato Booked) Last Stand V, Growth VII, Protection VII
- A Maxed Health / Tank set might look like: Giant Goldor's Helmet (Recombobulated, 5 stared) (Hot and Fuming Potato Booked) Last Stand V, Growth VII, Protection VII
A maxed pickaxe or drill consists of the following upgrades:
- Compact, Prismatic, Efficiency, Experience, Fortune, Silk Touch or Smelting Touch, and Telekinesis Enchantments.
- Any level of these enchantments may be used. Usually, only the normal level of enchantments (V for many enchantments) is used unless the player has a large amount of spare coins or enchanting an absolutely end-game weapon.
- Silk Touch and Smelting Touch are usually not used on expensive pickaxes as the player may not want to get different drops (blocks usually drop the item that is wanted). However, they can be put on a cheaper pickaxe.
- A Silex can be used on any pickaxe except a Stonk to upgrade the Efficiency level by 1, up to 10, although this is generally only recommended for endgame players due to the high price.
- The best reforge can change depending on the player's preference and situation.
- Heated is generally the best reforge for ⸕ Mining Speed, as long as the player is mining in the Crystal Hollows or Dwarven Mines. Otherwise, Fleet is better for higher rarity drills, and Ambered is better for lower rarity pickaxes.
- Auspicious is also commonly used for ☘ Mining Fortune
- The (proven) Community Consensus is that Auspicious is the best, only to use Heated when the extra mining speed moves you on to the next tick.
- A Maxed Drill might look like: (The reforge, however is based on personal preference but Auspicious is usually more popular and more widely used.) Auspicious Divan's Drill (Recombobulated) Compact X (Leveled up by Mining Ores, by default is level I), Efficiency X (Obtained with Silex), Experience IV, Fortune V, and Pristine V
A maxed hoe consists of the following upgrades:
- Harvesting, Replenish, Cultivating, Delicate and the Turbo-Crop enchantment for the crop the user is farming. Any level of these enchantments may be used.
- The best hoe reforge is Blessed.
- 5 Farming for Dummies books can also be added for extra ☘ Farming Fortune.
A maxed axe (assuming the axe is being used for Foraging rather than Farming) consists of the following upgrades:
- Efficiency Enchantments
- The best axe reforge is Toil.
Fishing Rod[]
A maxed fishing rod (for fishing efficiency, not ❁ Damage to sea creatures) consists of the following upgrades:
- Angler, Blessing, Caster, Expertise, Frail, Luck of the Sea, Lure, Magnet, Spiked Hook, and Telekinesis Enchantments
- Any level of these enchantments may be used. Usually, only the normal level of enchantments (V for many enchantments) is used unless the player has a large amount of spare coins or enchanting an absolutely end-game fishing rod.
- The Treacherous or Lucky reforge. Both provide the same Sea Creature Chance, but Lucky provides ✯ Magic Find for increased rare drops from Sea Creatures while Treacherous provides ❁ Strength.
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