Hypixel SkyBlock Wiki

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The heart of a powerful creature, dropped by the Atoned Horror.
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The Warden Heart is a LEGENDARY item that drops from the Tier V Revenant Horror Sprite Revenant Horror. It's used to craft the Warden Helmet Warden Helmet.


The Warden Heart is an RNGesus Incarnate drop. It has a 0.0137% (1/7263.5) chance to drop from a Tier V Revenant Horror Sprite Revenant Horror. Rotten Flesh Zombie Slayer VII or higher is required for it to drop.


The Warden Heart is used to craft the Warden Helmet Warden Helmet, which is unlocked at Rotten Flesh Zombie Slayer VIII.

Revived HeartWarden HeartRevived Heart
Enchanted Iron Block64Enchanted Iron Block64
Warden Helmet



SkyBlock Prototype
Mar 12, 2021Warden Heart Added Warden Heart.