Hypixel SkyBlock Wiki

The Winter Sack is a Sack that holds 20,160x of each Winter item.


The Winter Sack can be bought from Sherry Sprite Sherry on the Winter Island for 250,000 coins. It also has a 1.78% chance of being dropped from Red Gifts. If it is obtained from a Red Gift, a message displays in chat "SWEET! Winter Sack".


The Winter Sack can hold the following items

Events Sack[]

The Winter Sack is used to craft Events Sack Events Sack.

Carnival Ticket10Winter SackCarnival Ticket10
Carnival Ticket10Spooky SackCarnival Ticket10
Carnival Ticket10Carnival Ticket10Carnival Ticket10
Events Sack


Winter Sack
Enchanted IceEnchanted Packed IceEnchanted Snow BlockGlacial FragmentGreen GiftHunk of Blue IceHunk of Ice
IcePacked IceParty GiftSnow BlockSnowballWalnutWhite Gift
Winter FragmentRed GiftVolcanic Rock
Insert inventoryClosePickup All


  • Unlike other RARE Sacks, the Winter Sack holds 20,160 of each item, making it act like an EPIC Sack.
  • The item ID (LARGE_WINTER_SACK) implies that there could have been other sizes of the Winter Sack earlier in development.


SkyBlock Prototype
Apr 21, 20210.11.4Winter Sack Added Winter Sack.
Nov 8, 2021The Winter Sack can now store Enchanted Ice Enchanted Ice, Enchanted Packed Ice Enchanted Packed Ice, and Enchanted Snow Block Enchanted Snow Block.
Nov 30, 2022The Winter Sack can now store Glacial Fragment Glacial Fragment, and Walnut Walnut.
Nov 28, 20230.19.8The Winter Sack can now store Winter Fragment Winter Fragment, and Volcanic Rock Volcanic Rock.