Hypixel 空岛生存维基
Stone Shovel

Book and Quill

仙女之魂(Fairy Souls)是使用了自订材质的头颅(小方块),它隐蔽地散落在地图的各个部分。


截至 空岛生存 v0.18.3 更新,现在共有 240 个仙女之魂。


你可以在位于 SkyBlock MenuBook and Quill 任务记录来查看你在不同地点找到多少个仙女之魂。



并非所有仙女之魂都能以步行取得,需要一些物品才能到达它们所在的地点。Grappling HookAspect of The EndEnder BowSpider's Boots、终界珍珠辅助物品都能帮助你到达那些地点,尤其是一些难以前往或需要极高跑酷技巧的地方。


穿着全套 Fairy Armor 后,玩家在未收集的仙女之魂附近时会听到声音提示,方便他们寻找仙女之魂。


下面是所有仙女之魂的地点(不包括从钓鱼获得的)。你可使用 Fairy Armor 以便你在找到未被发现的仙女灵魂-时发出声音。

座标可以透过按下 F3,或使用模组和客户端来查看。

No. X Y Z 地区 可步行吗?
1 -57 69 -116 Village (在Nitroholic_的房子后面) Yes
2 38 70 -95 Village (在Vinny8ball'的房子后花园) Yes
3 -55 76 -64 Village (在树上,从房子旁边的灌木丛爬到屋顶) Yes
4 30 71 -61 Village (在Auction的房子后花园) Yes
5 -33 70 -29 Village (在Alchemist的大厦旁边) Yes
6 -42 79 -40 Village (在屋顶上) No
7 -44 92 -12 Village (在Alchemist商店右边的岩石上) Yes
8 -70 78 -81 Village (在Relenter的房子屋顶) Yes
9 20 81 -16 Village (在图书馆顶部的书下) Yes
10 16 88 -42 Village (在银行上方) No
11 -0 70 -107 Village (在Mayor家的壁炉内) Yes
12 131 99 -77 Colosseum (在Colosseum之上) No
13 145 60 -42 Colosseum (在Colosseum的中间,通过南门并下楼,仙女之魂在一间有火的房间的最后面的树叶中) Yes
14 169 71 -29 Colosseum (在位于Colosseum东南方一棵小树的树下) Yes
15 110 67 58 Wilderness (在桥梁下方) Yes
16 138 66 129 Wilderness (在仙女蒂亚左边的树下) Yes
17 132 144 114 Wildreness (在最高那棵树的顶端) Yes (需攀爬树木)
18 111 120 127 Wilderness (在树中) Yes (需攀爬树木)
19 148 112 88 Wilderness (在树中) Yes (需攀爬树木)
20 149 116 115 Wilderness (在树中) Yes (需攀爬树木)
21 113 102 106 Wilderness (在树中) Yes (需攀爬树木)
22 96 106 121 Wilderness (在树中) Yes (需攀爬树木)
23 87 77 43 Wilderness (在树中) Yes (需攀爬树木)
24 86 89 66 Wilderness (在树中) Yes (需攀爬树木)
25 82 61 196 Wilderness (岛屿的东南角) Yes
26 180 64 -15 Wilderness - (在岛屿角落的密室中.位于Compass187, 69, -17.而密室入口就在下方,由于这将会十分棘手,所以有些工具将会很实用) Yes
27 169 60 129 Wilderness (梯子在一棵树面对边缘的那面) Yes
28 -142 77 -31 Forest (在房子的旁边) Yes
29 -225 72 -21 Forest (The Park传送门的旁边) Yes
30 -208 70 -79 Forest (在非常边缘的地方,在分隔Graveyard和Forest的中) Yes
31 -31 71 21 Mountain (地下村庄) Yes
32 7 75 13 Mountain (地下村庄) Yes
33 -47 76 47 Mountain (地下村庄) Yes
34 -59 108 3 Mountain (村庄入口右方的岩石) Yes
35 -56 115 28 Mountain (在瀑布中) Yes
36 -49 132 32 Mountain (在瀑布的源头里) Yes
37 22 132 25 Mountain (山的东侧) Yes
38 -52 161 43 Mountain (木制平台下方) Yes
39 11 178 22 Mountain (房子的后面) Yes
40 2 181 31 Mountain (房子右侧的角落中) Yes
41 -38 191 34 Mountain (在大山峰西边的小山峰上) Yes
42 -3 192 32 Mountain (支柱旁边) Yes
43 57 90 79 Mountain (靠近Wizard's tower的小树,从塔上跳下来) Yes
44 48 78 81 Wizard Tower(木制平台的下方) Yes
45 43 120 70 Wizard Tower (l卧室的树叶中) Yes
46 49 121 69 Wizard Tower (顶楼的东侧窗户外) Yes
47 40 108 78 Wizard Tower (塔南侧的叶子) Yes
48 43 152 73 Wizard Tower (塔的顶端) No
49 -85 74 -116 Graveyard Yes
50 -187 92 -104 Graveyard Yes (需攀爬树木)
51 -32 76 -212 Graveyard (叶子中的秘密入口) Yes
52 155 62 28 Fisherman's Hut (4片荷叶间) Yes
53 176 64 42 Fisherman's Hut (小屋后面) Yes
54 162 45 69 Fisherman's Hut (水的西部边缘) Yes
55 147 53 88 Fisherman's Hut (Secret room, hole at 148, 92) Yes
56 73 71 -189 Hub Island Farm (left of The Barn teleporter) Yes
57 69 89 -149 Hub Island Farm (on top of windmill) No
58 34 72 -161 Hub Island Farm (inside left stall of barn) Yes (需要跑酷及额外的速度)
59 -228 123 84 Ruins (Castle, leaves on highest tower without roof) Yes
60 -207 101 66 Ruins (Castle, leaves behind tower left of entrance gate) Yes (from around)
61 -258 115 86 Ruins (Castle, leaves on south of dining room) Yes
62 -261 102 66 Ruins (Castle, leaves inside northwest outer walls) Yes
63 -251 132 51 Ruins (Castle, red roof of highest tower) Yes
64 -260 96 48 Ruins (Castle, outside northwest outer walls) Yes
65 -232 86 84 Ruins (Castle, blocked staircase going down) No
66 -214 102 88 Ruins (Castle, in the largest tree) Yes
67 -195 55 153 Ruins (south edge of island, below cliff) Yes
68 -244 75 149 Ruins (tree at south edge of island, below cliff) Yes (from above)
69 -151 67 123 Ruins (leaves on ruins southeast of castle) Yes
70 -260 56 115 Ruins (below the southwest part of the castle) Yes (have to drop down a ways)
71 -132 73 132 Ruins (furthest tree southeast of castle) Yes
72 -190 102 109 Ruins (on top of tree directly southeast of castle) Yes
73 -182 80 29 Ruins (between rocks) Yes
74 -164 79 93 Ruins (below broken house outside of castle) Yes
75 -247 74 125 Ruins (drop down from the rock, entry of the room at -253, 74, 128) Yes
76 -13 60 -162 Coal Mine (first right down from entrance) Yes
77 -12 79 -165 Coal Mine (hanging platform inside) Yes
78 10 65 -159 Coal Mine (secret railway)


No. X Y Z Area 可步行吗?
Brn-1 182 99 -235 在东边的导水槽里 Yes (顺水流而上)
Brn-2 96 96 -287 风车的三楼 No (使用终界珍珠或grapping hook)
Brn-3 143 90 -242 烟囱顶部的侧面 No (使用终界珍珠或grapping hook)
Brn-4 99 112 -274 风车的扇叶上 No (使用终界珍珠或grapping hook)
Brn-5 183 99 -304 东边的山附近 Yes
Brn-6 126 91 -303 西边的山的水源里 Yes (顺水流而上)
Brn-7 157 23 -202 岛的南边的最低点 Yes (从侧边跳下并坠落至青苔鹅卵石附近)

No. X Y Z Area 可步行吗?
MD-1 214 86 -409 蘑菇洞穴中 Yes
MD-2 169 73 -382 湖中 Yes
MD-3 221 88 -419 蘑菇洞天花板 Yes (透过破坏蘑菇)
MD-4 228 115 -399 最高的山顶 No
MD-5 217 94 -365 可可树林附近的山顶 No
MD-6 150 82 -370 重生点旁的屋子内 Yes(在屋中一边跳跃一边点击)
MD-7 197 61 -340 在岛屿南边底部的藤蔓 Yes
MD-8 135 63 -381 在岛屿西面底部的藤蔓 Yes

No. X Y Z Area 可步行吗?
GM-1 22 36 -318 岛屿的底部,从位于Compass22, 84, -319的洞跳下 Yes
GM-2 -18 142 -363 最高点 Yes
GM-3 18 57 -339 洞穴入口右方的平台附近 Yes
GM-4 -36 78 -308 blacksmith的房间旁 Yes (外面)
GM-5 -46 75 -297 在blacksmith附近的岩浆 Yes (岩浆中)
GM-6 -62 105 -289 最西边的山 Yes
GM-7 -43 99 -342 左边山顶的岩浆河 Yes (岩浆后)
GM-8 -25 94 -339 左边的黄色屋顶边缘 Yes
GM-9 -22 114 -351 山中 Yes
GM-10 18 87 -310 右边最矮的黄色屋顶边缘 Yes (爬山)
GM-11 0 80 -336 Lazy Miner右方的火中 Yes
GM-12 -10 76 -396 前往Deep Carven传送门的上方 Yes (从上方)

No. X Y Z Area 可步行吗?
DC-1 9 170 44 入口内部的顶端 No
DC-2 3 152 85 前往Gold Mine的传送门下方 Yes
DC-3 3 182 50 入口的最上方 Yes
DC-4 72 167 -11 岛屿的东侧边缘 Yes
DC-5 -1 255 0 山顶 Yes (需要跑酷)
DC-6 57 161 19 Gunpowder Mines (矿坑电梯的顶部) No
DC-7 29 149 16 Gunpowder Mines (Gunpowder Mines中的最低的洞穴) Yes
DC-8 -17 161 23 Gunpowder Mines (平台上方,青苔石砖后) Yes
DC-9 22 156 -42 Gunpowder Mines ( Walter旁的墙后,可以向他购买Superboom TNT以破坏) Yes(需要Superboom TNT)
DC-10 -34 127 28 Lapis Quarry Yes
DC-11 44 98 23 Pigman's Den Yes
DC-12 -10 102 -17 Pigman's Den Yes
DC-13 18 73 72 Slimehill (Slimehill入口附近的瀑布) Yes
DC-14 -39 73 0 Slimehill (in the leaves next to a pole) Yes
DC-15 0 64 56 Slimehill (叶子附近) Yes
DC-16 -8 74 -42 Slimehill (遗址结构附近) Yes(史莱姆击飞)
DC-17 -20 25 71 Diamond Reserve (cave to Obsidian Sanc.) Yes
DC-18 -58 37 52 Diamond Reserve (入口右方) Yes
DC-19 -72 12 5 Obsidian Sanctuary Yes
DC-20 2 14 51 Obsidian Sanctuary (inside rib cage) Yes
DC-21 -75 13 24 Obsidian Sanctuary (岩浆湖中) Yes(岩浆)

No. X Y Z Area 可步行吗?
SD-1 -244 71 -209 坑中 Yes
SD-2 -336 81 -278 阶梯上方 No
SD-3 -252 184 -262 Yes
SD-4 -254 215 -274 Yes
SD-5 -341 121 -198 靠近岛屿西南边缘的骨头上 Yes
SD-6 -283 89 -177 Inside a hidden room in the bone; must jump onto the bone platform at Compass-276, 93, -180 or go to the hole at Compass-286, 94, -179 to get to it. Yes
SD-7 -243 89 -312 石英阶梯下方 Yes
SD-8 -177 95 -338 骨头的顶端 Yes
SD-9 -152 79 -343 Near stairs Yes
SD-10 -216 95 -337 Stand inCompass-216, 95, -337 Yes
SD-11 -227 73 -360 Off the edge Yes
SD-12 -200 112 -307 Yes
SD-13 -268 152 -249 Yes
SD-14 -290 97 -277 Yes
SD-15 -252 161 -278 Yes
SD-16 -426 85 -183 Requires walking over invisible barrier blocks (starting at Compass-390, 84, -228) which can be traversed by crouching to not fall off. The fairy soul is in the leaves floating over the void. See more details here. Yes
SD-17 -316 87 -215 to the left of the ladder on the platform Yes

No. X Y Z Area 可步行吗?
BF-1 -373 172 -682 North mountain, in front of Magma Boss field Yes
BF-2 -298 75 -543 Right side of the bridge Yes
BF-3 -320 78 -503 Left side of the bridge Yes
BF-4 -431 79 -563 West edge of the island Yes
BF-5 -180 90 -607 East edge of the island Yes (Barrier Blocks)
BF-6 -308 146 -426 On top of the highest double-roof castle No (need Ender Pearl, or Grappling hook)
BF-7 -432 208 -578 At the top of the mountain No (need Ender Pearl)
BF-8 -321 139 -442 In front of the middle flaming-hopper on the wall No (need Ender Pearl)
BF-9 -372 136 -397 At the edge of the roof No (need Ender Pearl or Grappling hook)
BF-10 -317 203 -739 North edge of the island Yes (need speed boost technique)
BF-11 -306 107 -691 Secret room Yes (Entrance at -305, 107, -704)
BF-12 -312 96 -401 Under the staircase to the left Yes (helps to have fast mining speed (golden pickaxe, Miner's Outfit, Haste Potion)
BF-13 -213 62 -481 East edge of the island Yes (may require lava resistance)
BF-14 -346 133 -694 North edge of the island Yes
BF-15 -385 104 -461 In glowstone ravine left of spawn; on the large bones along the ceiling No (need Ender Pearl or Grappling hook)
BF-16 -378 119 -477 Inside the lava Yes (may require lava resistance)
BF-17 -335 92 -446 Inside the lava, under the block Yes (may require lava resistance)
BF-18 -235 85 -591 Inside the lava pool, under the block Yes (may require lava resistance)
BF-19 -311 39 -676 Use the lever to open a secret entrance Yes (Beware of falling damage)

No. X Y Z Area 可步行吗?
End-1 -518 100 -293 Pearl Dealer的商店中 Yes
End-2 -581 208 -272 On top of the Mound (the tallest spike) Yes
End-3 -588 122 -274 黑曜石尖刺中 Yes
End-4 -698 116 -255 In the crack Yes
End-5 -586 48 -292 Dragon's Nest入口的墙壁石上方 No(需要终界珍珠(不建议)或grapping hook)
End-6 -657 36 -200 In hidden base, outside Yes
End-7 -490 23 -174 花盆下方 Yes (坠落)
End-8 -489 79 -274 紫色"瀑布"中 Yes
End-9 -546 91 -258 墙上 Yes (Stand on bones)
End-10 -609 84 -231 Dragon's Nest的墙上 No(需要终界珍珠(不建议)或grapping hook)
End-11 -720 76 -220 Dragon's Nest的墙上 No(需要终界珍珠(不建议)或grapping hook)
End-12 -747 105 -282 阶梯下 Yes

No. X Y Z Area 可步行吗?
Park-1 -293 85 31 白桦木树林(birch park) - 在岩石最外面的边缘 Yes
Park-2 -315 89 -72 白桦木树林(birch park) - 在Vanessa的房子的最上方 Yes (需要一些跑酷)
Park-3 -390 60 -5 白桦木树林(birch park) - Inside the Howling Cave (in the water upside) No (requires Superboom TNT)
Park-4 -356 99 79 云杉木树林(Spruce Woods) - Up the Melancholic Viking house No (要使用grappling hook(钩爪)或者末影珍珠)
Park-5 -386 108 -69 深色橡木树林(Dark Thicket) - 在桥边的瀑布里面的冰洞里 Yes
Park-6 -403 136 6 金合欢树林(Savanna Woodland) - 接近中间的最高的树的树叶中 No (要使用grappling(钩爪)或末影珍珠)
Park-7 -454 120 -58 丛林木树林(Jungle Island) - 在粘土边上 Yes
Park-8 -407 122 -91 从林木树林(Jungle Island) - Next to staircase (near checkpoint for woods racing) Yes
Park-9 -450 113 -87 从林木树林(Jungle Island) - Under the last left clay bundle to the way to Juliette (go down the leaves) Yes
Park-10 -369 111 -117 从林木树林(Jungle Island) - On the right of the staircase to the woods racing checkpoint (Jump Down) Yes
Park-11 -471 132 -125 从林木树林(Jungle Island) - 在Juliette的旁边 Yes

No. X Y Z Area 可步行吗?
JW-1 -94 77 20 Jerry Pond - Terry的房子后(钓鱼池那边) Yes
JW-2 -43 87 76 Jerry's Workshop - 屋顶ㄕ Yes(parkour)
JW-3 -6 107 111 Jerry's Workshop - Near the top of the tree. It can be reached by hitting it from underneath. Yes(parkour)
JW-4 56 108 64 Jerry's Workshop - Behind of Gary's House(on the hill) Yes
JW-5 74 109 -17 Jerry's Workshop - Another hill next to the Chicken Racing Yes



当玩家交还五个仙女之魂予仙女蒂亚,玩家会获得永久属性加成作为回报。此外,每找到一个仙女之魂,Fairy Armor 会提供 1 生命加成。




  • 花盆
  • 丛林树叶
  • 绿色地毯
  • 青苔石砖
  • 紫色陶土
  • 红石
  • 蒲公英
  • 极为怪异的的地点




  • 战斗 24 级
  • 伐木 5 级
  • 挖矿 12 级
  • 农业 5 级
  • 山峦之心 3 级

而且,你只可以在晚冬的时候才能进入 Jerry's Workshop 收集当地的仙女之魂。

目前游戏共有 240 个仙女之魂,其中 3 个可从钓鱼获得。日后可能会有更多仙女之魂加入到游戏中。

于 0.7.5 更新后,穿着全套 Fairy Armor 的玩家在未收集的仙女之魂附近时会听到声音提示。


  • 于 0.7.4 更新前,你无法在游戏内知道你找到多少个仙女之魂。(不论总数还是按地点分类)
  • 若你已经在 0.7.4 更新前收集了位于浮空岛的仙女之魂,它们将*不会*计入更新后的树林的收集数。(SkyBlock Menu > 任务记录 > Find all Fairy Souls)
    • 例如︰你在更新前收集了所有位于浮空岛的仙女之魂并于更新后收集了所有位于树林的仙女之魂,则任务记录只会计算为 411
  • 以钓鱼获得的仙女之魂不会被任务记录计算在内。

